source: OniTrainer/current/Unit1.dfm@ 480

Last change on this file since 480 was 251, checked in by alloc, 17 years ago
File size: 3.3 KB
[251]1object Form1: TForm1
2 Left = 0
3 Top = 0
4 HorzScrollBar.Visible = False
5 VertScrollBar.Visible = False
6 BorderStyle = bsToolWindow
7 Caption = 'OniTrainer'
8 ClientHeight = 38
9 ClientWidth = 297
10 Color = clBtnFace
11 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
15 Font.Style = []
16 Menu = Menu
17 OldCreateOrder = False
18 Position = poScreenCenter
19 Visible = True
20 OnClose = Form1Close
21 OnCreate = FormCreate
22 PixelsPerInch = 96
23 TextHeight = 13
24 object not_running: TLabel
25 Left = 0
26 Top = 0
27 Width = 297
28 Height = 41
29 AutoSize = False
30 Caption = 'ONI IS NOT RUNNING!'
31 Color = clActiveBorder
32 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
33 Font.Color = clRed
34 Font.Height = 32
35 Font.Name = 'Arial'
36 Font.Style = [fsBold]
37 ParentColor = False
38 ParentFont = False
39 Layout = tlCenter
40 end
41 object connect_timer: TTimer
42 OnTimer = connect_timerTimer
43 Left = 168
44 end
45 object InitStuff: TTimer
46 Interval = 100
47 OnTimer = InitStuffTimer
48 Left = 136
49 end
50 object get_values: TTimer
51 OnTimer = get_valuesTimer
52 Left = 200
53 end
54 object Menu: TMainMenu
55 AutoHotkeys = maManual
56 Left = 232
57 object Menu_Main: TMenuItem
58 Caption = '&Main'
59 object Menu_AOT: TMenuItem
60 Caption = '&AlwaysOnTop'
61 ShortCut = 16449
62 OnClick = Menu_AOTClick
63 end
64 object Menu_Exit: TMenuItem
65 Caption = '&Exit'
66 ShortCut = 16465
67 OnClick = Menu_ExitClick
68 end
69 end
70 object Menu_Options: TMenuItem
71 Caption = '&Options'
72 object Menu_SetHotKeys: TMenuItem
73 Caption = 'Set &Hotkeys'
74 ShortCut = 16456
75 OnClick = Menu_SetHotKeysClick
76 end
77 object Menu_FreezeTime: TMenuItem
78 Caption = 'Set &FreezeTime'
79 ShortCut = 16454
80 OnClick = Menu_FreezeTimeClick
81 end
82 object Menu_RefreshTime: TMenuItem
83 Caption = 'Set &RefreshTime'
84 ShortCut = 16466
85 OnClick = Menu_RefreshTimeClick
86 end
87 end
88 object Menu_Windows: TMenuItem
89 Caption = '&Windows'
90 Enabled = False
91 object Menu_Chars: TMenuItem
92 Caption = '&Characters'
93 end
94 object Patches1: TMenuItem
95 Caption = '&Patches'
96 object Menu_Patch_Scriptvars: TMenuItem
97 Caption = 'Scriptvars Patch'
98 OnClick = Menu_Patch_ScriptvarsClick
99 end
100 object Menu_Patch_Messages: TMenuItem
101 Caption = 'Messages'
102 OnClick = Menu_Patch_MessagesClick
103 end
104 object Menu_Patch_Movements: TMenuItem
105 Caption = 'Movements'
106 OnClick = Menu_Patch_MovementsClick
107 end
108 end
109 object menu_Anims: TMenuItem
110 Caption = '&Animations'
111 OnClick = menu_AnimsClick
112 end
113 object menu_Models: TMenuItem
114 Caption = '&Models'
115 OnClick = menu_ModelsClick
116 end
117 object menu_Spawn: TMenuItem
118 Caption = '&Spawner'
119 OnClick = menu_SpawnClick
120 end
121 object Menu_Items: TMenuItem
122 Caption = '&Items'
123 Enabled = False
124 end
125 end
126 object Menu_About: TMenuItem
127 Caption = '&About and Help'
128 OnClick = Menu_AboutClick
129 end
130 end
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