1 | UNIT Unit13;
2 |
4 |
5 | USES
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;
8 |
9 | TYPE
10 | TForm13 = Class(TForm)
11 | timer_getData: TTimer;
12 | GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
13 | Label1: TLabel;
14 | Label2: TLabel;
15 | Label3: TLabel;
16 | edit_x: TEdit;
17 | edit_y: TEdit;
18 | edit_z: TEdit;
19 | check_player: TCheckBox;
20 | GroupBox2: TGroupBox;
21 | Label4: TLabel;
22 | Label5: TLabel;
23 | Label6: TLabel;
24 | edit_others_x: TEdit;
25 | edit_others_y: TEdit;
26 | edit_others_z: TEdit;
27 | check_others: TCheckBox;
28 | Label7: TLabel;
29 | PROCEDURE check_othersClick(Sender: TObject);
30 | PROCEDURE edit_others_zClick(Sender: TObject);
31 | PROCEDURE edit_others_yClick(Sender: TObject);
32 | PROCEDURE edit_others_xChange(Sender: TObject);
33 | PROCEDURE timer_getDataTimer(Sender: TObject);
34 | PROCEDURE check_playerClick(Sender: TObject);
35 | PROCEDURE edit_zChange(Sender: TObject);
36 | PROCEDURE edit_yChange(Sender: TObject);
37 | PROCEDURE edit_xChange(Sender: TObject);
40 | END;
41 |
42 | VAR
43 | Form13: TForm13;
44 |
46 |
47 | USES Unit1,Unit2,Unit3,Unit5,Unit6,Unit7,Unit8,Unit9,Unit10,Unit11;
48 |
49 | CONST
50 | address_settings:LongWord=$10EE0;
51 |
52 | {$R *.dfm}
53 |
54 | FUNCTION patch_movements_loaded:Boolean;
55 | CONST check_for:LongWord=$0EDCDEE9;
56 | address_at:LongWord=$43B23D;
57 | BEGIN
58 | IF Decode_Int(ReadMem(address_at,4))=check_for THEN result:=True
59 | ELSE result:=False;
60 | END;
61 |
62 | PROCEDURE TForm13.edit_xChange(Sender: TObject);
63 | VAR tempfloat:Single;
64 | BEGIN
65 | IF _connected AND patch_movements_loaded THEN BEGIN
66 | IF TryStrToFloat(TEdit(Sender).Text,tempfloat) THEN BEGIN
67 | WriteMem(address_settings+$4,4,Encode_Float(tempfloat));
68 | END;
69 | END;
70 | END;
71 |
72 | PROCEDURE TForm13.edit_yChange(Sender: TObject);
73 | VAR tempfloat:Single;
74 | BEGIN
75 | IF _connected AND patch_movements_loaded THEN BEGIN
76 | IF TryStrToFloat(TEdit(Sender).Text,tempfloat) THEN BEGIN
77 | WriteMem(address_settings+$8,4,Encode_Float(tempfloat));
78 | END;
79 | END;
80 | END;
81 |
82 | PROCEDURE TForm13.edit_zChange(Sender: TObject);
83 | VAR tempfloat:Single;
84 | BEGIN
85 | IF _connected AND patch_movements_loaded THEN BEGIN
86 | IF TryStrToFloat(TEdit(Sender).Text,tempfloat) THEN BEGIN
87 | WriteMem(address_settings+$C,4,Encode_Float(tempfloat));
88 | END;
89 | END;
90 | END;
91 |
92 | PROCEDURE TForm13.check_playerClick(Sender: TObject);
93 | BEGIN
94 | IF _connected AND patch_movements_loaded THEN BEGIN
95 | IF check_player.Checked=False THEN BEGIN
96 | _temp:=Encode_Int(0);
97 | WriteMem(address_settings,4,_temp);
99 | _temp:=Encode_Int(1);
100 | WriteMem(address_settings,4,_temp);
101 | END;
102 | END;
103 | END;
104 |
105 | PROCEDURE TForm13.timer_getDataTimer(Sender: TObject);
106 | BEGIN
107 | IF _connected AND patch_movements_loaded THEN BEGIN
108 | IF NOT Form13.edit_x.Focused THEN Form13.edit_x.Text:=FloatToStr(Decode_Float(ReadMem(address_settings+$4,4)));
109 | IF NOT Form13.edit_y.Focused THEN Form13.edit_y.Text:=FloatToStr(Decode_Float(ReadMem(address_settings+$8,4)));
110 | IF NOT Form13.edit_z.Focused THEN Form13.edit_z.Text:=FloatToStr(Decode_Float(ReadMem(address_settings+$C,4)));
111 | IF Decode_Int(ReadMem(address_settings,4))=1 THEN
112 | Form13.check_player.Checked:=True
113 | ELSE
114 | Form13.check_player.Checked:=False;
115 | IF NOT Form13.edit_others_x.Focused THEN Form13.edit_others_x.Text:=FloatToStr(Decode_Float(ReadMem(address_settings+$14,4)));
116 | IF NOT Form13.edit_others_y.Focused THEN Form13.edit_others_y.Text:=FloatToStr(Decode_Float(ReadMem(address_settings+$18,4)));
117 | IF NOT Form13.edit_others_z.Focused THEN Form13.edit_others_z.Text:=FloatToStr(Decode_Float(ReadMem(address_settings+$1C,4)));
118 | IF Decode_Int(ReadMem(address_settings+$10,4))=1 THEN
119 | Form13.check_others.Checked:=True
120 | ELSE
121 | Form13.check_others.Checked:=False;
122 | Form13.check_player.Enabled:=True;
123 | Form13.edit_x.Enabled:=True;
124 | Form13.edit_y.Enabled:=True;
125 | Form13.edit_z.Enabled:=True;
126 | Form13.check_others.Enabled:=True;
127 | Form13.edit_others_x.Enabled:=True;
128 | Form13.edit_others_y.Enabled:=True;
129 | Form13.edit_others_z.Enabled:=True;
130 | Form13.Label1.Enabled:=True;
131 | Form13.Label2.Enabled:=True;
132 | Form13.Label3.Enabled:=True;
133 | Form13.Label4.Enabled:=True;
134 | Form13.Label5.Enabled:=True;
135 | Form13.Label6.Enabled:=True;
137 | Form13.check_player.Enabled:=False;
138 | Form13.edit_x.Enabled:=False;
139 | Form13.edit_y.Enabled:=False;
140 | Form13.edit_z.Enabled:=False;
141 | Form13.check_others.Enabled:=False;
142 | Form13.edit_others_x.Enabled:=False;
143 | Form13.edit_others_y.Enabled:=False;
144 | Form13.edit_others_z.Enabled:=False;
145 | Form13.Label1.Enabled:=False;
146 | Form13.Label2.Enabled:=False;
147 | Form13.Label3.Enabled:=False;
148 | Form13.Label4.Enabled:=False;
149 | Form13.Label5.Enabled:=False;
150 | Form13.Label6.Enabled:=False;
151 | END;
152 | END;
153 |
154 | PROCEDURE TForm13.edit_others_xChange(Sender: TObject);
155 | VAR tempfloat:Single;
156 | BEGIN
157 | IF _connected AND patch_movements_loaded THEN BEGIN
158 | IF TryStrToFloat(TEdit(Sender).Text,tempfloat) THEN BEGIN
159 | WriteMem(address_settings+$14,4,Encode_Float(tempfloat));
160 | END;
161 | END;
162 | END;
163 |
164 | PROCEDURE TForm13.edit_others_yClick(Sender: TObject);
165 | VAR tempfloat:Single;
166 | BEGIN
167 | IF _connected AND patch_movements_loaded THEN BEGIN
168 | IF TryStrToFloat(TEdit(Sender).Text,tempfloat) THEN BEGIN
169 | WriteMem(address_settings+$18,4,Encode_Float(tempfloat));
170 | END;
171 | END;
172 | END;
173 |
174 | PROCEDURE TForm13.edit_others_zClick(Sender: TObject);
175 | VAR tempfloat:Single;
176 | BEGIN
177 | IF _connected AND patch_movements_loaded THEN BEGIN
178 | IF TryStrToFloat(TEdit(Sender).Text,tempfloat) THEN BEGIN
179 | WriteMem(address_settings+$1C,4,Encode_Float(tempfloat));
180 | END;
181 | END;
182 | END;
183 |
184 | PROCEDURE TForm13.check_othersClick(Sender: TObject);
185 | BEGIN
186 | IF _connected AND patch_movements_loaded THEN BEGIN
187 | IF check_others.Checked=False THEN BEGIN
188 | _temp:=Encode_Int(0);
189 | WriteMem(address_settings+$10,4,_temp);
191 | _temp:=Encode_Int(1);
192 | WriteMem(address_settings+$10,4,_temp);
193 | END;
194 | END;
195 | END;
196 |
197 | END.