1 | UNIT Unit4;
3 | USES
4 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
5 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, StrUtils;
6 | TYPE
7 | TForm4 = Class(TForm)
8 | Label1: TLabel;
9 | edit_char: TEdit;
10 | list: TListBox;
11 | Label2: TLabel;
12 | btn_demo: TButton;
13 | check_freeze: TCheckBox;
14 | timer_anim: TTimer;
15 | check_global: TRadioButton;
16 | check_local: TRadioButton;
17 | updown: TUpDown;
18 | group_anim: TGroupBox;
19 | lbl_lvl: TLabel;
20 | memo: TMemo;
21 | PROCEDURE listClick(Sender: TObject);
22 | PROCEDURE btn_demoClick(Sender: TObject);
23 | PROCEDURE updownClick(Sender: TObject; Button: TUDBtnType);
24 | PROCEDURE FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
25 | PROCEDURE FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
26 | PROCEDURE check_localClick(Sender: TObject);
27 | PROCEDURE check_globalClick(Sender: TObject);
28 | PROCEDURE timer_animTimer(Sender: TObject);
29 | PROCEDURE check_freezeClick(Sender: TObject);
32 | END;
33 | VAR
34 | Form4: TForm4;
35 |
37 | USES Unit1, Unit2, Unit8;
38 | VAR
39 | demo_active:Boolean=False;
40 | first_global:LongWord;
41 | first_local:LongWord;
42 | {$R *.dfm}
43 |
44 | PROCEDURE TForm4.check_freezeClick(Sender: TObject);
45 | BEGIN
46 | btn_demo.Caption:='Start demo';
47 | demo_active:=False;
48 | END;
49 |
50 | FUNCTION patch_loader_loaded:Boolean;
51 | CONST check_for:LongWord=$0010656EE9;
52 | address_at:LongWord=$4228ED;
53 | BEGIN
54 | IF Decode_Int(ReadMem(address_at,4))=check_for THEN result:=True
55 | ELSE result:=False;
56 | END;
57 |
58 | FUNCTION GetAnimAddress:LongWord;
59 | VAR offset:LongWord;
60 | BEGIN
61 | IF Form4.check_global.Checked THEN BEGIN
62 | offset:=animations_l0[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
63 | result:=first_global+offset;
65 | CASE lvlnumber OF
66 | 1: offset:=animations_l1[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
67 | 2: offset:=animations_l2[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
68 | 3: offset:=animations_l3[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
69 | 4: offset:=animations_l4[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
70 | 5: offset:=animations_l5[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
71 | 6: offset:=animations_l6[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
72 | 7: offset:=animations_l7[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
73 | 8: offset:=animations_l8[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
74 | 9: offset:=animations_l9[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
75 | 10: offset:=animations_l10[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
76 | 11: offset:=animations_l11[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
77 | 12: offset:=animations_l12[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
78 | 13: offset:=animations_l13[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
79 | 14: offset:=animations_l14[Form4.list.ItemIndex+1].offset;
80 | END;
81 | result:=first_local+offset;
82 | END;
83 | END;
84 |
85 | PROCEDURE TForm4.timer_animTimer(Sender: TObject);
86 | VAR struct3:LongWord;
87 | buffer:byte_array;
88 | address:LongWord;
89 | BEGIN
90 | IF _connected AND (lvlnumber>0) AND patch_loader_loaded THEN BEGIN
91 | first_global:=Decode_Int(ReadMem($10F08,4));
92 | first_local:=Decode_Int(ReadMem($10F0C,4));
93 | struct3:=Decode_Int(ReadMem(PointerStruct3,4))+StrToInt(Form4.edit_char.Text)*$2838;
94 | address:=GetAnimAddress;
95 |
96 | IF demo_active THEN BEGIN
97 | IF Decode_Int(ReadMem(struct3+$1AF8,4))<>address THEN BEGIN
99 | Form4.list.ItemIndex:=Form4.list.ItemIndex+1;
100 | UNTIL (Pos('_tgt',Form4.list.Items.Strings[Form4.list.ItemIndex])=0);
101 | address:=GetAnimAddress;
102 | buffer:=Encode_Int(address);
103 | WriteMem(struct3+$1AF8,4,buffer);
104 | END;
105 | END;
106 | IF check_freeze.Checked THEN BEGIN
107 | buffer:=Encode_Int(address);
108 | WriteMem(struct3+$1AF8,4,buffer);
109 | END;
111 | IF _connected AND (lvlnumber>0) AND (demo_active OR check_freeze.Checked) THEN BEGIN
112 | MessageBox(Form4.Handle,PChar('Oni.exe is not patched.'),PChar('Error'),MB_OK);
113 | END;
114 | END;
115 | END;
116 |
117 | PROCEDURE load_anim_list(anims:Array OF animation);
118 | VAR i:Word;
119 | BEGIN
120 | Form4.list.Items.Clear;
121 | FOR i:=0 TO High(anims) DO BEGIN
122 | Form4.list.Items.Add(anims[i].name);
123 | END;
124 | END;
125 |
126 | PROCEDURE TForm4.check_globalClick(Sender: TObject);
127 | BEGIN
128 | IF check_global.Checked THEN BEGIN
129 | load_anim_list(animations_l0);
130 | END;
131 | END;
132 |
133 | PROCEDURE TForm4.check_localClick(Sender: TObject);
134 | BEGIN
135 | IF check_local.Checked THEN BEGIN
136 | IF lvlnumber>0 THEN BEGIN
137 | CASE lvlnumber OF
138 | 1: load_anim_list(animations_l1);
139 | 2: load_anim_list(animations_l2);
140 | 3: load_anim_list(animations_l3);
141 | 4: load_anim_list(animations_l4);
142 | 5: load_anim_list(animations_l5);
143 | 6: load_anim_list(animations_l6);
144 | 7: load_anim_list(animations_l7);
145 | 8: load_anim_list(animations_l8);
146 | 9: load_anim_list(animations_l9);
147 | 10: load_anim_list(animations_l10);
148 | 11: load_anim_list(animations_l11);
149 | 12: load_anim_list(animations_l12);
150 | 13: load_anim_list(animations_l13);
151 | 14: load_anim_list(animations_l14);
152 | END;
154 | check_global.Checked:=True;
155 | END;
156 | END;
157 | END;
158 |
159 | PROCEDURE TForm4.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
160 | BEGIN
161 | Self.Visible:=False;
162 | CanClose:=False;
163 | Form1.menu_Anims.Checked:=False;
164 | END;
165 |
166 | PROCEDURE TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
167 | BEGIN
168 | load_anim_list(animations_l0);
169 | list.ItemIndex:=0;
170 | updown.Max:=ais_controlled;
171 | END;
172 |
173 | PROCEDURE TForm4.updownClick(Sender: TObject; Button: TUDBtnType);
174 | BEGIN
175 | Form4.edit_char.Text:=IntToStr(updown.Position);
176 | END;
177 |
178 | PROCEDURE TForm4.btn_demoClick(Sender: TObject);
179 | VAR struct3,address:LongWord;
180 | buffer:byte_array;
181 | BEGIN
182 | IF demo_active THEN BEGIN
183 | check_freeze.Checked:=False;
184 | btn_demo.Caption:='Start demo';
185 | demo_active:=False;
187 | check_freeze.Checked:=False;
188 | btn_demo.Caption:='Stop demo';
189 | demo_active:=True;
190 | IF _connected AND (lvlnumber>0) AND patch_loader_loaded THEN BEGIN
191 | first_global:=Decode_Int(ReadMem($10F08,4));
192 | first_local:=Decode_Int(ReadMem($10F0C,4));
193 | struct3:=Decode_Int(ReadMem(PointerStruct3,4))+StrToInt(Form4.edit_char.Text)*$2838;
194 | address:=GetAnimAddress;
195 | buffer:=Encode_Int(address);
196 | WriteMem(struct3+$1AF8,4,buffer);
198 | IF _connected AND (lvlnumber>0) THEN BEGIN
199 | MessageBox(Form4.Handle,PChar('Oni.exe is not patched.'),PChar('Error'),MB_OK);
200 | END;
201 | END;
202 | END;
203 | END;
204 |
205 | PROCEDURE TForm4.listClick(Sender: TObject);
206 | VAR address:LongWord;
207 | buffer:byte_array;
208 | i:Byte;
209 | temp:String;
210 | old:LongWord;
211 | BEGIN
212 | IF _connected AND (lvlnumber>0) AND patch_loader_loaded THEN BEGIN
213 | first_global:=Decode_Int(ReadMem($10F08,4));
214 | first_local:=Decode_Int(ReadMem($10F0C,4));
215 | address:=GetAnimAddress;
216 | Form4.lbl_lvl.Caption:='Lvl required (@'+IntToHex(address,8)+'): '+IntToStr(Decode_Int(ReadMem(address+$176,1)));
217 | // VirtualProtectEx(_ProcessHandle,address+$176,2,PAGE_READWRITE,old);
218 | // MessageBox(Form4.Handle,PChar('BLA: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)+'#'+IntToHex(GetLastError,8)),PChar('Error'),MB_OK);
219 | WriteMem(address+$176,1,Encode_Int(0));
220 | // MessageBox(Form4.Handle,PChar('BLA: '+IntToStr(GetLastError)+'#'+IntToHex(GetLastError,8)),PChar('Error'),MB_OK);
221 | Form4.memo.Lines.Clear;
222 | temp:='';
223 | buffer:=ReadMem(address,$D0);
224 | FOR i:=0 TO ($D0 - 1) DO BEGIN
225 | temp:=temp+IntToHex(buffer[i],2);
226 | IF ((i+1) MOD $10)=0 THEN BEGIN
227 | Form4.memo.Lines.Add(temp);
228 | temp:='';
229 | END;
230 | END;
231 | buffer:=ReadMem(address+$D0,$D0);
232 | FOR i:=0 TO ($D0 - 1) DO BEGIN
233 | temp:=temp+IntToHex(buffer[i],2);
234 | IF ((i+1) MOD $10)=0 THEN BEGIN
235 | Form4.memo.Lines.Add(temp);
236 | temp:='';
237 | END;
238 | END;
240 | IF _connected AND (lvlnumber>0) THEN BEGIN
241 | MessageBox(Form4.Handle,PChar('Oni.exe is not patched.'),PChar('Error'),MB_OK);
242 | END;
243 | END;
244 | END;
245 |
246 | END.