Line | |
1 | object Form5: TForm5
2 | Left = 0
3 | Top = 0
4 | BorderStyle = bsToolWindow
5 | Caption = 'Timers'
6 | ClientHeight = 20
7 | ClientWidth = 361
8 | Color = clBtnFace
9 | Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
10 | Font.Color = clWindowText
11 | Font.Height = -11
12 | Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
13 | Font.Style = []
14 | OldCreateOrder = False
15 | OnCloseQuery = CloseQuery
16 | OnShow = OnShow
17 | PixelsPerInch = 96
18 | TextHeight = 13
19 | object timer_label: TLabel
20 | Left = 0
21 | Top = 0
22 | Width = 217
23 | Height = 20
24 | AutoSize = False
25 | Caption = 'Set interval to freeze data:'
26 | Layout = tlCenter
27 | end
28 | object timer_edit: TEdit
29 | Left = 216
30 | Top = 0
31 | Width = 49
32 | Height = 21
33 | TabOrder = 0
34 | Text = 'x'
35 | end
36 | object timer_ok: TButton
37 | Left = 272
38 | Top = 0
39 | Width = 41
40 | Height = 20
41 | Caption = '&OK'
42 | Default = True
43 | TabOrder = 1
44 | OnClick = timer_okClick
45 | end
46 | object timer_cancel: TButton
47 | Left = 320
48 | Top = 0
49 | Width = 41
50 | Height = 20
51 | Caption = '&Cancel'
52 | TabOrder = 2
53 | OnClick = timer_cancelClick
54 | end
55 | end
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