1 | unit Unit8;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | USES StdCtrls,Buttons,Windows;
6 |
7 | CONST version:String='0.91 beta 1';
8 | CONST ais_controlled=30; //Number of Chars watched/controlled with this prog
9 | CONST number_main_groups=4;
10 | CONST number_settings=55;
11 | CONST number_items=26; //Char-Data-Items
12 | CONST number_char_groups=4; //Char-Windows-Groups
13 | CONST number_structs=3; //Char-Structs
14 |
15 | VAR _path:String;
16 |
17 | TYPE
18 | TSetting = Record
19 | updating:Boolean;
20 | group:Byte;
21 | address:LongWord;
22 | has_box:Boolean;
23 | Item_Checkbox:TCheckBox;
24 | Item_Label:TLabel;
25 | has_edit:Boolean;
26 | Item_Edit:TEdit;
27 | edit_type:Byte;
28 | edit_address:LongWord;
29 | END;
30 | TSettings=Record
31 | group:Byte;
32 | caption:String;
33 | hint:String;
34 | address:LongWord;
35 | has_box:Boolean;
36 | has_edit:Boolean;
37 | edit_hint:String;
38 | edit_type:Byte;
39 | Edit_Address:LongWord;
40 | END;
41 | TYPE
42 | byte_array=Array[0..250] OF Byte;
43 | TYPE
44 | TValueSwitcher=Record
45 | CASE IsFloat: Boolean OF
46 | True: (ValueFloat:Single);
47 | False: (ValueInt:LongWord);
48 | END;
49 | TYPE
50 | TStructItem=Record
51 | updating:Boolean;
52 | struct:Byte;
53 | offset:LongWord;
54 | data_type:Byte;
55 | range:Single;
56 | group:Byte;
57 | Name:String;
58 | overview_name:String;
59 | hint:String;
60 | Item_Edit:TEdit;
61 | Item_Freeze:TCheckbox;
62 | END;
63 | TYPE
64 | TStructures=Record
65 | Structs:Array[1..number_structs] OF LongWord;
66 | Items:Array[1..number_items] OF TStructItem;
67 | END;
68 | TGroup=Record
69 | Name:String;
70 | Count:Byte;
71 | Item:TGroupbox;
72 | OpenClose:TSpeedButton;
73 | END;
74 | TYPE
75 | Hotkey=Record
76 | MOD_Alt:Boolean;
77 | MOD_Ctrl:Boolean;
78 | Key:Byte;
79 | Target_Type:Byte;
80 | Target_CharID:Byte;
81 | Target_CharName:String[25];
82 | Target_Item:Byte;
83 | Action:Byte;
84 | Value:Double;
85 | Value2:Double;
86 | END;
87 |
88 | CONST HK_Target_Types:Array[1..2] OF String=(
89 | 'Global setting','Character setting'
90 | );
91 | CONST HK_Actions:Array[1..7] OF String=(
92 | 'Toggle','Set','Add','Multiply','Freeze','Set & Freeze','Switch value'
93 | );
94 |
95 | CONST MainGroupsStuff:Array[1..number_main_groups] OF TGroup=(
96 | (name:'Debug Settings'),
97 | (name:'Environment'),
98 | (name:'Cheats'),
99 | (name:'Camera')
100 | );
101 | CONST SettingsStuff:Array[1..number_settings] OF TSettings=(
102 | (group:1; caption:'Fast mode'; hint:'Makes the game much faster.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Fast_Mode)'; address:$5ECE6E; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
103 | (group:1; caption:'Everything breakable'; hint:'You can destroy anything with shots.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(p3_everything_breakable)'; address:$5E96B1; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
104 | (group:1; caption:'Debug Characters'; hint:'Displays a little box with debug information about the selected char.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Debug_Characters)'; address:$5ECB90; has_box:True; has_edit:True; edit_hint:'Sets which character should be debugged with ''Debug Characters''.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(char_to_debug)'; edit_type:1; edit_address:$5ECB8C),
105 | (group:1; caption:'Debug Overlay'; hint:'Displays a debug-message box. (Don''t know yet for what use :D)'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Debug_Overlay)'; address:$5ECB91; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
106 | (group:1; caption:'Draw all Characters'; hint:'Draws all characters, even the ones who are not in Konokos view.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Draw_All_Characters)'; address:$5ECBA2; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
107 | (group:1; caption:'Character detail'; hint:'Sets the drawing detail for all characters.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Lod)'; address:0; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:1; edit_address:$54E174),
108 | (group:1; caption:'Reduce screenshot size'; hint:'Reduces the screenshot size by 2^n'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Gs_Screen_Shot_Reduce)'; address:$0; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:1; edit_address:$5ECE98),
109 | (group:1; caption:'Open all doors'; hint:'Disables the locks of all doors.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Door_Ignore_Locks)'; address:$5EC5F5; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
110 | (group:1; caption:'Show HUD'; hint:'Enables/disables the display of the HUD.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(GS_Show_UI)'; address:$5533E0; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
111 | (group:1; caption:'Show names'; hint:'Shows the names of characters above their heads.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(AI2_ShowNames)'; address:$5EC0B4; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
112 | (group:1; caption:'Show healths'; hint:'Shows the healths of characters above their heads.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(AI2_ShowHealth)'; address:$5EC0B5; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
113 | (group:1; caption:'Show lines to AIs'; hint:'Shows lines to each AI character.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(AI2_ShowLineToChar)'; address:$5EC0B9; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
114 | (group:1; caption:'Show paths'; hint:'Shows lines for the paths of AI characters.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(AI2_ShowPaths)'; address:$5EB8B0; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
115 | (group:1; caption:'Show player''s BNV'; hint:'Displays the player''s BNV in a box.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Show_BNV)'; address:$5ECB9E; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
116 | (group:1; caption:'Show player''s LOD'; hint:'Displays the player''s LOD in a box.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Show_LOD)'; address:$5ECBA0; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
117 | (group:1; caption:'Show performance'; hint:'Displays the FPS in a box.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Show_Performance)'; address:$5ECE74; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
118 | (group:1; caption:'Print AI spawn events'; hint:'Prints a message whenever an AI is spawn.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(AI2_PrintSpawn)'; address:$5EC0CD; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
119 | (group:1; caption:'Debug Weapons'; hint:'Prints debugging information on any weapon activity.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Debug_Weapons)'; address:$620130; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
120 | (group:1; caption:'Pin Characters'; hint:'Pins all characters to their current position.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Pin_Character)'; address:$5ECBA1; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
121 | (group:1; caption:'AIs ignore player'; hint:'AIs don''t attack player.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(AI2_IgnorePlayer)'; address:$5EC0C2; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
122 | (group:1; caption:'Weapons don''t fade'; hint:'Does make weapons stay forever.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Wp_Disable_Fade)'; address:$627DCC; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
123 | (group:1; caption:'Draw only every n-th frame'; hint:'Fastens game speed.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Draw_Every_Frame / Draw_Every_Frame_Multiple)'; address:$5ECE6D; has_box:True; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:1; edit_address:$5533E4),
124 |
125 | (group:2; caption:'Show VertexShaders'; hint:'Toggles the use of VertexShaders.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(M3_Shade_Vertex)'; address:$556008; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
126 | (group:2; caption:'Show Textures'; hint:'Toggles the use of textures.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(M3_Fill_Solid)'; address:$556009; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
127 | (group:2; caption:'Show Environment'; hint:''+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Gs_Show_Environment)'; address:$5533DC; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
128 | (group:2; caption:'Show Objects'; hint:''+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Gs_Show_Objects)'; address:$5533DE; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
129 | (group:2; caption:'Show Characters'; hint:''+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Gs_Show_Characters)'; address:$5533DD; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
130 | (group:2; caption:'Show Particles'; hint:''+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Gs_Show_Particles)'; address:$5533F0; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:0),
131 |
132 | //(caption:''; hint:''+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'()'; address:$; has_box:; has_edit:; edit_hint:''; edit_type:; edit_address:$),
133 | (group:3; caption:'*bighead*'; hint:'Makes your head bigger.'; address:$5ECB98; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
134 | (group:3; caption:'*canttouchthis*'; hint:'Makes you untouchable. (You can''t be knocked down etc)'; address:$5ECE91; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
135 | (group:3; caption:'*elderrune*'; hint:'Health regeneration'; address:$620134; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
136 | (group:3; caption:'*fistsoflegend*'; hint:'Enemies get knocked away.'; address:$5ECE8F; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
137 | (group:3; caption:'*killmequick*'; hint:'Tougher enemies'; address:$5EB849; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
138 | (group:3; caption:'*liveforever*'; hint:'Makes you invincible.'; address:$5ECE92; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
139 | (group:3; caption:'*reservoirdogs*'; hint:'Enemies attacking their allies.'; address:$5EB848; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
140 | (group:3; caption:'*roughjustice*'; hint:'Faster guns.'; address:$620133; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
141 | (group:3; caption:'*shapeshifter*'; hint:'Lets you change your character with pressing F8 ingame.'; address:$5ECE6F; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
142 | (group:3; caption:'*touchofdeath*'; hint:'Kill enemies with one touch.'; address:$5ECE93; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$0),
143 | (group:3; caption:'Headsize'; hint:'Sets the size of the characters head.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Big_Head, Chr_Big_Head_Amount)'; address:$5ECB98; has_box:True; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$54E16C),
144 | (group:3; caption:'Bodysize'; hint:'Sets the size of your body.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Mini_Me, Chr_Mini_Me_Amount)'; address:$5ECB99; has_box:True; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$54E170),
145 | (group:3; caption:'Auto-aim distance'; hint:'Sets the distance in which auto-aim should work.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Auto_Aim_Dist)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$54E160),
146 | (group:3; caption:'Auto-aim angle'; hint:'Sets the angle in which auto-aim should work (in degrees).'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Auto_Aim_Arc)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$54E15C),
147 | (group:3; caption:'Blocking angle'; hint:'Sets the angle in which attacks are blocked (in degrees).'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(Chr_Block_Angle)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$54E168),
148 | //
149 | (group:4; caption:'Height to feet'; hint:'Sets the height of the camera relative to your feets. (normal=15)'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(CM_Height)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$54D638),
150 | (group:4; caption:'Distance to player'; hint:'Sets the distance of the camera to the placer. (normal=33)'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(CM_Distance)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$54D63C),
151 | (group:4; caption:'Viewing angle when unarmed'; hint:'Sets of which angle (up/down) you look on the action when you''re unarmed. (normal=8)'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(CM_Canter_Unarmed)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$54D644),
152 | (group:4; caption:'Viewing angle when armed'; hint:'Sets of which angle (up/down) you look on the action when you''re armed. (normal=7)'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(CM_Canter_Weapon)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$54D640),
153 | (group:4; caption:'Actual viewing angle'; hint:'Sets of which angle (up/down) you look on the action.'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$6364D0),
154 | (group:4; caption:'See-Through-Walls mode'; hint:'Sets if you can see through walls if they are in the way.'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(CM_Jello)'; address:$54D64C; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:0; edit_address:$),
155 | (group:4; caption:'Wall-transparency'; hint:'Sets how transparent walls get. (normal=20)'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(CM_Jello_AMT)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:1; edit_address:$54D650),
156 | (group:4; caption:'Wall-transparency-range'; hint:'Sets how much around the line between the camera and the player is made transparent. (normal=12)'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'(CM_Jello_Radius)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$54D648),
157 | (group:4; caption:'Disable next 3 settings'; hint:'Disables the settings for the camera side'; address:$6364C0; has_box:True; has_edit:False; edit_hint:''; edit_type:$; edit_address:$),
158 | (group:4; caption:'Side of Konoko'; hint:'Sets of which side you look at Konoko (degrees)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$6364C4),
159 | (group:4; caption:'Side of Konoko to change to'; hint:'Sets to which side the cam should move (degrees)'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$6364C8),
160 | (group:4; caption:'Change-speed'; hint:'Sets with which speed cam should move'; address:$; has_box:False; has_edit:True; edit_hint:''; edit_type:5; edit_address:$6364CC)
161 | );
162 | CONST CharDataStuff:Array[1..number_items] OF TStructItem=(
163 | (struct:1; offset:$014; data_type:6; range:20; group:1; name:'Character name'; overview_name:'Character name'; hint:''),
164 | (struct:1; offset:$012; data_type:2; range:0; group:1; name:'Teamnumber'; overview_name:'Teamnumber'; hint:'0 = Konoko'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'1 = TCTF'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'2 = Syndicate'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'3 = Neutral'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'4 = Security Guard'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'5 = Rogue-Konoko'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'6 = Switzerland'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'7 = Syndicate Accessory'),
165 | (struct:1; offset:$010; data_type:2; range:200; group:1; name:'Modelnumber'; overview_name:'Modelnumber'; hint:''),
166 |
167 | (struct:1; offset:$004; data_type:1; range:0; group:2; name:'Death'; overview_name:'Death';
168 | hint:'0 = char alive'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'1 = char death but still in animation'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'3 = char lying on ground'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'7 = only a corpse'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'32 = unkillable'),
169 | (struct:1; offset:$038; data_type:4; range:10000; group:2; name:'Health'; overview_name:'Health'; hint:''),
170 | (struct:1; offset:$03C; data_type:4; range:10000; group:2; name:'Health normal'; overview_name:'Health normal'; hint:''),
171 | (struct:1; offset:$1A4; data_type:2; range:10; group:2; name:'Amount of hypos'; overview_name:'Hypos'; hint:''),
172 | (struct:1; offset:$1A2; data_type:2; range:10; group:2; name:'Amount of red ammo clips'; overview_name:'Red ammo clips'; hint:''),
173 | (struct:1; offset:$1A6; data_type:2; range:10; group:2; name:'Amount of green ammo clips'; overview_name:'Green ammo clips'; hint:''),
174 | (struct:1; offset:$1B8; data_type:2; range:10000; group:2; name:'Shield'; overview_name:'Shield'; hint:'Full=100'),
175 | (struct:1; offset:$1BA; data_type:2; range:10000; group:2; name:'Phasecloak'; overview_name:'Phasecloak'; hint:'Full=1775'),
176 |
177 | (struct:2; offset:$084; data_type:5; range:0; group:3; name:'x'; overview_name:'x-pos'; hint:''),
178 | (struct:2; offset:$088; data_type:5; range:0; group:3; name:'y (height)'; overview_name:'y-pos'; hint:''),
179 | (struct:2; offset:$08C; data_type:5; range:0; group:3; name:'z'; overview_name:'z-pos'; hint:''),
180 | (struct:1; offset:$16C; data_type:5; range:2*pi; group:3; name:'Body-facing'; overview_name:'Body-facing'; hint:'[0-360]'),
181 | (struct:1; offset:$170; data_type:5; range:2*pi; group:3; name:'Direction you yourself look to'; overview_name:'Looking direct.'; hint:'[0-360]'),
182 | (struct:3; offset:$21C0; data_type:5; range:0; group:3; name:'Azimuth'; overview_name:'Azimuth'; hint:''),
183 | (struct:3; offset:$0E0; data_type:1; range:0; group:3; name:'Off'; overview_name:'Off'; hint:'Sets how long you''re already over an edge'),
184 | (struct:3; offset:$0F6; data_type:1; range:0; group:3; name:'Air'; overview_name:'Air'; hint:'Sets how long you''re already in air'),
185 | (struct:2; offset:$128; data_type:1; range:0; group:3; name:'NoClipping'; overview_name:'NoClipping'; hint:'2 = NoClipping disabled'+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+'70 = NoClipping enabled'),
186 |
187 | (struct:1; offset:$1AA; data_type:2; range:10; group:4; name:'Amount of hypos'; overview_name:'Dropped hypos'; hint:''),
188 | (struct:1; offset:$1A8; data_type:2; range:10; group:4; name:'Amount of red ammo clips'; overview_name:'Dropped red ammo'; hint:''),
189 | (struct:1; offset:$1AC; data_type:2; range:10; group:4; name:'Amount of green ammo clips'; overview_name:'Dropped green ammo'; hint:''),
190 | (struct:1; offset:$1B2; data_type:1; range:1; group:4; name:'Shield'; overview_name:'Drops shield'; hint:'[1/0]'),
191 | (struct:1; offset:$1B3; data_type:1; range:1; group:4; name:'Phasecloak'; overview_name:'Drops phasecloak'; hint:'[1/0]'),
192 | (struct:1; offset:$1B4; data_type:1; range:1; group:4; name:'Special'; overview_name:'Drops special'; hint:'(like datapad in lvl1, rapelling harnes in lvl5) [1/0]')
193 | // (struct:1; offset:$; data_type:; range:; group:; name:''; overview_name:''; hint:''),
194 | );
195 | CONST CharGroupsStuff:Array[1..number_char_groups] OF TGroup=(
196 | (name:'Global'),
197 | (name:'Inventory'),
198 | (name:'Position'),
199 | (name:'AI drops')
200 | );
201 | {$INCLUDE animations}
202 |
203 | CONST
204 | PointerStruct1PointerArray1:longword=$127C54;
205 | PointerStruct1PointerArray2:longword=$12BC34;
206 | PointerStruct2First:longword=$6A8740;
207 | PointerStruct3:longword=$127254;
208 |
209 | TYPE
210 | THotKeys=Record
211 | Size:Byte;
212 | Items:Array[0..255] OF Hotkey;
213 | END;
214 |
215 | VAR
216 | Settings: Array[1..number_settings] OF TSetting;
217 | MainGroups: Array[1..number_main_groups] OF TGroup;
218 | //Cheats: Array[1..number_cheats] OF TSetting;
219 | _Connected:Boolean;
220 | _temp:byte_array;
221 | _tempvalue:LongWord;
222 | _ValueSwitcher:TValueSwitcher;
223 | _ais_active: Array[0..ais_controlled] OF Boolean;
224 | //_hotkeys: Array OF HotKey;
225 | HotKeys: THotKeys;
226 | HotKeysFile: File of THotKeys;
227 | lvlnumber: Byte;
228 |
229 | TYPE
230 | KeyCombo=Record
231 | Name:String;
232 | Value:Byte;
233 | END;
234 |
235 | CONST lvl_mappings:Array[0..14] OF String[2]=(
236 | '0_','1_','2_','3_','4_','6_','8_','9_','10','11','12','13','14','18','19'
237 | );
238 |
239 | CONST MOD_Alt_Key=MOD_Alt;
240 | CONST MOD_Ctrl_Key=MOD_Control;
241 |
242 | CONST
243 | VKKeys:Array[1..78] OF Keycombo=(
244 | (Name:'0';Value:$30),
245 | (Name:'1';Value:$31),
246 | (Name:'2';Value:$32),
247 | (Name:'3';Value:$33),
248 | (Name:'4';Value:$34),
249 | (Name:'5';Value:$35),
250 | (Name:'6';Value:$36),
251 | (Name:'7';Value:$37),
252 | (Name:'8';Value:$38),
253 | (Name:'9';Value:$39),
254 | (Name:'A';Value:$41),
255 | (Name:'B';Value:$42),
256 | (Name:'C';Value:$43),
257 | (Name:'D';Value:$44),
258 | (Name:'E';Value:$45),
259 | (Name:'F';Value:$46),
260 | (Name:'G';Value:$47),
261 | (Name:'H';Value:$48),
262 | (Name:'I';Value:$49),
263 | (Name:'J';Value:$4A),
264 | (Name:'K';Value:$4B),
265 | (Name:'L';Value:$4C),
266 | (Name:'M';Value:$4D),
267 | (Name:'N';Value:$4E),
268 | (Name:'O';Value:$4F),
269 | (Name:'P';Value:$50),
270 | (Name:'Q';Value:$51),
271 | (Name:'R';Value:$52),
272 | (Name:'S';Value:$53),
273 | (Name:'T';Value:$54),
274 | (Name:'U';Value:$55),
275 | (Name:'V';Value:$56),
276 | (Name:'W';Value:$57),
277 | (Name:'X';Value:$58),
278 | (Name:'Y';Value:$59),
279 | (Name:'Z';Value:$5A),
280 | (Name:'F1';Value:$70),
281 | (Name:'F2';Value:$71),
282 | (Name:'F3';Value:$72),
283 | (Name:'F4';Value:$73),
284 | (Name:'F5';Value:$74),
285 | (Name:'F6';Value:$75),
286 | (Name:'F7';Value:$76),
287 | (Name:'F8';Value:$77),
288 | (Name:'F9';Value:$78),
289 | (Name:'F10';Value:$79),
290 | (Name:'F11';Value:$7A),
291 | (Name:'F12';Value:$7B),
292 | (Name:'Backspace';Value:$08),
293 | (Name:'Tab';Value:$09),
294 | // (Name:'Clear';Value:$0C),
295 | (Name:'Enter';Value:$0D),
296 | (Name:'Esc';Value:$1B),
297 | (Name:'Spacebar';Value:$20),
298 | (Name:'Page up';Value:$21),
299 | (Name:'Page down';Value:$22),
300 | (Name:'End';Value:$23),
301 | (Name:'Home';Value:$24),
302 | (Name:'Cursor left';Value:$25),
303 | (Name:'Cursor up';Value:$26),
304 | (Name:'Cursor right';Value:$27),
305 | (Name:'Cursor down';Value:$28),
306 | (Name:'Insert';Value:$2D),
307 | (Name:'Delete';Value:$2E),
308 | // (Name:'Help';Value:$2F),
309 | (Name:'NumPad0';Value:$60),
310 | (Name:'NumPad1';Value:$61),
311 | (Name:'NumPad2';Value:$62),
312 | (Name:'NumPad3';Value:$63),
313 | (Name:'NumPad4';Value:$64),
314 | (Name:'NumPad5';Value:$65),
315 | (Name:'NumPad6';Value:$66),
316 | (Name:'NumPad7';Value:$67),
317 | (Name:'NumPad8';Value:$68),
318 | (Name:'NumPad9';Value:$69),
319 | (Name:'NumPad decimal';Value:$6E),
320 | (Name:'NumPad add';Value:$6B),
321 | (Name:'NumPad subtract';Value:$6D),
322 | (Name:'NumPad multiply';Value:$6A),
323 | (Name:'NumPad divide';Value:$6F)
324 | // (Name:'NumPad separator';Value:$6C),
325 | );
326 |
327 |
328 | implementation
329 |
330 | end.