1 | UNIT Unit1;
3 | USES
4 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
5 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, CrossEdit, Math, ExtCtrls;
6 |
7 | TYPE
8 | TForm1 = Class(TForm)
9 | grp_center: TGroupBox;
10 | group_setxy: TGroupBox;
11 | btn_center: TButton;
12 | edit_x: TCrossEdit;
13 | edit_y: TCrossEdit;
14 | btn_setxy: TButton;
15 | group_black: TGroupBox;
16 | btn_black: TButton;
17 | timer_check: TTimer;
18 | PROCEDURE timer_checkTimer(Sender: TObject);
19 | PROCEDURE btn_blackClick(Sender: TObject);
20 | PROCEDURE btn_setxyClick(Sender: TObject);
21 | PROCEDURE FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
22 | PROCEDURE btn_centerClick(Sender: TObject);
23 | PROCEDURE Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
26 | END;
27 |
28 | VAR
29 | Form1: TForm1;
30 |
32 | USES Unit2;
33 | {$R *.dfm}
34 | VAR
35 | ONIHandle:LongWord;
36 |
37 | PROCEDURE TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
38 | BEGIN
39 | ONIHandle:=FindWindow(PChar('ONI '),PChar('ONI '));
40 | Form1.Caption:=IntToStr(ONIHandle);
41 | END;
42 |
43 | PROCEDURE TForm1.btn_centerClick(Sender: TObject);
44 | VAR
45 | Handle,NewX,NewY:LongWord;
46 | Screen,Cur:TRect;
47 | ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,Width,Height:LongWord;
48 | BEGIN
49 | Handle:=FindWindow(PChar('ONI '),PChar('ONI '));
50 | IF Handle>0 THEN BEGIN
51 | GetWindowRect(Handle,Cur);
52 | GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow,Screen);
53 | ScreenWidth:=Screen.Right-Screen.Left;
54 | ScreenHeight:=Screen.Bottom-Screen.Top;
55 | Width:=Cur.Right-Cur.Left;
56 | Height:=Cur.Bottom-Cur.Top;
57 | IF (Width<ScreenWidth) AND (Height<ScreenHeight) THEN BEGIN
58 | NewX:=(ScreenWidth DIV 2)-(Width DIV 2);
59 | NewY:=(ScreenHeight DIV 2)-(Height DIV 2);
61 | ShowMessage('Couldn''t set the position of ONIs window!');
62 | END ELSE ShowMessage('ONIs window is at fullscreen!');
63 | END ELSE ShowMessage('Couldn''t find ONIs window!');
64 | END;
65 |
66 | PROCEDURE TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
67 | VAR
68 | Screen:TRect;
69 | BEGIN
70 | GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow,Screen);
71 | edit_x.Max:=Screen.Right;
72 | edit_y.Max:=Screen.Bottom;
73 | edit_x.BorderStyle:=bsSingle;
74 | edit_y.BorderStyle:=bsSingle;
75 | END;
76 |
77 | PROCEDURE TForm1.btn_setxyClick(Sender: TObject);
78 | VAR
79 | Handle:LongWord;
80 | BEGIN
81 | IF edit_x.CheckError THEN BEGIN
82 | ShowMessage('x-value has to be between 0 and '+IntToStr(Floor(edit_x.Max))+'!');
83 | Exit;
84 | END;
85 | IF edit_y.CheckError THEN BEGIN
86 | ShowMessage('y-value has to be between 0 and '+IntToStr(Floor(edit_y.Max))+'!');
87 | Exit;
88 | END;
89 | Handle:=FindWindow(PChar('ONI '),PChar('ONI '));
90 | IF Handle>0 THEN BEGIN
91 | IF NOT SetWindowPos(Handle,0,edit_x.GetInteger,edit_y.GetInteger,0,0,SWP_NOSIZE OR SWP_NOACTIVATE OR SWP_NOZORDER) THEN
92 | ShowMessage('Couldn''t set the position of ONIs window!');
93 | END ELSE ShowMessage('Couldn''t find ONIs window!');
94 | END;
95 |
96 | PROCEDURE TForm1.btn_blackClick(Sender: TObject);
97 | BEGIN
98 | IF FindWindow(PChar('ONI '),PChar('ONI '))>0 THEN BEGIN
99 | Form2.Visible:=NOT Form2.Visible;
100 | SetForeGroundWindow(FindWindow(PChar('ONI '),PChar('ONI ')));
101 | END;
102 | END;
103 |
104 | PROCEDURE TForm1.timer_checkTimer(Sender: TObject);
105 | BEGIN
106 | IF Form2.Visible THEN BEGIN
107 | IF FindWindow(PChar('ONI '),PChar('ONI '))=0 THEN Form2.Visible:=False;
108 | END;
109 | END;
110 |
111 | END.