source: ValBot/Python/ 1185

Last change on this file since 1185 was 1185, checked in by iritscen, 20 months ago

ValBot: and have been restructured significantly and will now follow standard wiki redirects instead of telling the user to follow them.

File size: 11.7 KB
1# Check Interwiki Links
2# by
3# Looks at each link on a page (or in all the pages in a category) which uses a registered
4# interwiki prefix and loads the linked page, verifying that it exists and that any section
5# link, if present, is valid as well. The output will use the word "ERROR" when it cannot
6# validate the interwiki link.
7# Recommended viewing width:
8# |---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---|
10import os
12from urllib.parse import urljoin
14import pywikibot
15import bs4
16import re
17import requests # for listing members with dir()
19from import QuitKeyboardInterrupt
20from pywikibot import pagegenerators
21from import color_format
22from pywikibot.comms.http import fetch
23from pywikibot.specialbots import UploadRobot
24from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
26# Parallel arrays based on
27interwiki_prefixes = ('acronym', 'cache', 'commons', 'dictionary', 'google', 'metawikimedia', 'mw', 'wikibooks', 'wikidata', 'wikimedia', 'wikinews', 'wikipedia', 'wikiquote', 'wikisource', 'wikispecies', 'wikiversity', 'wikivoyage', 'wikt', 'wiktionary', 'wp')
29interwiki_urls = ('', '', '', '*&Form=Dict1&Strategy=*&Query=', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
31# Initialize globals
32debug = 0
33pages_checked = 0
34iw_found = 0
35errors_issued = 0
36name_printed = 0
38# Prints the name of a page on which something occurred, if it has not been printed before
39def possibly_print(page_name):
40 global debug
41 global name_printed
43 if not name_printed and not debug:
44 pywikibot.stdout('')
45 pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
46 name_printed = 1
48# Search a page for the section specified in the link
49def find_section(page_text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, print_result):
50 global errors_issued
52 # Isolate section link
53 target_page_name, anchor_name = page_slug.split('#')
54 target_page_name_human = target_page_name.replace('_', ' ')
56 # Convert dot-notation hex entities to proper characters
57 anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.22', '"')
58 anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.27', '\'')
59 anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.28', '(')
60 anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.29', ')')
62 # Read linked page to see if it really has this anchor link
63 soup = BeautifulSoup(page_text, 'html.parser')
64 found_section = False
65 for span_tag in soup.findAll('span'): # search for span with ID matching the section name
66 span_name = span_tag.get('id', None)
67 if span_name == anchor_name:
68 found_section = True
69 break
70 if found_section == False:
71 for span_tag in soup.findAll('div'): # search for div with ID matching the section name
72 span_name = span_tag.get('id', None)
73 if span_name == anchor_name:
74 found_section = True
75 break
76 if found_section == False:
77 possibly_print(page_name)
78 pywikibot.stdout(' ERROR: Could not find section "{0}" on {1} page "{2}".'.format(anchor_name, prefix, target_page_name_human))
79 errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
80 elif print_result == True:
81 pywikibot.stdout(' The section "{0}" was found on {1} page "{2}".'.format(anchor_name, prefix, target_page_name_human))
83# For a link that redirected us to another page, extract the name of the target page from
84# the target page's source
85def find_canonical_link(page_text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, prefix_url):
86 # Extract link from this markup which contains name of redirected-to page:
87 # <link rel="canonical" href=""/>
88 canonical_name = page_text.split('<link rel="canonical" href="')[-1]
89 prefix_length = len(prefix_url)
90 canonical_name = canonical_name[prefix_length:]
91 tag_end = canonical_name.find('">')
93 if tag_end == -1:
94 pywikibot.stdout(' ERROR: The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect page, but this script could not isolate the target page name.'.format(prefix, page_slug))
95 errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
96 else:
97 canonical_name = canonical_name[:tag_end]
98 if len(canonical_name) > 100:
99 # Certain things can cause the trim to fail; report error and avoid slamming the
100 # output with massive page source from a failed trim
101 pywikibot.stdout(' ERROR: The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect to "{2}…" (string overflow).'.format(prefix, page_slug, canonical_name[:100]))
102 errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
103 else:
104 canonical_name = canonical_name.replace('_', ' ')
105 if '#' in page_slug:
106 _, anchor_name = page_slug.split('#')
107 pywikibot.stdout(' The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect to "{2}#{3}", which is a valid page. Checking section link….'.format(prefix, page_slug, canonical_name, anchor_name))
108 find_section(page_text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, True)
109 else:
110 pywikibot.stdout(' The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect to "{2}", which is a valid page.'.format(prefix, page_slug, canonical_name))
112# Test an interwiki link and look for a section link if applicable
113def test_interwiki_link(prefix, prefix_url, iw_url, page_name, page_slug):
114 global errors_issued
116 response = fetch(iw_url)
118 # One way we tell that a redirect occurred is by checking fetch's history, as it
119 # automatically follows redirects. This will catch formal redirects which come from pages
120 # such as Special:PermanentLink.
121 if response.history != []:
122 possibly_print(page_name)
124 if page_slug.startswith('WP:') and page_slug == page_slug.upper():
125 pywikibot.stdout(' Got redirection code "{0}" for {1} link "{2}". This appears to be a deliberate use of a Wikipedia shortcut. Checking the target page….'.format(response.history[0], prefix, page_slug))
126 find_canonical_link(response.text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, prefix_url)
127 else:
128 permalink1 = 'Special:PermanentLink/'.lower()
129 permalink2 = 'Special:Permalink/'.lower()
130 page_slug_lower = page_slug.lower()
131 if page_slug_lower.startswith(permalink1) or page_slug_lower.startswith(permalink2):
132 pywikibot.stdout(' Got redirection code "{0}" for {1} permanent revision link "{2}". Checking the target page….'.format(response.history[0], prefix, page_slug))
133 find_canonical_link(response.text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, prefix_url)
134 else:
135 pywikibot.stdout(' ERROR: Unrecognized type of redirection (code "{0}") for {1} link "{2}". You should check the link manually.'.format(response.history[0], prefix, page_slug))
136 errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
137 elif response.status_code != 200:
138 possibly_print(page_name)
139 pywikibot.stdout(' ERROR: Got response code {0} for {1} link "{2}". The page may not exist.'.format(response.status_code, prefix, page_slug))
140 errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
141 # However the usual way that a redirect occurs is that MediaWiki redirects us sneakily
142 # using JavaScript, while returning code OK 200 as if the link was correct; this happens
143 # when a redirect page is accessed. We must detect these soft redirects by looking at the
144 # page source to find the redirect note inserted at the top of the page for the reader.
145 elif 'Redirected from <a' in response.text:
146 possibly_print(page_name)
147 pywikibot.stdout(' Got silently redirected by {0} link "{1}". Checking the target page….'.format(prefix, page_slug))
148 find_canonical_link(response.text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, prefix_url)
149 elif '#' in page_slug:
150 find_section(response.text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, False)
152# Searches the given page text for interwiki links
153def scan_for_interwiki_links(page_text, page_name):
154 global debug
155 global pages_checked
156 global iw_found
157 global name_printed
158 pages_checked = pages_checked + 1
159 cur_prefix = 0
160 name_printed = 0
162 for prefix in interwiki_prefixes:
163 # Isolate strings that start with "[[prefix:" and end with "|" or "]"
164 iw_link = "\[\[" + prefix + ":[^|\]]*(\||\])"
165 for match in re.finditer(iw_link, page_text):
166 # Extract just the page title from this regex match
167 s = match.start() + 2 + len(prefix) + 1
168 e = match.end() - 1
170 # Commonly we use spaces instead of underscores, so fix that before querying
171 page_slug = page_text[s:e].replace(' ', '_')
173 # But use spaces for title when printing it
174 page_title_human = page_slug.replace('_', ' ')
175 if debug: pywikibot.stdout(' Validating {0} link "{1}"'.format(prefix, page_title_human))
176 iw_found = iw_found + 1
178 # Construct full URL for the particular wiki
179 iw_url = interwiki_urls[cur_prefix] + page_slug
181 # Adjust URL if this is a foreign-language WP link
182 if re.match("^[a-zA-Z]{2}:", page_slug):
183 lang_code = page_slug[0:2] + "."
184 # "wp:" is the Wikipedia: namespace, not a language
185 if lang_code != "wp." and lang_code != "WP.":
186 iw_url = iw_url.replace('en.', lang_code)
187 iw_url = iw_url.replace(page_slug[0:3], '')
189 # Test the URL
190 test_interwiki_link(prefix, interwiki_urls[cur_prefix], iw_url, page_name, page_slug)
191 cur_prefix = cur_prefix + 1
193# Print a wrap-up message
194def print_summary():
195 global pages_checked
196 global iw_found
197 global errors_issued
199 page_str = "pages"
200 if pages_checked == 1:
201 page_str = "page"
203 link_str = "links"
204 if iw_found == 1:
205 link_str = "link"
207 pywikibot.stdout('Checked {0} {1} and found {2} interwiki {3}.'.format(pages_checked, page_str, iw_found, link_str))
209 error_str = "errors were"
210 if errors_issued == 1:
211 error_str = "error was"
213 pywikibot.stdout('{0} {1} encountered in validating these links.'.format(errors_issued, error_str))
215# Main function
216def main(*args):
217 global debug
218 search_cat = ''
219 search_page = ''
221 # Process arguments
222 local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
223 for arg in local_args:
224 if arg.startswith('-cat:'):
225 search_cat = arg[5:]
226 elif arg.startswith('-page:'):
227 search_page = arg[6:]
228 elif arg == '-dbg':
229 debug = 1
230 else:
231 pywikibot.stdout('Unknown argument "{}". Exiting.'.format(arg))
232 return
234 #pywikibot.stdout('The members of the requests.models.Response class are:')
235 #pywikibot.stdout(format(dir(requests.models.Response)))
236 #return
238 # Check specified page or loop through specified category and check all pages
239 site = pywikibot.Site()
240 if search_cat != '':
241 cat_obj = pywikibot.Category(site, search_cat)
242 generator = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat_obj, recurse=True)
243 for page in pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator, 100):
244 if debug: pywikibot.stdout('Checking page "{}"'.format(page.title()))
245 scan_for_interwiki_links(page.text, page.title())
246 elif search_page != '':
247 page = pywikibot.Page(site, search_page)
248 if debug: pywikibot.stdout('Checking page "{}"'.format(page.title()))
249 scan_for_interwiki_links(page.text, page.title())
251 # Print the results
252 print_summary()
254if __name__ == '__main__':
255 main()
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.