[1127] | 1 | If you believe that the Validate External Links script is mis-reporting certain external links as issues, add them here in order to remove them from ValExtLinks' reports. The first field is the expected HTTP response code, the expected 'curl' result code, or the "IW" or "EI" code -- whatever you are seeing in Val's report. The second field is the link itself. The third field is the wiki page that this link appears on; to exempt this link from Val's report regardless of where it appears, put a '*' here.
[1064] | 2 |
[1127] | 3 | 000-28,http://tain.totalcodex.net/,*
[1070] | 4 | IW,https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1,*
[1127] | 5 | IW,https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1,*
| 6 | IW,https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/$1,*
| 7 | IW,https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/$1,*
| 8 | IW,https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/$1,*
| 9 | IW,https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/$1,*
| 10 | IW,https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/$1,*
| 11 | IW,https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/$1,*
| 12 | IW,https://wikisource.org/wiki/$1,*
| 13 | IW,https://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1,*
| 14 | IW,https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/$1,*
| 15 | IW,https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/$1,*
| 16 | IW,https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/$1,*
| 17 | IW,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1,*
| 18 | EI,http://wiki.oni2.net/Main_Page,MediaWiki:Common
| 19 | 000-28,https://mega.nz/#!x9oHxaLZ!-bOo-wwdj1fh925DYv1Qc6ErDSRl2HEgtWC-i2FtxtY,*
| 20 | EI,http://wiki.oni2.net/OBD_talk:TRAM,User:Geyser/STFUn00b
| 21 | 403,https://www.artelino.com/articles/japanese_mythology.asp,Oni_(myth)