1 | unit Unit1;
2 | interface
3 | uses
4 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
5 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, VirtualTrees, StrUtils, ExtCtrls;
6 |
7 | type
8 | TForm1 = class(TForm)
9 | vst: TVirtualStringTree;
10 | list: TListBox;
11 | Splitter1: TSplitter;
12 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
13 | procedure listClick(Sender: TObject);
14 | procedure vstGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode;
15 | Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: WideString);
16 | private
17 | public
18 | end;
19 |
20 | TSwapList = class;
21 |
22 | TSwapItem = class
23 | name: String;
24 | size: Integer;
25 | parent: TSwapList;
26 | end;
27 |
28 | TSwapList = class(TSwapItem)
29 | childs: array of TSwapItem;
30 | count: Integer;
31 | constructor Create;
32 | function AddElem(name: String; size: Integer): Integer;
33 | function AddArray(name: String; count: Integer): Integer;
34 | function CloseArray: TSwapList;
35 | function Child(index: Integer): TSwapItem;
36 | end;
37 |
38 | TType = record
39 | name: String;
40 | SwapList: TSwapList;
41 | end;
42 |
43 | TTypes = array of TType;
44 |
45 | PNodeData = ^TNodeData;
46 | TNodeData = record
47 | TypeName: String;
48 | Address: Integer;
49 | Size: Integer;
50 | end;
51 |
52 | var
53 | Form1: TForm1;
54 | Types: TTypes;
55 | descfile: Text;
56 |
57 | implementation
58 |
59 | {$R *.dfm}
60 |
61 | function AddVSTEntry(AVST: TCustomVirtualStringTree; ANode: PVirtualNode;
62 | ARecord: TNodeData): PVirtualNode;
63 | var
64 | Data: PNodeData;
65 | begin
66 | Result := AVST.AddChild(ANode);
67 | Data := AVST.GetNodeData(Result);
68 | AVST.ValidateNode(Result, False);
69 | Data^ := ARecord;
70 | end;
71 |
72 | procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
73 | var
74 | state: Integer;
75 | line, datas: String;
76 | i: Integer;
77 | current_list: TSwapList;
78 | begin
79 | VST.NodeDataSize := SizeOf(TNodeData);
80 |
81 | state := 0;
82 | current_list := nil;
83 | AssignFile(descfile, ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+'\templates.txt.gz');
84 | Reset(descfile);
85 | while not EoF(descfile) do
86 | begin
87 | ReadLn(descfile, line);
88 | if state = 0 then
89 | begin
90 | if Pos('gSwapCodes_', line) = 1 then
91 | begin
92 | SetLength(Types, Length(Types) + 1);
93 | Types[High(Types)].name := MidStr(line, Pos('_', line)+1, 4);
94 | Types[High(Types)].SwapList := TSwapList.Create;
95 | Types[High(Types)].SwapList.parent := nil;
96 | current_list := Types[High(Types)].SwapList;
97 | state := 1;
98 | datas := MidStr(line, Pos('db ', line) + 3, PosEx(' ', line, Pos('db ', line) + 3) - Pos('db ', line) - 3 );
99 | if datas = 'SWAPC_8BYTE' then
100 | current_list.AddElem('SWAPC_8BYTE', 8)
101 | else if datas = 'SWAPC_4BYTE' then
102 | current_list.AddElem('SWAPC_4BYTE', 4)
103 | else if datas = 'SWAPC_2BYTE' then
104 | current_list.AddElem('SWAPC_2BYTE', 2)
105 | else if datas = 'SWAPC_1BYTE' then
106 | current_list.AddElem('SWAPC_1BYTE', 1);
107 | end;
108 | if Pos('gTemplate_', line) = 1 then
109 | begin
110 | datas := MidStr(line, Pos('_', line)+1, 4);
111 | for i := 0 to High(Types) do
112 | if Types[i].name = datas then
113 | Break;
114 | if i < Length(Types) then
115 | begin
116 | if Pos('"', line) = 0 then
117 | ReadLn(descfile, line);
118 | datas := MidStr(line, Pos('"', line) + 1, PosEx('"', line, Pos('"', line) + 1) - (Pos('"', line) + 1) );
119 | Types[i].name := Types[i].name + ' - ' + datas;
120 | end;
121 | end;
122 | end else begin
123 | if PosEx(' ', line, Pos(' d', line) + 4) > 0 then
124 | datas := MidStr(line, Pos(' d', line) + 4, PosEx(' ', line, Pos(' d', line) + 4) - (Pos(' d', line) + 4) )
125 | else
126 | datas := MidStr(line, Pos(' d', line) + 4, Length(line) - Pos(' d', line) );
127 | if datas = 'SWAPC_8BYTE' then
128 | current_list.AddElem('SWAPC_8BYTE', 8)
129 | else if datas = 'SWAPC_4BYTE' then
130 | current_list.AddElem('SWAPC_4BYTE', 4)
131 | else if datas = 'SWAPC_2BYTE' then
132 | current_list.AddElem('SWAPC_2BYTE', 2)
133 | else if datas = 'SWAPC_1BYTE' then
134 | current_list.AddElem('SWAPC_1BYTE', 1)
135 | else if datas = 'SWAPC_FIXARR_S' then
136 | begin
137 | ReadLn(descfile, line);
138 | if Pos('h', line) > 0 then
139 | datas := MidStr(line, Pos('db ', line) + 3, Pos('h', line) - (Pos('db ', line) + 3) )
140 | else
141 | datas := MidStr(line, Pos('db ', line) + 3, Length(Line) - (Pos('db ', line) + 2) );
142 | i := current_list.AddArray('SWAPC_FIXARR_S', StrToInt('$'+datas));
143 | current_list := TSwapList(current_list.Child(i));
144 | Inc(State);
145 | end else if datas = 'SWAPC_FIXARR_E' then
146 | begin
147 | Dec(State);
148 | current_list := current_list.CloseArray;
149 | end else if datas = 'SWAPC_VARARR_S' then
150 | begin
151 | ReadLn(descfile, line);
152 | datas := MidStr(line, Pos(' d', line) + 4, Length(line) - (Pos(' d', line) + 3));
153 | if datas = 'SWAPC_8BYTE' then
154 | i := current_list.AddArray('SWAPC_VARARR_S', 8)
155 | else if datas = 'SWAPC_4BYTE' then
156 | i := current_list.AddArray('SWAPC_VARARR_S', 4)
157 | else if datas = 'SWAPC_2BYTE' then
158 | i := current_list.AddArray('SWAPC_VARARR_S', 2)
159 | else if datas = 'SWAPC_1BYTE' then
160 | i := current_list.AddArray('SWAPC_VARARR_S', 1);
161 | current_list := TSwapList(current_list.Child(i));
162 | end else if datas = 'SWAPC_VARARR_E' then
163 | begin
164 | Dec(State);
165 | current_list := current_list.CloseArray;
166 | end else if datas = 'SWAPC_TMPL_PTR' then
167 | begin
168 | ReadLn(descfile, line);
169 | datas := MidStr(line, Pos('dd ', line) + 4, 4);
170 | current_list.AddElem('SWAPC_TMPL_PTR: ' + datas, 4);
171 | end;
172 | end;
173 | end;
174 | CloseFile(descfile);
175 |
176 | list.Items.Clear;
177 | for i := 0 to High(Types) do
178 | list.Items.Add(Types[i].name);
179 | end;
180 |
181 |
182 | { TSwapList }
183 |
184 | function TSwapList.AddArray(name: String; count: Integer): Integer;
185 | begin
186 | SetLength(childs, Length(childs) + 1);
187 | Result := High(childs);
188 | childs[Result] := TSwapList.Create;
189 | childs[Result].name := name;
190 | childs[Result].size := 0;
191 | childs[Result].parent := Self;
192 | TSwapList(childs[Result]).count := count;
193 | end;
194 |
195 | function TSwapList.AddElem(name: String; size: Integer): Integer;
196 | begin
197 | SetLength(childs, Length(childs) + 1);
198 | Result := High(childs);
199 | childs[Result] := TSwapItem.Create;
200 | childs[Result].name := name;
201 | childs[Result].size := size;
202 | childs[Result].parent := Self;
203 | Self.size := Self.size + size;
204 | end;
205 |
206 | function TSwapList.Child(index: Integer): TSwapItem;
207 | begin
208 | Result := childs[index];
209 | end;
210 |
211 | function TSwapList.CloseArray: TSwapList;
212 | begin
213 | if Self.name = 'SWAPC_FIXARR_S' then
214 | begin
215 | Self.size := Self.size * Self.count;
216 | Self.parent.size := Self.parent.size + Self.size;
217 | end
218 | else
219 | Self.size := Self.count;
220 | Result := Self.parent;
221 | end;
222 |
223 | constructor TSwapList.Create;
224 | begin
225 | SetLength(childs, 0);
226 | count := -1;
227 | end;
228 |
229 | procedure TForm1.listClick(Sender: TObject);
230 | var
231 | i: LongWord;
232 | Data: TNodeData;
233 | node: PVirtualNode;
234 | name: String;
235 |
236 | procedure AddChilds(parent: PVirtualNode; SwapList: TSwapList; address: Integer);
237 | var
238 | i: Integer;
239 | begin
240 | if Length(SwapList.childs) > 0 then
241 | begin
242 | for i := 0 to High(SwapList.childs) do
243 | begin
244 | data.TypeName := SwapList.Child(i).name;
245 | data.Size := SwapList.Child(i).size;
246 | data.Address := address;
247 | address := address + data.Size;
248 | node := AddVSTEntry(VST, parent, data);
249 | if SwapList.Child(i) is TSwapList then
250 | AddChilds(node, TSwapList(SwapList.Child(i)), address);
251 | end;
252 | end;
253 | end;
254 |
255 | begin
256 | VST.Clear;
257 | VST.BeginUpdate;
258 |
259 | name := list.Items.Strings[list.ItemIndex];
260 | for i := 0 to High(Types) do
261 | if Types[i].name = name then
262 | Break;
263 |
264 | if i < Length(Types) then
265 | begin
266 | AddChilds(nil, Types[i].SwapList, 0);
267 | end;
268 |
269 | VST.EndUpdate;
270 | end;
271 |
272 | procedure TForm1.vstGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode;
273 | Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: WideString);
274 | var
275 | data: PNodeData;
276 | begin
277 | data := vst.GetNodeData(node);
278 | if TextType = ttNormal then
279 | begin
280 | case Column of
281 | 0: CellText := data.TypeName;
282 | 1: CellText := '0x' + IntToHex(data.Address, 8);
283 | 2: CellText := IntToStr(data.Size);
284 | end;
285 | end;
286 | end;
287 |
288 | end.