1 | #include "optionsparser.h"
2 |
3 | OptionsParser::OptionsParser(QStringList args)
4 | {
5 | this->args=args;
6 | }
7 |
8 | void OptionsParser::parse(){
9 |
10 | QCommandLineParser parser;
11 | parser.setApplicationDescription("Additional documentation can be found at: http://wiki.oni2.net/XmlTools");
12 |
13 | std::unique_ptr<XmlTools> myXmlTools;
14 | QString filesWildCard, patchFilesWildCard, forceTargetFilesWildcard;
15 | QString currentVal, newVal, diffOldNewVal, positions;
16 | QString xPathExpression;
17 | XmlFilter filters; // Filters
18 |
19 | bool noBackups=false;
20 | bool noVerbose=false;
21 |
22 | QCommandLineOption addValuesOption(QStringList() << "a" << "add-values", "Add values to a set of XML elements.");
23 | QCommandLineOption removeValuesOption(QStringList() << "remove-values", "Removes values from a set of XML elements.");
24 | QCommandLineOption replaceValueOption(QStringList() << "replace-value", "Replaces 1 value in a set of XML elements.");
25 | QCommandLineOption replaceAllValuesOption(QStringList() << "replace-all-values", "Replaces all values in a set of XML elements.");
26 | QCommandLineOption updateElementsOption(QStringList() << "u" << "update-elements", "Updates all values in a set of XML elements.");
27 | QCommandLineOption invertElementsOption(QStringList() << "i" << "invert-elements", "Inverts a set of XML elements.");
28 |
29 | QCommandLineOption currentValOption(QStringList() << "c" << "current-val", "Current value(s) [use space as separator].","current-val");
30 | QCommandLineOption newValOption(QStringList() << "n" << "new-val", "New value(s) [use space as separator].","new-val");
31 | QCommandLineOption diffOldNewValueOption(QStringList() << "d" << "diff-old-new-val", "Difference between old and new value.","diff-old-new-val");
32 | QCommandLineOption positionsValueOption(QStringList() << "positions", "Positions [use space as separator] [0-index based].","positions");
33 |
34 | QCommandLineOption filesOption(QStringList() << "f" << "files", "XML files to process [wildcards supported].", "files");
35 | QCommandLineOption patchFilesOption(QStringList() << "p" << "patch-files" , "Patch files to process [wildcards supported].", "patch-files");
36 | QCommandLineOption forceTargetFilesOption(QStringList() << "force-target-files" , "Force the patch-files operation in the specified XML files. [wildcards supported].", "force-target-files");
37 | QCommandLineOption elementNameOption(QStringList() << "e" << "element-name", "Name of the XML element(s) where processing will occur.", "element-name");
38 | QCommandLineOption parentElementNameOption(QStringList() << "parent-element-name", "Name of the XML parent element of <element-name> [used as filter].", "parent-element-name");
39 | QCommandLineOption attributeNameOption("attribute-name", "Attribute name of <element-name> [used as filter].", "attribute-name");
40 | QCommandLineOption attributeValueOption("attribute-value", "Attribute value of <attribute-name> [used as filter].", "attribute-value");
41 | QCommandLineOption xPathExpressionOption(QStringList() << "x" << "xpath-expression", "XPath 1.0 expression to select elements where processing will occur.", "xpath-expression");
42 | QCommandLineOption noBackupsOption(QStringList() << "no-backups", "No backups [faster processing].");
43 | QCommandLineOption noVerboseOption(QStringList() << "no-verbose", "Reduce the number of text messages output [faster processing].");
44 | QCommandLineOption aeiPatchFilesListOption(QStringList() << "aei-patch-files-list" , "Exclusive option for AEI. Provide a list of patches to process.", "aei-patch-files-list");
45 |
46 | parser.addOption(addValuesOption);
47 | parser.addOption(removeValuesOption);
48 | parser.addOption(replaceValueOption);
49 | parser.addOption(replaceAllValuesOption);
50 | parser.addOption(updateElementsOption);
51 | parser.addOption(invertElementsOption);
52 |
53 | parser.addOption(currentValOption);
54 | parser.addOption(newValOption);
55 | parser.addOption(diffOldNewValueOption);
56 | parser.addOption(positionsValueOption);
57 |
58 | parser.addOption(filesOption);
59 | parser.addOption(patchFilesOption);
60 | parser.addOption(forceTargetFilesOption);
61 | parser.addOption(elementNameOption);
62 | parser.addOption(parentElementNameOption);
63 | parser.addOption(attributeNameOption);
64 | parser.addOption(attributeValueOption);
65 | parser.addOption(xPathExpressionOption);
66 | parser.addOption(noBackupsOption);
67 | parser.addOption(noVerboseOption);
68 | parser.addOption(aeiPatchFilesListOption);
69 |
70 | parser.addVersionOption();
71 | parser.addHelpOption();
72 |
73 | // Process the actual command line arguments given by the user
74 | parser.process(this->args);
75 |
76 | // If no arguments show help option
77 | if(this->args.size()==1){
78 | parser.showHelp();
79 | }
80 |
81 | // Begin by processing AEI special parameter
82 | if(parser.isSet(aeiPatchFilesListOption)){
83 |
84 | QFile inputFile(parser.value(aeiPatchFilesListOption));
85 | QStringList temp; // contains the complete line. first in
86 | QStringList patchFiles, targetXmlFiles;
87 | QString line;
88 |
89 | if (inputFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
90 | {
91 |
92 | QTextStream fileStream(&inputFile);
93 |
94 | // Process all the patches until the end of file
95 | while ( !fileStream.atEnd() ){
96 | line = fileStream.readLine();
97 |
98 | if(line.startsWith('"')){ // Only read when starting with quotes
99 | temp=line.split('"',QString::SkipEmptyParts); // We need to use more than space, because if paths contains spaces...
100 | patchFiles << temp[0];
101 | targetXmlFiles << temp[2]; // space is in idx 1
102 | }
103 | }
104 |
105 | inputFile.close();
106 |
107 | // Now let's process each patch file and target file
108 | for(int i=0; i<patchFiles.size(); i++){
109 | XmlPatch myXmlPatch(patchFiles[i],targetXmlFiles[i],true,true); // use --no-backups and --no-verbose for AEI
110 | myXmlPatch.readAndProcessPatchFile(); // process current file
111 | }
112 |
113 | UtilXmlTools::displaySuccessMessage(patchFiles.size(),"AEI patches");
114 |
115 | }
116 | else{
117 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Read file", "Error opening AEI-patch-files-list file: '" + parser.value(aeiPatchFilesListOption) + "'.\n" + inputFile.errorString());
118 | }
119 |
120 | return;
121 | }
122 |
123 |
124 | // Check if the user doesn't want backups (it boosts XmlTools peformance, lower disk output)
125 | if(parser.isSet(noBackupsOption)){
126 | noBackups=true;
127 | }
128 |
129 | // Check if the user doesn't want verbose mode (it boosts XmlTools peformance, lower std output)
130 | if(parser.isSet(noVerboseOption)){
131 | noVerbose=true;
132 | }
133 |
134 | // Get patch files wildcard if available
135 | if(parser.isSet(patchFilesOption)){
136 | patchFilesWildCard=parser.value(patchFilesOption);
137 |
138 | // Never reached
139 | // if(patchFilesWildCard==""){
140 | // UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing", "patch-files option requires 1 value: <patch-files> the patch files to process (wildcards supported).");
141 | // }
142 |
143 | forceTargetFilesWildcard=parser.value(forceTargetFilesOption);
144 |
145 | XmlPatch myXmlPatch(patchFilesWildCard,forceTargetFilesWildcard,noBackups,noVerbose);
146 | myXmlPatch.readAndProcessPatchFile(); // beging file patch processing
147 |
148 | return;
149 | }
150 |
151 | if(!parser.isSet(elementNameOption) && !parser.isSet(xPathExpressionOption)){
152 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing","element-name option or xpath-expression option is required if not using patch-files option.");
153 | }
154 | else if(parser.isSet(elementNameOption) && parser.isSet(xPathExpressionOption)){
155 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing","element-name option and xpath-expression options cannot be used simultaneously.");
156 | }
157 |
158 | // Get element name if available
159 | if(parser.isSet(elementNameOption)){
160 | filters.setElementName(parser.value(elementNameOption));
161 | }
162 |
163 | // Get xpath expression if available
164 | if(parser.isSet(xPathExpressionOption)){
165 | xPathExpression=parser.value(xPathExpressionOption);
166 | }
167 |
168 | // Get current value(s) if avaialabe
169 | if(parser.isSet(currentValOption)){
170 | currentVal=parser.value(currentValOption);
171 | }
172 |
173 | // Get new value(s) if avaialabe
174 | if(parser.isSet(newValOption)){
175 | newVal=parser.value(newValOption);
176 | }
177 |
178 | // Get difference between old and new value if avaialabe
179 | if(parser.isSet(diffOldNewValueOption)){
180 | diffOldNewVal=parser.value(diffOldNewValueOption);
181 | }
182 |
183 | // Get positions if avaialabe
184 | if(parser.isSet(positionsValueOption)){
185 | positions=parser.value(positionsValueOption);
186 | }
187 |
188 | // Get parent element name if available
189 | if(parser.isSet(parentElementNameOption)){
190 | filters.setParentElementName(parser.value(parentElementNameOption));
191 | }
192 |
193 | // Get attribute name if available
194 | if(parser.isSet(attributeNameOption)){
195 | filters.setAttributeName(parser.value(attributeNameOption));
196 | }
197 |
198 | // Get attribute value if available
199 | if(parser.isSet(attributeValueOption)){
200 | filters.setAttributeValue(parser.value(attributeValueOption));
201 | }
202 |
203 | // Check attribute filters
204 | if(filters.getAttributeName()!="" && filters.getAttributeValue()==""){
205 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing","attribute-value option is required if using attribute-name option.");
206 | }
207 |
208 | if(filters.getAttributeValue()!="" && filters.getAttributeName()==""){
209 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing","attribute-name option is required if using attribute-value option.");
210 | }
211 |
212 | // Get files wildcard if available
213 | if(parser.isSet(filesOption)){
214 | filesWildCard=parser.value(filesOption);
215 | }
216 | else{
217 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing", "files option requires 1 value: <files> the XML files to process (wildcards supported).");
218 | }
219 |
220 | if(parser.isSet(elementNameOption)){
221 | myXmlTools = std::make_unique<XmlTools>(filesWildCard,filters,noBackups,noVerbose);
222 | }
223 | else{
224 | myXmlTools = std::make_unique<XmlTools>(filesWildCard,xPathExpression,noBackups,noVerbose);
225 | }
226 |
227 |
228 | // Users wants an add-option?
229 | if(parser.isSet(addValuesOption)){
230 |
231 | if(newVal==""){
232 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing", "add-value option requires 1 value: <new-val> the new values to add (space separated).");
233 | }
234 |
235 | myXmlTools->addValues(newVal);
236 | }
237 | else if(parser.isSet(removeValuesOption)){ // Or remove-values option?
238 |
239 | if(currentVal==""){
240 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing","remove-values option requires 1 value: <current-val> the current values to remove (space separated).");
241 | }
242 |
243 | myXmlTools->removeValues(currentVal);
244 | }
245 | else if(parser.isSet(replaceValueOption)){ // Or replace-value option?
246 |
247 | if(currentVal=="" || newVal==""){
248 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing","replace-value option requires 2 values: <current-val> the current value and <new-val> the new value.");
249 | }
250 |
251 | myXmlTools->replaceValue(currentVal,newVal);
252 | }
253 | else if(parser.isSet(replaceAllValuesOption)){ // Or replace-all-values option?
254 |
255 | if(newVal=="" && positions==""){
256 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing","replace-all-values option requires 1 value: <new-val> the new value.\n" +
257 | Util::toQString("It has also 1 optional value: <positions> the positions to replace (space separated and 0-index based)."));
258 | }
259 |
260 | myXmlTools->replaceAll(newVal,positions);
261 | }
262 | else if(parser.isSet(updateElementsOption)){ // Or update-elements option?
263 |
264 | if(diffOldNewVal==""){
265 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing","update-elements option requires 1 value: <diff-old-new-val> the difference between one current element "+
266 | Util::toQString("value and one new element value (current value and new value must have the same position)."));
267 | }
268 |
269 | myXmlTools->updateElements(diffOldNewVal);
270 | }
271 | else if(parser.isSet(invertElementsOption)){ // Or invert-elements option?
272 | myXmlTools->invertElements();
273 | }
274 | else{
275 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Parameter Parsing","XmlTools needs an operation to perform. Possible operations are:\n"+
276 | Util::toQString("--patch-files\n--add-values\n--remove-values\n--replace-value\n--replace-all-values\n--update-elements\n--invert-elements"));
277 | }
278 | }