1 | #include "xmltools.h"
2 |
3 | XmlTools::XmlTools(QString filesWildcard, XmlFilter filter, bool noBackups)
4 | {
5 | this->filesToProcess=UtilXmlTools::getAllXmlFilesByWildcard(filesWildcard);
6 | this->filters=filter;
7 | this->backupsEnabled=!noBackups;
8 |
9 | if(this->filesToProcess.size()==0){
10 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("Loading xml files","No XML files were found for the wildcard: "+filesWildcard);
11 | }
12 | }
13 |
14 | // Adds new values to an element
15 | void XmlTools::addValues(QString newValues){
16 |
17 | // Process all XmlFiles
18 | for(int i=0; i<this->filesToProcess.size(); i++){
19 |
20 | QStringList newValuesList, currValuesList;
21 | QList<pugi::xml_node> elements;
22 |
23 | UtilXmlTools::loadXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document,this->rootNode,this->backupsEnabled,"add-values");
24 |
25 | newValuesList=Util::qStringListFromSpacedString(newValues);
26 | UtilXmlTools::getAllNamedElements(this->rootNode,elements,this->filters);
27 |
28 | for(int j=0; j<elements.size(); j++){
29 |
30 | currValuesList=Util::qStringListFromSpacedString(Util::toQString(elements[j].text().as_string())); // convert each element in a list (uses space as separator)
31 |
32 | for(int k=0; k<newValuesList.size(); k++){
33 | if(currValuesList.contains(newValuesList[k])){ // If the current element already contains this value proceed to the next
34 | continue;
35 | }
36 |
37 | elements[j].text()=QString(Util::toQString(elements[j].text().as_string()) + " " + newValuesList[k]).toLatin1().constData(); // If it doesn't exists yet let's add it
38 | }
39 | }
40 |
41 | UtilXmlTools::saveXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document,"add-values");
42 | }
43 |
44 | UtilXmlTools::displaySuccessMessage(this->filesToProcess.size(), "add-values");
45 |
46 | }
47 |
48 | void XmlTools::removeValues(QString valuesToRemove){
49 |
50 | // Process all XmlFiles
51 | for(int i=0; i<this->filesToProcess.size(); i++){
52 |
53 | QList<pugi::xml_node> elements;
54 | QStringList valuesToRemoveList, currValuesList;
55 | bool elementChanged=false;
56 |
57 | UtilXmlTools::loadXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document,this->rootNode,this->backupsEnabled, "remove-values");
58 |
59 | UtilXmlTools::getAllNamedElements(this->rootNode,elements,this->filters);
60 |
61 | valuesToRemoveList=Util::qStringListFromSpacedString(valuesToRemove);
62 |
63 | for(int j=0; j<elements.size(); j++){ // O(3)... Optimization may be necessary.
64 | currValuesList=Util::qStringListFromSpacedString(Util::toQString(elements[j].text().as_string())); // convert each element in a list (uses space as separator)
65 |
66 | for(int k=0; k<currValuesList.size(); k++){
67 | for(int m=0; m<valuesToRemoveList.size(); m++){
68 | if(currValuesList[k]==valuesToRemoveList[m]){
69 | currValuesList[k]=""; // remove it
70 | elementChanged=true;
71 | }
72 | }
73 | }
74 |
75 | if(elementChanged){ // If curr element changed update the XML
76 | elements[j].text()=currValuesList.join(' ').toLatin1().constData();
77 | elementChanged=false;
78 | }
79 | }
80 |
81 | UtilXmlTools::saveXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document, "remove-values");
82 | }
83 |
84 |
85 | UtilXmlTools::displaySuccessMessage(this->filesToProcess.size(),"remove-values");
86 | }
87 |
88 | void XmlTools::replaceValue(QString oldValue, QString newValue){
89 |
90 | // Process all XmlFiles
91 | for(int i=0; i<this->filesToProcess.size(); i++){
92 |
93 | QList<pugi::xml_node> elements;
94 | QStringList currValuesList;
95 | bool elementChanged=false;
96 |
97 | UtilXmlTools::loadXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document,this->rootNode,this->backupsEnabled, "replace-value");
98 |
99 | UtilXmlTools::getAllNamedElements(this->rootNode,elements,this->filters);
100 |
101 | for(int j=0; j<elements.size(); j++){
102 | currValuesList=Util::qStringListFromSpacedString(Util::toQString(elements[j].text().as_string())); // convert each element in a list (uses space as separator)
103 |
104 | for(int k=0; k<currValuesList.size(); k++){
105 | if(currValuesList[k]==oldValue){ // Found a match with the old value?
106 | currValuesList[k]=newValue; // If found replace it with the new value
107 | elementChanged=true;
108 | }
109 | }
110 |
111 | if(elementChanged){ // If curr element changed update the XML
112 | elements[j].text()=currValuesList.join(" ").toLatin1().constData();
113 | }
114 | elementChanged=false;
115 | }
116 |
117 | UtilXmlTools::saveXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document, "replace-value");
118 | }
119 |
120 | UtilXmlTools::displaySuccessMessage(this->filesToProcess.size(), "replace-value");
121 | }
122 |
123 | // Replaces all current values of an element by another (can be specified only specific positions)
124 | void XmlTools::replaceAll(QString value, QString valuePositions){
125 |
126 | // Process all XmlFiles
127 | for(int i=0; i<this->filesToProcess.size(); i++){
128 |
129 | QList<pugi::xml_node> elements;
130 |
131 | UtilXmlTools::loadXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document,this->rootNode,this->backupsEnabled, "replace-all");
132 |
133 | UtilXmlTools::getAllNamedElements(this->rootNode,elements,this->filters);
134 |
135 |
136 | // Let's start the override
137 | for(int j=0; j<elements.size(); j++){
138 | if(valuePositions!=""){
139 | elements[j].text()=replaceSpecificPositions(value, Util::toQString(elements[j].text().as_string()),valuePositions).toLatin1().constData();
140 | }
141 | else{
142 | elements[j].text()=value.toLatin1().constData();
143 | }
144 | }
145 |
146 | UtilXmlTools::saveXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document, "replace-all");
147 | }
148 |
149 | UtilXmlTools::displaySuccessMessage(this->filesToProcess.size(), "replace-all");
150 | }
151 |
152 | // Update a set of XML elements values based in the difference between the old and new value
153 | // This can be used in multiple files if the difference between one file and other are the same e.g. increment to all current object positions 100 in y (A difference of -100).
154 | // E.g. oldValue=5 , newValue=7; diffBetweenOldAndNewValue=-2
155 | void XmlTools::updateElements(QString diffBetweenOldAndNewValue){
156 |
157 | // Process all XmlFiles
158 | for(int i=0; i<this->filesToProcess.size(); i++){
159 |
160 | QList<pugi::xml_node> elements;
161 | MultiDimVar lastXmlValue(0); // inicialize with any value or dimension
162 | MultiDimVar currXmlValue(0);
163 | MultiDimVar newXmlValue(0); // value that will update currValue
164 |
165 | UtilXmlTools::loadXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document,this->rootNode,this->backupsEnabled, "update-elements");
166 |
167 | UtilXmlTools::getAllNamedElements(this->rootNode,elements,this->filters);
168 |
169 |
170 | if(elements.size()>1){
171 | lastXmlValue=MultiDimVar(Util::toQString(elements[0].text().as_string())); // the lastXmlValue will begin to be the first one of the node
172 | currXmlValue=MultiDimVar(Util::toQString(elements[1].text().as_string())); // the currXmlValue will begin to be the second one of the node
173 | newXmlValue=MultiDimVar::sub(lastXmlValue, MultiDimVar(diffBetweenOldAndNewValue));
174 | elements[0].text() = newXmlValue.toString().toLatin1().constData(); // update the first eblement with the new one already
175 | }
176 |
177 | // Let's start the node update
178 | for(int j=1; j<elements.size()-1; j++){ // We start in 1 because the 0 is already saved in lastXmlValue // -1 because we will also work with the next one in the current
179 |
180 | newXmlValue=MultiDimVar::sum(newXmlValue,MultiDimVar::sub(currXmlValue,lastXmlValue));
181 | elements[j].text() = newXmlValue.toString().toLatin1().constData(); // update element with the new value
182 | lastXmlValue=currXmlValue;
183 | currXmlValue=MultiDimVar(Util::toQString(elements[j+1].text().as_string()));
184 |
185 | }
186 |
187 | // To update too last element (avoid out of bound because i+1)
188 | newXmlValue=MultiDimVar::sum(newXmlValue,MultiDimVar::sub(currXmlValue,lastXmlValue));
189 | elements[elements.size()-1].text() = newXmlValue.toString().toLatin1().constData(); // update element with the new value
190 |
191 | UtilXmlTools::saveXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document, "update-elements");
192 | }
193 |
194 | UtilXmlTools::displaySuccessMessage(this->filesToProcess.size(),"updateNode");
195 |
196 | }
197 |
198 | // Invert a set of XML elements with specified name (and optionally a parent name)
199 | void XmlTools::invertElements(){
200 |
201 | // Process all XmlFiles
202 | for(int i=0; i<this->filesToProcess.size(); i++){
203 | UtilXmlTools::loadXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document,this->rootNode,this->backupsEnabled, "invert-elements");
204 |
205 | QList<pugi::xml_node> elements;
206 | QStringList invertedElements; //Inverting the element order
207 |
208 | UtilXmlTools::getAllNamedElements(this->rootNode,elements,this->filters);
209 |
210 | // Read all elements and save to the list
211 | for(int j=elements.size()-1; j>=0; j--){
212 | invertedElements << Util::toQString(elements[j].text().as_string());
213 | }
214 |
215 | // Override the tree with the inverted order
216 | for(int j=0; j<elements.size(); j++){
217 | elements[j].text()= invertedElements[j].toLatin1().constData();
218 | }
219 |
220 | UtilXmlTools::saveXmlFile(this->filesToProcess[i],this->document, "invert-elements");
221 | }
222 |
223 | UtilXmlTools::displaySuccessMessage(this->filesToProcess.size(),"invert-elements");
224 |
225 | }
226 |
227 | // Replaces specific values (given the position) for a new value
228 | // [ currValues / positionsToReplaced are strings with composed by another strings space separated ]
229 | // Returns a new string (space separated) will values replaced
230 | QString XmlTools::replaceSpecificPositions(const QString &newValue, const QString &currValues, const QString &positionsToReplace){
231 |
232 | QList<int> positionsToReplaceList;
233 | QStringList currValuesList;
234 |
235 | positionsToReplaceList=Util::qListIntFromSpacedString(positionsToReplace);
236 | currValuesList=Util::qStringListFromSpacedString(currValues);
237 |
238 | // Make some validation before the replacing
239 | if(currValuesList.size()<positionsToReplaceList.size()){
240 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("replaceSpecificPositions","There are more positions to replace than the current xml values.");
241 | }
242 |
243 | foreach(int pos, positionsToReplaceList){
244 | if(pos>currValuesList.size()-1 || pos < 0){ //Are positions valid for the current values? //-1 because starts at 0
245 | UtilXmlTools::displayErrorMessage("replaceSpecificPositions","One or more of the specified positions to replace are out of range.");
246 | }
247 | }
248 | //
249 |
250 | // Finally replace the specified values
251 | foreach(int pos, positionsToReplaceList){
252 | currValuesList[pos]=newValue;
253 | }
254 |
255 | return currValuesList.join(" ");
256 |
257 | }