Rev | Line | |
[886] | 1 | frame.title=AE Installer: Hilfe erbitten
| 2 | btnOk=Absenden
| 3 | btnCancel=Abbrechen
| 4 |
| 5 | lblInfo=Request help with a problem by the AE support team. Please be as descriptive in the message as possible \
| 6 | (i.e. what exactly does not work as expected, what did you do up to this point) so \we can help you.
| 7 | lblMail=Deine E-mail-Adresse:
| 8 | lblMessage=Nachricht:
| 9 | chkGetCopy=Sende eine Kopie der Mail an dich
| 10 | lblFiles=Die folgenden Informationen werden automatisch in die E-mail eingebunden:<ul>\
| 11 | <li>AEI's aei_output.log, updater_output.log, Initialization.log, Installation.log</li>\
| 12 | <li>Oni's startup.txt und debugger.txt</li>\
| 13 | <li>Eine Liste aller Dateien innerhalb deines AE/ Ordners</li>\
| 14 | </ul>Nichts davon wird persönliche Daten enthalten.
| 15 |
| 16 | send.title=Sende E-mail
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