1 | package net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.oni.management;
2 |
3 | import java.io.File;
4 | import java.io.FileFilter;
5 | import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
6 | import java.io.FileOutputStream;
7 | import java.io.FilenameFilter;
8 | import java.io.IOException;
9 | import java.io.InputStream;
10 | import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
11 | import java.io.PrintWriter;
12 | import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
13 | import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
14 | import java.util.Date;
15 | import java.util.HashMap;
16 | import java.util.HashSet;
17 | import java.util.List;
18 | import java.util.TreeMap;
19 | import java.util.TreeSet;
20 | import java.util.Vector;
21 | import java.util.regex.Pattern;
22 |
23 | import net.oni2.SettingsManager;
24 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.AEInstaller2;
25 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.CaseInsensitiveFile;
26 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.Paths;
27 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.RuntimeOptions;
28 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.oni.OniSplit;
29 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.oni.PersistDat;
30 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.oni.XMLTools;
31 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.oni.management.tools.ToolFileIterator;
32 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.oni.management.tools.ToolFileIteratorEntry;
33 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.oni.management.tools.ToolInstallationList;
34 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.packages.EBSLInstallType;
35 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.packages.Package;
36 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.packages.PackageManager;
37 | import net.oni2.platformtools.PlatformInformation;
38 | import net.oni2.platformtools.PlatformInformation.Platform;
39 | import net.oni2.platformtools.applicationinvoker.ApplicationInvocationResult;
40 |
41 | import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
42 | import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.RegexFileFilter;
43 | import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.TrueFileFilter;
44 | import org.javabuilders.swing.SwingJavaBuilder;
45 |
46 | import com.paour.NaturalOrderComparator;
47 |
48 | /**
49 | * @author Christian Illy
50 | */
51 | public class Installer {
52 | private static FileFilter dirFileFilter = new FileFilter() {
53 | @Override
54 | public boolean accept(File pathname) {
55 | return pathname.isDirectory();
56 | }
57 | };
58 |
59 | /**
60 | * Verify that the Edition is within a subfolder to vanilla Oni
61 | * (..../Oni/Edition/AEInstaller)
62 | *
63 | * @return true if GDF can be found in the parent's parent-path
64 | */
65 | public static boolean verifyRunningDirectory() {
66 | return Paths.getVanillaGDF().exists()
67 | && Paths.getVanillaGDF().isDirectory();
68 | }
69 |
70 | /**
71 | * @return Is Edition Core initialized
72 | */
73 | public static boolean isEditionInitialized() {
74 | return Paths.getVanillaOnisPath().exists();
75 | }
76 |
77 | /**
78 | * Install the given set of mods
79 | *
80 | * @param mods
81 | * Mods to install
82 | * @param listener
83 | * Listener for install progress updates
84 | */
85 | public static void install(TreeSet<Package> mods,
86 | InstallProgressListener listener) {
87 | File logFile = new File(Paths.getInstallerPath(), "Installation.log");
88 | Logger log = null;
89 | try {
90 | log = new Logger(logFile);
91 | } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
92 | e.printStackTrace();
93 | }
94 | SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
95 | Date start = new Date();
96 | log.println("Installation of mods started at " + sdf.format(start));
97 |
98 | log.println();
99 | log.println("AEI2 version: "
100 | + SwingJavaBuilder.getConfig().getResource("appversion"));
101 |
102 | ToolInstallationList til = ToolInstallationList.getInstance();
103 | log.println("Installed tools:");
104 | for (Package t : PackageManager.getInstance().getInstalledTools()) {
105 | log.println(String.format(" - %s (%s)", t.getName(), t.getVersion())
106 | + (til.isModified(t.getPackageNumber()) ? " (! LOCALLY MODIFIED !)"
107 | : ""));
108 | }
109 | log.println("Installing mods:");
110 | for (Package m : mods) {
111 | log.println(String.format(" - %s (%s)", m.getName(), m.getVersion()));
112 | }
113 | log.println();
114 |
115 | HashSet<String> levelsAffectedBefore = null;
116 | if (ModInstallationList.getInstance().isLoadedFromFile()) {
117 | levelsAffectedBefore = ModInstallationList.getInstance()
118 | .getAffectedLevels();
119 | }
120 | HashSet<String> levelsAffectedNow = new HashSet<String>();
121 |
122 | File IGMD = new File(Paths.getEditionGDF(), "IGMD");
123 | if (IGMD.exists()) {
124 | for (File f : IGMD.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
125 | @Override
126 | public boolean accept(File pathname) {
127 | return pathname.isDirectory();
128 | }
129 | })) {
130 | File ignore = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(f,
131 | "ignore.txt");
132 | if (!ignore.exists()) {
133 | try {
134 | FileUtils.deleteDirectory(f);
135 | } catch (IOException e) {
136 | e.printStackTrace();
137 | }
138 | }
139 | }
140 | }
141 |
142 | TreeSet<Integer> unlockLevels = new TreeSet<Integer>();
143 |
144 | Vector<File> foldersOni = new Vector<File>();
145 | foldersOni.add(Paths.getVanillaOnisPath());
146 |
147 | Vector<File> foldersPatches = new Vector<File>();
148 |
149 | for (Package m : mods) {
150 | for (int lev : m.getUnlockLevels())
151 | unlockLevels.add(lev);
152 |
153 | File oni = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(
154 | m.getLocalPath(), "oni");
155 | if (oni.exists()) {
156 | if (m.hasSeparatePlatformDirs()) {
157 | File oniCommon = CaseInsensitiveFile
158 | .getCaseInsensitiveFile(oni, "common");
159 | File oniMac = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(
160 | oni, "mac_only");
161 | File oniWin = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(
162 | oni, "win_only");
163 | if (oniCommon.exists())
164 | foldersOni.add(oniCommon);
165 | if (PlatformInformation.getPlatform() == Platform.MACOS
166 | && oniMac.exists())
167 | foldersOni.add(oniMac);
168 | else if (oniWin.exists())
169 | foldersOni.add(oniWin);
170 | } else {
171 | foldersOni.add(oni);
172 | }
173 | }
174 |
175 | File patches = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(
176 | m.getLocalPath(), "patches");
177 | if (patches.exists()) {
178 | if (m.hasSeparatePlatformDirs()) {
179 | File patchesCommon = CaseInsensitiveFile
180 | .getCaseInsensitiveFile(patches, "common");
181 | File patchesMac = CaseInsensitiveFile
182 | .getCaseInsensitiveFile(patches, "mac_only");
183 | File patchesWin = CaseInsensitiveFile
184 | .getCaseInsensitiveFile(patches, "win_only");
185 | if (patchesCommon.exists())
186 | foldersPatches.add(patchesCommon);
187 | if (PlatformInformation.getPlatform() == Platform.MACOS
188 | && patchesMac.exists())
189 | foldersPatches.add(patchesMac);
190 | else if (patchesWin.exists())
191 | foldersPatches.add(patchesWin);
192 | } else {
193 | foldersPatches.add(patches);
194 | }
195 | }
196 | }
197 |
198 | TreeMap<String, Vector<File>> levels = new TreeMap<String, Vector<File>>(
199 | new NaturalOrderComparator());
200 | log.println("Building sources list");
201 | for (File path : foldersOni) {
202 | log.println("\tFolder " + path.getPath());
203 | for (File levelF : path.listFiles()) {
204 | boolean isSecondaryFile = false;
205 | log.println("\t\tFolder/file " + levelF.getPath());
206 | String fn = levelF.getName().toLowerCase();
207 | String levelN = null;
208 | if (levelF.isDirectory()) {
209 | levelN = fn;
210 | levelsAffectedNow.add(fn.toLowerCase());
211 | } else if (fn.endsWith(".dat")) {
212 | levelN = fn.substring(0, fn.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase();
213 | } else if (fn.endsWith(".raw") || fn.endsWith(".sep")) {
214 | isSecondaryFile = true;
215 | }
216 | if (levelN != null) {
217 | log.println("\t\t\tAdded for level " + levelN);
218 | if (!levels.containsKey(levelN))
219 | levels.put(levelN, new Vector<File>());
220 | levels.get(levelN).add(levelF);
221 | } else if (!isSecondaryFile) {
222 | log.println("\t\t\tNot a level file!?");
223 | }
224 | }
225 | }
226 |
227 | Paths.getEditionGDF().mkdirs();
228 | for (File f : Paths.getEditionGDF().listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
229 | public boolean accept(File arg0, String arg1) {
230 | String s = arg1.toLowerCase();
231 | return s.endsWith(".dat")
232 | || s.endsWith(".raw")
233 | || s.endsWith(".sep")
234 | || (s.equals("intro.bik") && !SettingsManager
235 | .getInstance().get("copyintro", false))
236 | || (s.equals("outro.bik") && !SettingsManager
237 | .getInstance().get("copyoutro", false));
238 | }
239 | })) {
240 | String l = f.getName().toLowerCase();
241 | l = l.substring(0, l.length() - 4);
242 | if ((levelsAffectedBefore == null)
243 | || levelsAffectedBefore.contains(l)
244 | || levelsAffectedNow.contains(l))
245 | f.delete();
246 | }
247 |
248 | applyPatches(levels, foldersPatches, listener, log);
249 |
250 | TreeSet<String> levelsAffectedBoth = null;
251 | if (levelsAffectedBefore != null) {
252 | levelsAffectedBoth = new TreeSet<String>();
253 | levelsAffectedBoth.addAll(levelsAffectedBefore);
254 | levelsAffectedBoth.addAll(levelsAffectedNow);
255 | }
256 |
257 | combineBinaryFiles(levels, levelsAffectedBoth, listener, log);
258 | combineBSLFolders(mods, listener, log);
259 |
260 | copyPlainFiles (log, mods, listener);
261 |
262 | copyVideos(log);
263 |
264 | if (unlockLevels.size() > 0) {
265 | unlockLevels(unlockLevels, log);
266 | }
267 |
268 | ModInstallationList mil = ModInstallationList.getInstance();
269 | mil.setAffectedLevels(levelsAffectedNow);
270 | TreeSet<Integer> modsInstalled = new TreeSet<Integer>();
271 | for (Package p : mods) {
272 | modsInstalled.add(p.getPackageNumber());
273 | }
274 | mil.setInstalledMods(modsInstalled);
275 | mil.saveList();
276 |
277 | log.println();
278 | Date end = new Date();
279 | log.println("Installation ended at " + sdf.format(end));
280 | log.println("Process took "
281 | + ((end.getTime() - start.getTime()) / 1000) + " seconds");
282 | log.close();
283 | }
284 |
285 | private static void combineBSLFolders(TreeSet<Package> mods,
286 | InstallProgressListener listener, Logger log) {
287 | listener.installProgressUpdate(95, 100, AEInstaller2.globalBundle.getString("modInstaller.installBsl"));
288 | log.println();
289 | log.println("Installing BSL files");
290 |
291 | HashMap<EBSLInstallType, Vector<Package>> modsToInclude = new HashMap<EBSLInstallType, Vector<Package>>();
292 | modsToInclude.put(EBSLInstallType.NORMAL, new Vector<Package>());
293 | modsToInclude.put(EBSLInstallType.ADDON, new Vector<Package>());
294 |
295 | for (Package m : mods.descendingSet()) {
296 | File bsl = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(
297 | m.getLocalPath(), "bsl");
298 | if (bsl.exists()) {
299 | if (m.hasSeparatePlatformDirs()) {
300 | File bslCommon = CaseInsensitiveFile
301 | .getCaseInsensitiveFile(bsl, "common");
302 | File bslMac = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(
303 | bsl, "mac_only");
304 | File bslWin = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(
305 | bsl, "win_only");
306 | if ((PlatformInformation.getPlatform() == Platform.MACOS && bslMac
307 | .exists())
308 | || ((PlatformInformation.getPlatform() == Platform.WIN || PlatformInformation
309 | .getPlatform() == Platform.LINUX) && bslWin
310 | .exists()) || bslCommon.exists()) {
311 | modsToInclude.get(m.getBSLInstallType()).add(m);
312 | }
313 | } else {
314 | modsToInclude.get(m.getBSLInstallType()).add(m);
315 | }
316 | }
317 | }
318 |
319 | for (Package m : modsToInclude.get(EBSLInstallType.NORMAL)) {
320 | copyBSL(m, false, log);
321 | }
322 | Vector<Package> addons = modsToInclude.get(EBSLInstallType.ADDON);
323 | for (int i = addons.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
324 | copyBSL(addons.get(i), true, log);
325 | }
326 | }
327 |
328 | private static void copyBSL(Package sourceMod, boolean addon, Logger log) {
329 | File targetBaseFolder = new File(Paths.getEditionGDF(), "IGMD");
330 | if (!targetBaseFolder.exists())
331 | targetBaseFolder.mkdir();
332 |
333 | Vector<File> sources = new Vector<File>();
334 | File bsl = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(
335 | sourceMod.getLocalPath(), "bsl");
336 | if (sourceMod.hasSeparatePlatformDirs()) {
337 | File bslCommon = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(bsl,
338 | "common");
339 | File bslMac = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(bsl,
340 | "mac_only");
341 | File bslWin = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(bsl,
342 | "win_only");
343 | if (PlatformInformation.getPlatform() == Platform.MACOS
344 | && bslMac.exists()) {
345 | for (File f : bslMac.listFiles(dirFileFilter)) {
346 | File targetBSL = new File(targetBaseFolder, f.getName());
347 | if (addon || !targetBSL.exists())
348 | sources.add(f);
349 | }
350 | }
351 | if ((PlatformInformation.getPlatform() == Platform.WIN || PlatformInformation
352 | .getPlatform() == Platform.LINUX) && bslWin.exists()) {
353 | for (File f : bslWin.listFiles(dirFileFilter)) {
354 | File targetBSL = new File(targetBaseFolder, f.getName());
355 | if (addon || !targetBSL.exists())
356 | sources.add(f);
357 | }
358 | }
359 | if (bslCommon.exists()) {
360 | for (File f : bslCommon.listFiles(dirFileFilter)) {
361 | File targetBSL = new File(targetBaseFolder, f.getName());
362 | if (addon || !targetBSL.exists())
363 | sources.add(f);
364 | }
365 | }
366 | } else {
367 | for (File f : bsl.listFiles(dirFileFilter)) {
368 | File targetBSL = new File(targetBaseFolder, f.getName());
369 | if (addon || !targetBSL.exists())
370 | sources.add(f);
371 | }
372 | }
373 |
374 | log.println("\tMod \"" + sourceMod.getName() + "\"");
375 | for (File f : sources) {
376 | log.println("\t\t" + f.getName());
377 | File targetPath = new File(targetBaseFolder, f.getName());
378 | if (!targetPath.exists())
379 | targetPath.mkdir();
380 | if (!(CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(targetPath,
381 | "ignore.txt").exists())) {
382 | for (File fbsl : f.listFiles()) {
383 | if (fbsl.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".bsl")) {
384 | File targetFile = new File(targetPath, fbsl.getName());
385 | if (addon || !targetFile.exists()) {
386 | try {
387 | FileUtils.copyFile(fbsl, targetFile);
388 | } catch (IOException e) {
389 | e.printStackTrace();
390 | }
391 | }
392 | }
393 | }
394 | }
395 | }
396 | }
397 |
398 | private static void applyPatches(
399 | TreeMap<String, Vector<File>> oniLevelFolders,
400 | List<File> patchFolders, InstallProgressListener listener,
401 | Logger log) {
402 | log.println();
403 | log.println("Applying XML patches");
404 | listener.installProgressUpdate(0, 1, AEInstaller2.globalBundle.getString("modInstaller.applyXmlPatches"));
405 |
406 | long startMS = new Date().getTime();
407 |
408 | String tmpFolderName = "installrun_temp-"
409 | + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd-HH_mm_ss")
410 | .format(new Date());
411 | File tmpFolder = new File(Paths.getTempPath(), tmpFolderName);
412 | tmpFolder.mkdir();
413 |
414 | TreeMap<String, Vector<File>> patches = new TreeMap<String, Vector<File>>(
415 | new NaturalOrderComparator());
416 | for (File patchFolder : patchFolders) {
417 | for (File levelFolder : patchFolder.listFiles(dirFileFilter)) {
418 | String lvlName = levelFolder.getName().toLowerCase();
419 | for (File f : FileUtils.listFiles(levelFolder,
420 | new String[] { "oni-patch" }, true)) {
421 | if (!patches.containsKey(lvlName))
422 | patches.put(lvlName, new Vector<File>());
423 | patches.get(lvlName).add(f);
424 | }
425 | }
426 | }
427 |
428 | for (String level : patches.keySet()) {
429 | File levelFolder = new File(tmpFolder, level);
430 | levelFolder.mkdir();
431 |
432 | log.println("\t\tPatches for " + level);
433 |
434 | log.println("\t\t\tSource files/folders:");
435 | for (File srcFolder : oniLevelFolders.get(level)) {
436 | log.println("\t\t\t\t" + srcFolder.getPath());
437 | }
438 |
439 | // Get files to be patched from vanilla.dat
440 | Vector<String> exportPatterns = new Vector<String>();
441 | for (File patch : patches.get(level)) {
442 | String patternWildcard = patch.getName();
443 | patternWildcard = patternWildcard.substring(0,
444 | patternWildcard.indexOf(".oni-patch"));
445 | patternWildcard = patternWildcard.replace('-', '*');
446 | exportPatterns.add(patternWildcard);
447 | }
448 | for (File srcFolder : oniLevelFolders.get(level)) {
449 | if (srcFolder.isFile()) {
450 | if (srcFolder.getPath().toLowerCase().contains("vanilla")) {
451 | // Extract from .dat
452 | ApplicationInvocationResult res = OniSplit.export(
453 | levelFolder, srcFolder, exportPatterns);
454 | log.logAppOutput(res, true);
455 | }
456 | }
457 | }
458 |
459 | // Get files to be patched from packages
460 | for (File patch : patches.get(level)) {
461 | String patternWildcard = patch.getName();
462 | patternWildcard = patternWildcard.substring(0,
463 | patternWildcard.indexOf(".oni-patch"));
464 | patternWildcard = patternWildcard.replace('-', '*');
465 | Vector<String> patterns = new Vector<String>();
466 | patterns.add(patternWildcard);
467 | patternWildcard = patternWildcard + ".oni";
468 | final Pattern patternRegex = Pattern.compile(
469 | patternWildcard.replaceAll("\\*", ".\\*"),
470 | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
471 |
472 | for (File srcFolder : oniLevelFolders.get(level)) {
473 | if (srcFolder.isFile()) {
474 | if (!srcFolder.getPath().toLowerCase()
475 | .contains("vanilla")) {
476 | // Extract from .dat
477 | ApplicationInvocationResult res = OniSplit.export(
478 | levelFolder, srcFolder, patterns);
479 | log.logAppOutput(res, true);
480 | }
481 | } else {
482 | // Copy from folder with overwrite
483 | for (File f : FileUtils.listFiles(srcFolder,
484 | new RegexFileFilter(patternRegex),
485 | TrueFileFilter.TRUE)) {
486 | try {
487 | FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(f, levelFolder);
488 | } catch (IOException e) {
489 | e.printStackTrace();
490 | }
491 | }
492 | }
493 | }
494 | }
495 |
496 | // Extract files to XML
497 | File levelFolderXML = new File(levelFolder, "xml");
498 | Vector<File> files = new Vector<File>();
499 | files.add(new File(levelFolder, "*.oni"));
500 | ApplicationInvocationResult res = OniSplit.convertOniToXML(
501 | levelFolderXML, files);
502 | log.logAppOutput(res, true);
503 |
504 | // Create masterpatch file (containing calls to all individual
505 | // patches)
506 | File masterpatch = new File(levelFolderXML, "masterpatch.txt");
507 | PrintWriter masterpatchWriter = null;
508 | try {
509 | masterpatchWriter = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
510 | new FileOutputStream(masterpatch), "UTF-8"));
511 | } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
512 | e.printStackTrace();
513 | } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
514 | e.printStackTrace();
515 | }
516 | for (File patch : patches.get(level)) {
517 | String patternWildcard = patch.getName();
518 | patternWildcard = patternWildcard.substring(0,
519 | patternWildcard.indexOf(".oni-patch"));
520 | patternWildcard = patternWildcard + ".xml";
521 | patternWildcard = patternWildcard.replace('-', '*');
522 | File xmlFilePath = new File(levelFolderXML, patternWildcard);
523 | masterpatchWriter.println(String.format("\"%s\" \"%s\"",
524 | patch.getPath(), xmlFilePath.getPath()));
525 | }
526 | masterpatchWriter.close();
527 | // Apply patches through masterpatch in levelFolderXML
528 | res = XMLTools.patch(masterpatch);
529 | log.logAppOutput(res, true);
530 |
531 | // Create .oni files from XML
532 | files.clear();
533 | files.add(new File(levelFolderXML, "*.xml"));
534 | res = OniSplit.convertXMLtoOni(levelFolder, files);
535 | log.logAppOutput(res, true);
536 |
537 | if (!RuntimeOptions.isDebug()) {
538 | // Remove XML folder as import will only require .oni's
539 | try {
540 | FileUtils.deleteDirectory(levelFolderXML);
541 | } catch (IOException e) {
542 | e.printStackTrace();
543 | }
544 | }
545 |
546 | oniLevelFolders.get(level).add(levelFolder);
547 | }
548 |
549 | log.println("Applying XML patches took "
550 | + (new Date().getTime() - startMS) + " ms");
551 | }
552 |
553 | private static void combineBinaryFiles(
554 | TreeMap<String, Vector<File>> oniLevelFolders,
555 | TreeSet<String> levelsUpdated, InstallProgressListener listener,
556 | Logger log) {
557 | long startMS = new Date().getTime();
558 |
559 | int totalSteps = oniLevelFolders.size() + 1;
560 | int stepsDone = 0;
561 |
562 | log.println();
563 | log.println("Importing levels");
564 | for (String l : oniLevelFolders.keySet()) {
565 | log.println("\tLevel " + l);
566 | listener.installProgressUpdate(stepsDone, totalSteps,
567 | AEInstaller2.globalBundle.getString("modInstaller.buildingLevelN").replaceAll("%1", l.toString()));
568 |
569 | if ((levelsUpdated == null)
570 | || levelsUpdated.contains(l.toLowerCase())) {
571 | ApplicationInvocationResult res = OniSplit.packLevel(
572 | oniLevelFolders.get(l), new File(Paths.getEditionGDF(),
573 | sanitizeLevelName(l) + ".dat"));
574 | log.logAppOutput(res, true);
575 | } else {
576 | log.println("\t\tLevel not affected by new mod selection");
577 | log.println();
578 | }
579 |
580 | stepsDone++;
581 | }
582 |
583 | log.println("Importing levels took " + (new Date().getTime() - startMS)
584 | + " ms");
585 | log.println();
586 | }
587 |
588 | private static void copyVideos(Logger log) {
589 | log.println();
590 | if (SettingsManager.getInstance().get("copyintro", false)) {
591 | File src = new File(Paths.getVanillaGDF(), "intro.bik");
592 | File target = new File(Paths.getEditionGDF(), "intro.bik");
593 | log.println("Copying intro");
594 | if (src.exists() && !target.exists()) {
595 | try {
596 | FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(src, Paths.getEditionGDF());
597 | } catch (IOException e) {
598 | e.printStackTrace();
599 | }
600 | }
601 | } else {
602 | log.println("NOT copying intro");
603 | }
604 | if (SettingsManager.getInstance().get("copyoutro", true)) {
605 | File src = new File(Paths.getVanillaGDF(), "outro.bik");
606 | File target = new File(Paths.getEditionGDF(), "outro.bik");
607 | log.println("Copying outro");
608 | if (src.exists() && !target.exists()) {
609 | try {
610 | FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(src, Paths.getEditionGDF());
611 | } catch (IOException e) {
612 | e.printStackTrace();
613 | }
614 | }
615 | } else {
616 | log.println("NOT copying outro");
617 | }
618 | }
619 |
620 | private static void copyPlainFiles(final Logger log, TreeSet<Package> mods, InstallProgressListener listener) {
621 | listener.installProgressUpdate(97, 100, AEInstaller2.globalBundle.getString("modInstaller.copyPlainFiles"));
622 | log.println();
623 | log.println("Copying plain files from mods");
624 |
625 | for (Package p : mods) {
626 | ToolFileIterator.iteratePlatformToolFiles(p,
627 | new ToolFileIteratorEntry() {
628 | @Override
629 | public void toolFile(File source, File target, boolean isDir) {
630 | copyPlainFile(source, target, log);
631 | }
632 | });
633 | }
634 | }
635 |
636 | private static void copyPlainFile(File src, File target, Logger log) {
637 | try {
638 | if (src.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().contains("gamedatafolder")) {
639 | File targetFile = CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile(
640 | target.getParentFile(), target.getName());
641 |
642 | // Case mismatch?
643 | if (!targetFile.getName().equals(src.getName()))
644 | targetFile.delete();
645 |
646 | FileUtils.copyFile(src, target);
647 | } else {
648 | log.printlnFmt("Not copying \"%s\": Not within GameDataFolder", src.getPath());
649 | }
650 | } catch (IOException e) {
651 | e.printStackTrace();
652 | }
653 | }
654 |
655 |
656 | private static void unlockLevels(TreeSet<Integer> unlockLevels, Logger log) {
657 | File dat = new File(Paths.getEditionBasePath(), "persist.dat");
658 | log.println();
659 | log.println("Unlocking levels: " + unlockLevels.toString());
660 | if (!dat.exists()) {
661 | InputStream is = AEInstaller2.class
662 | .getResourceAsStream("/net/oni2/aeinstaller/resources/persist.dat");
663 | try {
664 | FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(is, dat);
665 | } catch (IOException e) {
666 | e.printStackTrace();
667 | }
668 | }
669 | PersistDat save = new PersistDat(dat);
670 | HashSet<Integer> currentlyUnlocked = save.getUnlockedLevels();
671 | currentlyUnlocked.addAll(unlockLevels);
672 | save.setUnlockedLevels(currentlyUnlocked);
673 | save.close();
674 | }
675 |
676 | private static String sanitizeLevelName(String ln) {
677 | int ind = ln.indexOf("_");
678 | String res = ln.substring(0, ind + 1);
679 | res += ln.substring(ind + 1, ind + 2).toUpperCase();
680 | res += ln.substring(ind + 2);
681 | return res;
682 | }
683 |
684 | }