source: nikanabo/current/bsl/original/IGMD/lab/lab_cutscene.bsl

Last change on this file was 185, checked in by geyser, 18 years ago
File size: 8.5 KB
2# lab_cutscene.bsl
5func void shin_intro_dialogue(void)
7 sound_dialog_play c00_01_99shinatama
8 cinematic_start (SHINtalking, 180, 180, 15, 1, 20, false)
9 sound_dialog_play_block pause
10 cinematic_stop (SHINtalking, 15, 20)
13func void intro(void)
15 fade_out 0 0 0 0
16 cm_interpolate Camout01 0
17 sleep 13
18 begin_cutscene
19 #hide motorcycle gunk
20 env_show 8 0
21 env_show 9 0
22 env_show 10 0
23 chr_nocollision 0 1
24 chr_forceholster 0 1
25 sleep 60
26 fade_in 120
27 #fork camcontrol
28 cm_anim both Camout01
29 obj_create 8 10
30 env_anim 8 10
31 chr_envanim 0 KonBipedBox01
32 chr_animate 0 KONOKOcycle_ride 880
33 sleep 15
34 cutscene_sync mark
35 sound_ambient_start c02_02_01_motorcyclea
36 cm_wait
37 cm_anim both Camout02
38 cutscene_sync mark
40 fork shin_intro_dialogue
42 sound_ambient_start c02_02_01_motorcycleb 0.7
44 cm_wait
45 cm_anim both Camout03
46 cutscene_sync mark
48 sound_ambient_start c02_02_01_motorcyclec 0.7
50 ai2_spawn Barabus
51 ai2_setmovementmode Barabus walk
52 playback Barabus IntroSubboss01
53 cm_wait
54 cm_anim both Camout04
55 sleep 20
56 cutscene_sync mark
58 sound_ambient_start c02_14_27_jump_land_skid
60 sleep 40
61 chr_animate Barabus STRIKElev3_startle
62 cm_wait
63 cm_anim both Camout05
64 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev3_intro_stop
65 env_setanim 8 hubs_stop
66 env_setanim 9 hubs_rear_stop
67 env_setanim 10 motorcycle02_stop
68 chr_envanim 0 KonBipedBox02 norotation
69 cm_wait
70 cm_interpolate Camout06 0
71 #chr_create 1000 start
72 #chr_neutral 1000 1
73 cinematic_start (BOSS1talking, 180, 180, 20, 8, 20, false)
74 sleep 20
75 sound_dialog_play c03_10_01barabas
76 sound_dialog_play_block pause
77 sleep 20
78 cinematic_stop (BOSS1talking, 19, 20)
79 #hide motorcycle object
80 obj_kill 8 10
81 #unhide motorcycle gunk
82 env_show 10 1
83 env_show 9 1
84 env_show 8 1
85 #setup Konoko for scene
86 playback 0 IntroKonoko01
87 sleep 10
88 cm_reset
89 chr_nocollision 0 0
90 end_cutscene
91 set_objective_1
92 trigvolume_enable save_1_trig 1
93 ai2_attack Barabus konoko
95 sound_music_start mus_main01_hd 0.8
98func void camcontrol(void)
100 cm_anim both Camout01
101 cm_anim both Camout02
102 cm_anim both Camout03
103 cm_anim both Camout04
104 cm_anim both Camout05
105 cm_wait
106 letterbox 0
107 cm_jello 1
108 cm_reset
109 chr_nocollision 0 0
110 input 1
113func void rocket(void)
115 sound_music_stop mus_main01_hd
117 begin_cutscene jello
118 chr_animate Barabus STRIKEknockdown1
119 sleep 60
120 ai2_takecontrol 1
121 ai2_lookatchar 0 Barabus
122 chr_animate Barabus BARABstunned 1000
123 sound_dialog_play c03_10_02barabas
124 cinematic_start (BOSS1talking, 180, 180, 16, 1, 20, false)
125 sleep 280
126 chr_nocollision Barabus 1
127 chr_animate Barabus BARABrocket 250
128 sleep 130
129 cutscene_sync mark
130 sound_ambient_start c01_00_02barjet
131 #Barabas flies into the sky
132 chr_animate_block Barabus BARABlev3_rocket
133 chr_envanim Barabus RocketBox01
134 cm_anim both RocketCam01
135 sleep 90
136 sound_dialog_play c03_11_01barabas
137 sound_dialog_play_block pause
138 sound_dialog_play c03_11_02muro
139 cinematic_start (MUROtalking, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, true)
140 sound_dialog_play_block pause
141 sound_dialog_play c03_11_03barabas
142 sound_dialog_play_block pause
143 sound_dialog_play c03_11_04muro
144 sound_dialog_play_block pause
145 sound_dialog_play c03_11_05barabas
146 sound_dialog_play_block pause
147 sleep 30
148 cinematic_stop (BOSS1talking, 15, 20)
149 cinematic_stop (MUROtalking, 16, 20)
150 sleep 10
151 cm_reset
152 end_cutscene
153 ai2_takecontrol 0
154 chr_delete Barabus
155 set_objective_2
156 trigvolume_enable floor1 1
157 trigvolume_enable outside_left 1
158 trigvolume_enable outside_right 1
159 trigvolume_enable outside_back 1
161 target_set(143, 30.0)
163 sleep 180
165 sound_ambient_start c00_01_98shinatama
167# dprint savegame_1
168# save_game 1
172func void bomber(void)
174 chr_animate Tower_MB_1 STRIKEknockdown1
175 chr_invincible Tower_MB_1 1
176 chr_unstoppable Tower_MB_1 1
177 dprint(ainame);
178 begin_cutscene
179 #input 0
180 #cm_jello 0
181 #letterbox 1
182 #add dialogue "Help Konoko! We're pinned down!!"
183 sleep f60
184 sound_dialog_play c03_12_02tctfag1
185 door_unlock 60
186 door_unlock 61
187 sleep 60
188 cm_interpolate BomberCam01 0
189 cm_interpolate_block BomberCam02 300
190 ai2_spawn BombComguy
191 ai2_setmovementmode BombComguy run
192 playback BombComguy COMGUYfiring
193 sleep 180
194 #sound_dialog_play
195 ai2_spawn BombTCTF1
196 ai2_spawn BombTCTF2
197 chr_create 1004 start
198 ai2_setmovementmode BombTCTF1 run
199 ai2_setmovementmode BombTCTF2 run
200 playback BombTCTF1 TCTFfiring01
201 playback BombTCTF2 TCTFfiring02
202 playback 1004 TCTFradio
203 playback BombComguy COMGUYfiring
204 chr_animate 1004 COMGUYtalk_radio 380
205 sound_dialog_play_block pause
206 # CB: this sound file no longer exists (it was a duplicate)
207 sound_dialog_play c03_12_12TCTFAG1
209 cinematic_start (TCTFshouting, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, true)
210 sound_dialog_play_block pause
211 #env_show 777 1
212 #env_show 778 0
213 cinematic_stop (TCTFshouting, 16, 20)
214 #back in the tower Bomber man staggers to his feet
215 playback 0 KonBomb
216 chr_envanim Tower_MB_1 BomberBox01 norotation
217 chr_animate Tower_MB_1 BOMBlev3_stagger
218 cm_interpolate BomberCam03 0
219 cm_interpolate_block BomberCam04 330
220 cinematic_start (KONtalkangryfront, 180, 180, 18, 6, 20, true)
221 sleep 40
222 sound_dialog_play c03_12_03konoko
223 sound_dialog_play_block pause
224 sleep 60
225 cinematic_stop (KONtalkangryfront, 17, 20)
226 chr_envanim_block Tower_MB_1 BomberBox02 norotation
227 chr_animate Tower_MB_1 BOMBlev3_stand 1200
228 cm_interpolate_block BomberCam05 0
229 cinematic_start (BOMBbeatup, 180, 180, 18, 4, 30, false)
230 sound_dialog_play c03_12_04bombgreen
231 sound_dialog_play_block pause
232 cinematic_stop (BOMBbeatup, 17, 30)
233 playback BombComguy COMGUYfiring
234 chr_envanim 0 KonBomBox01
235 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev3_bomber
236 cm_interpolate BomberCam06 0
237 sleep 195
238 cm_anim both BomberCam07
239 chr_envanim Tower_MB_1 BomberBox03 norotation
240 sleep 110
241 chr_animate Tower_MB_1 BOMBlev3_fall1 100
242 sleep 13
243 #break tower glass here
244 #env_show 776 1
246 sound_impulse_play glass_big 1.0
248 env_show 777 1
249 env_show 778 0
250 particle BomberCharge01 do explode
251 cm_wait
252 cm_anim both BomberCam08
253 chr_envanim Tower_MB_1 BomberBox04 norotation
254 chr_animate Tower_MB_1 BOMBlev3_fall2
255 sleep 50
256 #break atrium glass here
257 particle BomberCharge02 do explode
258 sleep 105
259 #explode bomber here
260 particle BomberExplosion create
261 chr_delete BombComguy
262 cm_wait
263 sleep 60
264 playback 0 KonBomb02
265 cm_interpolate BomberCam09 0
266 cinematic_start (TCTFtalking, 180, 180, 20, 9, 20, true)
267 sound_dialog_play c03_12_05tctfag1
268 sound_dialog_play_block pause
269 cinematic_stop (TCTFtalking, 20, 20)
270 # sounds of TCTF saying "uhhhh, we're not pinned down.
271 #cm_reset
272 #end_cutscene
273 set_objective_5
274 door_unlock 38
275 door_unlock 41
276 door_unlock 42
277 door_lock 60
278 door_lock 61
279 particle locktower_locklight01 do start
280 chr_delete BombTCTF1
281 chr_delete BombTCTF2
282 chr_delete BombComguy
283 chr_delete 1004
284 chr_delete Tower_MB_1
285 playback 0 BomberKonRun01
286 sleep 120
287 cm_interpolate BomberCamRun01 0
288 playback 0 BomberKonRun02
289 cm_interpolate_block BomberCamRun02 200
290 sleep 210
291 #begin_cutscene
292 sleep 30
293 chr_nocollision 0 1
294 cm_anim both ElevCam01
295 chr_envanim 0 ElevBox01
296 chr_animate 0 KONOKOidle1
298 sound_ambient_start rl_elevator 1.0
300 env_show 540 0
301 cm_wait
302 end_cutscene
303 cm_reset
304 chr_nocollision 0 0
305 obj_create 2 7
306 sapper_damage_off
307# save_game_3
311func void fallinthevat(string char)
313 var bool eggman;
315 eggman = chr_is_player(char);
317 if (eggman eq 0)
318 {
319 chr_animate(char, KONOKOacid);
320 sleep 10
321 chr_set_health(char, 0);
322 }
324 if (eggman eq 1)
325 {
326 cm_detach
328 sound_impulse_play konoko_gruesome_death
330 chr_animate(char, KONOKOacid);
331 sleep 10
332 chr_set_health(char, 0);
333 }
336func void outro(void)
338 target_set(256, 0.0)
339 ai2_allpassive=1
340 #begin_cutscene
341 #ai2_takecontrol 1
342 #ai2_movetoflag 0 257
343 env_anim 2 7
344 sound_ambient_start truck_driveaway
345 #cm_interpolate OutroCam01 360
346 sound_dialog_play c03_13_01konoko
347 cinematic_start (KONintense, 180, 180, 19, 7, 15, true)
348 sound_dialog_play_block pause
349 cm_interpolate OutroCam01 200
350 sleep 30
351 cinematic_stop (KONintense, 19, 30)
352 begin_cutscene
353 ai2_takecontrol 1
354 ai2_movetoflag 0 257
355 #camera cut to van
356 sound_dialog_play c03_13_02synhench1
357 cinematic_start (COMGUYtalking, 180, 180, 15, 1, 20, false)
358 sound_dialog_play_block pause
359 sound_dialog_play c03_13_03muro
360 sleep 120
361 fade_out 0 0 0 60
362 cinematic_start (MUROtalking, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, true)
363 sound_dialog_play_block pause
364 cinematic_stop (MUROtalking, 16, 15)
365 cinematic_stop (COMGUYtalking, 15, 15)
366 sleep 30
367 win
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