source: nikanabo/current/bsl/original/IGMD/power/power_cutscene.bsl@ 899

Last change on this file since 899 was 185, checked in by geyser, 18 years ago
File size: 10.1 KB
3# power_cutscene.bsl
6func void
8 void)
10 # CB: begin_cutscene does a silent ai2_allpassive 1 as part of its cutscene setup,
11 # so we need to remove this if we want to have AIs walking around under their own
12 # control during a cutscene
13 fade_out 0 0 0 0
14 cm_interpolate Camout01 0
15 obj_create 100 104
16 chr_create 1000 start
17 chr_create 1001 start
18 playback 1000 IntroGrifTCTF
19 playback 1001 IntroKonTCTF
20 sleep f7
21 begin_cutscene
22 cutscene_sync off
23 ai2_allpassive 0
25 ai2_spawn A1_intro01
26 ai2_spawn A1_intro02
27 ai2_makeignoreplayer A1_intro01 1
28 ai2_makeignoreplayer A1_intro02 1
29 #fade_out 0 0 0 0
30 #Setup Konoko and Griffin talking
31 sleep f60
33# Force holster by Wu
34 chr_forceholster char_0 1
36 fade_in 120
37 chr_nocollision(0, 1);
38 #Setup shot
39 cm_anim both Camout01
40 cm_wait
41 #KOnoko standing on top
42 cm_anim both Camout02
43 chr_envanim 0 KonBipedBox01
44 chr_animate 0 KONOKOidle1 300
45 env_setanim 100 StandRightWing
46 env_setanim 101 StandLeftWing
47 env_setanim 102 StandBody
48 env_setanim 103 StandRightTail
49 env_setanim 104 StandLeftTail
50 #Konoko and Griffin talking
51 sleep f120
52 sound_dialog_play c08_27_01konoko
53 cinematic_start (KONtalking, 180, 180, 15, 1, 15, false)
54 sound_dialog_play_block pause
55 sound_dialog_play c08_27_02griffin
56 cinematic_start (GRIFtalking, 180, 180, 16, 3, 15, true)
57 cm_interpolate_block IntroCamTBoth 0
58 sound_dialog_play_block pause
59 sound_dialog_play c08_27_03konoko
60 cinematic_stop (KONtalking, 15, 20)
61 cinematic_start (KONintense, 180, 180, 15, 1, 20, false)
62 sound_dialog_play_block pause
63 sound_dialog_play c08_27_04griffin
64 sound_dialog_play_block pause
65 sound_dialog_play c08_27_05konoko
66 sound_dialog_play_block pause
67 cm_interpolate_block IntroCamTGrif 0
68 sound_dialog_play c08_27_06griffin
69 cinematic_stop (GRIFtalking, 16, 20)
70 cinematic_start (GRIFtalkangry, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, true)
71 sound_dialog_play_block pause
72 cm_interpolate IntroCamTKon 0
74 # start the wind as the dialog ends, sync to that
75 cutscene_sync on
76 sound_dialog_play c08_27_07konoko
77 cinematic_stop (GRIFtalkangry, 16, 20)
78 cinematic_stop (KONintense, 15, 20)
79 cinematic_start (KONangry, 180, 180, 15, 1, 20, false)
80 sleep 200
81 sound_ambient_start pp_wind_loop 0.1
82 sound_ambient_volume pp_wind_loop 0.8 1.0
83 sleep 50
84 cutscene_sync off
85 #Jumping off the building
86 chr_envanim 0 KonBipedBox02 norotation
87 cm_anim both Camout03
88 #sound_ambient_start pp09_wingsa
89 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev9_intro_jump
90 env_setanim 100 JumpRightWing
91 env_setanim 101 JumpLeftWing
92 env_setanim 102 JumpBody
93 env_setanim 103 JumpRightTail
94 env_setanim 104 JumpLeftTail
95 sleep f120
96 sound_ambient_start pp09_wingsa
97# october 25, 2000 this pause was breaking the scene
98# sound_dialog_play_block pause
99 cinematic_stop (KONangry, 15, 20)
100 #sleep f100
101 cm_anim_block both Camout04
102 #Transport A1_intro02 to new location
103 chr_teleport A1_intro02 1105
104 #Gliding
105 #music_intro
106 sleep f100
107 sound_ambient_start pp09_wingsb
108 chr_envanim_block 0 KonBipedBox03
109 cm_anim both Camout05
110 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev9_intro_glide 360
111 env_setanim 100 GlideRightWing
112 env_setanim 101 GlideLeftWing
113 env_setanim 102 GlideBody
114 env_setanim 103 GlideRightTail
115 env_setanim 104 GlideLeftTail
116 #Landing
117 chr_envanim_block 0 KonBipedBox04 norotation
118 #gl_fog_start=.98
119 #gs_farclipplane_set 2000
120 cm_anim both Camout06
121 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev9_intro_land
123 env_setanim 100 LandRightWing
124 env_setanim 101 LandLeftWing
125 env_setanim 102 LandBody
126 env_setanim 103 LandRightTail
127 env_setanim 104 LandLeftTail
128 sleep 30
129 sound_ambient_volume pp_wind_loop 0.0 1.0
130 sleep 60
131 sound_ambient_stop pp_wind_loop
132 sound_ambient_start pp09_wingsc
133 cm_wait
134 playback 0 IntroKonokoSet01
135 obj_kill 100 104
136 sleep f5
137 cm_reset
138 chr_nocollision 0 0
139 end_cutscene
140 env_show 100 1
141 env_show 101 1
142 env_show 102 1
143 env_show 103 1
144 env_show 104 1
145 chr_delete ai_12
146 chr_delete ai_13
147 chr_delete 1000
148 chr_delete 1001
149 ai2_makeignoreplayer A1_intro01 0
150 ai2_makeignoreplayer A1_intro02 0
151 #Transport A1_intro02 to new location again
152 chr_teleport A1_intro02 1104
153 s1
154 music_intro
155 music_intro_timer
158func void
160 void)
162 cm_anim both Camout01
163 cm_anim both Camout02
164 cm_anim both Camout03
165 cm_anim both Camout04
166 cm_anim both Camout05
167 cm_anim both Camout06
168 cm_wait
169 letterbox 0
170 cm_jello 1
171 cm_reset
172 chr_nocollision 0 0
173 input 1
176func void
178 void)
180 begin_cutscene
182 sound_music_start mus_sad1 0.1
183 sound_music_volume mus_sad1 0.3 2
185 cutscene_sync off
186 sleep f10
187 cm_anim both Elev1Cam01
188 playback 0 Elev1KonokoSet01
189 cutscene_sync on
190 sound_ambient_start c12_20_16elevator
191 sleep f5
192 chr_nocollision 0 1
193 chr_envanim 0 Elev1KonBox01 norotation
194 obj_create 801 801
195 obj_shade 801 801 .4 .4 .4
196 env_show 801 0
197 env_setanim 801 Elev101
198 sleep 200
200 #Shinatama crying here
202 sound_dialog_play c08_28_05shinscream1
203 sound_music_volume mus_sad1 1.0 0.5
205 cinematic_start (SHINtortured, 180, 180, 20, 7, 15, false)
207 sleep 60
208 sound_music_volume mus_sad1 0.8 0.5
209 sleep 100
211 fade_out 0 0 0 10
212 sleep f10
213 #Muro torturing shinatama
214 fade_in 10
215 particle torture do start
216 ai2_spawn MuroMuro
217 ai2_spawn MuroShinatama
218 ai2_spawn MuroComguy
219 playback MuroMuro MuroMuroSet
220 playback MuroComguy MuroComguySet
222 sound_dialog_play c08_28_06shinscream2
224 chr_envanim MuroShinatama ShinBox02 norotation
225 chr_animate MuroShinatama SHINATlev9_Shin02 180
226 cutscene_sync off
227 cm_interpolate MuroCamShin02 0
228 sound_ambient_start c12_26_20shin_tort
229 cm_interpolate_block MuroCamShin01 800
230 sleep f120
231 chr_envanim MuroShinatama ShinBox03 norotation
232 chr_animate MuroShinatama SHINATlev9_Shin03 12
233 sleep f12
234 particle torture do stop
235 chr_envanim MuroShinatama ShinBox04 norotation
236 chr_animate MuroShinatama SHINATlev9_Shin04 1000 12
237 sound_dialog_play_block pause
238 cinematic_stop (SHINtortured, 19,20)
239 ##Muro talks
240 sound_dialog_play c08_28_01muro
241 cinematic_start (MUROtalking, 180, 180, 16, 3, 15, true)
242 cm_interpolate MuroCamMuro 0
243 sound_dialog_play_block pause
244 ##Shin screams
245 particle torture do start
246 sound_ambient_start c12_26_20shin_torta
247 #chr_envanim MuroShinatama ShinBox01 norotation
248 #chr_animate MuroShinatama SHINATlev9_Shin01 12
249 #sleep f12
250 chr_envanim MuroShinatama ShinBox02 norotation
251 chr_animate MuroShinatama SHINATlev9_Shin02 180
253 sound_dialog_play shinscream_new
255 cinematic_start (SHINtortured, 180, 180, 19, 20, 10, false)
256 sleep f130
257 particle torture do stop
258 chr_envanim MuroShinatama ShinBox04 norotation
259 chr_animate MuroShinatama SHINATlev9_Shin04 1200 10
260 sleep f30
261 ##Muro talks again
262 cm_interpolate MuroCamMuro01 0
263 cm_interpolate_block MuroCamMuro02 1400
264 sound_dialog_play c08_28_02muro
265 cinematic_stop (SHINtortured, 18,20)
266 sound_dialog_play_block pause
267 sleep f10
268 particle torture do start
269 sound_ambient_start c12_26_20shin_torta
271 sound_dialog_play shinscream_new2
273 sound_dialog_play_block pause
274 particle torture do stop
275 sleep f10
276 sound_dialog_play c08_28_03muro
277 sound_dialog_play_block pause
278 chr_envanim MuroShinatama ShinBox04 norotation
279 chr_animate MuroShinatama SHINATlev9_Shin04 1200 10
280 sleep f5
282 sound_dialog_play shinscreams_6
284 sound_dialog_play_block pause
285 sound_dialog_play c08_28_04muro
286 sound_dialog_play_block pause
287 cinematic_stop (MUROtalking, 16,15)
289 sound_dialog_play muro_laff2
291 sleep f80
292 particle torture do start
293 sound_ambient_start c12_26_20shin_torta
294 sleep f15
296 sound_dialog_play_interrupt shinscreams_4
298 cinematic_start (SHINtortured, 180, 180, 20, 19, 10, false)
299 sleep f20
300 fade_out 0 0 0 10
301 sleep f10
302 particle torture do stop
303 fade_in 10
304 #Konoko finishes riding elevator
305 chr_envanim 0 Elev1KonBox02 norotation
306 env_setanim 801 Elev102
307 cm_anim both Elev1Cam02
308 sound_ambient_start c13_07_22elevatora
309 sleep f295
310 env_show 802 1
311 obj_kill 801 801
312 cm_reset
313 playback 0 Elev1KonokoSet
314 sleep f1
315 chr_nocollision 0 0
316 end_cutscene
318 chr_delete MuroComguy
319 chr_delete MuroMuro
320 chr_delete MuroShinatama
325func void
327 void)
329 begin_cutscene
330 sleep f30
331 cutscene_sync off
332 chr_nocollision 0 1
333 playback 0 Elev2KonokoSet
334 cm_anim both Elev2Cam01
335 cutscene_sync on
336 sound_ambient_start c13_07_22elevator
337 chr_envanim 0 Elev2KonBox01
338 env_show 821 0
339 obj_create 821 821
340 obj_shade 821 821 .4 .4 .4
341 env_setanim 821 Elev201
342 cm_wait
343 obj_kill 821 821
344 env_show 822 1
345 chr_nocollision 0 0
346 cm_reset
347 end_cutscene
352func void
354 void)
356 #input 0
357 cm_interpolate TortureCam01 80
358 sleep f180
359 cm_reset 80
360 #input 1
364func void
366 void)
368 sleep f30
369 begin_cutscene jello
370 cutscene_sync off
371 #oni SPECcial effect
372 chr_animate 0 KONOKOpowerup
373 cinematic_start (KONtransform, 180, 180, 15, 2, 15, false)
374 sleep f220
375 fade_out 0 0 0 10
376 sleep f10
377 fade_in 10
378 ai2_spawn OutroKerr
379 ai2_spawn OutroGrif
380 ai2_spawn OutroCop
381 playback OutroCop ShinCopSet
382 playback OutroGrif ShinGrifSet
383 playback OutroKerr ShinKerrSet
384 cinematic_stop (KONtransform, 16, 30)
385 cm_interpolate ShinCamCop 0
386 cm_interpolate_block ShinCamCopFace 1600
387 sleep f20
388 sound_dialog_play c08_29_01scigoon1
389 cinematic_start (COPtalking, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, false)
390 sound_dialog_play_block pause
391 cinematic_stop (COPtalking, 16, 20)
392 cm_interpolate ShinCamGrif 0
393 cm_interpolate_block ShinCamGrifFace 1800
394 sound_dialog_play c08_29_02griffin
395 cinematic_start (GRIFtalking, 180, 180, 19, 7, 20, false)
396 sound_dialog_play_block pause
397 sleep f20
398 playback 0 OutroKonoko01
399 cinematic_stop (GRIFtalking, 19, 20)
400 fade_out 0 0 0 10
401 sleep f10
402 fade_in 10
403 #doors start to open
404 obj_create 131 133
405 env_anim 131 133
406 env_show 134 0
407 env_show 135 0
408 env_show 136 0
409 cm_interpolate OutroCam01 0
410 cutscene_sync on
411 sound_ambient_start c03_55_18bigdoor
412 cm_interpolate_block OutroCam02 700
413 sleep f200
414 playback 0 OutroKonoko02
415 sleep f200
416 #Konoko sees doors opening
417 #playback 0 OutroKonoko02
418 cm_interpolate OutroCam03 0
419 sleep f90
420 #playback 0 OutroKonoko02
421 sleep f40
422 cm_interpolate OutroCam04 0
423 sleep f180
424 fade_out 0 0 0 120
425 sleep f120
426 win
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