1 | Welcome to ONI NI KANABO... (beta ^^)
2 | This should be Oni/nikanabo/readme.txt
3 | ______________________________
4 |
5 | Scripted mods are in the "bsl" folder
6 | Binary mods are in the "dat" folder
7 | Xdelta (binary patcher) is in "xdelta".
8 |
9 | In every mod's folder you will find
10 | - a description of the mod (text file)
11 | - one or more installers (shell scripts)
12 | - possibly (later) descriptors for GUI
13 | - other stuff (screenshots, whatever)
14 |
15 | More generally, in every folder you'll
16 | find a text file telling you what there
17 | is there, and what you're supposed to do.
18 | ______________________________
19 |
20 | Windows folks: just click the batch files.
21 | Mac and Linux folks: terminal only, sorry.
22 |
23 | On most UNIX platforms, the current directory
24 | AKA "." is not part of the PATH variable, so
25 | "whatever.sh" won't work. Use "sh whatever.sh"
26 | or just "./whatever.sh"
27 |
28 | Autocompletion should make things bearable.
29 | A *portable* GUI is of course very welcome ^^
30 | ______________________________
31 |
32 | New mod contributors are invited to pack the
33 | whole tree with their mod, like this:
34 | nikanabo/bsl/mod_name/*.*
35 | nikanabo/dat/mod_name/*.*
36 | so users only have to unzip it into "Oni".
37 | ______________________________
38 |
40 |
41 | Before you install any mod, you'll have to
42 | run the proper backup script for your
43 | platform, namely:
44 | wbackup.bat for Windows
45 | xbackup.sh for Mac/Linux
46 |
47 | The installer scripts provided will complain
48 | if the backup is missing (and do nothing).
49 | ______________________________
50 |
52 |
53 | Depending on your system, you may
54 | need to enable the execute permission
55 | manually for the script to run, e.g.:
56 |
57 | chmod +x xbackup.sh
58 |
59 | From what I've seen, this is never needed,
60 | since non-read-only content seems to get
61 | "rwxr-xr-x" by default on Mac and Linux.