unit Helper_LevelDB; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, StrUtils; type TForm_LevelDB = class(TForm) group_progress: TGroupBox; progress: TProgressBar; lbl_progress: TLabel; btn_abortok: TButton; lbl_estimation: TLabel; procedure btn_abortokClick(Sender: TObject); private procedure HandleFile(ext: String; fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); procedure stop_convert; public procedure CreateDatabase(Source, target: String); procedure CreateLevel(Source, target: String); end; var Form_LevelDB: TForm_LevelDB; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses ABSMain, ABSDecUtil, Main, Functions, Data, OniImgClass, DataStructures, OniDataClass; type THandler = procedure(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); TConvertHandlers = record Ext: String[4]; needed: Boolean; Handler: THandler; end; var ConvertHandlers: array of TConvertHandlers; loaded_filename: String; converting: Boolean = False; abort: Boolean = False; DataBase: TABSDatabase; Query: TABSQuery; MimeCoder: TStringFormat_MIME64; var DatHeader: THeader; FilesHeader: TFilesMap; NamedFilesHeader: TNamedFilesMap; ExtensionsHeader: TExtensionsMap; Stream_Body, Stream_Names: TMemoryStream; Stream_Dat, Stream_Raw, Stream_Sep: TFileStream; OniDataConnection: TOniData; procedure TForm_LevelDB.CreateLevel(Source, target: String); var files: LongWord; i, j: LongWord; temps, temps2: String; Data, rawdata: Tdata; absolutebegintime, begintime: Double; step: Byte; rawlist: TRawList; extlist: TExtensionsMap; fileinfo: TFileInfo; datlinks: TDatLinks; OniImage: TOniImage; levelid: LongWord; timeformat: TFormatSettings; conIndex: Integer; connection: TOniData; const steps: Byte = 3; procedure DoStep(stepname: String); begin Inc(step); if stepname <> 'FIN' then group_progress.Caption := 'Creating Dat (Step ' + IntToStr(step) + '/' + IntToStr(steps) + ': ' + stepname + ')' else group_progress.Caption := 'Creating Dat (FINISHED)'; end; begin // // FILE EXISTS CHECK FÜR DAT/RAW/SEP!!! // timeformat.ShortTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss'; timeformat.LongTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss'; timeformat.TimeSeparator := ':'; connection := ConnectionExists(target); if connection <> nil then begin ShowMessage('Destination-file is opened, close it in order to proceed conversion?'); Exit; end; connection := ConnectionExists(source); if connection <> nil then begin ShowMessage('Source-file is opened, close it in order to proceed conversion?'); Exit; end; if CreateDataConnection(Source, ODB_ADB) = nil then begin ShowMessage('Could not connect to .oldb-file'); Exit; end; levelid := OniDataConnection.LevelInfo.LevelNumber; levelid := (levelid * 2) * 256 * 256 * 256 + $01; OniImage := TOniImage.Create; absolutebegintime := Time; Self.Visible := True; Form_Main.Visible := False; step := 0; converting := True; abort := False; btn_abortok.Caption := '&Abort...'; btn_abortok.Default := False; absolutebegintime := Time; Stream_Body := TMemoryStream.Create; Stream_Names := TMemoryStream.Create; Stream_Dat := TFileStream.Create(target, fmCreate); Stream_Raw := TFileStream.Create(AnsiReplaceStr(target, '.dat', '.raw'), fmCreate); if OniDataConnection.OSisMac then Stream_Sep := TFileStream.Create(AnsiReplaceStr(target, '.dat', '.sep'), fmCreate); DoStep('Creating header'); progress.Position := 0; lbl_progress.Caption := ''; lbl_estimation.Caption := 'Estimated finishing time: unknown'; Application.ProcessMessages; NamedFilesHeader := TOniDataADB(OniDataConnection).GetNamedFilesMap; extlist := OniDataConnection.GetExtendedExtensionsList; for i := 0 to High(DatHeader.Ident) do DatHeader.Ident[i] := OniDataConnection.LevelInfo.Ident[i]; DatHeader.Files := OniDataConnection.GetFilesCount; DatHeader.NamedFiles := Length(NamedFilesHeader); DatHeader.Extensions := Length(extlist); DatHeader.DataAddr := 0; DatHeader.DataSize := 0; DatHeader.NamesAddr := 0; DatHeader.NamesSize := 0; for i := 0 to High(DatHeader.Ident2) do DatHeader.Ident2[i] := 0; SetLength(FilesHeader, DatHeader.Files); SetLength(ExtensionsHeader, DatHeader.Extensions); DoStep('Writing extensions-header'); progress.Max := Length(OniDataConnection.GetExtensionsList); Application.ProcessMessages; for i := 0 to High(ExtensionsHeader) do begin ExtensionsHeader[i].Ident := extlist[i].Ident; ExtensionsHeader[i].Extension := extlist[i].Extension; SetLength(temps, 4); for j := 0 to 3 do temps[j + 1] := ExtensionsHeader[i].Extension[3 - j]; ExtensionsHeader[i].ExtCount := Length(OniDataConnection.GetFilesList(temps, '', False, stIDAsc)); progress.Position := i + 1; lbl_progress.Caption := 'Extensions done: ' + IntToStr(i + 1) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(extlist)); Application.ProcessMessages; end; DoStep('Storing files-data'); progress.Position := 0; progress.Max := DatHeader.Files; lbl_progress.Caption := ''; lbl_estimation.Caption := 'Estimated finishing time: unknown'; Application.ProcessMessages; begintime := Time; for i := 0 to DatHeader.Files - 1 do begin fileinfo := OniDataConnection.GetFileInfo(i); for j := 0 to 3 do FilesHeader[i].Extension[j] := fileinfo.Extension[4 - j]; if fileinfo.Size > 0 then begin // DatLinks:=; FilesHeader[i].DataAddr := Stream_Body.Size + 8; Data := OniDataConnection.LoadDatFile(i); Data[4] := (levelid) and $FF; Data[5] := (levelid shr 8) and $FF; Data[6] := (levelid shr 16) and $FF; Data[7] := (levelid shr 24) and $FF; if (Pos(UpperCase(fileinfo.Extension), UpperCase(raws)) mod 4) = 1 then begin rawlist := OniDataConnection.GetRawList(i); if Length(rawlist) > 0 then begin for j := 0 to High(rawlist) do begin if rawlist[j].raw_size > 0 then begin if (UpperCase(fileinfo.Extension) = 'TXMP') and ((Data[$88] and $01) > 0) then begin OniImage.LoadFromTXMP(Connection, i); OniImage.GetMipMappedImage(rawdata); rawlist[j].raw_size := OniImage.GetImageDataSize(True); Data[$90] := $08; Data[$89] := 32; { if data[$90]<>OniImage.StoreType then begin data[$90]:=OniImage.StoreType; data[$89]:=(data[$89] and $CF) or $20; end; } end else begin SetLength(rawdata, rawlist[j].raw_size); OniDataConnection.LoadRawFile(i, rawlist[j].src_offset, @rawdata[0]); end; // data[$88]:=data[$88] and $FE; if rawlist[j].loc_sep then begin rawlist[j].raw_addr := Stream_Sep.Size; Stream_Sep.Write(rawdata[0], Length(rawdata)); end else begin rawlist[j].raw_addr := Stream_Raw.Size; Stream_Raw.Write(rawdata[0], Length(rawdata)); end; end else rawlist[j].raw_addr := 0; Data[rawlist[j].src_offset + 0] := (rawlist[j].raw_addr) and $FF; Data[rawlist[j].src_offset + 1] := (rawlist[j].raw_addr shr 8) and $FF; Data[rawlist[j].src_offset + 2] := (rawlist[j].raw_addr shr 16) and $FF; Data[rawlist[j].src_offset + 3] := (rawlist[j].raw_addr shr 24) and $FF; end; end; end; Stream_Body.Write(Data[0], Length(Data)); // end else FilesHeader[i].DataAddr := 0; if Length(fileinfo.Name) > 0 then begin FilesHeader[i].NameAddr := Stream_Names.Size; temps := fileinfo.Extension + fileinfo.Name + Chr(0); Stream_Names.Write(temps[1], Length(temps)); end else FilesHeader[i].NameAddr := 0; FilesHeader[i].FileSize := fileinfo.Size; FilesHeader[i].FileType := fileinfo.FileType; if ((i mod 10) = 0) and (i >= 100) then lbl_estimation.Caption := 'Estimated time left: ' + TimeToStr( (Time - begintime) / i * (progress.Max - i + 1) * 1.1, timeformat ); progress.Position := i + 1; lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: ' + IntToStr(i + 1) + '/' + IntToStr(progress.Max); Application.ProcessMessages; end; Stream_Dat.Write(DatHeader, SizeOf(DatHeader)); for i := 0 to High(FilesHeader) do Stream_Dat.Write(FilesHeader[i], SizeOf(FilesHeader[i])); for i := 0 to High(NamedFilesHeader) do Stream_Dat.Write(NamedFilesHeader[i], SizeOf(NamedFilesHeader[i])); for i := 0 to High(ExtensionsHeader) do Stream_Dat.Write(ExtensionsHeader[i], SizeOf(ExtensionsHeader[i])); DatHeader.DataSize := Stream_Body.Size; DatHeader.NamesSize := Stream_Names.Size; DatHeader.DataAddr := Stream_Dat.Size; Stream_Body.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); Stream_Dat.CopyFrom(Stream_Body, Stream_Body.Size); DatHeader.NamesAddr := Stream_Dat.Size; Stream_Names.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); Stream_Dat.CopyFrom(Stream_Names, Stream_Names.Size); Stream_Dat.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); Stream_Dat.Write(DatHeader, SizeOf(DatHeader)); Stream_Dat.Free; Stream_Body.Free; Stream_Names.Free; Stream_Raw.Free; if OniDataConnection.OSisMac then Stream_Sep.Free; progress.Position := progress.Max; lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: ' + IntToStr(progress.Max) + '/' + IntToStr(progress.Max); lbl_estimation.Caption := 'FINISHED (duration: ' + TimeToStr(Time - absolutebegintime, timeformat) + ')'; DoStep('FIN'); btn_abortok.Caption := '&OK'; btn_abortok.Default := True; OniImage.Free; converting := False; CloseDataConnection(DataConnections[conIndex]); end; procedure TForm_LevelDB.HandleFile; var i: Byte; begin for i := 1 to Length(ConvertHandlers) do if UpperCase(ConvertHandlers[i].Ext) = UpperCase(ext) then if ConvertHandlers[i].needed then begin ConvertHandlers[i].Handler(fileid, dir_dat2db); Break; end else Break; end; procedure TForm_LevelDB.CreateDatabase(Source, target: String); var i, j: LongWord; temps, temps2: String; Data: Tdata; absolutebegintime, begintime: Double; step: Byte; rawlist: TRawList; extlist: TExtensionsMap; fileinfo: TFileInfo; timeformat: TFormatSettings; conIndex: Integer; const steps: Byte = 4; procedure DoStep(stepname: String); begin Inc(step); if stepname <> 'FIN' then group_progress.Caption := 'Creating DB (Step ' + IntToStr(step) + '/' + IntToStr(steps) + ': ' + stepname + ')' else group_progress.Caption := 'Creating DB (FINISHED)'; end; begin if CreateDataConnection(Source, ODB_Dat) = nil then begin ShowMessage('Could not connect to .dat-file'); Exit; end else begin TOniDataDat(OniDataConnection).UnloadWhenUnused := False; end; timeformat.LongTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss'; timeformat.ShortTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss'; timeformat.TimeSeparator := ':'; Self.Visible := True; Form_Main.Visible := False; step := 0; converting := True; abort := False; btn_abortok.Caption := '&Abort...'; btn_abortok.Default := False; loaded_filename := target; absolutebegintime := Time; DataBase := TABSDatabase.Create(Self); DataBase.DatabaseName := 'OLDB'; DataBase.DatabaseFileName := target; DataBase.CreateDatabase; DoStep('Creating tables'); progress.Position := 0; lbl_progress.Caption := ''; lbl_estimation.Caption := 'Estimated finishing time: unknown'; Application.ProcessMessages; Query := TABSQuery.Create(Self); Query.DatabaseName := 'OLDB'; Query.SQL.Text := 'CREATE TABLE globals ( id AUTOINC PRIMARY KEY, name STRING(128), value STRING(128) );'; Query.ExecSQL; Query.SQL.Text := 'CREATE TABLE linkmap ( id AUTOINC PRIMARY KEY, src_id INTEGER, src_link_offset INTEGER, target_id INTEGER );'; Query.ExecSQL; Query.SQL.Text := 'CREATE TABLE rawmap ( id AUTOINC PRIMARY KEY, src_id INTEGER, src_link_offset INTEGER, sep BOOLEAN, size INTEGER, data BLOB BlobCompressionMode 9 BlobBlockSize 1024 BlobCompressionAlgorithm ZLib );'; // Query.SQL.Text:='CREATE TABLE rawmap ( id AUTOINC PRIMARY KEY, src_id INTEGER, src_link_offset INTEGER, size INTEGER, data BLOB BlobCompressionAlgorithm None );'; Query.ExecSQL; Query.SQL.Text := 'CREATE TABLE datfiles ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, extension CHAR(4), name STRING(128), contenttype INTEGER, size INTEGER, data BLOB BlobCompressionMode 9 BlobBlockSize 1024 BlobCompressionAlgorithm ZLib );'; // Query.SQL.Text:='CREATE TABLE datfiles ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, extension CHAR(4), name STRING(128), contenttype INTEGER, size INTEGER, data BLOB BlobCompressionAlgorithm None );'; Query.ExecSQL; Query.SQL.Text := 'CREATE TABLE extlist ( id AUTOINC PRIMARY KEY, ext CHAR(4), ident CHAR(16) );'; Query.ExecSQL; Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO globals (name,value) VALUES ("dbversion","' + dbversion + '");'; Query.ExecSQL; SetLength(Data, Length(OniDataConnection.LevelInfo.Ident)); for i := 0 to High(OniDataConnection.LevelInfo.Ident) do Data[i] := OniDataConnection.LevelInfo.Ident[i]; temps := CreateHexString(Data, True); Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO globals (name,value) VALUES ("ident","' + temps + '");'; Query.ExecSQL; Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO globals (name,value) VALUES ("lvl","' + IntToStr(OniDataConnection.LevelInfo.LevelNumber) + '");'; Query.ExecSQL; if OniDataConnection.OSisMAC then Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO globals (name,value) VALUES ("os","MAC");' else Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO globals (name,value) VALUES ("os","PC");'; Query.ExecSQL; DoStep('Writing extensionslist'); progress.Max := Length(OniDataConnection.GetExtensionsList); Application.ProcessMessages; extlist := OniDataConnection.GetExtendedExtensionsList; for i := 0 to High(extlist) do begin SetLength(Data, Length(extlist[i].Ident)); for j := 0 to High(extlist[i].Ident) do Data[j] := extlist[i].Ident[j]; temps := CreateHexString(Data, True); temps2 := extlist[i].Extension[3] + extlist[i].Extension[2] + extlist[i].Extension[1] + extlist[i].Extension[0]; Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO extlist (ext,ident) VALUES ("' + temps2 + '","' + temps + '");'; Query.ExecSQL; progress.Position := i; lbl_progress.Caption := 'Extensions done: ' + IntToStr(i) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(extlist)); Application.ProcessMessages; if abort then begin stop_convert; Exit; end; end; lbl_progress.Caption := ''; progress.Position := 0; lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: ' + IntToStr(0) + '/' + IntToStr( OniDataConnection.GetFilesCount); lbl_estimation.Caption := 'Estimated finishing time: unknown'; DoStep('Loading .dat into memory'); Application.ProcessMessages; progress.Max := OniDataConnection.GetFilesCount; begintime := Time; DoStep('Writing .dat-fileslist'); Application.ProcessMessages; Database.StartTransaction; for i := 0 to OniDataConnection.GetFilesCount - 1 do begin fileinfo := OniDataConnection.GetFileInfo(i); if (fileinfo.FileType and $02) = 0 then begin mimecoder := TStringFormat_MIME64.Create; Data := OniDataConnection.LoadDatFile(i); Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO datfiles (id,extension,name,contenttype,size,data) VALUES (' + IntToStr(i) + ',"' + fileinfo.Extension + '","' + fileinfo.Name + '","' + IntToHex( fileinfo.FileType, 8) + '",' + IntToStr(fileinfo.Size) + ',MimeToBin("' + MimeCoder.StrTo(@Data[0], Length(Data)) + '") );'; Query.ExecSQL; mimecoder.Free; rawlist := OniDataConnection.GetRawList(i); if Length(rawlist) > 0 then begin for j := 0 to High(rawlist) do begin if rawlist[j].raw_size > 0 then begin SetLength(Data, rawlist[j].raw_size); OniDataConnection.LoadRawFile(i, rawlist[j].src_offset, Data); mimecoder := TStringFormat_MIME64.Create; Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO rawmap (src_id,src_link_offset,sep,size,data) VALUES (' + IntToStr(i) + ',' + IntToStr(rawlist[j].src_offset) + ',' + BoolToStr( rawlist[j].loc_sep) + ',' + IntToStr(rawlist[j].raw_size) + ',MimeToBin("' + MimeCoder.StrTo(@Data[0], rawlist[j].raw_size) + '") );'; Query.ExecSQL; mimecoder.Free; end else begin Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO rawmap (src_id,src_link_offset,sep,size) VALUES (' + IntToStr(i) + ',' + IntToStr(rawlist[j].src_offset) + ',' + BoolToStr(rawlist[j].loc_sep) + ',0);'; Query.ExecSQL; end; end; end; HandleFile(fileinfo.Extension, i, True); end else begin Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO datfiles (id,extension,name,contenttype,size) VALUES (' + IntToStr(i) + ',"' + fileinfo.Extension + '","' + fileinfo.Name + '","' + IntToHex( fileinfo.FileType, 8) + '",0);'; Query.ExecSQL; end; if ((i mod 100) = 0) and (i > 0) then begin Database.Commit(False); Database.StartTransaction; end; if ((i mod 10) = 0) and (i >= 100) then lbl_estimation.Caption := 'Estimated time left: ' + TimeToStr( (Time - begintime) / i * (progress.Max - i + 1) * 1.1, timeformat ); progress.Position := i; lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: ' + IntToStr(i) + '/' + IntToStr(progress.Max); Application.ProcessMessages; if abort then begin stop_convert; Exit; end; end; Database.Commit(False); progress.Position := progress.Max; lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: ' + IntToStr(progress.Max) + '/' + IntToStr(progress.Max); lbl_estimation.Caption := 'FINISHED (duration: ' + TimeToStr(Time - absolutebegintime, timeformat) + ')'; DoStep('FIN'); btn_abortok.Caption := '&OK'; btn_abortok.Default := True; converting := False; database.Close; database.Free; CloseDataConnection(DataConnections[conIndex]); end; procedure TForm_LevelDB.stop_convert; begin btn_abortok.Caption := '&Close'; btn_abortok.Default := True; converting := False; lbl_estimation.Caption := 'ABORTED'; group_progress.Caption := 'Creating DB (ABORTED)'; DataBase.Close; if MessageBox(Self.Handle, PChar('Delete the unfinished DB-file?'), PChar('Delete file?'), MB_YESNO) = idYes then begin DeleteFile(loaded_filename); end; end; procedure TForm_LevelDB.btn_abortokClick(Sender: TObject); begin if converting then begin if MessageBox(Self.Handle, PChar('Do you really want to cancel the convert-progress?'), PChar('Warning: Converting'), MB_YESNO) = idYes then abort := True; end else begin Self.Visible := False; Form_Main.Visible := True; end; end; procedure InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid: LongWord; offset: LongWord); var link: LongWord; begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, offset, 4, @link); if link = 0 then link := $FFFFFFFF else link := link div 256; Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO linkmap (src_id,src_link_offset,target_id) VALUES (' + IntToStr(fileid) + ',' + IntToStr(offset) + ',' + IntToStr(link) + ');'; Query.ExecSQL; end; procedure AISA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var packages: Word; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * $160 + $28); for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * $160 + $150); end; end else begin end; end; procedure AKEV(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 16 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $8 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure AKOT(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 4 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $8 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure CBPI(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 56 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $8 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure CBPM(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 18 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $8 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure CONS(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $24 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure CRSA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var packages: LongWord; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $14, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 1100 + $A0); end else begin end; end; procedure DOOR(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $08); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $0C); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $10); end else begin end; end; procedure DPGE(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $40); end else begin end; end; procedure HPGE(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $0C); end else begin end; end; procedure IGHH(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $24); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $28); end else begin end; end; procedure IGPA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var links: LongWord; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @links); if links > 0 then for i := 0 to links - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure IGPG(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $1C + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure IGSA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var links: LongWord; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @links); if links > 0 then for i := 0 to links - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure IMPT(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $10); end else begin end; end; procedure IPGE(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $0C); end else begin end; end; procedure KEYI(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 9 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $08 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure M3GA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var links: LongWord; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @links); if links > 0 then for i := 0 to links - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure M3GM(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 6 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $0C + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure MTRL(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $10); end else begin end; end; procedure OBDC(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var packages: Word; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * $18 + $4); end else begin end; end; procedure OBOA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var packages: Word; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 240 + $0); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 240 + $4); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 240 + $8); end; end else begin end; end; procedure OFGA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var packages: LongWord; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 12 + $04); end else begin end; end; procedure ONCC(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $28); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $434); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $438); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $43C); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $C3C); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $C40); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $C44); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $C48); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $C88); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $C8C); end else begin end; end; procedure ONCV(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $08); end else begin end; end; procedure ONLV(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 5 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $48 + i * 4); for i := 0 to 5 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $64 + i * 4); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $300); end else begin end; end; procedure ONOA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var packages: LongWord; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 8 + $04); end else begin end; end; procedure ONSK(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $08); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $0C); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $10); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $14); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $18); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $44); end else begin end; end; procedure ONVL(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var packages: LongWord; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure ONWC(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $28); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $34); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $40); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $54); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $58); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $5C); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $60); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $6FC); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $700); end else begin end; end; procedure OPGE(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $0C); end else begin end; end; procedure PSPC(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $50); end else begin end; end; procedure PSPL(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var packages: LongWord; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 8 + $4); end else begin end; end; procedure PSUI(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 43 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $08 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure STNA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var packages: Word; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure TRAC(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var packages: Word; i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $18); OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 12 + 8); end else begin end; end; procedure TRAM(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $40); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $44); end else begin end; end; procedure TRAS(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $08); end else begin end; end; procedure TRBS(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 4 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $08 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure TRCM(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin for i := 0 to 2 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $5C + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure TRGA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; packages: Word; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure TRGE(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20); end else begin end; end; procedure TRIG(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $18); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $24); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $28); end else begin end; end; procedure TRMA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; packages: Word; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure TRSC(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; packages: Word; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure TSFF(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; packages: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure TSFT(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $1C); end else begin end; end; procedure TURR(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $60); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $6C); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $74); end else begin end; end; procedure TXAN(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; packages: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure TXMA(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; packages: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure TXMB(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; packages: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure TXMP(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $94); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $98); end else begin end; end; procedure TXTC(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $08); end else begin end; end; procedure WMCL(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; packages: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 8 + $4); end else begin end; end; procedure WMDD(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; packages: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $11C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $120 + i * $124 + $114); end else begin end; end; procedure WMMB(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); var i: LongWord; packages: LongWord; begin if dir_dat2db then begin OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); if packages > 0 then for i := 0 to packages - 1 do InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $20 + i * 4); end else begin end; end; procedure WPGE(fileid: LongWord; dir_dat2db: Boolean); begin if dir_dat2db then begin InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $08); InsertDatLinkToDB(fileid, $0C); end else begin end; end; procedure InsertHandler(ext: String; needed: Boolean; handler: THandler); begin SetLength(ConvertHandlers, Length(ConvertHandlers) + 1); ConvertHandlers[High(ConvertHandlers)].Ext := ext; ConvertHandlers[High(ConvertHandlers)].needed := needed; ConvertHandlers[High(ConvertHandlers)].handler := handler; end; begin InsertHandler('ABNA', False, nil); // InsertHandler('AGDB',True,AGDB); InsertHandler('AGDB', False, nil); InsertHandler('AGQC', False, nil); InsertHandler('AGQG', False, nil); InsertHandler('AGQR', False, nil); InsertHandler('AISA', True, AISA); InsertHandler('AITR', False, nil); InsertHandler('AKAA', False, nil); InsertHandler('AKBA', False, nil); InsertHandler('AKBP', False, nil); InsertHandler('AKDA', False, nil); InsertHandler('AKEV', True, AKEV); InsertHandler('AKOT', True, AKOT); InsertHandler('AKVA', False, nil); InsertHandler('BINA', False, nil); InsertHandler('CBPI', True, CBPI); InsertHandler('CBPM', True, CBPM); InsertHandler('CONS', True, CONS); InsertHandler('CRSA', True, CRSA); InsertHandler('DOOR', True, DOOR); InsertHandler('DPGE', True, DPGE); InsertHandler('ENVP', False, nil); InsertHandler('FILM', False, nil); InsertHandler('HPGE', True, HPGE); InsertHandler('IDXA', False, nil); InsertHandler('IGHH', True, IGHH); InsertHandler('IGPA', True, IGPA); InsertHandler('IGPG', True, IGPG); InsertHandler('IGSA', True, IGSA); InsertHandler('IMPT', True, IMPT); InsertHandler('IPGE', True, IPGE); InsertHandler('KEYI', True, KEYI); InsertHandler('M3GA', True, M3GA); InsertHandler('M3GM', True, M3GM); InsertHandler('MTRL', True, MTRL); InsertHandler('OBAN', False, nil); InsertHandler('OBDC', True, OBDC); InsertHandler('OBOA', True, OBOA); InsertHandler('OFGA', True, OFGA); InsertHandler('ONCC', True, ONCC); InsertHandler('ONCP', False, nil); InsertHandler('ONCV', True, ONCV); InsertHandler('ONFA', False, nil); InsertHandler('ONGS', False, nil); InsertHandler('ONIA', False, nil); InsertHandler('ONLD', False, nil); InsertHandler('ONLV', True, ONLV); InsertHandler('ONMA', False, nil); InsertHandler('ONOA', True, ONOA); InsertHandler('ONSA', False, nil); InsertHandler('ONSK', True, ONSK); InsertHandler('ONTA', False, nil); InsertHandler('ONVL', True, ONVL); InsertHandler('ONWC', True, ONWC); InsertHandler('OPGE', True, OPGE); InsertHandler('OSBD', False, nil); InsertHandler('OTIT', False, nil); InsertHandler('OTLF', False, nil); InsertHandler('PLEA', False, nil); InsertHandler('PNTA', False, nil); InsertHandler('PSPC', True, PSPC); InsertHandler('PSPL', True, PSPL); InsertHandler('PSUI', True, PSUI); InsertHandler('QTNA', False, nil); InsertHandler('SNDD', False, nil); InsertHandler('STNA', True, STNA); InsertHandler('SUBT', False, nil); InsertHandler('TRAC', True, TRAC); InsertHandler('TRAM', True, TRAM); InsertHandler('TRAS', True, TRAS); InsertHandler('TRBS', True, TRBS); InsertHandler('TRCM', True, TRCM); InsertHandler('TRGA', True, TRGA); InsertHandler('TRGE', True, TRGE); InsertHandler('TRIA', False, nil); InsertHandler('TRIG', True, TRIG); InsertHandler('TRMA', True, TRMA); InsertHandler('TRSC', True, TRSC); InsertHandler('TRTA', False, nil); InsertHandler('TSFF', True, TSFF); InsertHandler('TSFL', False, nil); InsertHandler('TSFT', True, TSFT); InsertHandler('TSGA', False, nil); InsertHandler('TSTR', False, nil); InsertHandler('TURR', True, TURR); InsertHandler('TXAN', True, TXAN); InsertHandler('TXCA', False, nil); InsertHandler('TXMA', True, TXMA); InsertHandler('TXMB', True, TXMB); InsertHandler('TXMP', True, TXMP); InsertHandler('TXTC', True, TXTC); InsertHandler('VCRA', False, nil); InsertHandler('WMCL', True, WMCL); InsertHandler('WMDD', True, WMDD); InsertHandler('WMM_', False, nil); InsertHandler('WMMB', True, WMMB); InsertHandler('WPGE', True, WPGE); end.