[43] | 1 | unit Code_Exporters;
| 2 |
| 3 | interface
| 4 |
| 5 | uses Classes, Dialogs, StrUtils, SysUtils, Math, Data, Code_OniImgClass;
| 6 |
| 7 | procedure ExportDatFile(fileid: LongWord; filename: String);
| 8 | procedure ExportRawFile(fileid: LongWord; dat_offset: LongWord; filename: String);
| 9 |
| 10 | function ExportSNDD(fileid: LongWord; filename: String; convert: Boolean): Integer;
| 11 | function ExportTRAC(fileid: LongWord; filename: String; convert: Boolean): Integer;
| 12 | function ExportTXAN(fileid: LongWord; filename: String; convert: Boolean): Integer;
| 13 | function ExportTXMB(fileid: LongWord; filename: String; convert: Boolean): Integer;
| 14 | function ExportTXMP(fileid: LongWord; filename: String; convert: Boolean): Integer;
| 15 |
| 16 | var
| 17 | ExportHandlers: array[1..1] of TExportHandlers = (
| 18 | // (Ext:'ABNA'; needed:False),
| 19 | //(Ext:'AGDB'; needed:False),
| 20 | (Ext: 'SNDD'; needed: True; Handler: ExportSNDD)
| 21 | { (Ext:'TRAC'; needed:True; Handler:ExportTRAC),
| 22 | (Ext:'TXAN'; needed:True; Handler:ExportTXAN),
| 23 | (Ext:'TXMB'; needed:True; Handler:ExportTXMB),
| 24 | (Ext:'TXMP'; needed:True; Handler:ExportTXMP)
| 25 | });
| 26 |
| 27 |
| 28 |
| 29 | implementation
| 30 |
| 31 | uses Code_Functions, Code_DataStructures, Code_OniDataClass;
| 32 |
| 33 |
| 34 |
| 35 |
| 36 | procedure ExportDatFile(fileid: LongWord; filename: String);
| 37 | var
| 38 | filestream: TFileStream;
| 39 | Data: Tdata;
| 40 | begin
| 41 | Data := OniDataConnection.LoadDatFile(fileid);
| 42 | if FileExists(filename) then
| 43 | begin
| 44 | filestream := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenReadWrite);
| 45 | filestream.Seek(0, soFromEnd);
| 46 | end
| 47 | else
| 48 | begin
| 49 | filestream := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmCreate);
| 50 | end;
| 51 | filestream.Write(Data[0], Length(Data));
| 52 | filestream.Free;
| 53 | end;
| 54 |
| 55 |
| 56 |
| 57 |
| 58 | procedure ExportRawFile(fileid: LongWord; dat_offset: LongWord; filename: String);
| 59 | var
| 60 | filestream: TFileStream;
| 61 | Data: Tdata;
| 62 | begin
| 63 | SetLength(Data, OniDataConnection.GetRawInfo(fileid, dat_offset).raw_size);
| 64 | OniDataConnection.LoadRawFile(fileid, dat_offset, @Data[0]);
| 65 | if FileExists(filename + '.raw0x' + IntToHex(dat_offset, 8)) then
| 66 | begin
| 67 | filestream := TFileStream.Create(filename + '.raw0x' + IntToHex(
| 68 | dat_offset, 8), fmOpenReadWrite);
| 69 | filestream.Seek(0, soFromEnd);
| 70 | end
| 71 | else
| 72 | begin
| 73 | filestream := TFileStream.Create(filename + '.raw0x' + IntToHex(dat_offset, 8), fmCreate);
| 74 | end;
| 75 | filestream.Write(Data[0], Length(Data));
| 76 | filestream.Free;
| 77 | end;
| 78 |
| 79 |
| 80 |
| 81 |
| 82 | function ExportSNDD;
| 83 | { CONST
| 84 | WAVheader:Array[0..0] OF Byte=(
| 85 | Ord('R'),Ord('I'),Ord('F'),Ord('F'),0,0,0,0,Ord('W'),Ord('A'),Ord('V'),Ord('E'),
| 86 | Ord('f'),Ord('m'),Ord('t'),Ord(' '),24,0,0,0,
| 87 | );
| 88 | } type
| 89 | TDatData = record
| 90 | {0x00}
| 91 | _fileid: LongWord;
| 92 | level: LongWord;
| 93 | Flag: LongWord;
| 94 | FormatTag: Word;
| 95 | ChanNo: Word;
| 96 | {0x10}
| 97 | SampleRate: LongWord;
| 98 | BytesPSec: LongWord;
| 99 | BPSample: LongWord;
| 100 | BitsPS: LongWord;
| 101 | {0x20}
| 102 | Unknown: array[1..7] of LongWord;
| 103 | Unknown2: Word;
| 104 | {0x40}
| 105 | RawSize: LongWord;
| 106 | RawPos: LongWord;
| 107 | end;
| 108 | var
| 109 | filestream: TFileStream;
| 110 |
| 111 | DatData: TDatData;
| 112 | //Wave Header Stuff
| 113 | ASCII_Group: LongWord; //"RIFF"
| 114 | WAV_Len: LongWord;
| 115 | ASCII_WAV: LongWord; //"WAVE"
| 116 | ASCII_FMT: LongWord; //"fmt "
| 117 | WAV_FMT_Len: LongWord;
| 118 | ASCII_DATA: LongWord; //"data"
| 119 | WAV_FolLen: LongWord;
| 120 |
| 121 | Data: Tdata;
| 122 | begin
| 123 | Result := export_noerror;
| 124 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, 0, SizeOf(DatData), @DatData);
| 125 | with DatData do
| 126 | begin
| 127 | //Initializing Header vars
| 128 | ASCII_Group := 1179011410; // 'RIFF'
| 129 | WAV_Len := RAWSize + 70;
| 130 | ASCII_WAV := 1163280727; // 'WAVE'
| 131 | ASCII_FMT := 544501094; // 'fmt '
| 132 | WAV_FMT_Len := 50; // 50 bytes
| 133 | ASCII_DATA := 1635017060; // 'data'
| 134 | WAV_FolLen := RAWSize;
| 135 | SetLength(Data, RAWSize);
| 136 | OniDataConnection.LoadRawFile(fileid, $44, Data);
| 137 |
| 138 | filestream := TFileStream.Create(filename + '.raw', fmCreate);
| 139 | filestream.Write(Data[0], Length(Data));
| 140 | filestream.Free;
| 141 |
| 142 | if convert then
| 143 | begin
| 144 | //Now start packing this into a neat wave...
| 145 | filestream := TFileStream.Create(filename + '.wav', fmCreate);
| 146 | filestream.Write(ASCII_Group, SizeOf(ASCII_Group));
| 147 | filestream.Write(WAV_Len, SizeOf(WAV_Len));
| 148 | filestream.Write(ASCII_WAV, SizeOf(ASCII_WAV));
| 149 | filestream.Write(ASCII_FMT, SizeOf(ASCII_FMT));
| 150 | filestream.Write(WAV_FMT_Len, SizeOf(WAV_FMT_Len));
| 151 | filestream.Write(ChanNo, SizeOf(ChanNo));
| 152 | filestream.Write(Samplerate, SizeOf(Samplerate));
| 153 | filestream.Write(BytesPSec, SizeOf(BytesPSec));
| 154 | filestream.Write(BPSample, SizeOf(BPSample));
| 155 | filestream.Write(BitsPS, SizeOf(BitsPS));
| 156 | filestream.Write(Unknown[1], SizeOf(Unknown));
| 157 | filestream.Write(Unknown2, SizeOf(Unknown2));
| 158 | filestream.Write(ASCII_DATA, SizeOf(ASCII_DATA));
| 159 | filestream.Write(WAV_FolLen, SizeOf(WAV_FolLen));
| 160 | filestream.Write(Data[0], Length(Data));
| 161 | filestream.Free;
| 162 | end;
| 163 | end;
| 164 | end;
| 165 |
| 166 |
| 167 |
| 168 |
| 169 | function ExportTRAC;
| 170 | var
| 171 | link: LongWord;
| 172 | linkcount: Word;
| 173 | i: LongWord;
| 174 | begin
| 175 | Result := export_noerror;
| 176 |
| 177 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $18, SizeOf(link), @link);
| 178 | link := link div 256;
| 179 |
| 180 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, SizeOf(linkcount), @linkcount);
| 181 | for i := 1 to linkcount do
| 182 | begin
| 183 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $20 + (i - 1) * 12 + 8, SizeOf(link), @link);
| 184 | link := link div 256;
| 185 | end;
| 186 | end;
| 187 |
| 188 |
| 189 |
| 190 |
| 191 | function ExportTXAN;
| 192 | var
| 193 | loop_speed, unknown: Word;
| 194 | linkcount: LongWord;
| 195 | link: LongWord;
| 196 | i: Byte;
| 197 | begin
| 198 | Result := export_noerror;
| 199 |
| 200 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $14, SizeOf(loop_speed), @loop_speed);
| 201 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $16, SizeOf(unknown), @unknown);
| 202 |
| 203 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, SizeOf(linkcount), @linkcount);
| 204 | for i := 0 to linkcount - 1 do
| 205 | begin
| 206 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $20 + i * 4, SizeOf(link), @link);
| 207 | link := link div 256;
| 208 | if link = 0 then
| 209 | link := fileid - 1;
| 210 | end;
| 211 | end;
| 212 |
| 213 |
| 214 |
| 215 |
| 216 | function ExportTXMB;
| 217 | var
| 218 | filestream: TFileStream;
| 219 | // img:TImgPackage;
| 220 | Data: Tdata;
| 221 | begin
| 222 | Result := export_noerror;
| 223 | if convert then
| 224 | begin
| 225 | { img:=LoadTXMBconnected(fileid);
| 226 | data:=ImgdataToBmp(img.imgx,img.imgy,img.imgdepth,img.storetype,img.imgdata);
| 227 | filestream:=TFileStream.Create(filename+'.bmp',fmCreate);
| 228 | filestream.Write(data[0],Length(data));
| 229 | filestream.Free;
| 230 | } end;
| 231 | end;
| 232 |
| 233 |
| 234 |
| 235 |
| 236 | function ExportTXMP;
| 237 | var
| 238 | filestream: TFileStream;
| 239 | // img:TImgPackage;
| 240 | begin
| 241 | Result := export_noerror;
| 242 | { img:=LoadImgData(fileid);
| 243 |
| 244 | filestream:=TFileStream.Create(filename+'.raw',fmCreate);
| 245 | filestream.Write(img.imgdata[0],Length(img.imgdata));
| 246 | filestream.Free;
| 247 |
| 248 | IF convert THEN BEGIN
| 249 | img.imgdata:=ImgdataToBMP(img.imgx,img.imgy,img.imgdepth,img.storetype,img.imgdata);
| 250 | filestream:=TFileStream.Create(filename+'.bmp',fmCreate);
| 251 | filestream.Write(img.imgdata[0],Length(img.imgdata));
| 252 | filestream.Free;
| 253 | END;
| 254 | } end;
| 255 |
| 256 | end.