unit Code_Functions; interface uses Classes, Dialogs, SysUtils, StrUtils, Math, Data; type TExportSet = set of (DO_dat, DO_raw, DO_convert, DO_toone); function BoolToStr(bool: Boolean): String; function HexToLong(hex: String): LongWord; function Decode_Int(buffer: Tdata): LongWord; function Encode_Int(input: LongWord): Tdata; function Decode_Float(buffer: Tdata): Single; function Encode_Float(input: Single): Tdata; function DataToBin(Data: Tdata): String; function BinToInt(bin: String): Byte; function ExportFile(fileid: LongWord; filename: String; settings: TExportSet; path: String): Integer; function StringSmaller(string1, string2: String): Boolean; function FormatNumber(Value: LongWord; Width: Byte; leadingzeros: Char): String; function FormatFileSize(size: LongWord): String; function CreateHexString(Data: Tdata; HexOnly: Boolean): String; function DecodeHexString(hex: String): Tdata; function GetWinFileName(Name: String): String; function GetExtractPath: String; function Explode(_string: String; delimiter: Char): TStringArray; implementation uses Code_Exporters, Code_OniDataClass; type TValueSwitcher = record case IsFloat: Boolean of True: (ValueFloat: Single); False: (ValueInt: LongWord); end; function BoolToStr(bool: Boolean): String; begin if bool then Result := 'true' else Result := 'false'; end; function HexToLong(hex: String): LongWord; function NormalizeHexString(var hex: String): Boolean; var i: Byte; begin if hex[1] = '$' then begin for i := 1 to Length(hex) - 1 do begin hex[i] := hex[i + 1]; end; SetLength(hex, Length(hex) - 1); end; if (hex[1] = '0') and (UpCase(hex[2]) = 'X') then begin for i := 1 to Length(hex) - 2 do begin hex[i] := hex[i + 2]; end; SetLength(hex, Length(hex) - 2); end; if Length(hex) = 0 then Result := False else Result := True; end; var i: Byte; begin if NormalizeHexString(hex) then begin hex := UpperCase(hex); Result := 0; for i := 1 to Length(hex) do begin Result := Result shl 4; case hex[i] of '0'..'9': Result := Result + Ord(hex[i]) - 48; 'A'..'F': Result := Result + Ord(hex[i]) - 55; else Result := 0; Exit; end; end; end else begin Result := 0; end; end; function Decode_Int(buffer: Tdata): LongWord; begin Result := buffer[0] + buffer[1] * 256 + buffer[2] * 256 * 256 + buffer[3] * 256 * 256 * 256; end; function Encode_Int(input: LongWord): Tdata; begin SetLength(Result, 4); Result[0] := input mod 256; input := input div 256; Result[1] := input mod 256; input := input div 256; Result[2] := input mod 256; input := input div 256; Result[3] := input mod 256; end; function Decode_Float(buffer: Tdata): Single; var _valueswitcher: TValueSwitcher; begin _valueswitcher.ValueInt := Decode_Int(buffer); Result := _valueswitcher.ValueFloat; if IsNAN(Result) then Result := 0.0; end; function Encode_Float(input: Single): Tdata; var _valueswitcher: TValueSwitcher; begin _valueswitcher.ValueFloat := input; Result := Encode_Int(_valueswitcher.ValueInt); end; function DataToBin(Data: Tdata): String; var i, j: Byte; singlebyte: Byte; bytepart: String; begin SetLength(bytepart, 8); Result := ''; for i := 0 to High(Data) do begin singlebyte := Data[i]; for j := 7 downto 0 do begin bytepart[j + 1] := Char((singlebyte and $01) + 48); singlebyte := singlebyte shr 1; end; Result := Result + bytepart + ' '; end; end; function BinToInt(bin: String): Byte; var Add: Integer; i: Byte; begin Result := 0; if Length(bin) <> 8 then Exit; Add := 1; for i := 8 downto 1 do begin if not (bin[i] in ['0', '1']) then Exit; if bin[i] = '1' then Inc(Result, Add); Add := Add shl 1; end; end; function FormatNumber(Value: LongWord; Width: Byte; leadingzeros: Char): String; begin Result := AnsiReplaceStr(Format('%' + IntToStr(Width) + 'u', [Value]), ' ', leadingzeros); end; function FormatFileSize(size: LongWord): String; begin if size >= 1000 * 1024 * 1024 then begin Result := FloatToStrF(size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, ffFixed, 5, 1) + ' GB'; end else begin if size >= 1000 * 1024 then begin Result := FloatToStrF(size / 1024 / 1024, ffFixed, 5, 1) + ' MB'; end else begin if size >= 1000 then begin Result := FloatToStrF(size / 1024, ffFixed, 5, 1) + ' KB'; end else begin Result := IntToStr(size) + ' B'; end; end; end; end; function CreateHexString(Data: Tdata; HexOnly: Boolean): String; var string_build, ascii_version: String; i: LongWord; begin string_build := ''; ascii_version := ''; for i := 0 to High(Data) do begin if not HexOnly then if (i mod 16) = 0 then string_build := string_build + '0x' + IntToHex(i, 6) + ' '; string_build := string_build + IntToHex(Data[i], 2); if not HexOnly then begin if Data[i] >= 32 then ascii_version := ascii_version + Chr(Data[i]) else ascii_version := ascii_version + '.'; if ((i + 1) mod 2) = 0 then string_build := string_build + #32; if ((i + 1) mod 16) = 0 then begin string_build := string_build + #32 + ascii_version + CrLf; ascii_version := ''; end; end; end; Result := string_build; end; function DecodeHexString(hex: String): Tdata; var i: LongWord; begin SetLength(Result, Length(hex) div 2); for i := 0 to Length(Result) do begin Result[i] := 0; case UpCase(hex[1 + i * 2]) of '0'..'9': Result[i] := (Ord(UpCase(hex[1 + i * 2])) - 48) * 16; 'A'..'F': Result[i] := (Ord(UpCase(hex[1 + i * 2])) - 55) * 16; end; case UpCase(hex[1 + i * 2 + 1]) of '0'..'9': Result[i] := Result[i] + (Ord(UpCase(hex[1 + i * 2 + 1])) - 48); 'A'..'F': Result[i] := Result[i] + (Ord(UpCase(hex[1 + i * 2 + 1])) - 55); end; end; end; function StringSmaller(string1, string2: String): Boolean; var i: Integer; len: Integer; begin len := Min(Length(string1), Length(string2)); for i := 1 to len do if Ord(string1[i]) <> Ord(string2[i]) then begin Result := Ord(string1[i]) < Ord(string2[i]); Exit; end; Result := Length(string1) < Length(string2); end; function ExportFile(fileid: LongWord; filename: String; settings: TExportSet; path: String): Integer; var i: Byte; extension: String; rawlist: TRawList; begin Result := export_noerror; extension := RightStr(filename, 4); if DO_toone in settings then begin ExportDatFile(fileid, path + '\' + GetWinFileName(filename)); end else begin if DO_dat in settings then ExportDatFile(fileid, path + '\' + GetWinFileName(filename)); if DO_raw in settings then begin rawlist := OniDataConnection.GetRawList(fileid); if Length(rawlist) > 0 then begin for i := 0 to High(rawlist) do begin ExportRawFile(fileid, rawlist[i].src_offset, path + '\' + GetWinFileName(filename)); end; end; end; end; end; function Explode(_string: String; delimiter: Char): TStringArray; var start, len: Word; begin SetLength(Result, 0); start := 1; while PosEx(delimiter, _string, start) > 0 do begin len := PosEx(delimiter, _string, start) - start; SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1); Result[High(Result)] := MidStr(_string, start, len); start := start + len + 1; end; SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1); Result[High(Result)] := MidStr(_string, start, Length(_string) - start + 1); end; function GetWinFileName(Name: String): String; begin Result := Name; Result := AnsiReplaceStr(Result, '\', '__'); Result := AnsiReplaceStr(Result, '/', '__'); Result := AnsiReplaceStr(Result, '>', '__'); Result := AnsiReplaceStr(Result, '<', '__'); end; function GetExtractPath: String; begin Result := ExtractFilePath(OniDataConnection.FileName) + '\extracted_' + ExtractFileName(OniDataConnection.Filename); end; end.