1 | unit Data;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses Classes, Graphics;
6 |
7 | const
8 | Version: String = 'v0.33a';
9 | DBVersion: String = '0.3';
10 | CrLf: String[2] = #13 + #10;
11 |
12 | type
13 | TData = array of Byte;
14 |
15 | THeader = packed record
16 | Ident: array[0..$13] of Byte;
17 | Files: LongWord;
18 | NamedFiles: LongWord;
19 | Extensions: LongWord;
20 | DataAddr: LongWord;
21 | DataSize: LongWord;
22 | NamesAddr: LongWord;
23 | NamesSize: LongWord;
24 | Ident2: array[0..$F] of Byte;
25 | end;
26 | TFilesMap = array of packed record
27 | Extension: array[0..$3] of Char;
28 | DataAddr: LongWord;
29 | NameAddr: LongWord;
30 | FileSize: LongWord;
31 | FileType: LongWord;
32 | end;
33 |
34 | TFileInfo = packed record
35 | ID: Integer;
36 | FileName: String;
37 | FileNameHex: String;
38 | Extension: String[4];
39 | Name: String;
40 | Size: LongWord;
41 | FileType: LongWord;
42 | DatAddr: LongWord;
43 | opened: Boolean;
44 | end;
45 | TFiles = array of TFileInfo;
46 |
47 | TNamedFilesMap = array of packed record
48 | FileNumber: LongWord;
49 | blubb: LongWord;
50 | end;
51 | TExtensionsMap = array of packed record
52 | Ident: array[0..$7] of Byte;
53 | Extension: array[0..$3] of Char;
54 | ExtCount: LongWord;
55 | end;
56 |
57 | TLevelInfo = record
58 | Ident: array[0..$13] of Byte;
59 | LevelNumber: Byte;
60 | end;
61 |
62 | TAppSettings = record
63 | DatPath: String[250];
64 | ExtractPath: String[250];
65 | FilenumbersAsHex: Boolean;
66 | CharSet: TFontCharSet;
67 | HideUnusedData: Boolean;
68 | end;
69 |
70 | TExportHandlers = record
71 | Ext: String[4];
72 | needed: Boolean;
73 | Handler: function(fileid: LongWord; filename: String; convert: Boolean): Integer;
74 | end;
75 |
76 | TStringArray = array of String;
77 | TExtList = array of record
78 | Ext: String;
79 | Count: LongWord;
80 | end;
81 |
82 | TRawInfo = record
83 | src_id: LongWord;
84 | src_offset: LongWord;
85 | raw_addr: LongWord;
86 | raw_size: LongWord;
87 | loc_sep: Boolean;
88 | end;
89 | TRawList = array of TRawInfo;
90 |
91 | TDatLinks = array of record
92 | Src_Offset: LongWord;
93 | Target: LongWord;
94 | end;
95 |
96 | TToolList = array of record
97 | context: String;
98 | name: String;
99 | exts: String;
100 | end;
101 |
102 | var
103 | {
104 | opened_state:Byte=0;
105 | dat_filename:String='';
106 | raw_filename:String='';
107 | dat_os_mac:Boolean=False;
108 | dat_header:Theader;
109 | dat_filesmap:Tfilesmap;
110 | dat_files:Tfiles;
111 | dat_namedfilesmap:Tnamedfilesmap;
112 | dat_extensionsmap:Textensionsmap;
113 | }
114 | AppSettings: TAppSettings;
115 | AppSettingsFile: file of TAppSettings;
116 | {
117 | database_level:LongWord;
118 | database_ident:Array[0..$13] of Byte;
119 | }
120 | const
121 | { header_ident1_pc:Array[0..$13] of Byte=
122 | ($1F,$27,$DC,$33,$DF,$BC,$03,$00,$31,$33,$52,$56,$40,$00,$14,$00,$10,$00,$08,$00);
123 | header_ident1_mac:Array[0..$13] of Byte=
124 | ($61,$30,$C1,$23,$DF,$BC,$03,$00,$31,$33,$52,$56,$40,$00,$14,$00,$10,$00,$08,$00);
125 | header_ident2:Array[0..$F] of Byte=
126 | ($99,$CF,$40,$00,$90,$4F,$63,$00,$F4,$55,$5F,$00,$90,$4F,$63,$00);
127 | }
128 | export_noerror: Integer = 0;
129 | export_nohandler: Integer = 1;
130 | export_handlererror: Integer = 2;
131 | export_error: Integer = 3;
132 | {
133 | opened_nothing:Byte=0;
134 | opened_dat:Byte=1;
135 | opened_db:Byte=2;
136 | }
137 | implementation
138 |
139 | end.