1 | unit _Extensions;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | type
6 | TExtension = class
7 | private
8 | FConnectionID: Integer;
9 | FExt: String;
10 | FFiles: array of Integer;
11 | function GetFile(ID: Integer): Integer;
12 | function GetFileCount: Integer;
13 | public
14 | constructor Create(ConnectionID: Integer; Ext: String); virtual;
15 | procedure InitList;
16 | property Ext: String read FExt;
17 | property Files[ID: Integer]: Integer read GetFile;
18 | property FileCount: Integer read GetFileCount;
19 | end;
20 |
21 | TExtensions = array of TExtension;
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 | implementation
26 |
27 | uses
28 | Classes, StrUtils, SysUtils, ConnectionManager, TypeDefs;
29 |
30 | { TExtension }
31 |
32 | constructor TExtension.Create(ConnectionID: Integer; Ext: String);
33 | begin
34 | FConnectionID := ConnectionID;
35 | FExt := Ext;
36 | end;
37 |
38 | function TExtension.GetFile(ID: Integer): Integer;
39 | begin
40 | Result := FFiles[ID];
41 | end;
42 |
43 | function TExtension.GetFileCount: Integer;
44 | begin
45 | Result := Length(FFiles);
46 | end;
47 |
48 | procedure TExtension.InitList;
49 | var
50 | files: TStrings;
51 | i: Integer;
52 | fid: Integer;
53 | finfo: TFileInfo;
54 | begin
55 | files := TStringList.Create;
56 | files := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFilesList(Ext, '', False, ST_NameAsc);
57 | if files.Count > 0 then
58 | begin
59 | for i := 0 to files.Count - 1 do
60 | begin
61 | fid := StrToInt(MidStr(files.Strings[i], 1, 5));
62 | finfo := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFileInfo(fid);
63 | if Length(finfo.Name) > 0 then
64 | begin
65 | SetLength(FFiles, Length(FFiles) + 1);
66 | FFiles[High(FFiles)] := fid;
67 | end;
68 | end;
69 | end;
70 | files.Free;
71 | end;
72 |
73 | end.