1 | unit _FileTypes;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | TypeDefs, _DataTypes, Classes;
7 |
8 |
9 | type
10 | TFile = class
11 | protected
12 | FConnectionID: Integer;
13 | FFileID: Integer;
14 | FFileName: String;
15 | FFileExt: String;
16 | FFileSize: Integer;
17 | FFileStream: TMemoryStream;
18 |
19 | FDatLinks: TDatLinkList;
20 | FDataFields: TBlock;
21 | FRawParts: TRawDataList;
22 |
23 | procedure InitDatLinks; virtual; abstract;
24 | procedure InitDataFields; virtual; abstract;
25 | procedure InitRawList; virtual; abstract;
26 |
27 | function GetDatLinkByOffset(Offset: Integer): TDatLink;
28 | function GetDatLinkByIndex(ID: Integer): TDatLink;
29 | function GetFieldByOffset(Offset: Integer): TDataField;
30 | function GetFieldByIndex(ID: Integer): TDataField;
31 | function GetRawPartByOffset(Offset: Integer): TRawDataInfo;
32 | function GetRawPartByIndex(ID: Integer): TRawDataInfo;
33 | public
34 | constructor Create(ConnectionID, FileID: Integer); virtual;
35 | procedure Free;
36 |
37 | property FileStream: TMemoryStream read FFileStream;
38 | property FileID: Integer read FFileID;
39 | property FileName: String read FFileName;
40 | property FileExt: String read FFileExt;
41 | property FileSize: Integer read FFileSize;
42 | property ConnectionID: Integer read FConnectionID;
43 |
44 | property LinkByOffset[Offset: Integer]: TDatLink read GetDatLinkByOffset;
45 | property LinkByIndex[ID: Integer]: TDatLink read GetDatLinkByIndex;
46 |
47 | property FieldByOffset[Offset: Integer]: TDataField read GetFieldByOffset;
48 | property FieldByIndex[ID: Integer]: TDataField read GetFieldByIndex;
49 |
50 | property RawPartByOffset[Offset: Integer]: TRawDataInfo read GetRawPartByOffset;
51 | property RawPartByIndex[ID: Integer]: TRawDataInfo read GetRawPartByIndex;
52 | end;
53 |
54 |
55 | TFileType = class of TFile;
56 |
57 |
58 | function GetDatLinkValue(stream: TStream; offset: Integer): Integer;
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 | implementation
63 |
64 | uses
65 | DatLinks, RawList, ConnectionManager, Dialogs;
66 |
67 | { TFileType }
68 |
69 | constructor TFile.Create(ConnectionID, FileID: Integer);
70 | var
71 | i: Integer;
72 | fileinfo: TFileInfo;
73 | begin
74 | FConnectionID := ConnectionID;
75 | FFileID := FileID;
76 | fileinfo := ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].GetFileInfo(FileID);
77 | FFileName := fileinfo.Name;
78 | FFileExt := fileinfo.Extension;
79 | FFileSize := fileinfo.Size;
80 |
81 | FFileStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
82 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].LoadDatFile(FileID, TStream(FFileStream));
83 |
84 | InitDatLinks();
85 | InitDataFields();
86 | InitRawList();
87 |
88 | FFileStream.Free;
89 | FFileStream := nil;
90 | end;
91 |
92 |
93 | procedure TFile.Free;
94 | begin
95 | FDataFields.Free;
96 | end;
97 |
98 | function TFile.GetDatLinkByIndex(ID: Integer): TDatLink;
99 | begin
100 | if ID < Length(FDatLinks) then
101 | Result := FDatLinks[ID]
102 | else
103 | with Result do
104 | begin
105 | SrcOffset := -1;
106 | DestID := -1;
107 | PosDestExts := '';
108 | end;
109 | end;
110 |
111 | function TFile.GetDatLinkByOffset(Offset: Integer): TDatLink;
112 | var
113 | i: Integer;
114 | begin
115 | Result.SrcOffset := -1;
116 | Result.DestID := -1;
117 | Result.PosDestExts := '';
118 |
119 | if Length(FDatLinks) > 0 then
120 | begin
121 | for i := 0 to High(FDatLinks) do
122 | if FDatLinks[i].SrcOffset = Offset then
123 | break;
124 | if i < Length(FDatLinks) then
125 | Result := FDatLinks[i];
126 | end;
127 | end;
128 |
129 |
130 | function TFile.GetFieldByIndex(ID: Integer): TDataField;
131 | begin
132 | Result := FDataFields.FieldByIndex[ID];
133 | end;
134 |
135 | function TFile.GetFieldByOffset(Offset: Integer): TDataField;
136 | var
137 | i: Integer;
138 | begin
139 | Result := FDataFields.FieldByOffset[Offset];
140 | end;
141 |
142 |
143 | function TFile.GetRawPartByIndex(ID: Integer): TRawDataInfo;
144 | begin
145 | if ID < Length(FRawParts) then
146 | Result := FRawParts[ID]
147 | else
148 | with Result do
149 | begin
150 | SrcID := -1;
151 | SrcOffset := -1;
152 | RawAddr := -1;
153 | RawSize := -1;
154 | end;
155 | end;
156 |
157 | function TFile.GetRawPartByOffset(Offset: Integer): TRawDataInfo;
158 | var
159 | i: Integer;
160 | begin
161 | with Result do
162 | begin
163 | SrcID := -1;
164 | SrcOffset := -1;
165 | RawAddr := -1;
166 | RawSize := -1;
167 | end;
168 |
169 | if Length(FRawParts) > 0 then
170 | begin
171 | for i := 0 to High(FRawParts) do
172 | if FRawParts[i].SrcOffset = Offset then
173 | break;
174 | if i < Length(FRawParts) then
175 | Result := FRawParts[i];
176 | end;
177 | end;
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 | function GetDatLinkValue(stream: TStream; offset: Integer): Integer;
182 | begin
183 | stream.Seek(Offset, soFromBeginning);
184 | stream.Read(Result, 4);
185 | if Result > 0 then
186 | Result := Result div 256
187 | else
188 | Result := -1;
189 | end;
190 |
191 | end.