unit _MetaManager; interface uses _FileTypes, ABNA, AGDB, AGQC, AGQG, AGQM, AGQR, AISA, AITR, AIWA, AKAA, AKBA, AKBP, AKDA, AKEV, AKOT, AKVA, BINA, CBPI, CBPM, CONS, CRSA, DOOR, DPge, EDIA, ENVP, FILM, FXLR, GMAN, HPge, IDXA, IGHH, IGPA, IGPG, IGSA, IGSt, Impt, IPge, KeyI, M3GA, M3GM, M3TA, Mtrl, NMSA, OBAN, OBDC, OBLS, OBOA, OFGA, ONCC, ONCP, ONCV, ONFA, ONGS, ONIA, ONLD, ONLV, ONMA, ONOA, ONSA, ONSK, ONTA, ONVL, ONWC, OPge, OSBD, OTIT, OTLF, PLEA, PNTA, PSpc, PSpL, PSUI, QTNA, QUDA, SNDD, StNA, SUBT, TMFA, TMRA, TRAC, TRAM, TRAS, TRBS, TRCM, TRFT, TRGA, TRGE, TRIA, TRIG, TRMA, TRSC, TRTA, TSFF, TSFL, TSFT, TSGA, TStr, TURR, TXAN, TXCA, TXMA, TXMB, TXMP, TXPC, TxtC, UUEA, UVDL, VCRA, WMCL, WMDD, WMM_, WMMB, WPge, _EmptyFile; type TFileType = class of TFile; TFileDesc = record ext: String; ftype: TFileType; end; const FileDescs: array[0..112] of TFileDesc = ( (ext: 'ABNA'; ftype: TFile_ABNA), (ext: 'AGDB'; ftype: TFile_AGDB), (ext: 'AGQC'; ftype: TFile_AGQC), (ext: 'AGQG'; ftype: TFile_AGQG), (ext: 'AGQM'; ftype: TFile_AGQM), (ext: 'AGQR'; ftype: TFile_AGQR), (ext: 'AISA'; ftype: TFile_AISA), (ext: 'AITR'; ftype: TFile_AITR), (ext: 'AIWA'; ftype: TFile_AIWA), (ext: 'AKAA'; ftype: TFile_AKAA), (ext: 'AKBA'; ftype: TFile_AKBA), (ext: 'AKBP'; ftype: TFile_AKBP), (ext: 'AKDA'; ftype: TFile_AKDA), (ext: 'AKEV'; ftype: TFile_AKEV), (ext: 'AKOT'; ftype: TFile_AKOT), (ext: 'AKVA'; ftype: TFile_AKVA), (ext: 'BINA'; ftype: TFile_BINA), (ext: 'CBPI'; ftype: TFile_CBPI), (ext: 'CBPM'; ftype: TFile_CBPM), (ext: 'CONS'; ftype: TFile_CONS), (ext: 'CRSA'; ftype: TFile_CRSA), (ext: 'DOOR'; ftype: TFile_DOOR), (ext: 'DPge'; ftype: TFile_DPge), (ext: 'EDIA'; ftype: TFile_EDIA), (ext: 'ENVP'; ftype: TFile_ENVP), (ext: 'FILM'; ftype: TFile_FILM), (ext: 'FXLR'; ftype: TFile_FXLR), (ext: 'GMAN'; ftype: TFile_GMAN), (ext: 'HPge'; ftype: TFile_HPge), (ext: 'IDXA'; ftype: TFile_IDXA), (ext: 'IGHH'; ftype: TFile_IGHH), (ext: 'IGPA'; ftype: TFile_IGPA), (ext: 'IGPG'; ftype: TFile_IGPG), (ext: 'IGSA'; ftype: TFile_IGSA), (ext: 'IGSt'; ftype: TFile_IGSt), (ext: 'Impt'; ftype: TFile_Impt), (ext: 'IPge'; ftype: TFile_IPge), (ext: 'KeyI'; ftype: TFile_KeyI), (ext: 'M3GA'; ftype: TFile_M3GA), (ext: 'M3GM'; ftype: TFile_M3GM), (ext: 'M3TA'; ftype: TFile_M3TA), (ext: 'Mtrl'; ftype: TFile_Mtrl), (ext: 'NMSA'; ftype: TFile_NMSA), (ext: 'OBAN'; ftype: TFile_OBAN), (ext: 'OBDC'; ftype: TFile_OBDC), (ext: 'OBLS'; ftype: TFile_OBLS), (ext: 'OBOA'; ftype: TFile_OBOA), (ext: 'OFGA'; ftype: TFile_OFGA), (ext: 'ONCC'; ftype: TFile_ONCC), (ext: 'ONCP'; ftype: TFile_ONCP), (ext: 'ONCV'; ftype: TFile_ONCV), (ext: 'ONFA'; ftype: TFile_ONFA), (ext: 'ONGS'; ftype: TFile_ONGS), (ext: 'ONIA'; ftype: TFile_ONIA), (ext: 'ONLD'; ftype: TFile_ONLD), (ext: 'ONLV'; ftype: TFile_ONLV), (ext: 'ONMA'; ftype: TFile_ONMA), (ext: 'ONOA'; ftype: TFile_ONOA), (ext: 'ONSA'; ftype: TFile_ONSA), (ext: 'ONSK'; ftype: TFile_ONSK), (ext: 'ONTA'; ftype: TFile_ONTA), (ext: 'ONVL'; ftype: TFile_ONVL), (ext: 'ONWC'; ftype: TFile_ONWC), (ext: 'OPge'; ftype: TFile_OPge), (ext: 'OSBD'; ftype: TFile_OSBD), (ext: 'OTIT'; ftype: TFile_OTIT), (ext: 'OTLF'; ftype: TFile_OTLF), (ext: 'PLEA'; ftype: TFile_PLEA), (ext: 'PNTA'; ftype: TFile_PNTA), (ext: 'PSpc'; ftype: TFile_PSpc), (ext: 'PSpL'; ftype: TFile_PSpL), (ext: 'PSUI'; ftype: TFile_PSUI), (ext: 'QTNA'; ftype: TFile_QTNA), (ext: 'QUDA'; ftype: TFile_QUDA), (ext: 'SNDD'; ftype: TFile_SNDD), (ext: 'StNA'; ftype: TFile_StNA), (ext: 'SUBT'; ftype: TFile_SUBT), (ext: 'TMFA'; ftype: TFile_TMFA), (ext: 'TMRA'; ftype: TFile_TMRA), (ext: 'TRAC'; ftype: TFile_TRAC), (ext: 'TRAM'; ftype: TFile_TRAM), (ext: 'TRAS'; ftype: TFile_TRAS), (ext: 'TRBS'; ftype: TFile_TRBS), (ext: 'TRCM'; ftype: TFile_TRCM), (ext: 'TRFT'; ftype: TFile_TRFT), (ext: 'TRGA'; ftype: TFile_TRGA), (ext: 'TRGE'; ftype: TFile_TRGE), (ext: 'TRIA'; ftype: TFile_TRIA), (ext: 'TRIG'; ftype: TFile_TRIG), (ext: 'TRMA'; ftype: TFile_TRMA), (ext: 'TRSC'; ftype: TFile_TRSC), (ext: 'TRTA'; ftype: TFile_TRTA), (ext: 'TSFF'; ftype: TFile_TSFF), (ext: 'TSFL'; ftype: TFile_TSFL), (ext: 'TSFT'; ftype: TFile_TSFT), (ext: 'TSGA'; ftype: TFile_TSGA), (ext: 'TStr'; ftype: TFile_TStr), (ext: 'TURR'; ftype: TFile_TURR), (ext: 'TXAN'; ftype: TFile_TXAN), (ext: 'TXCA'; ftype: TFile_TXCA), (ext: 'TXMA'; ftype: TFile_TXMA), (ext: 'TXMB'; ftype: TFile_TXMB), (ext: 'TXMP'; ftype: TFile_TXMP), (ext: 'TXPC'; ftype: TFile_TXPC), (ext: 'TxtC'; ftype: TFile_TxtC), (ext: 'UUEA'; ftype: TFile_UUEA), (ext: 'UVDL'; ftype: TFile_UVDL), (ext: 'VCRA'; ftype: TFile_VCRA), (ext: 'WMCL'; ftype: TFile_WMCL), (ext: 'WMDD'; ftype: TFile_WMDD), (ext: 'WMM_'; ftype: TFile_WMM_), (ext: 'WMMB'; ftype: TFile_WMMB), (ext: 'WPge'; ftype: TFile_WPge) ); type TMetaManager = class protected FFiles: array of TFile; FConnectionID: Integer; function GetFileCount: Integer; function GetFileById(Id: Integer): TFile; private procedure InitRootFiles; public constructor Create(ConnectionID: Integer); procedure InitFile(id: Integer); procedure InitFileFields(id: Integer); property FileCount: Integer read GetFileCount; property FileById[Id: Integer]: TFile read GetFileById; end; var Meta: TMetaManager; implementation uses Classes, ConnectionManager, Access_OniArchive, TypeDefs, Dialogs, SysUtils, StrUtils; { TFileManager } constructor TMetaManager.Create(ConnectionID: Integer); begin FConnectionID := ConnectionID; InitRootFiles; end; function TMetaManager.GetFileById(Id: Integer): TFile; begin Result := FFiles[Id]; end; function TMetaManager.GetFileCount: Integer; begin Result := Length(FFiles); end; procedure TMetaManager.InitFile(id: Integer); var typei: Integer; finfo: TFileInfo; begin if id < ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFileCount then begin if not Assigned(FFiles[id]) then begin finfo := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFileInfo(id); if finfo.Size > 0 then begin for typei := 0 to High(FileDescs) do begin if FileDescs[typei].ext = finfo.Extension then begin FFiles[id] := TFileType(FileDescs[typei].ftype).Create(FConnectionID, id); Break; end; end; if typei > High(FileDescs) then FFiles[id] := TFile_Empty.Create(FConnectionID, id); end else FFiles[id] := TFile_Empty.Create(FConnectionID, id); Exit; end; end; end; procedure TMetaManager.InitFileFields(id: Integer); begin if id < ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFileCount then begin if not Assigned(FFiles[id]) then begin InitFile(id); if not (FFiles[id] is TFile_Empty) then FFiles[id].InitDataFields; end; end; end; procedure TMetaManager.InitRootFiles; var files: TStrings; i: Integer; typei: Integer; fid: Integer; finfo: TFileInfo; begin if ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID] is TAccess_OniArchive then TAccess_OniArchive(ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID]).UnloadWhenUnused := False; files := TStringList.Create; files := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFilesList('', '', False, ST_IDAsc); SetLength(FFiles, ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFileCount); for i := 0 to High(FFiles) do FFiles[i] := nil; if files.Count > 0 then begin for i := 0 to files.Count - 1 do begin fid := StrToInt(MidStr(files.Strings[i], 1, 5)); finfo := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFileInfo(fid); if Length(finfo.Name) > 0 then begin if finfo.Size > 0 then begin for typei := 0 to High(FileDescs) do begin if FileDescs[typei].ext = finfo.Extension then begin FFiles[fid] := TFileType(FileDescs[typei].ftype).Create(FConnectionID, fid); Break; end; end; end else FFiles[fid] := TFile_Empty.Create(FConnectionID, fid); end; end; end; files.Free; if ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID] is TAccess_OniArchive then TAccess_OniArchive(ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID]).UnloadWhenUnused := True; end; end.