1 | unit Tool_Extractor;
2 | interface
3 | uses
4 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
5 | Dialogs, Tool_Template, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Menus;
6 |
7 | type
8 | TForm_Extractor = class(TForm_ToolTemplate)
9 | group_extract: TGroupBox;
10 | group_singlefiles: TGroupBox;
11 | btn_sel_dat: TButton;
12 | btn_sel_datraw: TButton;
13 | btn_sel_datraw_convert: TButton;
14 | btn_all_dat: TButton;
15 | btn_all_datraw: TButton;
16 | btn_all_datraw_convert: TButton;
17 | btn_sel_files_toone: TButton;
18 | btn_all_files_toone: TButton;
19 | group_onefile: TGroupBox;
20 | group_progress: TGroupBox;
21 | lbl_progress: TLabel;
22 | lbl_estimated: TLabel;
23 | progress: TProgressBar;
24 | btn_abort: TButton;
25 | saved: TSaveDialog;
26 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
27 | procedure Extract(Sender: TObject);
28 | procedure btn_abortClick(Sender: TObject);
29 | private
30 | public
31 | end;
32 |
33 | var
34 | Form_Extractor: TForm_Extractor;
35 |
36 | implementation
37 | {$R *.dfm}
38 | uses Main, Code_Functions, Data, Code_OniDataClass;
39 |
40 | procedure TForm_Extractor.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
41 | begin
42 | inherited;
43 | Self.AllowMultiSelect := True;
44 |
45 | btn_sel_dat.Caption := 'Selected files' + CrLf + '(dat contents only)';
46 | btn_sel_datraw.Caption := 'Selected files' + CrLf + '(dat+raw contents)';
47 | btn_sel_datraw_convert.Caption :=
48 | 'Selected files' + CrLf + '(dat+raw contents)' + CrLf + '(with convert if possible)';
49 | btn_all_dat.Caption := 'All files in list' + CrLf + '(dat contents only)';
50 | btn_all_datraw.Caption := 'All files in list' + CrLf + '(dat+raw contents)';
51 | btn_all_datraw_convert.Caption :=
52 | 'All files in list' + CrLf + '(dat+raw contents)' + CrLf + '(with convert if possible)';
53 | btn_sel_files_toone.Caption := 'Selected files' + CrLf + '(dat contents only)';
54 | btn_all_files_toone.Caption := 'All files in list' + CrLf + '(dat contents only)';
55 | end;
56 |
57 | procedure TForm_Extractor.btn_abortClick(Sender: TObject);
58 | begin
59 | ShowMessage('X');
60 | end;
61 |
62 | procedure TForm_Extractor.Extract(Sender: TObject);
63 | var
64 | sel_only: Boolean;
65 | dat_only: Boolean;
66 | convert: Boolean;
67 | one_file: Boolean;
68 | settings: TExportSet;
69 | files: LongWord;
70 | i, done: LongWord;
71 | begintime: Double;
72 | begin
73 | sel_only := Pos('sel', TButton(Sender).Name) > 0;
74 | dat_only := not (Pos('datraw', TButton(Sender).Name) > 0);
75 | convert := Pos('convert', TButton(Sender).Name) > 0;
76 | one_file := Pos('toone', TButton(Sender).Name) > 0;
77 | if dat_only then
78 | settings := [DO_dat]
79 | else
80 | settings := [DO_dat, DO_raw];
81 | if convert then
82 | settings := settings + [DO_convert];
83 | if one_file then
84 | settings := settings + [DO_toone];
85 | progress.Position := 0;
86 |
87 | if saved.Execute then
88 | begin
89 | begintime := Time;
90 | group_progress.Visible := True;
91 | panel_files.Enabled := False;
92 | group_singlefiles.Enabled := False;
93 | group_onefile.Enabled := False;
94 | lbl_estimated.Caption := 'Estimated finishing time: unknown';
95 | if one_file then
96 | begin
97 | if FileExists(saved.FileName) then
98 | begin
99 | if MessageBox(Self.Handle, PChar(
100 | 'File already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?'), PChar('Warning!'), MB_YESNO) =
101 | ID_YES then
102 | begin
103 | DeleteFile(saved.FileName);
104 | end
105 | else
106 | begin
107 | group_progress.Visible := False;
108 | panel_files.Enabled := True;
109 | group_singlefiles.Enabled := True;
110 | group_onefile.Enabled := True;
111 | Exit;
112 | end;
113 | end;
114 | i := FileCreate(saved.FileName);
115 | FileClose(i);
116 | i := 0;
117 | end;
118 | if sel_only then
119 | begin
120 | files := filelist.SelCount;
121 | lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: 0/' + IntToStr(files);
122 | progress.Max := files;
123 | done := 0;
124 | for i := 0 to filelist.Count - 1 do
125 | begin
126 | if filelist.Selected[i] then
127 | begin
128 | if one_file then
129 | begin
130 | ExportFile(OniDataConnection.ExtractFileID(
131 | filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex]), ExtractFileName(saved.FileName),
132 | settings, ExtractFileDir(saved.FileName));
133 | end
134 | else
135 | begin
136 | ExportFile(OniDataConnection.ExtractFileID(
137 | filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex]), filelist.Items.Strings[i], settings, 'D:');
138 | end;
139 | Inc(done);
140 | end;
141 | if ((done mod 10) = 0) and (done >= 50) then
142 | lbl_estimated.Caption := 'Estimated finishing time: ' + TimeToStr(
143 | (Time - begintime) / done * files + begintime);
144 | if (i mod 10) = 0 then
145 | begin
146 | progress.Position := done;
147 | lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: ' + IntToStr(done) + '/' + IntToStr(files);
148 | Application.ProcessMessages;
149 | end;
150 | end;
151 | end
152 | else
153 | begin
154 | files := filelist.Count;
155 | lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: 0/' + IntToStr(files);
156 | progress.Max := files;
157 | for i := 0 to filelist.Count - 1 do
158 | begin
159 | if one_file then
160 | begin
161 | ExportFile(OniDataConnection.ExtractFileID(
162 | filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex]), ExtractFileName(saved.FileName),
163 | settings, ExtractFileDir(saved.FileName));
164 | end
165 | else
166 | begin
167 | ExportFile(OniDataConnection.ExtractFileID(
168 | filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex]), filelist.Items.Strings[i], settings, 'D:');
169 | end;
170 | if ((i mod 10) = 0) and (i >= 50) then
171 | lbl_estimated.Caption := 'Estimated finishing time: ' + TimeToStr(
172 | (Time - begintime) / i * files + begintime);
173 | if (i mod 5) = 0 then
174 | begin
175 | progress.Position := i;
176 | lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: ' + IntToStr(i) + '/' + IntToStr(files);
177 | Application.ProcessMessages;
178 | end;
179 | end;
180 | end;
181 | group_progress.Visible := False;
182 | panel_files.Enabled := True;
183 | group_singlefiles.Enabled := True;
184 | group_onefile.Enabled := True;
185 | end;
186 | end;
187 |
188 | begin
189 | AddToolListEntry('extractor', 'Extractor', '');
190 | end.