1 | inherited Form_BinEdit: TForm_BinEdit
2 | Caption = 'BinEdit'
3 | KeyPreview = True
4 | OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
5 | OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp
6 | PixelsPerInch = 96
7 | TextHeight = 13
8 | inherited panel_files: TPanel
9 | inherited filelist: TListBox
10 | ExplicitTop = 153
11 | ExplicitHeight = 270
12 | end
13 | end
14 | inherited content: TPanel
15 | object Splitter2: TSplitter
16 | Left = 0
17 | Top = 209
18 | Width = 283
19 | Height = 9
20 | Cursor = crVSplit
21 | Align = alTop
22 | AutoSnap = False
23 | Beveled = True
24 | MinSize = 40
25 | ExplicitWidth = 425
26 | end
27 | object Splitter3: TSplitter
28 | Left = 0
29 | Top = 318
30 | Width = 283
31 | Height = 8
32 | Cursor = crVSplit
33 | Align = alBottom
34 | AutoSnap = False
35 | Beveled = True
36 | MinSize = 40
37 | ExplicitLeft = -9
38 | ExplicitTop = 430
39 | ExplicitWidth = 425
40 | end
41 | object hex: TMPHexEditor
42 | Left = 0
43 | Top = 0
44 | Width = 283
45 | Height = 209
46 | Cursor = crIBeam
47 | Align = alTop
48 | Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
49 | Font.Color = clWindowText
50 | Font.Height = -16
51 | Font.Name = 'Courier'
52 | Font.Style = []
53 | OnKeyUp = hexKeyUp
54 | ParentFont = False
55 | TabOrder = 0
56 | BytesPerRow = 16
57 | Translation = tkASCII
58 | OffsetFormat = '6!10:0x|'
59 | Colors.Background = clWindow
60 | Colors.ChangedBackground = clWindow
61 | Colors.ChangedText = clRed
62 | Colors.CursorFrame = clNavy
63 | Colors.Offset = clBlack
64 | Colors.OddColumn = clBlue
65 | Colors.EvenColumn = clNavy
66 | Colors.CurrentOffsetBackground = clBtnShadow
67 | Colors.OffsetBackGround = clBtnFace
68 | Colors.CurrentOffset = clBtnHighlight
69 | Colors.Grid = clBtnFace
70 | Colors.NonFocusCursorFrame = clAqua
71 | Colors.ActiveFieldBackground = clWindow
72 | FocusFrame = True
73 | NoSizeChange = True
74 | AllowInsertMode = False
75 | DrawGridLines = False
76 | Version = 'May 23, 2005; '#169' markus stephany, vcl[at]mirkes[dot]de'
77 | OnChange = hexChange
78 | ShowPositionIfNotFocused = True
79 | OnSelectionChanged = hexSelectionChanged
80 | end
81 | object value_viewer: TWrapGrid
82 | Left = 0
83 | Top = 218
84 | Width = 283
85 | Height = 100
86 | Align = alClient
87 | ColCount = 1
88 | DefaultColWidth = 80
89 | DefaultRowHeight = 18
90 | FixedCols = 0
91 | RowCount = 8
92 | FixedRows = 0
93 | Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goColSizing]
94 | PopupMenu = value_viewer_context
95 | TabOrder = 1
96 | OnDblClick = value_viewerDblClick
97 | OnMouseDown = value_viewerMouseDown
98 | end
99 | object VST: TVirtualStringTree
100 | Left = 0
101 | Top = 326
102 | Width = 283
103 | Height = 97
104 | Align = alBottom
105 | AnimationDuration = 0
106 | AutoExpandDelay = 300
107 | BiDiMode = bdLeftToRight
108 | Colors.UnfocusedSelectionColor = clGradientActiveCaption
109 | Colors.UnfocusedSelectionBorderColor = clGradientActiveCaption
110 | Ctl3D = True
111 | DragOperations = []
112 | DrawSelectionMode = smBlendedRectangle
113 | EditDelay = 200
114 | Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
115 | Font.Color = clWindowText
116 | Font.Height = -11
117 | Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
118 | Font.Style = []
119 | Header.AutoSizeIndex = 0
120 | Header.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
121 | Header.Font.Color = clWindowText
122 | Header.Font.Height = -11
123 | Header.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
124 | Header.Font.Style = []
125 | Header.Options = [hoColumnResize, hoDblClickResize, hoDrag, hoVisible]
126 | Header.PopupMenu = VTHPopup
127 | Header.Style = hsFlatButtons
128 | HintAnimation = hatNone
129 | HintMode = hmTooltip
130 | Indent = 14
131 | ParentBiDiMode = False
132 | ParentCtl3D = False
133 | ParentFont = False
134 | ParentShowHint = False
135 | ShowHint = True
136 | TabOrder = 2
137 | TreeOptions.MiscOptions = [toAcceptOLEDrop, toCheckSupport, toFullRepaintOnResize, toInitOnSave, toToggleOnDblClick, toWheelPanning]
138 | TreeOptions.PaintOptions = [toShowButtons, toShowDropmark, toShowHorzGridLines, toShowRoot, toShowTreeLines, toShowVertGridLines, toUseBlendedImages]
139 | TreeOptions.SelectionOptions = [toExtendedFocus, toFullRowSelect, toRightClickSelect]
140 | OnDblClick = VSTDblClick
141 | OnFocusChanged = VSTFocusChanged
142 | OnGetText = VSTGetText
143 | OnHeaderDragged = VSTHeaderDragged
144 | Columns = <
145 | item
146 | MaxWidth = 300
147 | MinWidth = 100
148 | Options = [coEnabled, coParentBidiMode, coParentColor, coResizable, coShowDropMark, coVisible]
149 | Position = 0
150 | Spacing = 20
151 | Width = 150
152 | WideText = 'Name'
153 | WideHint = 'Name of the item.'
154 | end
155 | item
156 | MaxWidth = 110
157 | MinWidth = 80
158 | Options = [coDraggable, coEnabled, coParentBidiMode, coParentColor, coResizable, coShowDropMark, coVisible]
159 | Position = 1
160 | Spacing = 20
161 | Width = 85
162 | WideText = 'Offset'
163 | WideHint = 'Offset of the data-item.'
164 | end
165 | item
166 | MaxWidth = 110
167 | MinWidth = 75
168 | Options = [coDraggable, coEnabled, coParentBidiMode, coParentColor, coResizable, coShowDropMark, coVisible]
169 | Position = 2
170 | Width = 75
171 | WideText = 'Type'
172 | WideHint = 'Data type of the item.'
173 | end
174 | item
175 | MaxWidth = 250
176 | MinWidth = 80
177 | Options = [coDraggable, coEnabled, coParentBidiMode, coParentColor, coResizable, coShowDropMark, coVisible]
178 | Position = 3
179 | Width = 100
180 | WideText = 'Value'
181 | WideHint = 'Value of the item.'
182 | end
183 | item
184 | MaxWidth = 400
185 | MinWidth = 80
186 | Options = [coDraggable, coEnabled, coParentBidiMode, coParentColor, coResizable, coShowDropMark, coVisible]
187 | Position = 4
188 | Width = 400
189 | WideText = 'Description'
190 | end>
191 | WideDefaultText = ''
192 | end
193 | end
194 | object value_viewer_context: TPopupMenu [3]
195 | AutoHotkeys = maManual
196 | OnPopup = value_viewer_contextPopup
197 | Left = 280
198 | Top = 232
199 | object value_viewer_context_copy: TMenuItem
200 | Caption = 'Copy to &clipboard'
201 | OnClick = value_viewer_context_copyClick
202 | end
203 | object value_viewer_context_copyasdec: TMenuItem
204 | Caption = 'Copy to clipboard (as &dec)'
205 | OnClick = value_viewer_context_copyClick
206 | end
207 | object value_viewer_context_copyasfloat: TMenuItem
208 | Caption = 'Copy to clipboard (as &float)'
209 | OnClick = value_viewer_context_copyClick
210 | end
211 | object value_viewer_context_copyasbitset: TMenuItem
212 | Caption = 'Copy to clipboard (as &bitset)'
213 | OnClick = value_viewer_context_copyClick
214 | end
215 | object value_viewer_context_copyasstring: TMenuItem
216 | Caption = 'Copy to clipboard (as &string)'
217 | OnClick = value_viewer_context_copyClick
218 | end
219 | object value_viewer_context_copyashex: TMenuItem
220 | Caption = 'Copy to clipboard (as &hex)'
221 | OnClick = value_viewer_context_copyClick
222 | end
223 | end
224 | object VTHPopup: TVTHeaderPopupMenu [4]
225 | OnColumnChange = VTHPopupColumnChange
226 | Left = 272
227 | Top = 376
228 | end
229 | end