1 | unit TxmpReplace;
2 | interface
3 | uses
4 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
5 | Dialogs, Template, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,
6 | Functions, Data, OniImgClass, Menus, Buttons, TypeDefs;
7 |
8 | type
9 | TForm_TxmpReplace = class(TForm_ToolTemplate)
10 | group_options: TGroupBox;
11 | btn_replace: TButton;
12 | check_transparency: TCheckBox;
13 | check_fading: TCheckBox;
14 | panel_txmppreview: TPanel;
15 | btn_save: TButton;
16 | image_txmppreview: TImage;
17 | splitter_txmp: TSplitter;
18 | group_bmpselect: TGroupBox;
19 | image_bmppreview: TImage;
20 | panel_load: TPanel;
21 | btn_load: TButton;
22 | opend: TOpenDialog;
23 | saved: TSaveDialog;
24 | procedure SelectFile(fileinfo: TFileInfo);
25 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
26 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
27 | procedure btn_saveClick(Sender: TObject);
28 | procedure btn_loadClick(Sender: TObject);
29 | procedure btn_replaceClick(Sender: TObject);
30 | private
31 | OniImage_Old: TOniImage;
32 | OniImage_New: TOniImage;
33 | old_size: Integer;
34 | fileid: Integer;
35 | public
36 | end;
37 |
38 | var
39 | Form_TxmpReplace: TForm_TxmpReplace;
40 |
41 | implementation
42 | {$R *.dfm}
43 | uses Main, ConnectionManager, ImagingTypes;
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 | procedure TForm_TxmpReplace.SelectFile(fileinfo: TFileInfo);
48 | var
49 | mem: TMemoryStream;
50 | fadingbyte, depthbyte, storebyte: Byte;
51 | begin
52 | fileid := fileinfo.ID;
53 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $88, SizeOf(fadingbyte), @fadingbyte);
54 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $89, SizeOf(depthbyte), @depthbyte);
55 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $90, SizeOf(storebyte), @storebyte);
56 |
57 | OniImage_Old.LoadFromTXMP(ConnectionID, fileid);
58 | old_size := OniImage_Old.GetImageSize(True);
59 | OniImage_Old.DrawOnCanvas(image_txmppreview.Canvas, 2);
60 |
61 | check_fading.Checked := OniImage_Old.HasMipMaps;
62 | // check_transparency.Checked := (depthbyte and $04) > 0;
63 | check_transparency.Checked := storebyte in [0, 2, 7];
64 |
65 | group_bmpselect.Enabled := True;
66 | end;
67 |
68 |
69 | procedure TForm_TxmpReplace.btn_loadClick(Sender: TObject);
70 | var
71 | mem: TMemoryStream;
72 | begin
73 | if opend.Execute then
74 | begin
75 | OniImage_New.LoadFromFile(opend.FileName);
76 | OniImage_New.DrawOnCanvas(image_bmppreview.Canvas, 1);
77 | group_options.Enabled := True;
78 | end;
79 | end;
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 | procedure TForm_TxmpReplace.btn_replaceClick(Sender: TObject);
85 | var
86 | newsize: Integer;
87 | old_rawaddr, new_rawaddr: Integer;
88 | oldfading: Byte;
89 | datbyte: Word;
90 | mem: TMemoryStream;
91 | new_storetype: Byte;
92 | begin
93 | if filelist.ItemIndex >= 0 then
94 | begin
95 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $88, 1, @oldfading);
96 | if not (ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].DataOS = DOS_WIN) then
97 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $A0, 4, @old_rawaddr)
98 | else
99 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $9C, 4, @old_rawaddr);
100 |
101 | if (OniImage_Old.Width[1] <> OniImage_New.Width[1]) or
102 | (OniImage_Old.Height[1] <> OniImage_New.Height[1]) then
103 | begin
104 | if MessageBox(Self.Handle,
105 | PChar(
106 | 'Current image and new image have different size' + CrLf +
107 | '(Current: ' + IntToStr(OniImage_Old.Width[1]) + 'x' +
108 | IntToStr(OniImage_Old.Height[1]) + ' - New: ' +
109 | IntToStr(OniImage_New.Width[1]) + 'x' +
110 | IntToStr(OniImage_New.Height[1]) +
111 | ')' + CrLf + 'Replace anyway?'),
112 | PChar(filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex]), MB_YESNO) = idNo then
113 | Exit;
114 | end;
115 |
116 | mem := TMemoryStream.Create;
117 |
118 | case OniImage_New.Format of
119 | ifA1R5G5B5: new_storetype := 2;
120 | ifA4R4G4B4: new_storetype := 0;
121 | ifA8R8G8B8:
122 | begin
123 | new_storetype := 8;
124 | OniImage_New.Format := ifX8R8G8B8;
125 | end;
126 | ifX8R8G8B8: new_storetype := 8;
127 | ifDXT1: new_storetype := 9;
128 | else
129 | OniImage_New.Format := ifX8R8G8B8;
130 | new_storetype := 8;
131 | end;
132 |
133 | OniImage_New.SaveDataToStream(check_fading.Checked, TStream(mem));
134 |
135 | newsize := mem.Size;
136 | mem.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
137 |
138 | if (newsize > old_size) and (ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].Backend = DB_ONI) then
139 | new_rawaddr := ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].AppendRawFile(
140 | not (ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].DataOS = DOS_WIN), mem)
141 | else
142 | begin
143 | new_rawaddr := old_rawaddr;
144 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].UpdateRawFile(fileid, $9C, mem);
145 | end;
146 |
147 | datbyte := $00;
148 | if check_fading.Checked then
149 | datbyte := datbyte or $01;
150 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].UpdateDatFilePart(fileid, $88, 1, @datbyte);
151 | datbyte := $10;
152 | // if check_transparency.Checked then
153 | // datbyte := datbyte or $04;
154 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].UpdateDatFilePart(fileid, $89, 1, @datbyte);
155 | datbyte := OniImage_New.Width[1];
156 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].UpdateDatFilePart(fileid, $8C, 2, @datbyte);
157 | datbyte := OniImage_New.Height[1];
158 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].UpdateDatFilePart(fileid, $8E, 2, @datbyte);
159 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].UpdateDatFilePart(fileid, $90, 1, @new_storetype);
160 | if not (ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].DataOS = DOS_WIN) then
161 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].UpdateDatFilePart(fileid, $A0, 4, @new_rawaddr)
162 | else
163 | ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].UpdateDatFilePart(fileid, $9C, 4, @new_rawaddr);
164 |
165 | ShowMessage('TXMP-image replaced');
166 | end;
167 | end;
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 | procedure TForm_TxmpReplace.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
173 | begin
174 | OniImage_Old.Free;
175 | OniImage_New.Free;
176 | inherited;
177 | end;
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 | procedure TForm_TxmpReplace.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
183 | begin
184 | inherited;
185 | OniImage_Old := TOniImage.Create;
186 | OniImage_New := TOniImage.Create;
187 | Self.AllowedExts := 'TXMP';
188 | Self.OnNewFileSelected := SelectFile;
189 | opend.Filter := saved.Filter;
190 | end;
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 | procedure TForm_TxmpReplace.btn_saveClick(Sender: TObject);
196 | begin
197 | if saved.Execute then
198 | OniImage_Old.WriteToFile(saved.FileName);
199 | end;
200 |
201 | begin
202 | AddToolListEntry('txmpreplace', 'TXMP Replacer', 'TXMP');
203 | end.