1 | unit _TemplateFileList;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7 | Dialogs, _TemplateFile, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Menus, Buttons,
8 | TypeDefs;
9 |
10 | type
11 | TForm_TemplateFileList = class(TForm_TemplateFile)
12 | panel_files: TPanel;
13 | filelist: TListBox;
14 | panel_extension: TPanel;
15 | label_sort2: TLabel;
16 | label_sort1: TLabel;
17 | label_extension: TLabel;
18 | btn_sort_id_asc: TSpeedButton;
19 | btn_sort_id_desc: TSpeedButton;
20 | btn_sort_name_asc: TSpeedButton;
21 | btn_sort_name_desc: TSpeedButton;
22 | btn_sort_ext_asc: TSpeedButton;
23 | btn_sort_ext_desc: TSpeedButton;
24 | combo_extension: TComboBox;
25 | check_zerobyte: TCheckBox;
26 | edit_filtername: TEdit;
27 | check_filtername: TCheckBox;
28 | bevel_filelist: TBevel;
29 | splitter_content: TSplitter;
30 | panel_content: TPanel;
31 | filepopup: TPopupMenu;
32 | popup_separator2: TMenuItem;
33 | popup_linkshere: TMenuItem;
34 | popup_separator: TMenuItem;
35 | popup_import: TMenuItem;
36 | popup_export: TMenuItem;
37 | importd: TOpenDialog;
38 | exportd: TSaveDialog;
39 | procedure NewCon(ID: Integer);
40 |
41 | procedure check_filternameClick(Sender: TObject);
42 | procedure check_zerobyteClick(Sender: TObject);
43 | procedure combo_extensionClick(Sender: TObject);
44 | procedure btn_sortClick(Sender: TObject);
45 | procedure listClick(Sender: TObject);
46 | procedure listMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
47 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
48 |
49 | procedure popup_importClick(Sender: TObject);
50 | procedure popup_exportClick(Sender: TObject);
51 | procedure popup_opentool(Sender: TObject);
52 | procedure popup_linkshereClick(Sender: TObject);
53 | procedure filepopupPopup(Sender: TObject);
54 | private
55 | FSortBy: TSortType;
56 | FAllowedExts: String;
57 | FAllowMultiSelect: Boolean;
58 | procedure SetAllowedExts(exts: String);
59 | procedure SetMultiSelect(allow: Boolean);
60 | public
61 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
62 | procedure RecreateExtList;
63 | procedure LoadFileNames;
64 | procedure SetFileFilters(pattern, extension: String; zerobytes: Boolean);
65 | property AllowedExts: String read FAllowedExts write SetAllowedExts;
66 | property AllowMultiSelect: Boolean read FAllowMultiSelect write SetMultiSelect;
67 | end;
68 |
69 | var
70 | Form_TemplateFileList: TForm_TemplateFileList;
71 |
72 | implementation
73 | {$R *.dfm}
74 | uses ConnectionManager, Exporters, Functions, StrUtils, WhatLinksHere, Main,
75 | _BaseTemplate;
76 |
77 |
78 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.RecreateExtList;
79 | var
80 | i: Integer;
81 | exts: TStrings;
82 | begin
83 | combo_extension.Items.Clear;
84 | if FConnectionID > -1 then
85 | begin
86 | combo_extension.Items.Add('_All files_ (' +
87 | IntToStr(ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFileCount) + ')');
88 | exts := nil;
89 | exts := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetExtensionsList(EF_ExtCount);
90 | for i := 0 to exts.Count - 1 do
91 | if Length(FAllowedExts) > 0 then
92 | begin
93 | if Pos(MidStr(exts.Strings[i],1,4), FAllowedExts) > 0 then
94 | combo_extension.Items.Add(exts.Strings[i]);
95 | end
96 | else
97 | combo_extension.Items.Add(exts.Strings[i]);
98 | combo_extension.ItemIndex := 0;
99 | combo_extensionClick(Self);
100 | exts.Free;
101 | end;
102 | end;
103 |
104 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.LoadFileNames;
105 | var
106 | Extension: String;
107 | no_zero_bytes: Boolean;
108 | pattern: String;
109 | files: TStrings;
110 | begin
111 | if FConnectionID > -1 then
112 | begin
113 | Extension := MidStr(combo_extension.Items.Strings[combo_extension.ItemIndex], 1, 4);
114 | no_zero_bytes := not check_zerobyte.Checked;
115 | pattern := '';
116 | if check_filtername.Checked then
117 | pattern := edit_filtername.Text;
118 | if Extension = '_All' then
119 | if Length(FAllowedExts) > 0 then
120 | Extension := FAllowedExts
121 | else
122 | Extension := '';
123 |
124 | files := nil;
125 | files := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFilesList(extension, pattern, no_zero_bytes, FSortBy);
126 |
127 | filelist.Visible := False;
128 | filelist.Items.Clear;
129 | if files.Count > 0 then
130 | filelist.Items.AddStrings(files);
131 | filelist.Visible := True;
132 | end;
133 | end;
134 |
135 |
136 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.NewCon(ID: Integer);
137 | begin
138 | RecreateExtList;
139 | end;
140 |
141 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.popup_exportClick(Sender: TObject);
142 | var
143 | id: Integer;
144 | ext: String;
145 | begin
146 | id := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].ExtractFileIDOfName(filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex]);
147 | ext := RightStr(filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex], 4);
148 | exportd.Filter := 'Files of matching extension (*.' + ext + ')|*.' + ext + '|All files|*.*';
149 | exportd.DefaultExt := ext;
150 | if exportd.Execute then
151 | ExportDatFile(FConnectionID, id, exportd.FileName);
152 | end;
153 |
154 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.popup_importClick(Sender: TObject);
155 | var
156 | id: Integer;
157 | finfo: TFileInfo;
158 | fs: TFileStream;
159 | begin
160 | if CR_EditDat in ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].ChangeRights then
161 | begin
162 | id := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].ExtractFileIDOfName(filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex]);
163 | finfo := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFileInfo(id);
164 |
165 | importd.Filter := 'Files of matching extension (*.' + finfo.Extension + ')|*.' +
166 | finfo.Extension + '|All files|*.*';
167 | if importd.Execute then
168 | begin
169 | fs := TFileStream.Create(importd.FileName, fmOpenRead);
170 | if fs.Size <> finfo.Size then
171 | begin
172 | if not (CR_ResizeDat in ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].ChangeRights) then
173 | begin
174 | ShowMessage('Can''t import ' + ExtractFilename(importd.FileName) +
175 | ', file has to have same size as file in .dat with this backend.' + CrLf +
176 | 'Size of file in .dat: ' + FormatFileSize(finfo.Size) + CrLf +
177 | 'Size of chosen file: ' + FormatFileSize(fs.Size));
178 | Exit;
179 | end else begin
180 | if MessageBox(Self.Handle,
181 | PChar('File has different size from the file in the .dat.' + CrLf +
182 | 'Size of file in .dat: ' + FormatFileSize(finfo.Size) + CrLf +
183 | 'Size of chosen file: ' + FormatFileSize(fs.Size) + CrLf +
184 | 'Replace anyway?'), PChar('Different size'), MB_YESNO + MB_ICONWARNING) = ID_NO then
185 | begin
186 | Exit;
187 | end;
188 | end;
189 | end;
190 | ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].UpdateDatFile(id, fs);
191 | Self.listClick(Self);
192 | fs.Free;
193 | end;
194 | end else begin
195 | ShowMessage('Editing .dat-contents not allowed with this backend.');
196 | end;
197 | end;
198 |
199 |
200 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.popup_linkshereClick(Sender: TObject);
201 | begin
202 | Form_WhatLinksHere.ConID := FConnectionID;
203 | Form_WhatLinksHere.FileID := FSelectedFile.ID;
204 | Form_WhatLinksHere.SenderForm := Self;
205 | Form_WhatLinksHere.Show;
206 | end;
207 |
208 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.popup_opentool(Sender: TObject);
209 | var
210 | sender_name, context: String;
211 | id: Integer;
212 | begin
213 | sender_name := TComponent(Sender).Name;
214 | id := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].ExtractFileIDOfName(filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex]);
215 | context := MidStr(sender_name, Pos('_', sender_name) + 1, Length(sender_name) - Pos('_', sender_name));
216 | Form_Main.open_child(context, FConnectionID, id);
217 | end;
218 |
219 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.filepopupPopup(Sender: TObject);
220 | var
221 | ext: String;
222 | i: Integer;
223 | begin
224 | ext := RightStr(filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex], 4);
225 | for i := 0 to High(ToolList) do
226 | begin
227 | filepopup.Items.Items[i].Enabled := True;
228 | if Length(ToolList[i].exts) > 0 then
229 | if Pos(ext, ToolList[i].exts) = 0 then
230 | filepopup.Items.Items[i].Enabled := False;
231 | end;
232 | end;
233 |
234 |
235 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.check_zerobyteClick(Sender: TObject);
236 | begin
237 | LoadFileNames;
238 | end;
239 |
240 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.btn_sortClick(Sender: TObject);
241 | begin
242 | if btn_sort_id_asc.Down then
243 | FSortBy := ST_IDAsc
244 | else if btn_sort_id_desc.Down then
245 | FSortBy := ST_IDDesc
246 | else if btn_sort_name_asc.Down then
247 | FSortBy := ST_NameAsc
248 | else if btn_sort_name_desc.Down then
249 | FSortBy := ST_NameDesc
250 | else if btn_sort_ext_asc.Down then
251 | FSortBy := ST_ExtAsc
252 | else if btn_sort_ext_desc.Down then
253 | FSortBy := ST_ExtDesc;
254 | LoadFileNames;
255 | end;
256 |
257 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.check_filternameClick(Sender: TObject);
258 | begin
259 | edit_filtername.Enabled := not check_filtername.Checked;
260 | LoadFileNames;
261 | end;
262 |
263 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.combo_extensionClick(Sender: TObject);
264 | begin
265 | LoadFileNames;
266 | end;
267 |
268 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.listClick(Sender: TObject);
269 | var
270 | fileid: Integer;
271 | begin
272 | if filelist.ItemIndex > -1 then
273 | begin
274 | fileid := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].ExtractFileIDOfName(
275 | filelist.Items.Strings[filelist.ItemIndex]);
276 | FSelectedFile := ConManager.Connection[FConnectionID].GetFileInfo(fileid);
277 | if Assigned(FOnNewFileSelected) then
278 | FOnNewFileSelected(FSelectedFile);
279 | end;
280 | end;
281 |
282 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.listMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
283 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
284 | var
285 | pt: TPoint;
286 | begin
287 | pt.X := x;
288 | pt.Y := y;
289 | if Shift = [ssRight] then
290 | begin
291 | filelist.ItemIndex := filelist.ItemAtPos(pt, true);
292 | Self.listClick(Self);
293 | end;
294 | end;
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.SetAllowedExts(exts: String);
299 | begin
300 | FAllowedExts := exts;
301 | RecreateExtList;
302 | end;
303 |
304 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.SetFileFilters(pattern, extension: String;
305 | zerobytes: Boolean);
306 | var
307 | i: Integer;
308 | begin
309 | if Length(pattern) > 0 then
310 | Self.edit_filtername.Text := pattern;
311 | Self.check_filtername.Checked := Length(pattern) > 0;
312 | if Length(extension) > 0 then
313 | begin
314 | for i := 0 to Self.combo_extension.Items.Count - 1 do
315 | if Pos(extension, Self.combo_extension.Items.Strings[i]) > 0 then
316 | Break;
317 | if i < Self.combo_extension.Items.Count then
318 | Self.combo_extension.ItemIndex := i
319 | else
320 | Self.combo_extension.ItemIndex := -1;
321 | end;
322 | Self.check_zerobyte.Checked := zerobytes;
323 | Self.LoadFileNames;
324 | end;
325 |
326 | procedure TForm_TemplateFileList.SetMultiSelect(allow: Boolean);
327 | begin
328 | FAllowMultiSelect := allow;
329 | filelist.MultiSelect := allow;
330 | end;
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 | constructor TForm_TemplateFileList.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
335 | var
336 | i: Integer;
337 | item: TMenuItem;
338 | begin
339 | inherited;
340 | FAllowedExts := '';
341 | FAllowMultiSelect := False;
342 | FOnNewConnection := NewCon;
343 | UpdateConList;
344 | if Length(ToolList) > 0 then
345 | begin
346 | for i := 0 to High(ToolList) do
347 | begin
348 | item := TMenuItem.Create(filepopup);
349 | item.Name := 'popup_' + ToolList[i].context;
350 | item.Caption := 'Open with ' + ToolList[i].name;
351 | item.OnClick := Self.popup_opentool;
352 | filepopup.Items.Insert(i, item);
353 | end;
354 | end;
355 | end;
356 |
357 |
358 | end.