source: oup/current/Unit7_txmpreplace.dfm@ 29

Last change on this file since 29 was 10, checked in by alloc, 19 years ago
  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 4.0 KB
1object Form7: TForm7
2 Left = 0
3 Top = 0
4 BorderStyle = bsSingle
5 Caption = 'TXMP Replacer'
6 ClientHeight = 428
7 ClientWidth = 394
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
10 Font.Color = clWindowText
11 Font.Height = -11
12 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
13 Font.Style = []
14 FormStyle = fsMDIChild
15 OldCreateOrder = False
16 Visible = True
17 WindowState = wsMaximized
18 OnClose = FormClose
19 OnCreate = FormCreate
20 PixelsPerInch = 96
21 TextHeight = 13
22 object panel_12: TPanel
23 Left = 0
24 Top = 0
25 Width = 394
26 Height = 349
27 Align = alClient
28 BevelOuter = bvNone
29 TabOrder = 0
30 object Splitter1: TSplitter
31 Left = 200
32 Top = 0
33 Width = 8
34 Height = 349
35 AutoSnap = False
36 Beveled = True
37 MinSize = 150
38 end
39 object group_txmpselect: TGroupBox
40 Left = 0
41 Top = 0
42 Width = 200
43 Height = 349
44 Align = alLeft
45 Caption = '1. Select TXMP to replace'
46 TabOrder = 0
47 object splitter_txmp: TSplitter
48 Left = 2
49 Top = 190
50 Width = 196
51 Height = 8
52 Cursor = crVSplit
53 Align = alTop
54 AutoSnap = False
55 Beveled = True
56 MinSize = 60
57 end
58 object image_txmppreview: TImage
59 Left = 2
60 Top = 198
61 Width = 196
62 Height = 119
63 Align = alClient
64 end
65 object list_txmp: TListBox
66 Left = 2
67 Top = 15
68 Width = 196
69 Height = 175
70 Align = alTop
71 ItemHeight = 13
72 TabOrder = 0
73 OnClick = list_txmpClick
74 end
75 object panel_txmppreview: TPanel
76 Left = 2
77 Top = 317
78 Width = 196
79 Height = 30
80 Align = alBottom
81 BevelOuter = bvNone
82 TabOrder = 1
83 object btn_save: TButton
84 Left = 2
85 Top = 2
86 Width = 111
87 Height = 25
88 Caption = 'Save TXMP-Picture'
89 TabOrder = 0
90 OnClick = btn_saveClick
91 end
92 end
93 end
94 object group_bmpselect: TGroupBox
95 Left = 208
96 Top = 0
97 Width = 186
98 Height = 349
99 Align = alClient
100 Caption = '2. Open BMP to replace with'
101 Enabled = False
102 TabOrder = 1
103 object image_bmppreview: TImage
104 Left = 2
105 Top = 45
106 Width = 182
107 Height = 302
108 Align = alClient
109 end
110 object panel_load: TPanel
111 Left = 2
112 Top = 15
113 Width = 182
114 Height = 30
115 Align = alTop
116 BevelOuter = bvNone
117 TabOrder = 0
118 object btn_load: TButton
119 Left = 2
120 Top = 2
121 Width = 121
122 Height = 25
123 Caption = 'Load BMP ...'
124 TabOrder = 0
125 OnClick = btn_loadClick
126 end
127 end
128 end
129 end
130 object group_options: TGroupBox
131 Left = 0
132 Top = 349
133 Width = 394
134 Height = 79
135 Align = alBottom
136 Caption = '3. Options && Replace'
137 Enabled = False
138 TabOrder = 1
139 object btn_replace: TButton
140 Left = 4
141 Top = 50
142 Width = 157
143 Height = 25
144 Caption = 'Replace'
145 TabOrder = 0
146 OnClick = btn_replaceClick
147 end
148 object check_transparency: TCheckBox
149 Left = 8
150 Top = 16
151 Width = 105
152 Height = 17
153 Caption = 'Transparency'
154 TabOrder = 1
155 end
156 object check_fading: TCheckBox
157 Left = 8
158 Top = 32
159 Width = 105
160 Height = 17
161 Caption = 'MIP Mapping'
162 TabOrder = 2
163 end
164 end
165 object opend: TOpenDialog
166 Filter = '24bit Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp'
167 Options = [ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
168 Left = 352
169 Top = 16
170 end
171 object saved: TSaveDialog
172 DefaultExt = 'bmp'
173 Filter = 'Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp'
174 Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
175 Left = 104
176 Top = 320
177 end
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