1 | UNIT Unit5_preview;
3 | USES
4 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
5 | Dialogs, Math, ExtCtrls, Unit2_functions, Unit3_data, Unit4_exporters, Unit6_imgfuncs,
6 | StdCtrls;
7 |
8 | TYPE
9 | TForm5 = Class(TForm)
10 | img: TImage;
11 | timer: TTimer;
12 | panel_buttons: TPanel;
13 | btn_dec: TButton;
14 | btn_startstop: TButton;
15 | btn_inc: TButton;
16 | procedure btn_incClick(Sender: TObject);
17 | procedure btn_decClick(Sender: TObject);
18 | procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
19 | procedure btn_startstopClick(Sender: TObject);
20 | PROCEDURE panel_buttonsResize(Sender: TObject);
21 | PROCEDURE timerTimer(Sender: TObject);
22 | PROCEDURE FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
23 | PROCEDURE FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
24 | PROCEDURE ShowPreview(fileid:LongWord);
27 | END;
28 |
29 | VAR
30 | Form5: TForm5;
31 |
33 | {$R *.dfm}
34 | USES Unit1_main;
35 | VAR
36 | memstreams:Array OF TMemoryStream;
37 | actualimg:Byte;
38 | _fileid:LongWord;
39 |
41 | VAR
42 | data:Tdata;
43 | img:TImgPackage;
44 | BEGIN
45 | {
46 | tempdata:=ResizeImage(imgx,imgy,imgdepth,tempdata);
47 | imgx:=imgx DIV 2;
48 | imgy:=imgy DIV 2;
49 | datasize:=datasize DIV 4;
50 | }
51 | SetLength(memstreams,1);
52 | img:=LoadImgData(_fileid);
53 | data:=ImgdataToBmp(img.imgx,img.imgy,img.imgdepth,img.storetype,img.imgdata);
54 |
55 | memstreams[0].Clear;
56 | memstreams[0].Write(data[0],Length(data));
57 | memstreams[0].Seek(0,soFromBeginning);
58 |
59 | Form5.img.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromStream(memstreams[0]);
60 | END;
61 |
63 | VAR
64 | loop_speed:Word;
65 | linkcount:LongWord;
66 | link:LongWord;
67 | i:Byte;
68 | data:Tdata;
69 | img:TImgPackage;
70 | BEGIN
71 | LoadDatFilePart(_fileid,$14,SizeOf(loop_speed),@loop_speed);
72 | LoadDatFilePart(_fileid,$1C,SizeOf(linkcount),@linkcount);
73 | SetLength(memstreams,linkcount);
74 | FOR i:=0 TO linkcount-1 DO BEGIN
75 | LoadDatFilePart(_fileid,$20+i*4,SizeOf(link),@link);
76 | link:=link DIV 256;
77 | IF link=0 THEN link:=_fileid-1;
78 | memstreams[i]:=TMemoryStream.Create;
79 | img:=LoadImgData(link);
80 | data:=ImgdataToBmp(img.imgx,img.imgy,img.imgdepth,img.storetype,img.imgdata);
81 | memstreams[i].Clear;
82 | memstreams[i].Write(data[0],Length(data));
83 | memstreams[i].Seek(0,soFromBeginning);
84 | END;
85 | actualimg:=254;
86 | Form5.timer.Interval:=Floor(loop_speed*(1/60)*1000);
87 | Form5.timer.Enabled:=False;
88 | Form5.btn_startstopClick(Form5);
89 | Form5.panel_buttons.Visible:=True;
90 | END;
91 |
92 | PROCEDURE TForm5.ShowPreview(fileid:LongWord);
93 | BEGIN
94 | _fileid:=fileid;
95 | Form5.timer.Enabled:=False;
96 | Form5.panel_buttons.Visible:=False;
97 | Form5.Caption:='Preview '+dat_files[_fileid].FileName;
98 | IF dat_files[fileid].Extension='TXMP' THEN PreviewTXMP;
99 | IF dat_files[fileid].Extension='TXAN' THEN PreviewTXAN;
100 | END;
101 |
102 | PROCEDURE TForm5.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
103 | BEGIN
104 | CanClose:=False;
105 | Form1.menu_preview.Checked:=False;
106 | Form5.Visible:=False;
107 | END;
108 |
109 | PROCEDURE TForm5.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
110 | BEGIN
111 | SetLength(memstreams,1);
112 | memstreams[0]:=TMemoryStream.Create;
113 | Form5.Width:=170;
114 | Form5.Height:=200;
115 | END;
116 |
117 | PROCEDURE TForm5.timerTimer(Sender: TObject);
118 | BEGIN
119 | Inc(actualimg);
120 | IF actualimg>=Length(memstreams) THEN actualimg:=0;
121 | Form5.img.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromStream(memstreams[actualimg]);
122 | memstreams[actualimg].Seek(0,soFromBeginning);
123 | Form5.Caption:='Preview '+dat_files[_fileid].FileName+' ('+IntToStr(actualimg+1)+'/'+IntToStr(Length(memstreams))+')';
124 | END;
125 |
126 | PROCEDURE TForm5.panel_buttonsResize(Sender: TObject);
127 | BEGIN
128 | btn_startstop.Width:=panel_buttons.Width-45;
129 | btn_inc.Left:=panel_buttons.Width-23;
130 | END;
131 |
132 | PROCEDURE TForm5.btn_startstopClick(Sender: TObject);
133 | BEGIN
134 | Form5.timer.Enabled:=NOT Form5.timer.Enabled;
135 | Form5.btn_dec.Enabled:=NOT Form5.timer.Enabled;
136 | Form5.btn_inc.Enabled:=NOT Form5.timer.Enabled;
137 | IF Form5.timer.Enabled THEN
138 | Form5.btn_startstop.Caption:='Stop automatic'
139 | ELSE
140 | Form5.btn_startstop.Caption:='Start automatic';
141 | END;
142 |
143 | PROCEDURE TForm5.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
144 | BEGIN
145 | IF Form5.Width>=150 THEN BEGIN
146 | END ELSE Form5.Width:=150;
147 | IF Form5.Height>=150 THEN BEGIN
148 | END ELSE Form5.Height:=150;
149 | END;
150 |
151 | PROCEDURE TForm5.btn_decClick(Sender: TObject);
152 | BEGIN
153 | IF actualimg>0 THEN
154 | Dec(actualimg)
155 | ELSE
156 | actualimg:=High(memstreams);
157 | Form5.Caption:='Preview '+dat_files[_fileid].FileName+' ('+IntToStr(actualimg+1)+'/'+IntToStr(Length(memstreams))+')';
158 | Form5.img.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromStream(memstreams[actualimg]);
159 | memstreams[actualimg].Seek(0,soFromBeginning);
160 | END;
161 |
162 | PROCEDURE TForm5.btn_incClick(Sender: TObject);
163 | BEGIN
164 | IF actualimg<High(memstreams) THEN
165 | Inc(actualimg)
166 | ELSE
167 | actualimg:=0;
168 | Form5.Caption:='Preview '+dat_files[_fileid].FileName+' ('+IntToStr(actualimg+1)+'/'+IntToStr(Length(memstreams))+')';
169 | Form5.img.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromStream(memstreams[actualimg]);
170 | memstreams[actualimg].Seek(0,soFromBeginning);
171 | END;
172 |
173 | END.