[19] | 1 | UNIT Unit6_imgfuncs;
| 3 | USES Math, Unit3_data;
| 4 |
| 5 | TYPE
| 6 | TImgPackage=RECORD
| 7 | imgx,imgy:Word;
| 8 | imgdepth:Byte;
| 9 | storetype:Byte;
| 10 | datasize:LongWord;
| 11 | raw_addr:LongWord;
| 12 | imgdata:Tdata;
| 13 | END;
| 14 | FUNCTION ResizeImage(oldx,oldy:LongWord; imgdepth:Byte; data:Tdata):Tdata;
| 15 | FUNCTION RevertImage(imgx,imgy,imgdepth:LongWord; imgdata:Tdata):Tdata;
| 16 | FUNCTION DecompressImage(imgx,imgy:LongWord; imgdata:Tdata):Tdata;
| 17 | FUNCTION ImgdataToBmp(imgx,imgy,imgdepth,storetype:LongWord; imgdata:Tdata):Tdata;
| 18 | FUNCTION LoadImgData(fileid:LongWord):TImgPackage;
| 19 |
| 21 | USES Unit2_functions;
| 22 |
| 23 |
| 24 | FUNCTION ResizeImage(oldx,oldy:LongWord; imgdepth:Byte; data:Tdata):Tdata;
| 25 | VAR
| 26 | i,j:LongWord;
| 27 | col,row,row_orig:LongWord;
| 28 | temparray:Tdata;
| 29 | BEGIN
| 30 | SetLength(temparray,(oldx DIV 2)*(oldy DIV 2)*(imgdepth DIV 8));
| 31 | row_orig:=0;
| 32 | row:=0;
| 33 | col:=0;
| 34 | FOR i:=0 TO (oldx*oldy)-1 DO BEGIN
| 35 | IF ((i MOD oldx)=0) AND (i>0) THEN BEGIN
| 36 | Inc(row_orig);
| 37 | IF (row_orig MOD 2)=0 THEN BEGIN
| 38 | Inc(row);
| 39 | col:=0;
| 40 | END;
| 41 | END;
| 42 | IF (row_orig MOD 2)=0 THEN BEGIN
| 43 | IF (i MOD 2)=0 THEN BEGIN
| 44 | FOR j:=0 TO (imgdepth DIV 8)-1 DO
| 45 | temparray[((row*(oldx DIV 2))+col)*(imgdepth DIV 8)+j]:=data[i*2+j];
| 46 | Inc(col);
| 47 | END;
| 48 | END;
| 49 | END;
| 50 | Result:=temparray;
| 51 | END;
| 52 |
| 53 |
| 54 | FUNCTION RevertImage(imgx,imgy,imgdepth:LongWord; imgdata:Tdata):Tdata;
| 55 | VAR
| 56 | x,y,i:LongWord;
| 57 | BEGIN
| 58 | SetLength(Result,imgx*imgy*(imgdepth DIV 8));
| 59 | FOR y:=0 TO imgy-1 DO
| 60 | FOR x:=0 TO imgx-1 DO
| 61 | FOR i:=0 TO (imgdepth DIV 8)-1 DO
| 62 | Result[((imgx*(imgy-1-y)+x)*(imgdepth DIV 8))+i]:=
| 63 | imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*(imgdepth DIV 8)+i];
| 64 | END;
| 65 |
| 66 |
| 67 | FUNCTION DecompressImage(imgx,imgy:LongWord; imgdata:Tdata):Tdata;
| 68 | TYPE
| 69 | Tcolor=RECORD
| 70 | RGBb:Byte;
| 71 | RGBg:Byte;
| 72 | RGBr:Byte;
| 73 | RGBa:Byte;
| 74 | END;
| 75 | VAR
| 76 | i,j,x,y:LongWord;
| 77 | color:Array[1..4] OF Tcolor;
| 78 | pixel:Array[1..16] OF Byte;
| 79 | BEGIN
| 80 | x:=0;
| 81 | y:=0;
| 82 | SetLength(Result,imgx*imgy*4);
| 83 | FOR i:=0 TO ((imgx*imgy) DIV 16)-1 DO BEGIN
| 84 | Color[1].RGBb:=Floor(((imgdata[(i*8)+0]+imgdata[(i*8)+1]*256) AND $001F) / $001F * 255);
| 85 | Color[1].RGBg:=Floor(((imgdata[(i*8)+0]+imgdata[(i*8)+1]*256) AND $07E0) / $07E0 * 255);
| 86 | Color[1].RGBr:=Floor(((imgdata[(i*8)+0]+imgdata[(i*8)+1]*256) AND $F800) / $F800 * 255);
| 87 | Color[1].RGBa:=255;
| 88 | Color[2].RGBb:=Floor(((imgdata[(i*8)+2]+imgdata[(i*8)+3]*256) AND $001F) / $001F * 255);
| 89 | Color[2].RGBg:=Floor(((imgdata[(i*8)+2]+imgdata[(i*8)+3]*256) AND $07E0) / $07E0 * 255);
| 90 | Color[2].RGBr:=Floor(((imgdata[(i*8)+2]+imgdata[(i*8)+3]*256) AND $F800) / $F800 * 255);
| 91 | Color[2].RGBa:=255;
| 92 | Color[3].RGBb:=Floor( Color[1].RGBb/3*2 + Color[2].RGBb/3 );
| 93 | Color[3].RGBg:=Floor( Color[1].RGBg/3*2 + Color[2].RGBg/3 );
| 94 | Color[3].RGBr:=Floor( Color[1].RGBr/3*2 + Color[2].RGBr/3 );
| 95 | Color[3].RGBa:=255;
| 96 | Color[4].RGBb:=Floor( Color[1].RGBb/3 + Color[2].RGBb/3*2 );
| 97 | Color[4].RGBg:=Floor( Color[1].RGBg/3 + Color[2].RGBg/3*2 );
| 98 | Color[4].RGBr:=Floor( Color[1].RGBr/3 + Color[2].RGBr/3*2 );
| 99 | Color[4].RGBa:=255;
| 100 | Pixel[1]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+4] AND $C0) / $40 + 1 );
| 101 | Pixel[2]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+4] AND $30) / $10 + 1 );
| 102 | Pixel[3]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+4] AND $0C) / $04 + 1 );
| 103 | Pixel[4]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+4] AND $03) + 1 );
| 104 | Pixel[5]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+5] AND $C0) / $40 + 1 );
| 105 | Pixel[6]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+5] AND $30) / $10 + 1 );
| 106 | Pixel[7]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+5] AND $0C) / $04 + 1 );
| 107 | Pixel[8]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+5] AND $03) + 1 );
| 108 | Pixel[9]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+6] AND $C0) / $40 + 1 );
| 109 | Pixel[10]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+6] AND $30) / $10 + 1 );
| 110 | Pixel[11]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+6] AND $0C) / $04 + 1 );
| 111 | Pixel[12]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+6] AND $03) + 1 );
| 112 | Pixel[13]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+7] AND $C0) / $40 + 1 );
| 113 | Pixel[14]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+7] AND $30) / $10 + 1 );
| 114 | Pixel[15]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+7] AND $0C) / $04 + 1 );
| 115 | Pixel[16]:=Floor( (imgdata[(i*8)+7] AND $03) + 1 );
| 116 | FOR j:=0 TO 3 DO BEGIN
| 117 | Result[((y+3)*imgx+x+j)*3+0]:=Color[Pixel[16-j]].RGBb;
| 118 | Result[((y+3)*imgx+x+j)*3+1]:=Color[Pixel[16-j]].RGBg;
| 119 | Result[((y+3)*imgx+x+j)*3+2]:=Color[Pixel[16-j]].RGBr;
| 120 | END;
| 121 | FOR j:=0 TO 3 DO BEGIN
| 122 | Result[((y+2)*imgx+x+j)*3+0]:=Color[Pixel[12-j]].RGBb;
| 123 | Result[((y+2)*imgx+x+j)*3+1]:=Color[Pixel[12-j]].RGBg;
| 124 | Result[((y+2)*imgx+x+j)*3+2]:=Color[Pixel[12-j]].RGBr;
| 125 | END;
| 126 | FOR j:=0 TO 3 DO BEGIN
| 127 | Result[((y+1)*imgx+x+j)*3+0]:=Color[Pixel[8-j]].RGBb;
| 128 | Result[((y+1)*imgx+x+j)*3+1]:=Color[Pixel[8-j]].RGBg;
| 129 | Result[((y+1)*imgx+x+j)*3+2]:=Color[Pixel[8-j]].RGBr;
| 130 | END;
| 131 | FOR j:=0 TO 3 DO BEGIN
| 132 | Result[((y+0)*imgx+x+j)*3+0]:=Color[Pixel[4-j]].RGBb;
| 133 | Result[((y+0)*imgx+x+j)*3+1]:=Color[Pixel[4-j]].RGBg;
| 134 | Result[((y+0)*imgx+x+j)*3+2]:=Color[Pixel[4-j]].RGBr;
| 135 | END;
| 136 | x:=x+4;
| 137 | IF x=imgx THEN BEGIN
| 138 | y:=y+4;
| 139 | x:=0;
| 140 | END;
| 141 | END;
| 142 | END;
| 143 |
| 144 |
| 145 | FUNCTION ImgdataToBmp(imgx,imgy,imgdepth,storetype:LongWord; imgdata:Tdata):Tdata;
| 146 | CONST BMPheader:Array[0..53] OF Byte=
| 147 | ($42,$4D,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,54,0,0,0,
| 148 | 40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,$18,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
| 149 | VAR
| 150 | i,x,y:LongWord;
| 151 | BEGIN
| 152 | CASE storetype OF
| 153 | 0: BEGIN
| 154 | SetLength(Result,imgx*imgy*3);
| 155 | FOR y:=0 TO imgy-1 DO BEGIN
| 156 | FOR x:=0 TO imgx-1 DO BEGIN
| 157 | Result[((imgx*y+x)*3)+0]:=Floor( ( (imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2]+imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2+1]*256) AND $000F ) / $000F * 255);
| 158 | Result[((imgx*y+x)*3)+1]:=Floor( ( (imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2]+imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2+1]*256) AND $00F0 ) / $00F0 * 255);
| 159 | Result[((imgx*y+x)*3)+2]:=Floor( ( (imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2]+imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2+1]*256) AND $0F00 ) / $0F00 * 255);
| 160 | END;
| 161 | END;
| 162 | END;
| 163 | 1,2,8: BEGIN
| 164 | SetLength(Result,imgx*imgy*3);
| 165 | FOR y:=0 TO imgy-1 DO BEGIN
| 166 | FOR x:=0 TO imgx-1 DO BEGIN
| 167 | Result[((imgx*y+x)*3)+0]:=Floor( ( (imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2]+imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2+1]*256) AND $001F ) / $001F * 255);
| 168 | Result[((imgx*y+x)*3)+1]:=Floor( ( (imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2]+imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2+1]*256) AND $03E0 ) / $03E0 * 255);
| 169 | Result[((imgx*y+x)*3)+2]:=Floor( ( (imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2]+imgdata[(imgx*y+x)*2+1]*256) AND $7C00 ) / $7C00 * 255);
| 170 | END;
| 171 | END;
| 172 | END;
| 173 | 9: BEGIN
| 174 | Result:=DecompressImage(imgx,imgy,imgdata);
| 175 | END;
| 176 | END;
| 177 | Result:=RevertImage(imgx,imgy,24,Result);
| 178 | SetLength(Result,imgx*imgy*3+54);
| 179 | FOR i:=High(Result)-54 DOWNTO 0 DO Result[i+54]:=Result[i];
| 180 |
| 181 | FOR i:=0 TO High(BMPheader) DO Result[i]:=BMPheader[i];
| 182 | Result[2]:=((imgx*imgy*3+54) AND $000000FF);
| 183 | Result[3]:=((imgx*imgy*3+54) AND $0000FF00) DIV $100;
| 184 | Result[4]:=((imgx*imgy*3+54) AND $00FF0000) DIV $10000;
| 185 | Result[5]:=((imgx*imgy*3+54) AND $FF000000) DIV $1000000;
| 186 | Result[18]:=(imgx AND $000000FF) DIV $1;
| 187 | Result[19]:=(imgx AND $0000FF00) DIV $100;
| 188 | Result[20]:=(imgx AND $00FF0000) DIV $10000;
| 189 | Result[21]:=(imgx AND $FF000000) DIV $1000000;
| 190 | Result[22]:=(imgy AND $000000FF) DIV $1;
| 191 | Result[23]:=(imgy AND $0000FF00) DIV $100;
| 192 | Result[24]:=(imgy AND $00FF0000) DIV $10000;
| 193 | Result[25]:=(imgy AND $FF000000) DIV $1000000;
| 194 | Result[34]:=((imgx*imgy*3) AND $000000FF) DIV $1;
| 195 | Result[35]:=((imgx*imgy*3) AND $0000FF00) DIV $100;
| 196 | Result[36]:=((imgx*imgy*3) AND $00FF0000) DIV $10000;
| 197 | Result[37]:=((imgx*imgy*3) AND $FF000000) DIV $1000000;
| 198 | END;
| 199 |
| 200 | FUNCTION LoadImgData(fileid:LongWord):TImgPackage;
| 201 | { VAR
| 202 | raw_addr:LongWord;
| 203 | storetype:Byte;
| 204 | imgx,imgy:Word;
| 205 | imgdepth:Byte;
| 206 | data:Tdata;
| 207 | datasize:LongWord;}
| 208 | BEGIN
| 209 | LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$9C,SizeOf(Result.raw_addr),@Result.raw_addr);
| 210 | LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$8C,SizeOf(Result.imgx),@Result.imgx);
| 211 | LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$8E,SizeOf(Result.imgy),@Result.imgy);
| 212 | LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$90,SizeOf(Result.storetype),@Result.storetype);
| 213 |
| 214 | CASE Result.storetype OF
| 215 | 0,1,2: BEGIN
| 216 | Result.datasize:=Result.imgx*Result.imgy*2;
| 217 | Result.imgdepth:=16;
| 218 | END;
| 219 | 8: BEGIN
| 220 | Result.datasize:=Result.imgx*Result.imgy*4;
| 221 | Result.imgdepth:=32;
| 222 | END;
| 223 | 9: BEGIN
| 224 | Result.datasize:=Result.imgx*Result.imgy DIV 2;
| 225 | Result.imgdepth:=16;
| 226 | END;
| 227 | ELSE
| 228 | Exit;
| 229 | END;
| 230 | SetLength(Result.imgdata,Result.datasize);
| 231 |
| 232 | LoadRawFilePart(Result.raw_addr,Result.datasize,@Result.imgdata[0]);
| 233 | END;
| 234 |
| 235 | END.