1 | UNIT Unit1_main;
3 | USES
4 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
5 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, StrUtils, Clipbrd, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Menus,
6 | Unit2_functions, Unit3_data, Unit5_preview, Unit7_txmpreplace, Unit8_binedit;
7 |
8 | TYPE
9 | TForm1 = Class(TForm)
10 | panel_all: TPanel;
11 | panel_left: TPanel;
12 | Splitter1: TSplitter;
13 | panel_files: TPanel;
14 | btn_extractconvert: TButton;
15 | list_files: TListBox;
16 | list_extensions: TListBox;
17 | Splitter2: TSplitter;
18 | fopen: TOpenDialog;
19 | group_progress: TGroupBox;
20 | progress: TProgressBar;
21 | lbl_progress: TLabel;
22 | menu: TMainMenu;
23 | menu_main: TMenuItem;
24 | menu_exit: TMenuItem;
25 | menu_preview: TMenuItem;
26 | btn_extractcancel: TButton;
27 | menu_tools: TMenuItem;
28 | menu_txmpreplace: TMenuItem;
29 | menu_extract: TMenuItem;
30 | menu_extractfile: TMenuItem;
31 | menu_extractlist: TMenuItem;
32 | menu_extractall: TMenuItem;
33 | menu_loaddat: TMenuItem;
34 | menu_sep1: TMenuItem;
35 | menu_binedit: TMenuItem;
36 | statbar: TStatusBar;
37 | panel_file: TPanel;
38 | edit_data: TMemo;
39 | lbl_fileinfo: TLabel;
40 | PROCEDURE menu_extractallClick(Sender: TObject);
41 | PROCEDURE menu_extractlistClick(Sender: TObject);
42 | PROCEDURE menu_extractfileClick(Sender: TObject);
43 | PROCEDURE menu_bineditClick(Sender: TObject);
44 | PROCEDURE menu_loaddatClick(Sender: TObject);
45 | PROCEDURE menu_txmpreplaceClick(Sender: TObject);
46 | PROCEDURE menu_exitClick(Sender: TObject);
47 | PROCEDURE btn_extractcancelClick(Sender: TObject);
48 | PROCEDURE menu_previewClick(Sender: TObject);
49 | PROCEDURE Splitter1Moved(Sender: TObject);
50 | PROCEDURE FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
51 | PROCEDURE btn_hexcopyClick(Sender: TObject);
52 | PROCEDURE list_extensionsClick(Sender: TObject);
53 | PROCEDURE FormResize(Sender: TObject);
54 | PROCEDURE btn_extractconvertClick(Sender: TObject);
55 | PROCEDURE FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
56 | PROCEDURE list_filesDblClick(Sender: TObject);
57 | PROCEDURE btn_loadClick(Sender: TObject);
60 | END;
61 |
62 | VAR
63 | Form1: TForm1;
64 |
66 | {$R *.dfm}
67 |
68 | PROCEDURE DoAfterLoadOfADat;
69 | VAR
70 | i:LongWord;
71 | txt:Text;
72 | temp4:LongWord;
73 | temp2:Word;
74 | temp1:Byte;
75 | BEGIN
76 | IF NOT DirectoryExists(GetExtractPath) THEN
77 | CreateDir(GetExtractPath);
78 | AssignFile(txt,GetExtractPath+'\___TXMP-FILES___.TXT');
79 | ReWrite(txt);
80 | FOR i:=0 TO dat_header.Extensions-1 DO BEGIN
81 | IF (dat_extensionsmap[i].Extension[3]='T') AND
82 | (dat_extensionsmap[i].Extension[2]='X') AND
83 | (dat_extensionsmap[i].Extension[1]='M') AND
84 | (dat_extensionsmap[i].Extension[0]='P') THEN BEGIN
85 | WriteLn(txt, FormatNumber(dat_extensionsmap[i].ExtCount,4,'0')+' TXMP-Files');
86 | Break;
87 | END;
88 | END;
89 | WriteLn(txt,'FileName'+#9+'MipMap'+#9+'Depth'+#9+'ImgX'+#9+'ImgY'+#9+'StoreT');
90 | FOR i:=0 TO dat_header.Files-1 DO BEGIN
91 | IF dat_files[i].Extension='TXMP' THEN BEGIN
92 | Write(txt,dat_files[i].FileName+#9);
93 | LoadDatFilePart(i,$88,1,@temp1);
94 | Write(txt,IntToHex(temp1,2)+#9);
95 | LoadDatFilePart(i,$89,1,@temp1);
96 | Write(txt,IntToHex(temp1,2)+#9);
97 | LoadDatFilePart(i,$8C,2,@temp2);
98 | Write(txt,IntToHex(temp2,4)+#9);
99 | LoadDatFilePart(i,$8E,2,@temp2);
100 | Write(txt,IntToHex(temp2,4)+#9);
101 | LoadDatFilePart(i,$90,1,@temp1);
102 | Write(txt,IntToHex(temp1,2)+#9);
103 | WriteLn(txt,'');
104 | END;
105 | END;
106 | CloseFile(txt);
107 |
108 | IF NOT DirectoryExists(GetExtractPath) THEN
109 | CreateDir(GetExtractPath);
110 | AssignFile(txt,GetExtractPath+'\___TXAN-FILES___.TXT');
111 | ReWrite(txt);
112 | FOR i:=0 TO dat_header.Extensions-1 DO BEGIN
113 | IF (dat_extensionsmap[i].Extension[3]='T') AND
114 | (dat_extensionsmap[i].Extension[2]='X') AND
115 | (dat_extensionsmap[i].Extension[1]='A') AND
116 | (dat_extensionsmap[i].Extension[0]='N') THEN BEGIN
117 | WriteLn(txt, FormatNumber(dat_extensionsmap[i].ExtCount,4,'0')+' TXAN-Files');
118 | Break;
119 | END;
120 | END;
121 | WriteLn(txt,'FileName'+#9+'Loopspeed'+#9+'Unknown'+#9+'Links');
122 | FOR i:=0 TO dat_header.Files-1 DO BEGIN
123 | IF dat_files[i].Extension='TXAN' THEN BEGIN
124 | Write(txt,dat_files[i].FileName+#9);
125 | LoadDatFilePart(i,$14,2,@temp2);
126 | Write(txt,IntToHex(temp2,4)+#9);
127 | LoadDatFilePart(i,$16,2,@temp2);
128 | Write(txt,IntToHex(temp2,4)+#9);
129 | LoadDatFilePart(i,$1C,4,@temp4);
130 | Write(txt,IntToHex(temp4,8)+#9);
131 | WriteLn(txt,'');
132 | END;
133 | END;
134 | CloseFile(txt);
135 | END;
136 |
137 | PROCEDURE LoadDat;
138 | VAR i:LongWord;
139 | BEGIN
140 | Form1.fopen.InitialDir:=AppSettings.DatPath;
141 | IF Form1.fopen.Execute THEN BEGIN
142 | Form1.Caption:='Oni Un/Packer '+version+' ('+ExtractFileName(Form1.fopen.FileName)+')';
143 | AppSettings.DatPath:=ExtractFilepath(Form1.fopen.FileName);
144 | Form1.list_files.Items.Clear;
145 | Form1.list_extensions.Items.Clear;
146 | IF LoadDatInfos(Form1.fopen.FileName) THEN BEGIN
147 | Form1.list_extensions.Items.Add('_All files: '+FormatNumber(dat_header.Files,4,' '));
148 | FOR i:=0 TO dat_header.Extensions-1 DO BEGIN
149 | WITH dat_extensionsmap[i] DO BEGIN
150 | Form1.list_extensions.Items.Add(
151 | Extension[3]+Extension[2]+Extension[1]+Extension[0]+': '+
152 | FormatNumber(ExtCount,4,' '));{+' (Ident: 0x'+
153 | IntToHex(Ident[7],2)+IntToHex(Ident[6],2)+IntToHex(Ident[5],2)+IntToHex(Ident[4],2)+IntToHex(Ident[3],2)+IntToHex(Ident[2],2)+IntToHex(Ident[1],2)+IntToHex(Ident[0],2)+')');}
154 | END;
155 | END;
156 | Form1.list_extensions.ItemIndex:=0;
157 | Form1.list_extensionsClick(Form1);
158 | Form1.list_files.ItemIndex:=0;
159 | Form1.list_filesDblClick(Form1);
160 | Form1.statbar.Panels.Items[0].Text:='Current .dat: '+dat_FileName;
161 | Form1.statbar.Panels.Items[1].Text:='Files: '+IntToStr(dat_header.Files);
162 | Form1.statbar.Panels.Items[2].Text:='Extensions: '+IntToStr(dat_header.Extensions);
163 | Form1.menu_tools.Enabled:=True;
164 | Form1.menu_extract.Enabled:=True;
165 | Form1.btn_extractconvert.Enabled:=True;
166 |
167 | Form7.RecreateTXMPlist;
168 |
169 | DoAfterLoadOfADat;
170 |
172 | ShowMessage('Error while loading the file:'+CrLf+Form1.fopen.FileName+CrLf+'Perhaps not an Oni-.dat-file?');
173 | END;
174 | END;
175 | END;
176 |
177 | PROCEDURE TForm1.btn_loadClick(Sender: TObject);
178 | BEGIN
179 | LoadDat;
180 | END;
181 |
182 | PROCEDURE TForm1.list_filesDblClick(Sender: TObject);
183 | VAR
184 | id:LongWord;
185 | temp:Tdata;
186 | BEGIN
187 | id:=StrToInt(MidStr(list_files.Items.Strings[list_files.ItemIndex],1,5));
188 | lbl_fileinfo.Caption:=
189 | 'Filename: '+dat_files[id].FileName+CrLf+
190 | 'Size: '+FormatFileSize(dat_files[id].Size)+' ('+IntToStr(dat_files[id].Size)+' Bytes)'+CrLf+
191 | 'Address in .dat: 0x'+IntTohex(dat_files[id].DatAddr,8);
192 | IF (dat_files[id].FileType AND $02)=0 THEN BEGIN
193 | temp:=LoadDatFile(id);
194 | edit_data.Text:=CreateHexString(temp,False);
195 | Form5.ShowPreview(id);
197 | edit_data.Text:='Zero byte file.'+CrLf+'Oni will take the data for this file of level0_final.dat/raw';
198 | END;
199 | END;
200 |
201 | PROCEDURE TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
202 | BEGIN
203 | Form1.Caption:='Oni Un/Packer '+version;
204 | Form1.FormResize(Form1);
205 |
206 | panel_all.Align:=alClient;
207 |
208 | IF FileExists(ExtractFilepath(Application.EXEname)+'\oniunpacker.ini') THEN BEGIN
209 | AssignFile(AppSettingsFile,ExtractFilepath(Application.EXEname)+'\oniunpacker.ini');
210 | Reset(AppSettingsFile);
211 | Read(AppSettingsFile,AppSettings);
212 | CloseFile(AppSettingsFile);
214 | AppSettings.DatPath:='D:\Spiele\Oni\GameDataFolder';
215 | AppSettings.ExtractPath:='C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Desktop';
216 | END;
217 | END;
218 |
219 | PROCEDURE TForm1.btn_extractconvertClick(Sender: TObject);
220 | BEGIN
221 | Form1.menu_extractfileClick(Form1);
222 | END;
223 |
224 | PROCEDURE TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
225 | CONST
226 | MinWidth:Integer=750;
227 | MinHeight:Integer=500;
228 | BEGIN
229 | IF NOT group_progress.Visible THEN BEGIN
230 | IF Form1.Width<MinWidth THEN Form1.Width:=MinWidth;
231 | IF Form1.Height<MinHeight THEN Form1.Height:=MinHeight;
232 | Form1.statbar.Panels.Items[0].Width:=Form1.Width-200;
234 | Form1.Width:=400;
235 | Form1.Height:=120;
236 | END;
237 | END;
238 |
239 | PROCEDURE TForm1.list_extensionsClick(Sender: TObject);
240 | VAR
241 | Extension:String[4];
242 | i:LongWord;
243 | BEGIN
244 | Extension:=MidStr(list_extensions.Items.Strings[list_extensions.ItemIndex],1,4);
245 | list_files.Items.Clear;
246 | IF Extension='_All' THEN BEGIN
247 | FOR i:=0 TO dat_header.Files-1 DO
248 | list_files.Items.Add(dat_files[i].FileName);
250 | FOR i:=0 TO dat_header.Files-1 DO
251 | IF dat_files[i].Extension=Extension THEN
252 | list_files.Items.Add(dat_files[i].FileName);
253 | END;
254 | END;
255 |
256 | PROCEDURE TForm1.btn_hexcopyClick(Sender: TObject);
257 | VAR
258 | temp:Tdata;
259 | BEGIN
260 | temp:=LoadDatFile(StrToInt(MidStr(list_files.Items.Strings[list_files.ItemIndex],1,5)));
261 | Clipboard.SetTextBuf(PChar(CreateHexString(temp,True)));
262 | END;
263 |
264 | PROCEDURE TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
265 | BEGIN
266 | AssignFile(AppSettingsFile,ExtractFilepath(Application.EXEname)+'\oniunpacker.ini');
267 | IF FileExists(ExtractFilepath(Application.EXEname)+'\oniunpacker.ini') THEN
268 | Reset(AppSettingsFile)
269 | ELSE
270 | Rewrite(AppSettingsFile);
271 | Write(AppSettingsFile,AppSettings);
272 | CloseFile(AppSettingsFile);
273 | END;
274 |
275 | PROCEDURE TForm1.Splitter1Moved(Sender: TObject);
276 | BEGIN
277 | Form1.list_files.Height:=Form1.Splitter1.Top-23;
278 | Form1.btn_extractconvert.Top:=Form1.Splitter1.Top-21;
279 | END;
280 |
281 | PROCEDURE TForm1.menu_previewClick(Sender: TObject);
282 | BEGIN
283 | Form5.Visible:=NOT Form5.Visible;
284 | END;
285 |
286 | PROCEDURE TForm1.btn_extractcancelClick(Sender: TObject);
287 | BEGIN
288 | btn_extractcancel.Caption:='Cancel_';
289 | END;
290 |
291 | PROCEDURE TForm1.menu_exitClick(Sender: TObject);
292 | BEGIN
293 | Form1.Close;
294 | END;
295 |
296 | PROCEDURE TForm1.menu_txmpreplaceClick(Sender: TObject);
297 | BEGIN
298 | Form7.Visible:=NOT Form7.Visible;
299 | END;
300 |
301 | PROCEDURE TForm1.menu_loaddatClick(Sender: TObject);
302 | BEGIN
303 | LoadDat;
304 | END;
305 |
306 | PROCEDURE TForm1.menu_bineditClick(Sender: TObject);
307 | BEGIN
308 | Form8.Visible:=NOT Form8.Visible;
309 | END;
310 |
311 | PROCEDURE TForm1.menu_extractfileClick(Sender: TObject);
312 | VAR
313 | result:Integer;
314 | id:LongWord;
315 | BEGIN
316 | id:=StrToInt(MidStr(list_files.Items.Strings[list_files.ItemIndex],1,5));
317 | result:=ExportFile(id,True);
318 | CASE result OF
319 | 0{export_noerror}: BEGIN END;
320 | 1{export_nohandler}: ShowMessage('No export-handler for files with extension '+dat_files[id].Extension+'.');
321 | 2{export_handlererror}: ShowMessage('Error while running data-handler for '+CrLf+dat_files[id].FileName);
322 | 3{export_error}: ShowMessage('Error while exporting file '+CrLf+dat_files[id].FileName);
323 | ELSE
324 | ShowMessage('Couldn''t export file '+FormatNumber(id,5,'0')+CrLf+'(Unknown error)');
325 | END;
326 | Form1.list_files.SetFocus;
327 | END;
328 |
329 | PROCEDURE TForm1.menu_extractlistClick(Sender: TObject);
330 | VAR
331 | i:LongWord;
332 | errors:LongWord;
333 | oldwidth,oldheight:Integer;
334 | oldstate:TWindowState;
335 | BEGIN
336 | panel_all.Visible:=False;
337 | group_progress.Visible:=True;
338 | //FOR i:=0 TO menu.ComponentCount DO menu.Items.Items[i].Enabled:=False;
339 | oldwidth:=Form1.Width;
340 | oldheight:=Form1.Height;
341 | oldstate:=Form1.WindowState;
342 | Form1.WindowState:=wsNormal;
343 | Form1.Width:=400;
344 | Form1.Height:=120;
345 | group_progress.Left:=0;
346 | group_progress.Top:=0;
347 | group_progress.Width:=Form1.Width-8;
348 | progress.Width:=group_progress.Width-80;
349 | progress.Max:=list_files.Items.Count;
350 | btn_extractcancel.Left:=group_progress.Width-65;
351 | btn_extractcancel.Caption:='Cancel';
352 | btn_extractcancel.SetFocus;
353 |
354 | errors:=0;
355 | FOR i:=0 TO progress.Max-1 DO BEGIN
356 | IF ExportFile(StrToInt(MidStr(list_files.Items.Strings[i],1,5)),True)>0 THEN Inc(errors);
357 | IF (i MOD 25)=0 THEN BEGIN
358 | lbl_progress.Caption:=IntToStr(i)+'/'+IntToStr(progress.Max);
359 | progress.Position:=i;
360 | Application.ProcessMessages;
361 | IF btn_extractcancel.Caption='Cancel_' THEN BEGIN
362 | btn_extractcancel.Caption:='Cancel';
363 | Break;
364 | END;
365 | END;
366 | END;
367 | IF errors>0 THEN
368 | ShowMessage(IntToStr(errors)+' errors encountered.');
369 |
370 | group_progress.Visible:=False;
371 | Form1.Width:=oldwidth;
372 | Form1.Height:=oldheight;
373 | Form1.WindowState:=oldstate;
374 | //FOR i:=0 TO menu.ComponentCount DO menu.Items.Items[i].Enabled:=True;
375 | panel_all.Visible:=True;
376 | END;
377 |
378 | PROCEDURE TForm1.menu_extractallClick(Sender: TObject);
379 | VAR
380 | i:LongWord;
381 | errors:LongWord;
382 | oldwidth,oldheight:Integer;
383 | oldstate:TWindowState;
384 | BEGIN
385 | panel_all.Visible:=False;
386 | group_progress.Visible:=True;
387 | //FOR i:=0 TO menu.ComponentCount DO menu.Items.Items[i].Enabled:=False;
388 | oldwidth:=Form1.Width;
389 | oldheight:=Form1.Height;
390 | oldstate:=Form1.WindowState;
391 | Form1.WindowState:=wsNormal;
392 | Form1.Width:=400;
393 | Form1.Height:=120;
394 | group_progress.Left:=0;
395 | group_progress.Top:=0;
396 | group_progress.Width:=Form1.Width-8;
397 | progress.Width:=group_progress.Width-80;
398 | progress.Max:=dat_header.files;
399 | btn_extractcancel.Left:=group_progress.Width-65;
400 | btn_extractcancel.Caption:='Cancel';
401 | btn_extractcancel.SetFocus;
402 |
403 | errors:=0;
404 | FOR i:=0 TO High(dat_files) DO BEGIN
405 | IF ExportFile(i,True)>0 THEN Inc(errors);
406 | IF (i MOD 25)=0 THEN BEGIN
407 | lbl_progress.Caption:=IntToStr(i)+'/'+IntToStr(dat_header.Files);
408 | progress.Position:=i;
409 | Application.ProcessMessages;
410 | IF btn_extractcancel.Caption='Cancel_' THEN BEGIN
411 | btn_extractcancel.Caption:='Cancel';
412 | Break;
413 | END;
414 | END;
415 | END;
416 | IF errors>0 THEN
417 | ShowMessage(IntToStr(errors)+' errors encountered.');
418 |
419 | group_progress.Visible:=False;
420 | Form1.Width:=oldwidth;
421 | Form1.Height:=oldheight;
422 | Form1.WindowState:=oldstate;
423 | //FOR i:=0 TO menu.ComponentCount DO menu.Items.Items[i].Enabled:=True;
424 | panel_all.Visible:=True;
425 | END;
426 |
427 | END.