source: oup/releases/0.15a/src/Unit8_binedit.dfm@ 9

Last change on this file since 9 was 8, checked in by alloc, 19 years ago

Uploaded old revs and structdefs.

File size: 1.1 KB
1object Form8: TForm8
2 Left = 0
3 Top = 0
4 AutoScroll = False
5 BorderStyle = bsSizeToolWin
6 Caption = 'Form8'
7 ClientHeight = 617
8 ClientWidth = 698
9 Color = clBtnFace
10 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
11 Font.Color = clWindowText
12 Font.Height = -11
13 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
14 Font.Style = []
15 OldCreateOrder = False
16 OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
17 OnCreate = FormCreate
18 PixelsPerInch = 96
19 TextHeight = 13
20 object grid: TWrapGrid
21 Left = 136
22 Top = 8
23 Width = 561
24 Height = 273
25 BevelInner = bvNone
26 BevelOuter = bvNone
27 ColCount = 18
28 DefaultColWidth = 22
29 DefaultRowHeight = 18
30 FixedColor = clWindow
31 RowCount = 1
32 FixedRows = 0
33 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
34 Font.Color = clWindowText
35 Font.Height = -11
36 Font.Name = 'Fixedsys'
37 Font.Style = []
38 Options = [goEditing]
39 ParentFont = False
40 ScrollBars = ssVertical
41 TabOrder = 0
42 end
43 object ListBox1: TListBox
44 Left = 0
45 Top = 296
46 Width = 161
47 Height = 313
48 ItemHeight = 13
49 TabOrder = 1
50 end
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