source: oup/releases/0.17a/src/Unit8_binedit.dfm@ 21

Last change on this file since 21 was 8, checked in by alloc, 18 years ago

Uploaded old revs and structdefs.

File size: 2.8 KB
1object Form8: TForm8
2 Left = 0
3 Top = 0
4 AutoScroll = False
5 BorderStyle = bsSizeToolWin
6 Caption = 'Binary .dat-Editor'
7 ClientHeight = 426
8 ClientWidth = 642
9 Color = clBtnFace
10 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
11 Font.Color = clWindowText
12 Font.Height = -11
13 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
14 Font.Style = []
15 OldCreateOrder = False
16 OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
17 OnCreate = FormCreate
18 OnResize = FormResize
19 PixelsPerInch = 96
20 TextHeight = 13
21 object Splitter1: TSplitter
22 Left = 161
23 Top = 0
24 Width = 9
25 Height = 426
26 AutoSnap = False
27 Beveled = True
28 MinSize = 100
29 end
30 object list: TListBox
31 Left = 0
32 Top = 0
33 Width = 161
34 Height = 426
35 Align = alLeft
36 ItemHeight = 13
37 TabOrder = 0
38 OnClick = listClick
39 end
40 object panel_data: TPanel
41 Left = 170
42 Top = 0
43 Width = 472
44 Height = 426
45 Align = alClient
46 BevelOuter = bvNone
47 TabOrder = 1
48 OnResize = panel_dataResize
49 object Splitter2: TSplitter
50 Left = 0
51 Top = 300
52 Width = 472
53 Height = 9
54 Cursor = crVSplit
55 Align = alTop
56 AutoSnap = False
57 Beveled = True
58 MinSize = 100
59 end
60 object hex: TMPHexEditor
61 Left = 0
62 Top = 0
63 Width = 472
64 Height = 300
65 Cursor = crIBeam
66 Align = alTop
67 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
68 Font.Color = clWindowText
69 Font.Height = -16
70 Font.Name = 'Courier'
71 Font.Style = []
72 ParentFont = False
73 ScrollBars = ssVertical
74 TabOrder = 0
75 BytesPerRow = 16
76 Translation = tkASCII
77 OffsetFormat = '6!10:0x|'
78 Colors.Background = clWindow
79 Colors.ChangedBackground = clWindow
80 Colors.ChangedText = clRed
81 Colors.CursorFrame = clNavy
82 Colors.Offset = clBlack
83 Colors.OddColumn = clBlue
84 Colors.EvenColumn = clNavy
85 Colors.CurrentOffsetBackground = clBtnShadow
86 Colors.OffsetBackGround = clBtnFace
87 Colors.CurrentOffset = clBtnHighlight
88 Colors.Grid = clBtnFace
89 Colors.NonFocusCursorFrame = clAqua
90 Colors.ActiveFieldBackground = clWindow
91 FocusFrame = True
92 AllowInsertMode = False
93 DrawGridLines = False
94 Version = 'May 23, 2005; '#169' markus stephany, vcl[at]mirkes[dot]de'
95 OnChange = hexChange
96 ShowPositionIfNotFocused = True
97 OnSelectionChanged = hexSelectionChanged
98 end
99 object structs: TWrapGrid
100 Left = 0
101 Top = 309
102 Width = 472
103 Height = 117
104 Align = alClient
105 DefaultColWidth = 92
106 DefaultRowHeight = 18
107 FixedCols = 0
108 Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine]
109 TabOrder = 1
110 OnClick = structsClick
111 end
112 end
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