1 | UNIT Unit9_data_structures;
3 | USES SysUtils, Classes, Unit3_data, Dialogs, StrUtils;
4 |
5 | TYPE
6 | Tstructure_entry=RECORD
7 | name:String;
8 | offset:LongWord;
9 | datatype:Word; // 1..4 : Integer[1..4] dec
10 | // 5..8 : Integer[1..4] hex
11 | // 9 : float
12 | // 10 : bitset
13 | // 11 : raw-addr
14 | // 12 : dat-file-ID
15 | // 13..16: Signed Integer[1..4]
16 | // 100..300: dat-file-name[0..200]
17 | // 1000..9999: Unused data[0-8999]
18 | // 10000+: string[0+]
19 | description:String;
20 | END;
21 | TStructDefSub=RECORD
22 | SubName:String;
23 | SubDesc:String;
24 | Entries:Array OF TStructure_entry;
25 | END;
26 | TStructDef=RECORD
27 | Data:Boolean;
28 | Global:Array OF TStructure_entry;
29 | Subs:Array OF TStructDefSub;
30 | END;
31 | THandler=FUNCTION(fileid:LongWord):TRawList;
32 | TRawListHandlers=RECORD
33 | Ext:String[4];
34 | needed:Boolean;
35 | Handler:THandler;
36 | END;
37 |
38 | VAR
39 | RawListHandlers:Array OF TRawListHandlers;
40 |
41 |
42 | FUNCTION LoadStructureDefinition(fileid:LongWord):TStructDef;
43 | FUNCTION GetDataType(typeid:Word):String;
44 | FUNCTION GetTypeDataLength(datatype:Word):Word;
45 |
47 | USES Unit2_functions, Unit15_Classes, Forms;
48 |
49 | FUNCTION GetTypeDataLength(datatype:Word):Word;
50 | BEGIN
51 | CASE datatype OF
52 | 1..4: Result:=datatype;
53 | 5..8: Result:=datatype-4;
54 | 9: Result:=4;
55 | 10: Result:=1;
56 | 11: Result:=4;
57 | 12: Result:=4;
58 | 13..16: Result:=datatype-12;
59 | 100..300: Result:=datatype-100;
60 | 1000..9999: Result:=datatype-1000;
61 | 10000..65535: Result:=datatype-10000;
62 | END;
63 | END;
64 |
65 | FUNCTION GetDataType(typeid:Word):String;
66 | BEGIN
67 | CASE typeid OF
68 | 1..4: Result:='Int'+IntToStr(typeid*8);
69 | 5..8: Result:='Int'+IntToStr((typeid-4)*8);
70 | 9: Result:='Float';
71 | 10: Result:='BitSet';
72 | 11: Result:='Raw-Address';
73 | 12: Result:='.dat-file-ID';
74 | 13..16: Result:='SignedInt'+IntToStr((typeid-12)*8);
75 | 100..300: Result:='.dat-file-name('+IntToStr(typeid-100)+')';
76 | 1000..9999: Result:='Unused('+IntToStr(typeid-1000)+')';
77 | 10000..65535: Result:='String('+IntToStr(typeid-10000)+')';
78 | END;
79 | END;
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 | FUNCTION AGDB(fileid:LongWord):TRawList;
85 | VAR
86 | link:LongWord;
87 | links:LongWord;
88 | i:LongWord;
89 | BEGIN
90 | IF NOT OniDataConnection.OSisMac THEN BEGIN
91 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$1C,4,@links);
92 | links:=links*2;
93 | SetLength(Result,links);
94 | FOR i:=0 TO links-1 DO BEGIN
95 | Result[i].src_offset:=$20+i*4;
96 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$20+i*4,4,@link);
97 | Result[i].raw_addr:=link;
98 | Result[i].raw_size:=0{????????????????????????????????};
99 | Result[i].loc_sep:=False;
100 | END;
101 | END;
102 | END;
103 | FUNCTION AKVA(fileid:LongWord):TRawList;
104 | VAR
105 | link:LongWord;
106 | links:LongWord;
107 | i:LongWord;
108 | BEGIN
109 | IF NOT OniDataConnection.OSisMac THEN BEGIN
110 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$1C,4,@links);
111 | SetLength(Result,links);
112 | FOR i:=0 TO links-1 DO BEGIN
113 | Result[i].src_offset:=$20+i*$74+$24;
114 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$20+i*$74+$24,4,@link);
115 | Result[i].raw_addr:=link;
116 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$20+i*$74+$28,4,@link);
117 | Result[i].raw_size:=link;
118 | Result[i].loc_sep:=False;
119 | END;
120 | END;
121 | END;
122 | FUNCTION BINA(fileid:LongWord):TRawList;
123 | VAR
124 | link:LongWord;
125 | datasize:LongWord;
126 | BEGIN
127 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$0C,4,@link);
128 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$08,4,@datasize);
129 | SetLength(Result,1);
130 | Result[0].src_offset:=$0C;
131 | Result[0].raw_addr:=link;
132 | Result[0].raw_size:=datasize;
133 | Result[0].loc_sep:=OniDataConnection.OSisMac;
134 | END;
135 | FUNCTION OSBD(fileid:LongWord):TRawList;
136 | VAR
137 | link:LongWord;
138 | datasize:LongWord;
139 | BEGIN
140 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$08,4,@datasize);
141 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$0C,4,@link);
142 | SetLength(Result,1);
143 | Result[0].src_offset:=$0C;
144 | Result[0].raw_addr:=link;
145 | Result[0].raw_size:=datasize;
146 | Result[0].loc_sep:=OniDataConnection.OSisMac;
147 | END;
148 | FUNCTION SNDD(fileid:LongWord):TRawList;
149 | VAR
150 | link:LongWord;
151 | datasize:LongWord;
152 | BEGIN
153 | SetLength(Result,1);
154 | IF NOT OniDataConnection.OSisMac THEN BEGIN
155 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$40,4,@datasize);
156 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$44,4,@link);
157 | Result[0].src_offset:=$44;
159 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$10,4,@datasize);
160 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$14,4,@link);
161 | Result[0].src_offset:=$14;
162 | END;
163 | Result[0].raw_addr:=link;
164 | Result[0].raw_size:=datasize;
165 | Result[0].loc_sep:=False;
166 | END;
167 | FUNCTION SUBT(fileid:LongWord):TRawList;
168 | VAR
169 | baselink,lastlink:LongWord;
170 | links:LongWord;
171 | i,j,k:LongWord;
172 | data:Tdata;
173 | BEGIN
174 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$18,4,@baselink);
175 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$1C,4,@links);
176 | IF links>0 THEN BEGIN
177 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$20+(links-1)*4,4,@lastlink);
178 | SetLength(data,lastlink+1024);
179 | TOniDataDat(OniDataConnection).LoadRawOffset(false, baselink,lastlink+1024,data);
180 | // OniDataConnection.LoadRawFile(fileid,$1C,baselink,lastlink+1024,False,@data[0]);
181 | k:=0;
182 | FOR j:=0 TO 1024 DO BEGIN
183 | IF (data[lastlink+j]=$00) OR (j=1024) THEN BEGIN
184 | IF j<1024 THEN BEGIN
185 | IF k=0 THEN BEGIN
186 | k:=1;
188 | SetLength(Result,1);
189 | Result[0].src_offset:=$18;
190 | Result[0].raw_addr:=baselink;
191 | Result[0].raw_size:=lastlink+j;
192 | Break;
193 | END;
194 | END;
195 | END;
196 | END;
197 | END;
198 | END;
199 | FUNCTION TRAM(fileid:LongWord):TRawList;
200 | VAR
201 | i:Byte;
202 | link:LongWord;
203 | frames:Word;
204 | tempb:Byte;
205 | tempw:Word;
206 | templ:LongWord;
207 | data:Tdata;
208 | offset:Word;
209 | BEGIN
210 | SetLength(Result,13);
211 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$16C,2,@frames);
212 | {y-pos}
213 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$0C,4,@link);
214 | Result[0].src_offset:=$0C;
215 | Result[0].raw_addr:=link;
216 | Result[0].raw_size:=frames*4;
217 | {x-z-pos}
218 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$10,4,@link);
219 | Result[1].src_offset:=$10;
220 | Result[1].raw_addr:=link;
221 | Result[1].raw_size:=frames*8;
222 | {attacks}
223 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$182,1,@tempb);
224 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$14,4,@link);
225 | Result[2].src_offset:=$14;
226 | Result[2].raw_addr:=link;
227 | Result[2].raw_size:=tempb*32;
228 | {damage}
229 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$183,1,@tempb);
230 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$18,4,@link);
231 | Result[3].src_offset:=$18;
232 | Result[3].raw_addr:=link;
233 | Result[3].raw_size:=tempb*8;
234 | {motionblur}
235 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$184,1,@tempb);
236 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$1C,4,@link);
237 | Result[4].src_offset:=$1C;
238 | Result[4].raw_addr:=link;
239 | Result[4].raw_size:=tempb*8;
240 | {shortcut}
241 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$185,1,@tempb);
242 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$20,4,@link);
243 | Result[5].src_offset:=$20;
244 | Result[5].raw_addr:=link;
245 | Result[5].raw_size:=tempb*8;
246 | {throw}
247 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$24,4,@link);
248 | Result[6].src_offset:=$24;
249 | Result[6].raw_addr:=link;
250 | IF link>0 THEN
251 | Result[6].raw_size:=24
252 | ELSE
253 | Result[6].raw_size:=0;
254 | {footstep}
255 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$186,1,@tempb);
256 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$28,4,@link);
257 | Result[7].src_offset:=$28;
258 | Result[7].raw_addr:=link;
259 | Result[7].raw_size:=tempb*4;
260 | {particle}
261 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$187,1,@tempb);
262 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$2C,4,@link);
263 | Result[8].src_offset:=$2C;
264 | Result[8].raw_addr:=link;
265 | Result[8].raw_size:=tempb*24;
266 | {position}
267 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$30,4,@link);
268 | Result[9].src_offset:=$30;
269 | Result[9].raw_addr:=link;
270 | Result[9].raw_size:=frames*8;
271 | {particle}
272 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$154,2,@tempw);
273 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$38,4,@link);
274 | Result[11].src_offset:=$38;
275 | Result[11].raw_addr:=link;
276 | Result[11].raw_size:=tempw*34;
277 | {extent}
278 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$138,4,@templ);
279 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$13C,4,@link);
280 | Result[12].src_offset:=$13C;
281 | Result[12].raw_addr:=link;
282 | Result[12].raw_size:=templ*12;
283 |
284 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$34,4,@link);
285 | tempw:=0;
286 | IF link>0 THEN BEGIN
288 | SetLength(data,$FFFF);
289 | TOniDataDat(OniDataConnection).LoadRawOffset(false,link,$FFFF,data);
290 | // OniDataConnection.LoadRawFile(fileid,$34,link,$FFFF,False,@data[0]);
291 | offset:=data[24]+data[25]*255;
292 | {}
293 | END;
294 | Result[10].src_offset:=$34;
295 | Result[10].raw_addr:=link;
296 | Result[10].raw_size:=tempw;
297 | END;
298 | FUNCTION TXMP(fileid:LongWord):TRawList;
299 | VAR
300 | link_pc:LongWord;
301 | link_mac:LongWord;
302 | x,y:Word;
303 | storetype:Byte;
304 | datasize:LongWord;
305 | BEGIN
306 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$8C,SizeOf(x),@x);
307 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$8E,SizeOf(y),@y);
308 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$90,SizeOf(storetype),@storetype);
309 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$9C,4,@link_pc);
310 | OniDataConnection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid,$A0,4,@link_mac);
311 | CASE storetype OF
312 | 0,1,2: datasize:=x*y*2;
313 | 8: datasize:=x*y*4;
314 | 9: datasize:=x*y DIV 2;
315 | END;
316 | SetLength(Result,1);
317 | IF NOT OniDataConnection.OSisMac THEN BEGIN
318 | Result[0].src_offset:=$9C;
319 | Result[0].raw_addr:=link_pc
321 | Result[0].src_offset:=$A0;
322 | Result[0].raw_addr:=link_mac;
323 | END;
324 | Result[0].raw_size:=datasize;
325 | Result[0].loc_sep:=OniDataConnection.OSisMac;
326 | END;
327 |
328 |
329 | PROCEDURE InsertRawListHandler(ext:String; needed:Boolean; handler:THandler);
330 | BEGIN
331 | SetLength(RawListHandlers,Length(RawListHandlers)+1);
332 | RawListHandlers[High(RawListHandlers)].Ext:=ext;
333 | RawListHandlers[High(RawListHandlers)].needed:=needed;
334 | RawListHandlers[High(RawListHandlers)].handler:=handler;
335 | END;
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 | FUNCTION LoadStructureDefinition(fileid:LongWord):TStructDef;
340 | VAR
341 | i:LongWord;
342 | current_type:Byte; //0: Global, 1: Undynamic, 2: Dynamic
343 | current_base,current_package,current_package_size:LongWord;
344 | packages:LongWord;
345 | deffile:Text;
346 | structentry:TStructure_Entry;
347 | fields:TStringArray;
348 | filename:String;
349 | ext:String[4];
350 | temps:String;
351 | data:TData;
352 | BEGIN
353 | SetLength(Result.Global,0);
354 | SetLength(Result.Subs,0);
355 | Result.Data:=False;
356 | ext:=OniDataConnection.GetFileInfo(fileid).Extension;
357 | filename:=ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+'\StructDefs\'+ext+'.txt';
358 | IF FileExists(filename) THEN BEGIN
359 | data:=OniDataConnection.LoadDatFile(fileid);
360 | AssignFile(deffile,filename);
361 | Reset(deffile);
362 | current_type:=0;
363 | Result.Data:=True;
364 | IF NOT EoF(deffile) THEN BEGIN
365 | ReadLn(deffile,temps);
366 | WHILE NOT EoF(deffile) DO BEGIN
367 | ReadLn(deffile,temps);
368 | IF (Length(temps)>0) AND (temps[1]<>'#') THEN BEGIN
369 | IF temps[1]='*' THEN BEGIN
370 | fields:=Explode(temps,#9);
371 | CASE Length(fields) OF
372 | 1..2: BEGIN
373 | current_type:=1;
374 | current_base:=0;
375 | SetLength(Result.Subs, Length(Result.Subs)+1);
376 | Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)].SubName:=MidStr(fields[0],2,Length(fields[0])-1);
377 | IF Length(fields)=2 THEN
378 | Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)].SubDesc:=fields[1];
379 | END;
380 | 3: BEGIN
381 | current_type:=1;
382 | current_base:=HexToLong(fields[2]);
383 | SetLength(Result.Subs, Length(Result.Subs)+1);
384 | Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)].SubName:=MidStr(fields[0],2,Length(fields[0])-1);
385 | Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)].SubDesc:=fields[1];
386 | END;
387 | 6: BEGIN
388 | current_type:=2;
389 | current_base:=HexToLong(fields[2]);
390 | current_package:=0;
391 | current_package_size:=StrToInt(fields[5]);
392 | IF fields[4][1]<>'$' THEN BEGIN
393 | CASE StrToInt(fields[4]) OF
394 | 1: packages:=data[HexToLong(fields[3])];
395 | 2: packages:=data[HexToLong(fields[3])]+data[HexToLong(fields[3])+1]*256;
396 | 4: packages:=data[HexToLong(fields[3])]+data[HexToLong(fields[3])+1]*256+data[HexToLong(fields[3])+2]*256*256+data[HexToLong(fields[3])+3]*256*256*256;
397 | END;
399 | packages:=HexToLong(fields[4]);
400 | END;
401 | SetLength(Result.Subs, Length(Result.Subs)+packages);
402 | FOR current_package:=0 TO packages-1 DO BEGIN
403 | Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)-packages+current_package+1].SubName:=
404 | MidStr(fields[0],2,Length(fields[0])-1)+'['+IntToStr(current_package)+']'+
405 | '#'+IntToHex(current_base+current_package*current_package_size,8)+
406 | '#'+IntToHex(current_package_size,8);
407 | Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)-packages+current_package+1].SubDesc:=
408 | fields[1];
409 | END;
410 | END;
411 | END;
413 | fields:=Explode(temps,#9);
414 | IF (Length(fields)=3) OR (Length(fields)=4) THEN BEGIN
415 | structentry.name:=fields[0];
416 | structentry.datatype:=StrToInt(fields[2]);
417 | IF Length(fields)=4 THEN
418 | structentry.description:=fields[3]
419 | ELSE
420 | structentry.description:='';
421 | IF current_type IN [0,1] THEN BEGIN
422 | structentry.offset:=HexToLong(fields[1])+current_base;
423 | IF Length(Result.Subs)=0 THEN BEGIN
424 | SetLength(Result.Global,Length(Result.Global)+1);
425 | Result.Global[High(Result.Global)]:=structentry;
427 | SetLength(Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)].Entries,Length(Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)].Entries)+1);
428 | Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)].Entries[High(Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)].Entries)]:=structentry;
429 | END;
431 | FOR current_package:=0 TO packages-1 DO BEGIN
432 | structentry.offset:=current_base+current_package*current_package_size+HexToLong(fields[1]);
433 | WITH Result.Subs[High(Result.Subs)-packages+current_package+1] DO BEGIN
434 | SetLength(Entries,Length(Entries)+1);
435 | Entries[High(Entries)]:=structentry;
436 | END;
437 | END;
438 | END;
439 | END;
440 | END;
441 | END;
442 | END;
443 | END;
444 | CloseFile(deffile);
445 | END;
446 | END;
447 |
448 |
449 | BEGIN
450 | // InsertRawListHandler('AGDB',True,AGDB);
451 | InsertRawListHandler('AKVA',True,AKVA);
452 | InsertRawListHandler('BINA',True,BINA);
453 | InsertRawListHandler('OSBD',True,OSBD);
454 | InsertRawListHandler('SNDD',True,SNDD);
455 | InsertRawListHandler('SUBT',True,SUBT);
456 | InsertRawListHandler('TRAM',True,TRAM);
457 | InsertRawListHandler('TXMP',True,TXMP);
458 | END.