source: oup/releases/0.31a/src/Unit1_main.dfm@ 10

Last change on this file since 10 was 8, checked in by alloc, 19 years ago

Uploaded old revs and structdefs.

File size: 5.0 KB
[8]1object Form1: TForm1
2 Left = 0
3 Top = 0
4 HorzScrollBar.Visible = False
5 VertScrollBar.Visible = False
6 Caption = 'Form1'
7 ClientHeight = 495
8 ClientWidth = 577
9 Color = clBtnFace
10 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
11 Font.Color = clWindowText
12 Font.Height = -11
13 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
14 Font.Style = []
15 FormStyle = fsMDIForm
16 Menu = menu
17 OldCreateOrder = False
18 WindowState = wsMaximized
19 OnClose = FormClose
20 OnCreate = FormCreate
21 OnResize = FormResize
22 PixelsPerInch = 96
23 TextHeight = 13
24 object statbar: TStatusBar
25 Left = 0
26 Top = 478
27 Width = 577
28 Height = 17
29 BiDiMode = bdLeftToRight
30 Panels = <
31 item
32 Text = 'Nothing loaded'
33 Width = 500
34 end
35 item
36 Text = 'Files: -'
37 Width = 90
38 end
39 item
40 Text = 'Extensions: -'
41 Width = 100
42 end>
43 ParentBiDiMode = False
44 ExplicitTop = 459
45 end
46 object tabs: TTabSet
47 Left = 0
48 Top = 458
49 Width = 577
50 Height = 20
51 Align = alBottom
52 DitherBackground = False
53 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
54 Font.Color = clWindowText
55 Font.Height = -11
56 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
57 Font.Style = []
58 SoftTop = True
59 Style = tsModernTabs
60 OnChange = tabsChange
61 ExplicitTop = 439
62 end
63 object opend: TOpenDialog
64 Options = [ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
65 Left = 328
66 end
67 object menu: TMainMenu
68 AutoHotkeys = maManual
69 Left = 424
70 object menu_main: TMenuItem
71 Caption = '&Main'
72 object menu_loaddat: TMenuItem
73 Caption = '&Select .dat-file ...'
74 ShortCut = 16463
75 OnClick = menu_loaddatClick
76 end
77 object menu_lvldb: TMenuItem
78 Caption = 'Open OUP-Level-&DB ...'
79 ShortCut = 16452
80 OnClick = menu_lvldbClick
81 end
82 object menu_CloseFileDB: TMenuItem
83 Caption = '&Close file/DB'
84 OnClick = menu_CloseFileDBClick
85 end
86 object menu_sep1: TMenuItem
87 Caption = '-'
88 end
89 object menu_settings: TMenuItem
90 Caption = 'Se&ttings...'
91 OnClick = menu_settingsClick
92 end
93 object menu_sep4: TMenuItem
94 Caption = '-'
95 end
96 object menu_exit: TMenuItem
97 Caption = '&Exit'
98 OnClick = menu_exitClick
99 end
100 end
101 object menu_convert: TMenuItem
102 Caption = '&Convert'
103 object menu_createdb: TMenuItem
104 Caption = 'Create level-database ...'
105 OnClick = menu_createdbClick
106 end
107 object menu_createlvl: TMenuItem
108 Caption = 'Create level-files ...'
109 OnClick = menu_createlvlClick
110 end
111 end
112 object menu_tools: TMenuItem
113 Caption = '&Tools'
114 Enabled = False
115 object menu_preview: TMenuItem
116 Caption = '&Preview Window ...'
117 ShortCut = 16464
118 OnClick = menu_previewClick
119 end
120 object menu_binedit: TMenuItem
121 Caption = '&Binary .dat editor ...'
122 ShortCut = 16450
123 OnClick = menu_bineditClick
124 end
125 object menu_rawedit: TMenuItem
126 Caption = 'Binary .&raw editor ...'
127 ShortCut = 16466
128 OnClick = menu_raweditClick
129 end
130 object menu_txmpreplace: TMenuItem
131 Caption = '&TXMP replacer ...'
132 ShortCut = 16468
133 OnClick = menu_txmpreplaceClick
134 end
135 object menu_extractor: TMenuItem
136 Caption = 'File &extractor ...'
137 ShortCut = 16453
138 OnClick = menu_extractorClick
139 end
140 object menu_filecompare: TMenuItem
141 Caption = '&File compare ...'
142 Enabled = False
143 ShortCut = 16454
144 OnClick = menu_filecompareClick
145 end
146 object menu_levelstructedit: TMenuItem
147 Caption = 'Levelfile structure editor ...'
148 Enabled = False
149 ShortCut = 16460
150 end
151 end
152 object menu_windows: TMenuItem
153 Caption = '&Windows'
154 object menu_windows_cascade: TMenuItem
155 Caption = 'Cascade'
156 OnClick = menu_windows_cascadeClick
157 end
158 object menu_windows_tile: TMenuItem
159 Caption = 'Tile'
160 OnClick = menu_windows_tileClick
161 end
162 object menu_windows_closeall: TMenuItem
163 Caption = '&Close all'
164 OnClick = menu_windows_closeallClick
165 end
166 object menu_sep3: TMenuItem
167 Caption = '-'
168 end
169 object menu_windows_next: TMenuItem
170 Caption = 'Next window'
171 ShortCut = 16417
172 OnClick = menu_windows_nextClick
173 end
174 object menu_windows_previous: TMenuItem
175 Caption = 'Previous window'
176 ShortCut = 16418
177 OnClick = menu_windows_previousClick
178 end
179 object menu_sep2: TMenuItem
180 Caption = '-'
181 end
182 end
183 object menu_About: TMenuItem
184 Caption = '&About'
185 OnClick = menu_AboutClick
186 end
187 end
188 object saved: TSaveDialog
189 Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
190 Left = 376
191 end
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