source: oup/releases/0.34a/Settings.dfm@ 902

Last change on this file since 902 was 200, checked in by alloc, 18 years ago
File size: 2.1 KB
[200]1object Form_Settings: TForm_Settings
2 Left = 0
3 Top = 0
4 BorderStyle = bsToolWindow
5 Caption = 'Settings'
6 ClientHeight = 197
7 ClientWidth = 321
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
10 Font.Color = clWindowText
11 Font.Height = -11
12 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
13 Font.Style = []
14 OldCreateOrder = False
15 Position = poMainFormCenter
16 OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
17 OnShow = FormShow
18 PixelsPerInch = 96
19 TextHeight = 13
20 object label_charset: TLabel
21 Left = 8
22 Top = 8
23 Width = 145
24 Height = 26
25 AutoSize = False
26 Caption = 'CharSet for displaying strings in ValueViewer/StructViewer:'
27 WordWrap = True
28 end
29 object btn_ok: TButton
30 Left = 8
31 Top = 168
32 Width = 57
33 Height = 23
34 Caption = 'OK'
35 Default = True
36 TabOrder = 0
37 OnClick = btn_okClick
38 end
39 object btn_cancel: TButton
40 Left = 112
41 Top = 168
42 Width = 57
43 Height = 23
44 Cancel = True
45 Caption = 'Cancel'
46 TabOrder = 1
47 OnClick = btn_cancelClick
48 end
49 object combo_charset: TComboBox
50 Left = 160
51 Top = 9
52 Width = 156
53 Height = 21
54 Style = csDropDownList
55 ItemHeight = 13
56 ItemIndex = 0
57 TabOrder = 2
58 Text = 'default - 1'
59 Items.Strings = (
60 'default - 1'
61 'Arabic - 178'
62 'Baltic - 186'
63 'ChineseBig5 - 136'
64 'EastEurope - 238'
65 'Greek - 161'
66 'Russian - 204'
67 'Thai - 222'
68 'Turkish - 162')
69 end
70 object check_hideunused: TCheckBox
71 Left = 8
72 Top = 48
73 Width = 209
74 Height = 17
75 Caption = 'Hide "Unused" data in StructureViewer'
76 TabOrder = 3
77 end
78 object check_reg_dat: TCheckBox
79 Left = 8
80 Top = 87
81 Width = 180
82 Height = 17
83 Caption = 'Register .dat files with OUP'
84 TabOrder = 4
85 end
86 object check_reg_oldb: TCheckBox
87 Left = 8
88 Top = 110
89 Width = 180
90 Height = 17
91 Caption = 'Register .oldb files with OUP'
92 TabOrder = 5
93 end
94 object check_reg_opf: TCheckBox
95 Left = 8
96 Top = 133
97 Width = 180
98 Height = 17
99 Caption = 'Register .opf files with OUP'
100 TabOrder = 6
101 end
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