source: oup/releases/0.34a/Tools/TxmpReplace.dfm@ 1078

Last change on this file since 1078 was 200, checked in by alloc, 18 years ago
File size: 3.9 KB
[200]1inherited Form_TxmpReplace: TForm_TxmpReplace
2 Caption = 'TxmpReplace'
3 OnCreate = FormCreate
4 ExplicitWidth = 500
5 ExplicitHeight = 450
6 PixelsPerInch = 96
7 TextHeight = 13
8 inherited Splitter1: TSplitter
9 Height = 344
10 OnMoved = Splitter1Moved
11 ExplicitHeight = 344
12 end
13 inherited panel_files: TPanel
14 Height = 344
15 ExplicitHeight = 344
16 object image_txmppreview: TImage [0]
17 Left = 0
18 Top = 307
19 Width = 200
20 Height = 7
21 Align = alClient
22 ExplicitTop = 111
23 ExplicitHeight = 211
24 end
25 object splitter_txmp: TSplitter [1]
26 Left = 0
27 Top = 299
28 Width = 200
29 Height = 8
30 Cursor = crVSplit
31 Align = alTop
32 AutoSnap = False
33 Beveled = True
34 MinSize = 60
35 ExplicitLeft = -6
36 ExplicitTop = 314
37 end
38 inherited filelist: TListBox
39 Height = 146
40 Align = alTop
41 ExplicitHeight = 146
42 end
43 inherited panel_extension: TPanel
44 inherited label_ext: TLabel
45 Visible = False
46 end
47 inherited combo_extension: TComboBox
48 Visible = False
49 end
50 inherited check_zerobyte: TCheckBox
51 Visible = False
52 end
53 end
54 object panel_txmppreview: TPanel
55 Left = 0
56 Top = 314
57 Width = 200
58 Height = 30
59 Align = alBottom
60 BevelOuter = bvNone
61 TabOrder = 2
62 object btn_save: TButton
63 Left = 2
64 Top = 2
65 Width = 111
66 Height = 25
67 Caption = 'Save TXMP-Picture'
68 TabOrder = 0
69 OnClick = btn_saveClick
70 end
71 end
72 end
73 inherited content: TPanel
74 Height = 344
75 ExplicitHeight = 344
76 object group_bmpselect: TGroupBox
77 Left = 0
78 Top = 0
79 Width = 283
80 Height = 344
81 Align = alClient
82 Caption = '2. Open BMP to replace with'
83 Enabled = False
84 TabOrder = 0
85 object image_bmppreview: TImage
86 Left = 2
87 Top = 45
88 Width = 279
89 Height = 297
90 Align = alClient
91 ExplicitWidth = 182
92 ExplicitHeight = 302
93 end
94 object panel_load: TPanel
95 Left = 2
96 Top = 15
97 Width = 279
98 Height = 30
99 Align = alTop
100 BevelOuter = bvNone
101 TabOrder = 0
102 object btn_load: TButton
103 Left = 2
104 Top = 2
105 Width = 121
106 Height = 25
107 Caption = 'Load image...'
108 TabOrder = 0
109 OnClick = btn_loadClick
110 end
111 end
112 end
113 end
114 object group_options: TGroupBox [3]
115 Left = 0
116 Top = 344
117 Width = 492
118 Height = 79
119 Align = alBottom
120 Caption = '3. Options && Replace'
121 Enabled = False
122 TabOrder = 2
123 object btn_replace: TButton
124 Left = 4
125 Top = 50
126 Width = 157
127 Height = 25
128 Caption = 'Replace'
129 TabOrder = 0
130 OnClick = btn_replaceClick
131 end
132 object check_transparency: TCheckBox
133 Left = 8
134 Top = 16
135 Width = 105
136 Height = 17
137 Caption = 'Transparency'
138 Enabled = False
139 TabOrder = 1
140 end
141 object check_fading: TCheckBox
142 Left = 8
143 Top = 32
144 Width = 105
145 Height = 17
146 Caption = 'MIP Mapping'
147 TabOrder = 2
148 end
149 end
150 object opend: TOpenDialog [4]
151 Options = [ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
152 Left = 352
153 Top = 16
154 end
155 object saved: TSaveDialog [5]
156 DefaultExt = 'bmp'
157 Filter =
158 'All supported files (*.bmp, *.dds, *.tga, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png)|' +
159 '*.bmp;*.dds;*.tga;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png|Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bm' +
160 'p|DirectDraw Surface (*.dds)|*.dds|Targa (*.tga)|*.tga|JPEG (*.j' +
161 'pg, *.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|PNG (*.png)|*.png|All files (*.*)|*'
162 Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
163 Left = 104
164 Top = 320
165 end
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