unit ConnectionManager; interface uses TypeDefs, DataAccess, Access_OniArchive, Access_OUP_ADB; type TConnections = array of TDataAccess; TConnectionListChangedEvent = procedure of object; TConnectionManager = class private FConnections: TConnections; FLastID: Integer; FConnectionListChanged: TConnectionListChangedEvent; function GetConnectionCount: Integer; function GetConnection(ConnectionID: Integer): TDataAccess; function GetConnectionByIndex(Index: Integer): TDataAccess; procedure RemoveConnection(ArrayIndex: Integer); protected public property Count: Integer read GetConnectionCount; property Connection[ConnectionID: Integer]: TDataAccess read GetConnection; property ConnectionByIndex[Index: Integer]: TDataAccess read GetConnectionByIndex; property OnCoonnectionListChanged: TConnectionListChangedEvent read FConnectionListChanged write FConnectionListChanged; constructor Create; function Close: Boolean; function OpenConnection(FileName: String; var Msg: TStatusMessages): Integer; function CloseConnectionByIndex(Index: Integer; var Msg: TStatusMessages): Boolean; overload; function CloseConnection(ID: Integer; var Msg: TStatusMessages): Boolean; overload; function CloseConnection(FileName: String; var Msg: TStatusMessages): Boolean; overload; published end; implementation uses SysUtils, Dialogs; (* Implementation of TConnectionManager *) function TConnectionManager.GetConnectionCount: Integer; begin Result := Length(FConnections); end; function TConnectionManager.GetConnection(ConnectionID: Integer): TDataAccess; var i: Integer; begin Result := nil; if Length(FConnections) > 0 then begin for i := 0 to High(FConnections) do begin if FConnections[i].ConnectionID = ConnectionID then begin Result := FConnections[i]; Break; end; end; if i = Length(FConnections) then ShowMessage('Couldn''t find specified ConnectionID (' + IntToStr(ConnectionID) + '). Please contact developer!!!'); end; end; function TConnectionManager.GetConnectionByIndex(Index: Integer): TDataAccess; begin Result := nil; if index < Length(FConnections) then begin Result := FConnections[index]; end; end; constructor TConnectionManager.Create; begin inherited; FLastID := 0; end; function TConnectionManager.Close: Boolean; begin Result := False; if Length(FConnections) > 0 then Exit; inherited; end; function TConnectionManager.OpenConnection(FileName: String; var Msg: TStatusMessages): Integer; var i: Integer; ext: String; backend: TDataBackend; CreateMsg: TStatusMessages; begin Msg := SM_UnknownError; Result := -1; if Length(FConnections) > 0 then begin for i := 0 to High(FConnections) do begin if FConnections[i].FileName = FileName then begin Result := FConnections[i].ConnectionID; Msg := SM_AlreadyOpened; Exit; end; end; end; if not FileExists(FileName) then begin Msg := SM_FileNotFound; Exit; end; ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FileName)); if ext = 'ODB' then backend := DB_ADB else if ext = 'DAT' then backend := DB_ONI else begin Msg := SM_UnknownExtension; Exit; end; SetLength(FConnections, Length(FConnections) + 1); i := High(FConnections); case backend of DB_ONI: FConnections[i] := TAccess_OniArchive.Create(FileName, FLastID + 1, CreateMsg); DB_ADB: FConnections[i] := TAccess_OUP_ADB.Create(FileName, FLastID + 1, CreateMsg); end; if CreateMsg = SM_OK then begin FLastID := FConnections[i].ConnectionID; Result := FLastID; end else begin FConnections[i].Close; FConnections[i].Free; FConnections[i] := nil; SetLength(FConnections, Length(FConnections) - 1); Msg := SM_UnknownError; end; end; procedure TConnectionManager.RemoveConnection(ArrayIndex: Integer); var i: Integer; begin if Length(FConnections) > 1 then begin for i := ArrayIndex to High(FConnections) - 1 do begin FConnections[i] := FConnections[i + 1]; end; end; SetLength(FConnections, Length(FConnections) - 1); end; function TConnectionManager.CloseConnectionByIndex(Index: Integer; var Msg: TStatusMessages): Boolean; begin Msg := SM_UnknownError; Result := False; if Index < Length(FConnections) then begin FConnections[Index].Close; RemoveConnection(Index); Msg := SM_OK; Result := True; end; end; function TConnectionManager.CloseConnection(ID: Integer; var Msg: TStatusMessages): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Msg := SM_UnknownError; Result := False; if Length(FConnections) > 0 then begin for i := 0 to High(FConnections) do begin if FConnections[i].ConnectionID = ID then begin FConnections[i].Close; RemoveConnection(i); Msg := SM_OK; Result := True; Exit; end; end; end; end; function TConnectionManager.CloseConnection(FileName: String; var Msg: TStatusMessages): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Msg := SM_UnknownError; Result := False; if Length(FConnections) > 0 then begin for i := 0 to High(FConnections) do begin if FConnections[i].FileName = FileName then begin FConnections[i].Close; RemoveConnection(i); Msg := SM_OK; Result := True; Exit; end; end; end; end; end.