1 | unit ValueEdit;
2 | interface
3 | uses
4 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
5 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, CrossEdit, Math;
6 |
7 | type
8 | TForm_ValueEdit = class(TForm)
9 | group: TGroupBox;
10 | btn_ok: TButton;
11 | btn_cancel: TButton;
12 | lbl_current: TLabel;
13 | edit_current: TEdit;
14 | lbl_new: TLabel;
15 | lbl_offset: TLabel;
16 | lbl_datatype: TLabel;
17 | edit_offset: TEdit;
18 | edit_datatype: TEdit;
19 | procedure btn_cancelClick(Sender: TObject);
20 | procedure btn_okClick(Sender: TObject);
21 | procedure MakeVarInput(objectname: String; offset: LongWord;
22 | datatype: Word; current: String; caller: TObject);
23 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
24 | private
25 | public
26 | edit_new: TCrossEdit;
27 | end;
28 |
29 | var
30 | Form_ValueEdit: TForm_ValueEdit;
31 |
32 |
33 | implementation
34 |
35 | uses BinEdit, {RawEdit, }DatStructureLoader, Main;
36 |
37 | {$R *.dfm}
38 |
39 | var
40 | caller_win_dat: TForm_BinEdit;
41 | caller_win_raw: TForm_RawEdit;
42 | _datatype: Word;
43 | _offset: LongWord;
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 | procedure TForm_ValueEdit.MakeVarInput(objectname: String; offset: LongWord;
49 | datatype: Word; current: String; caller: TObject);
50 | begin
51 | caller_win_dat := nil;
52 | caller_win_raw := nil;
53 | if Pos('rawedit', TComponent(caller).Name) > 0 then
54 | caller_win_raw := TForm_RawEdit(caller)
55 | else
56 | caller_win_dat := TForm_BinEdit(caller);
57 | Form_Main.Enabled := False;
58 | Self.Visible := True;
59 | group.Caption := 'Edit value';
60 | _datatype := datatype;
61 | _offset := offset;
62 | if Length(objectname) > 0 then
63 | group.Caption := group.Caption + ' for ' + objectname;
64 | edit_offset.Text := '0x' + IntToHex(offset, 8);
65 | edit_datatype.Text := GetDataType(datatype);
66 | edit_current.Text := current;
67 | edit_new.EditType := etString;
68 | edit_new.Text := '';
69 | edit_new.LimitCheck := False;
70 | edit_new.MaxLength := 0;
71 | edit_new.Max := 0;
72 | edit_new.BorderStyle := bsSingle;
73 | Self.Width := 300;
74 | case datatype of
75 | 1..4:
76 | begin
77 | edit_new.EditType := etUnsignedInt;
78 | edit_new.LimitCheck := True;
79 | edit_new.Max := Int(Power(256, datatype)) - 1;
80 | end;
81 | 5..8:
82 | begin
83 | edit_new.MaxLength := 2 * (datatype - 4);
84 | edit_new.EditType := etHex;
85 | end;
86 | 9:
87 | begin
88 | edit_new.EditType := etFloat;
89 | edit_new.LimitCheck := False;
90 | end;
91 | 10:
92 | begin
93 | edit_new.EditType := etBinary;
94 | edit_new.LimitCheck := False;
95 | edit_new.MaxLength := 8;
96 | end;
97 | 13..16:
98 | begin
99 | Exit;
100 | edit_new.EditType := etInteger;
101 | edit_new.LimitCheck := True;
102 | edit_new.Max := Int((Power(256, datatype - 13)) / 2) - 1;
103 | edit_new.Min := 1 - Int((Power(256, datatype - 13)) / 2) - 1;
104 | end;
105 | 10000..65535:
106 | begin
107 | edit_new.EditType := etString;
108 | edit_new.LimitCheck := False;
109 | edit_new.MaxLength := datatype - 10000;
110 | Self.Width := 700;
111 | end;
112 | end;
113 | edit_new.SetFocus;
114 | edit_new.SelectAll;
115 | end;
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 | procedure TForm_ValueEdit.btn_okClick(Sender: TObject);
121 | begin
122 | if not edit_new.NoValidValue then
123 | begin
124 | Form_Main.Enabled := True;
125 | Self.Visible := False;
126 | if caller_win_dat = nil then
127 | caller_win_raw.SetNewValue(_datatype, _offset, edit_new.Text)
128 | else
129 | caller_win_dat.SetNewValue(_datatype, _offset, edit_new.Text);
130 | end;
131 | end;
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 | procedure TForm_ValueEdit.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
137 | begin
138 | edit_new := TCrossEdit.Create(Self);
139 | with edit_new do
140 | begin
141 | Left := 88;
142 | Top := 88;
143 | Width := 203;
144 | Height := 18;
145 | Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight];
146 | AutoSize := False;
147 | BorderStyle := bsNone;
148 | Color := clWhite;
149 | Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET;
150 | Font.Color := clWindowText;
151 | Font.Height := -11;
152 | Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
153 | Font.Style := [];
154 | HideSelection := False;
155 | ParentFont := False;
156 | TabOrder := 5;
157 | Text := '0000';
158 | FocusAlignment := taLeftJustify;
159 | NoFocusAlignment := taLeftJustify;
160 | Precision := 15;
161 | Decimals := 4;
162 | FocusWidthInc := 0;
163 | EditType := etHex;
164 | NextDialogOnEnter := True;
165 | DialogOnCursorKeys := True;
166 | NextPriorStep := 1;
167 | AutoFocus := False;
168 | LimitCheck := True;
169 | Max := 2147483647.000000000000000000;
170 | FocusColor := clWhite;
171 | NoFocusColor := clWhite;
172 | ErrorColor := clRed;
173 | StringCharSet := scFull;
174 | end;
175 | Self.InsertControl(edit_new);
176 | end;
177 |
178 | procedure TForm_ValueEdit.btn_cancelClick(Sender: TObject);
179 | begin
180 | Form_Main.Enabled := True;
181 | Self.Visible := False;
182 | end;
183 |
184 | end.