unit Preview; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Template, ExtCtrls, Math, StrUtils, ConnectionManager, {OniImgClass,} Data, TypeDefs, Menus, Buttons; type TForm_Preview = class(TForm_ToolTemplate) lbl_notpossible: TLabel; panel_buttons: TPanel; btn_dec: TButton; btn_startstop: TButton; btn_inc: TButton; img: TImage; timer: TTimer; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure NewFile(fileinfo: TFileInfo); procedure PreviewImage; procedure PreviewTXAN; procedure btn_incClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_decClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_startstopClick(Sender: TObject); procedure timerTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure panel_buttonsResize(Sender: TObject); procedure DrawImage(index: Integer); procedure SetBitmapCount(Count: Integer); procedure LoadImage(fileid, index: Integer); private bitmaps: array of TBitmap; actualimg: Byte; _fileid: Integer; public end; var Form_Preview: TForm_Preview; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm_Preview.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; Self.OnNewFileSelected := NewFile; end; procedure TForm_Preview.NewFile(fileinfo: TFileInfo); var ext: String; begin _fileid := fileinfo.ID; if _fileid >= 0 then begin lbl_notpossible.Visible := False; Self.img.Visible := True; Self.timer.Enabled := False; Self.panel_buttons.Visible := False; ext := fileinfo.Extension; if (ext = 'PSpc') or (ext = 'TXMB') or (ext = 'TXMP') then PreviewImage else if ext = 'TXAN' then PreviewTXAN else begin Self.lbl_notpossible.Visible := True; Self.img.Visible := False; end; end else begin Self.img.Visible := False; lbl_notpossible.Visible := False; Self.timer.Enabled := False; Self.panel_buttons.Visible := False; end; end; procedure TForm_Preview.LoadImage(fileid, index: Integer); var Data: Tdata; memstream: TMemoryStream; OniImage: TOniImage; begin OniImage := TOniImage.Create; OniImage.Load(Connection, fileid); Data := OniImage.GetAsBMP; OniImage.Free; memstream := TMemoryStream.Create; memstream.Write(Data[0], Length(Data)); memstream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); bitmaps[index].LoadFromStream(memstream); memstream.Free; end; procedure TForm_Preview.DrawImage(index: Integer); begin BitBlt(img.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, img.Width, img.Height, bitmaps[index].Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, WHITENESS); BitBlt(img.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, bitmaps[index].Width, bitmaps[index].Height, bitmaps[index].Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); img.Invalidate; end; procedure TForm_Preview.SetBitmapCount(Count: Integer); var i: Integer; begin if Length(bitmaps) > Count then begin for i := Count to High(bitmaps) do bitmaps[i].Free; SetLength(bitmaps, Count); end; if Length(bitmaps) < Count then begin i := Length(bitmaps); SetLength(bitmaps, Count); for i := i to High(bitmaps) do bitmaps[i] := TBitmap.Create; end; end; procedure TForm_Preview.PreviewImage; begin SetBitmapCount(1); LoadImage(_fileid, 0); DrawImage(0); end; procedure TForm_Preview.PreviewTXAN; var loop_speed: Word; linkcount: LongWord; link: LongWord; i: Byte; begin Connection.LoadDatFilePart(_fileid, $14, SizeOf(loop_speed), @loop_speed); Connection.LoadDatFilePart(_fileid, $1C, SizeOf(linkcount), @linkcount); SetBitmapCount(linkcount); for i := 0 to linkcount - 1 do begin Connection.LoadDatFilePart(_fileid, $20 + i * 4, SizeOf(link), @link); link := link div 256; if link = 0 then link := _fileid - 1; LoadImage(link, i); end; actualimg := 254; Self.timer.Interval := Floor(loop_speed * (1 / 60) * 1000); Self.timer.Enabled := False; Self.btn_startstopClick(Self); Self.panel_buttons.Visible := True; end; procedure TForm_Preview.timerTimer(Sender: TObject); begin btn_incClick(Self); end; procedure TForm_Preview.btn_startstopClick(Sender: TObject); begin Self.timer.Enabled := not Self.timer.Enabled; Self.btn_dec.Enabled := not Self.timer.Enabled; Self.btn_inc.Enabled := not Self.timer.Enabled; if Self.timer.Enabled then Self.btn_startstop.Caption := 'Stop automatic' else Self.btn_startstop.Caption := 'Start automatic'; end; procedure TForm_Preview.btn_decClick(Sender: TObject); begin if actualimg > 0 then Dec(actualimg) else actualimg := High(bitmaps); Self.Caption := 'Preview ' + Connection.GetFileInfo(_fileid).FileName + ' (' + IntToStr(actualimg + 1) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(bitmaps)) + ')'; DrawImage(actualimg); end; procedure TForm_Preview.btn_incClick(Sender: TObject); begin if actualimg < High(bitmaps) then Inc(actualimg) else actualimg := 0; Self.Caption := 'Preview ' + Connection.GetFileInfo(_fileid).FileName + ' (' + IntToStr(actualimg + 1) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(bitmaps)) + ')'; DrawImage(actualimg); end; procedure TForm_Preview.panel_buttonsResize(Sender: TObject); begin btn_startstop.Width := panel_buttons.Width - 45; btn_inc.Left := panel_buttons.Width - 23; end; begin AddToolListEntry('preview', 'Preview-Window', ''); end.