[5] | 1 | AI Character Setup Array
| 2 | File id $00 12 File id
| 3 | Level id $04 17 Level id
| 4 | Not used $08 1022 Not used
| 5 | Packages $1E 2 Amount of packages that follow
| 6 | *Package $20 $1E 2 352
| 7 | Unknown $00 10032 unknown; always zero; maybe space for notes
| 8 | Charcter id $20 2 Id of the character, which you can spawn with the script command "chr_create"
| 9 | Flag id $22 2 Od of the flag, where Oni spawns the character (works only, if the flag exits; look to Flag.BINA for a flag list)
| 10 | Unknown $24 2 Unknown
| 11 | Unknown $26 2 Unknown
| 12 | ONCC-link $28 12 Link to the Character Class
| 13 | Unknown $2C 4 Unknown; always the same
| 14 | Unknown $30 10032 Unknown; never used in Oni
| 15 | Spawn function $50 10032 Name of the function, which is called up when Oni spawns the character
| 16 | Lose function $70 10032 Name of the function, which is called up when the character dies
| 17 | Alert function $90 10032 Name of the function, which is called up when the character notices the player
| 18 | Unknown $B0 10032 Unknown; never used in Oni
| 19 | Hit function $D0 10032 Name of the function, which is called up when someone hits the character the first time
| 20 | Health = 1 function $F0 10032 Name of the function, which is called up when the health of the character is equal 1
| 21 | Reload function $110 10032 Name of the function, which is called up when the character reloads its weapon with its last ammo/cell; works only, if the character has some ammo/cells when Oni spawns it
| 22 | Unknown $130 10032 Unknown; never used in Oni
| 23 | ONWC-link $150 12 Link to the Weapon Class; used to give the charcater a weapon
| 24 | Unknown $154 2 Unknown
| 25 | Unknown $156 14 Unknown; always the same
| 26 | Unknown $158 4 Unknown; always the same
| 27 | Unknown $15C 4 Unknown; always the same