Rev | Line | |
[37] | 1 | Door Frame Array
| 2 | File id $00 12 File id
| 3 | Level id $04 17 Level id
| 4 | Not used $08 1020 Not used
| 5 | Packages $1C 4 Amount of packages that follow
| 6 | *Package $20 $1C 4 52
| 7 | Unknown $00 4 Unknown
| 8 | Low left x-coordinate $04 9 x-coordinate of the lower left point of the doorframe
| 9 | Low left y-coordinate $08 9 y-coordinate (height) of the lower left point of the doorframe
| 10 | Low left z-coordinate $0C 9 z-coordinate of the lower left point of the doorframe
| 11 | Up right x-coordinate $10 9 x-coordinate of the upper right point of the doorframe
| 12 | Up right y-coordinate $14 9 y-coordinate (height) of the upper right point of the doorframe
| 13 | Up right z-coordinate $18 9 z-coordinate of the upper right point of the doorframe
| 14 | Center x-coordinate $1C 9 x-coordinate of the center point of the doorframe
| 15 | Center y-coordinate $20 9 y-coordinate (height) of the center point of the doorframe
| 16 | Center z-coordinate $24 9 z-coordinate of the center point of the doorframe
| 17 | Depth $28 9 Depth of the doorframe
| 18 | Width $2C 9 Width of the doorframe
| 19 | Height $30 9 Height of the doorframe
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