source: oup/structdefs/ONGS.txt@ 92

Last change on this file since 92 was 37, checked in by alloc, 18 years ago
File size: 3.9 KB
[37]1Oni Game Settings
2File id $00 12 File id
3Level id $04 17 Level id
4Unknown $08 9 Unknown
5Unknown $0C 9 Unknown
6Unknown $10 9 Unknown
7Unknown $14 9 Unknown
8Unknown $18 9 Unknown
9Unknown $1C 4 Unknown
10Unknown $20 4 Unknown
11Unknown $24 9 Unknown
12Unknown $28 9 Unknown
13Unknown $2C 9 Unknown
14Not used $30 1048 Not used
15Unknown $60 16 Unknown
16Unknown $64 16 Unknown
17Unknown $68 16 Unknown
18Unknown $6C 16 Unknown
19Not used $70 1048 Not used
20Ammo model reference $A0 228 Reference to the ammo model
21Cell model reference $120 228 Reference to the cell model
22Hypo model reference $1A0 228 Reference to the hypo model
23Shield model reference $220 228 Reference to the force shield model
24Invis model reference $2A0 228 Reference to the phase cloak model
25Lsi model reference $320 228 Reference to the lsi model
26Not used $3A0 1128 Not used; maybe a canceled model reference
27Ammo texture reference $420 228 Reference to the texture that surrounds the ammo
28Cell texture reference $4A0 228 Reference to the texture that surrounds the cell
29Hypo texture reference $520 228 Reference to the texture that surrounds the hypo
30Shield texture reference $5A0 228 Reference to the texture that surrounds the force shield
31Invis texture reference $620 228 Reference to the texture that surrounds the phase cloak
32Lsi texture reference $6A0 228 Reference to the texture that surrounds the lsi
33Not used $720 1128 Not used; maybe a canceled texture reference
34Unknown $7A0 9 Unknown
35Unknown $7A4 9 Unknown
36Unknown $7A8 9 Unknown
37Unknown $7AC 9 Unknown
38Unknown $7B0 9 Unknown
39Unknown $7B4 9 Unknown
40Unknown $7B8 9 Unknown
41Unknown $7BC 9 Unknown
42Unknown $7C0 9 Unknown
43Unknown $7C4 9 Unknown
44Unknown $7C8 9 Unknown
45Unknown $7CC 9 Unknown
46Not used $7D0 1008 Not used
47Empty sound field $7D8 132 Empty reference to an OSBD file
48Door fail sound $7F8 132 Reference to the door_fail OSBD file
49Door lock sound $818 132 Reference to the door_lock OSBD file
50Empty sound field $838 132 Empty reference to an OSBD file
51Use hypo sound $858 132 Reference to the use_hypo OSBD file
52Empty sound field $878 132 Empty reference to an OSBD file
53Inventory fail sound $898 132 Reference to the inventory_fail OSBD file
54Receive ammo sound $8B8 132 Reference to the receive_ammo OSBD file
55Receive cell sound $8D8 132 Reference to the receive_cell OSBD file
56Receive hypo sound $8F8 132 Reference to the receive_hypo OSBD file
57Receive lsi sound $918 132 Reference to the receive_lsi OSBD file
58Compass sound $938 132 Reference to the compass OSBD file
59Objective new sound $958 132 Reference to the objective_new OSBD file
60Objective prompt sound $978 132 Reference to the objective_prompt OSBD file
61Objective complete sound $998 132 Reference to the objective_complete OSBD file
62Autosave sound $9B8 132 Reference to the autosave OSBD file
63Empty sound field $9D8 132 Empty reference to an OSBD file
64Empty sound field $9F8 132 Empty reference to an OSBD file
65Health low sound $A18 132 Reference to the health_low OSBD file
66Health over sound $A38 132 Reference to the health_over OSBD file
67Shield sound $A58 132 Reference to the shield OSBD file
68Invis sound $A78 132 Reference to the invisibility OSBD file
69Empty sound field $A98 132 Empty reference to an OSBD file
70Unknown $AB8 9 Unknown
71Unknown $ABC 9 Unknown
72Unknown $AC0 9 Unknown
73Unknown $AC4 9 Unknown
74Unknown $AC8 9 Unknown
75Unknown $ACC 9 Unknown
76Unknown $AD0 9 Unknown
77Unknown $AD4 9 Unknown
78Unknown $AD8 9 Unknown
79Unknown $ADC 9 Unknown
80Unknown $AE0 9 Unknown
81Unknown $AE4 9 Unknown
82Unknown $AE8 9 Unknown
83Unknown $AEC 9 Unknown
84Unknown $AF0 9 Unknown
85Unknown $AF4 9 Unknown
86Unknown $AF8 9 Unknown
87Unknown $AFC 9 Unknown
88Packages $B00 4 Amount of packages that follow
89*Package $B04 $B00 4 68
90Item name $00 10032 Name of the item
91First level $20 2 First level with autoprompting
92Last level $22 2 Last level with autoprompting
93Raw file anchor $24 10032 Raw file anchor for the text message (it belongs to the SUBT file)
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