3D Point Array File id $00 12 File id Level id $04 17 Level id Not used $08 1012 Not used Minimum x-coordinate $14 9 Minimum x-coordinate of all packages below Minimum y-coordinate $18 9 Minimum y-coordinate (height) of all packages below Minimum z-coordinate $1C 9 Minimum z-coordinate of all packages below Maximum x-coordinate $20 9 Maximum x-coordinate of all packages below Maximum y-coordinate $24 9 Maximum y-coordinate (height) of all packages below Maximum z-coordinate $28 9 Maximum z-coordinate of all packages below Center x-coordinate $2C 9 x-coordinate of the center [ (max. x-coord. - min. x-coord.) � 2) + min. x-coord. ] Center y-coordinate $30 9 y-coordinate of the center [ (max. y-coord. - min. y-coord.) � 2) + min. y-coord. ] Center z-coordinate $34 9 z-coordinate of the center [ (max. z-coord. - min. z-coord.) � 2) + min. z-coord. ] Distance $38 9 Distance from the center to each of the both points above Packages $3C 4 Amount of packages that follow *Package $40 $3C 4 12 x-coordinate $00 9 x-coordinate of the point y-coordinate $04 9 y-coordinate (height) of the point z-coordinate $08 9 z-coordinate of the point