source: oup/structdefs/TRAM_2.txt@ 1188

Last change on this file since 1188 was 37, checked in by alloc, 19 years ago
File size: 6.8 KB
1Totoro Animation Sequence (Totoro is the name of the character animation engine.)
2File id $00 12 File id
3Level id $04 17 Level id
4Unknown $08 4 Unknown; always zero
5Raw link $0C 11 Address of the y-position data in the .raw-file
6Raw link $10 11 Address of the x-z-position data in the .raw-file
7Raw link $14 11 Address of the attack data in the .raw-file
8Raw link $18 11 Address of the damage data in the .raw-file
9Raw link $1C 11 Address of the motion blur data in the .raw-file
10Raw link $20 11 Address of the shortcut data in the .raw-file
11Raw link $24 11 Address of the throw data in the .raw-file
12Raw link $28 11 Address of the footstep data in the .raw-file
13Raw link $2C 11 Address of the particle data in the .raw-file
14Raw link $30 11 Address of the position data in the .raw-file
15Raw link $34 11 Address of the bodypart animation data in the .raw-file
16Raw link $38 11 Address of the sound data in the .raw-file
17Flags 1 $3C 10 Flags 1 in connection to the anim_flags.StNA file
18Flags 2 $3D 10 Flags 2 in connection to the anim_flags.StNA file
19Flags 3 $3E 10 Flags 3 in connection to the anim_flags.StNA file
20Unknown $3F 1 Unknown; always the same
21TRAM link $40 12 First direct animation link; this animation follows after a left mouse click (punch)
22TRAM link $44 12 Second direct animation link; this animation follows after a right mouse click (kick)
23Used parts $48 4 Used parts; used for weapon animations like recoil, reload, draw weapon, etc.
24Replace parts $4C 4 Replace parts; used for weapon animations like recoil, reload, draw weapon, etc.
25Final rotation $50 9 Final rotation; stored as multiples of the number "pi" (3.141592...)
26Move direction $54 2 Move direction
27Attack voice sound $56 14 Attack voice sound (f.e. Konokos "Rising fury!")
28Unknown $58 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
29Unknown $5C 9 Unknown; always 1,000,000,000 if the attack part doesn't exist
30Unknown $60 9 Unknown; always -1,000,000,000 if the attack part doesn't exist
31Unknown $64 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
32Unknown $68 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
33Unknown $6C 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
34Unknown $70 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
35Unknown $74 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
36Unknown $78 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
37Unknown $7C 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
38Unknown $80 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
39Unknown $84 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
40Unknown $88 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
41Unknown $8C 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
42Unknown $90 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
43Unknown $94 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
44Unknown $98 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
45Unknown $9C 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
46Unknown $A0 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
47Unknown $A4 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
48Unknown $A8 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
49Unknown $AC 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
50Unknown $B0 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
51Unknown $B4 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
52Unknown $B8 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
53Unknown $BC 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
54Unknown $C0 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
55Unknown $C4 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
56Unknown $C8 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
57Unknown $CC 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
58Unknown $D0 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
59Unknown $D4 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
60Unknown $D8 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
61Unknown $DC 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
62Unknown $E0 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
63Unknown $E4 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
64Unknown $E8 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
65Unknown $EC 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
66Unknown $F0 9 Unknown; always zero if the attack part doesn't exist
67Unknown $F4 14 Unknown; always -1 if the attack part doesn't exist
68Unknown $F6 2 Unknown; always zero
69Unknown $F8 9 Unknown
70Unknown $FC 9 Unknown
71Unknown $100 9 Unknown
72Unknown $104 9 Unknown
73Unknown $108 9 Unknown
74Unknown $10C 9 Unknown
75Unknown $110 9 Unknown
76Unknown $114 14 Unknown
77Unknown $116 1 Unknown
78Unknown $117 1 Unknown
79Unknown $118 9 Unknown
80Unknown $11C 9 Unknown
81Unknown $120 9 Unknown
82Unknown $124 9 Unknown
83Unknown $128 9 Unknown
84Unknown $12C 9 Unknown
85Unknown $130 9 Unknown
86Unknown $134 8 Unknown; always zero
87Extent packages $138 4 Amount of packages of the extent data
88Raw link $13C 11 Address of the extent data in the .raw-file
89Attack sound $140 116 Reference to an attack sound (f.e. "slap") of level 0
90Hard pause $150 2 Hard pause in 1/60 seconds
91Soft pause $152 2 Soft pause in 1/60 seconds
92Unknown $154 2 Unknown; it seems that it belongs to the sound part
93Unknown $156 2 Unknown
94Unknown $158 2 Unknown
95Unknown $15A 2 Unknown
96Unknown $15C 2 Unknown
97Frames $15E 2 Frames per second
98Compression $160 2 Compression size
99Type $162 2 ID for the animation of the opponent
100Animation Type $164 2 ID for the animation of the opponent
101From state $166 2 From state
102To state $168 2 To state
103Bodyparts $16A 2 Amount of bodyparts
104Frames $16C 2 Animation length in frames
105Duration $16E 2 Duration of the animation in frames
106Varient $170 2 Varient; It seems that Oni read it as 2 byte string from left to right; I would read it as 2 seperate bitsets or as a short
107Varient end $172 2 Varient end; It seems that Oni read it as 2 byte string from left to right; I would read it as a short
108Atomic start $174 2 Atomic start
109Atomic end $176 2 Atomic end
110End interpolation $178 2 End interpolation
111Maximal interpolation $17A 2 Maximal interpolation
112Action frame $17C 14 Action frame; at this frame starts the "real" animation
113First level $17E 2 First level; the level where you can use this animation the first time
114Unknown $180 1 Unknown
115Unknown $181 1 Unknown
116Attack packages $182 1 Amount of packages of the attack data
117Damage packages $183 1 Amount of packages of the damage data
118Motion blur packages $184 1 Amount of packages of the motion blur data
119Shortcut packages $185 1 Amount of packages of the shortcut data
120Footstep packages $186 1 Amount of packages of the footstep data
121Particle packages $187 1 Amount of packages of the particle data
122Not used $188 10024 Not used
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