source: ps2launchargs/source/uLaunchELF/LAUNCHELF.CNF@ 1167

Last change on this file since 1167 was 1102, checked in by iritscen, 7 years ago

A few tweaks to ps2launchargs:

  • Added LAUNCHELF.CNF, which allows me to specify a color for highlighted menu items in uLE that a colorblind person can see more easily.
  • Customized version string of uLE as it appears in upper-right of UI.
  • The LaunchArgs.txt in the source folder no longer uses incorrect argument syntax, and now simply matches the one in the main folder.
  • Updated Instructions.rtf in minor ways.
  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 22.5 KB
1# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2# File name: LAUNCHELF.CNF Revision Date: 2008.07.19
3# Created by: Ronald Andersson Creation Date: 2006.02.02
4# Purpose: Define new format and defaults for LaunchELF CNF files,
5# to serve as a guide in developing the code implementing
6# these changes.
7# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
8# Note that LaunchELF v3.41t (or later) will accept this file as-is when
9# loading CNF, but if you modify any settings so that LaunchELF saves
10# the file again, then all comments will be removed. Also note that each
11# LaunchELF version can only recognize those variables that were defined
12# for that version. Using newer variables with older versions is futile.
13# It should not crash the program, but will not have meaningful effects.
14# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
15CNF_version = 3
16# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
17# The CNF_version variable MUST exist for a CNF to be accepted as valid,
18# and it must also be the first variable defined in the file. That way
19# an old CNF can't cause damage when read by new LaunchELF versions.
21# From LaunchELF v3.81 the CNF_version value will be 3 or higher, which
22# means that the Screen_X and Screen_Y offsets are valid for gsKit, as
23# used by that program version. Also, when that program version is used
24# with a CNF file having lower CNF_version value than 3, then the old
25# screen offsets will be converted to ones suitable for gsKit.
26# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
27# In v3.95 Multi-language support was added, which caused the built-in
28# MISC/ device and its subprograms to be named according to the language
29# file activated. But CNF files won't work unless the strings used in a
30# launch key match existing device and program names. This now made it
31# necessary to add the device and subprogram strings to the CNF format.
32# They will still be altered when a new language is loaded, but if you
33# then revert from that change, the names should also revert properly.
34# (Which is what failed to work without having this stuff in the CNF.)
35# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
36Misc = MISC/
37Misc_PS2Disc = PS2Disc
38Misc_FileBrowser = FileBrowser
39Misc_PS2Browser = PS2Browser
40Misc_PS2Net = PS2Net
41Misc_PS2PowerOff = PS2PowerOff
42Misc_HddManager = HddManager
43Misc_TextEditor = TextEditor
44Misc_JpgViewer = JpgViewer
45Misc_Configure = Configure
46Misc_Load_CNFprev = Load CNF--
47Misc_Load_CNFnext = Load CNF++
48Misc_Set_CNF_Path = Set CNF_Path
49Misc_Load_CNF = Load CNF
50Misc_ShowFont = ShowFont
51Misc_Debug_Info = Debug Info
52Misc_About_uLE = About uLE
53# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
54# Next follows the 12 (as yet) launching links, here kept in traditional
55# order, though users are allowed to vary the order at will. For these
56# 12 variables the following name conventions apply:
58# "LK_" is an abbreviation for "Launch Key" and is used as a prefix for
59# the key descriptor (eg: "Square"). That is then followed by the suffix
60# "_E1" which is an abbreviation for "Execution Method 1". At present
61# that is the only method we have, but hopefully that will change...
63# The default value for most of these should be an empty string, except
64# that one link should start the file browser, so people can start to
65# copy stuff without having to make a new CNF.
66# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
67LK_auto_E1 =
68LK_Circle_E1 = MISC/FileBrowser
69LK_Cross_E1 =
70LK_Square_E1 =
71LK_Triangle_E1 =
72LK_L1_E1 =
73LK_R1_E1 =
74LK_L2_E1 =
75LK_R2_E1 =
76LK_L3_E1 =
77LK_R3_E1 =
78LK_Start_E1 =
79# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
80# v3.78 adds three new launch key definitions, but they will never be
81# created automatically. If added by a user they will however be kept in
82# the CNF as saved in the future, and those settings will then override
83# the built-in defaults for the buttons 'Select', 'Left', and 'Right'.
84# The values shown below will map those buttons identically to defaults,
85# though that is not the way it's handled for real defaulting. Use empty
86# strings to disable the keys entirely (for 'child safe' installations)
87# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
88LK_Select_E1 = MISC/Configure
89LK_Left_E1 = MISC/Load CNF--
90LK_Right_E1 = MISC/Load CNF++
91# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
92# After the launch key definitions we have the variables for diverse
93# settings, most of which use obvious naming schemes and have their
94# traditional default values. Some exceptions are the variables for
95# GUI colour values, which are described in the next section.
96# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
97LK_auto_Timer = 10
98Menu_Hide_Paths = 1
99# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
100# Next we have the GUI colour values, for which I made some choices that
101# differ widely from all the other variables so far. First and foremost,
102# I switched their data format to pure hex, to make it practical for a
103# human to edit the byte values. I also added a suffix to the names,
104# so the user has a mnemonic key to the usage of the byte values.
105# And finally, I chose some new default values that I've been working on
106# for a while. The effects of these settings are as follows:
108# Normal text is fully black, while the background is half-level white.
109# Border, submenus, and LaunchELF title text use a medium grey colour,
110# with half the brightness of the background, while alerts and progress
111# messages use a clear but subdued red colour.
113# My goal with these defaults was to achieve max clarity with no glare,
114# and I think this succeeded fairly well, though the final results do
115# depend greatly on your monitor settings as well.
116# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
117# With the addition of the HddManager, four more colours were added to
118# this array, for use in graphical presentations, like pie charts.
119# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
120# With the addition of icon display mode for FileBrowser, the graphical
121# colours are used for these icons as well
122# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
123GUI_Col_1_ABGR = 00808080
124GUI_Col_2_ABGR = 00404040
125GUI_Col_3_ABGR = 00990060 # Iritscen: Made selection color more visible
126GUI_Col_4_ABGR = 00000000
127GUI_Col_5_ABGR = 00006060
128GUI_Col_6_ABGR = 00006000
129GUI_Col_7_ABGR = 00E0E0E0
130GUI_Col_8_ABGR = 00000000
131# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
132# Screen_X and Screen_Y are offsets used to center the LaunchELF screen
133# on the physical TV screen. The values shown below are old defaults,
134# but nowdays it's better to leave them out completely, which is why
135# these lines were made into comments below. This way the program can
136# choose correct defaults for the TV_mode and Screen_Interlace settings
137# you've chosen further down in this file. And the values you use for
138# Screen_X and Screen_Y, whether those defaults or modified values, will
139# still be saved here whenever you save CNF in the future.
140# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
141#Screen_X = 632
142#Screen_Y = 50
143# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
144# Note that I have changed the default for IOP reset, as this has been
145# long-term tested now, and proven superior to starting without it.
146# I have also changed the default for CDVD checking, as the old default
147# could cause lockup on some PS2 models if started with empty tray.
148# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
149Init_CDVD_Check = 0
150Screen_Interlace = 1
151Init_Reset_IOP = 1
152Menu_Pages = 1
153GUI_Swap_Keys = 0
154# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
155# The variables below have been added after the original design (v3.41t)
156# of the new CNF format. They should be used as follows:
157# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
158# USBD_FILE is valid in v3.41u and later versions. It's used to choose
159# an alternate USBD.IRX file, which LaunchELF will then use instead of
160# the embedded one. You can set it in the 'STARTUP SETTINGS' screen.
161# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
163# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
164# NET_HOSTwrite is valid in v3.44 and later versions. It can enable
165# the ability of the networked HOST interface to write on your PC HDDs!
166# Users who want to avoid risks for their PC should leave it as default,
167# which disables these new abilities. For safety reasons it can only be
168# changed by direct user editing. Edit it to a non-zero value to enable
169# the new abilities. (You'll need a very new ps2client.exe as well.)
170# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
171NET_HOSTwrite = 0
172# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
173#SKIN_FILE is used to select a JPG file that will be used as background
174#for the LaunchELF screen. Its value should be the full JPG pathname.
175#The default value is an empty string, meaning that the colour set by
176#GUI_Col_1_ABGR above will be used for screen background instead.
177# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
179# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
180#GUI_SKIN_FILE is used to select a JPG file that will be used the same
181#way as SKIN_FILE, but only in the main launch menu. This allows the
182#design of screens that use the JPG to display GUI 'buttons' etc. But if
183#no such file is specified (or loadable at runtime) then the usage falls
184#back on the regular methods.
185# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
187# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
188#Menu_Title is a string that will be displayed at the top left of the
189#screen. Its main purpose is to allow users to have different titles
190#for different config pages. It is editable in "STARTUP SETTINGS".
191# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
192Menu_Title =
193# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
194# Menu_Frame flags whether or not the big frame that encloses the menu
195# should be visible or not. By default it will be visible.
196# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
197Menu_Frame = 1
198# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
199# SKIN_Brightness is used to modify the brightness of a JPG skin, thus
200# allowing this to be set without changing the JPG file. The default is
201# 50, for using the JPG as-is, lower values will darken it while higher
202# values will brighten it. The maximum value allowed is 100.
203# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
204SKIN_Brightness = 50
205# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
206# Show_Menu flags whether or not the main menu is visible when a GUI
207# skin is selected. By default it will be visible.
208# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
209Show_Menu = 1
210# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
211# TV_mode is used to seup the video mode to suit your TV. You may use
212# the following values in the current implementation:
213# 0 => Automatic adaption of video mode to suit your console (default)
214# 1 => Enforce NTSC video mode regardless of console
215# 2 => Enforce PAL video mode regardless of console
216# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
217TV_mode = 0
218# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
219# Popup_Opaque may be set to force popup menus to use simple background
220# colour (GUI_Col_1_ABGR) inside such menu box, instead of transparently
221# using the skin (if any) as background. If no skin is used then this
222# setting has no visible effect. Its default value is for transparency,
223# so change it to 1 to make such menus opaque.
224# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
225Popup_Opaque = 0
226# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
227# Init_Delay is used to delay the start of all uLaunchELF interactions,
228# which also includes the possible timeout and startup of a default ELF.
229# The purpose of this delay is to allow the user to release any buttons
230# that may have been used in commanding a mod chip, or some program to
231# start uLaunchELF, to avoid having those buttons misinterpreted as new
232# commands intended for uLaunchELF. Its value specifies how many seconds
233# of extra delay to use, with the default value being zero.
234# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
235Init_Delay = 0
236# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
237# USBKBD_USED allows you to disable initialization of the USB keyboard
238# driver. This is mainly useful when you need to test some specific
239# software without any USB drivers active. For example, when testing
240# software that should provide its own USB drivers. Such a test would
241# be ruined if USB drivers were already active when starting the test.
242# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
244# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
245# USBKBD_FILE is a string used to specify an alternate IRX file for the
246# USB keyboard driver, which uLaunchELF will then use instead of the
247# embedded one. You can set it in the 'STARTUP SETTINGS' screen.
248# Note that this is only compatible with PS2SDK drivers, not Sony stuff.
249# Just leave this string undefined (empty) to use the built-in driver.
250# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
252# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
253# KBDMAP_FILE is a string used to specify an alternate key map KBD file
254# for the USB keyboard driver, which will then be used instead of the
255# default map. You can set it in the 'STARTUP SETTINGS' screen.
256# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
258# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
259# Menu_Show_Titles is a flag that when set enables the use of Launch
260# key titles in the menu. Previously this was controlled by the variable
261# Menu_Hide_Paths, but that is no longer the case. By default the new
262# variable is enabled, though this only affects launch keys that have
263# some title string defined.
264# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
265Menu_Show_Titles = 1
266# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
267# CNF_Path can be used to override the path choice for CNF handling, by
268# setting it to the value needed after IOP reset is performed. This is
269# mainly intended to allow HDD installed setups to find a CNF in the
270# launch folder, but can also be used for CD installs, to switch to use
271# of a folder in MC after loading CNF values from a CNF on CD. You can
272# edit this path in the "Startup Settings" submenu.
273# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
274CNF_Path =
275# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
276# USBMASS_FILE is a string used to specify an alternate IRX file for the
277# USB mass storage driver, which uLaunchELF will then use instead of the
278# embedded one. You can set it in the 'STARTUP SETTINGS' screen.
279# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
281# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
282# From v3.95 a language definition file may be used to set the strings
283# for most menus and dialogs in uLaunchELF, and that file choice is
284# stored here. The default value is just an empty string, causing the
285# internal defaults to be used for everything. These defaults are also
286# identical to the contents of the file "English.lng" that we released.
287# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
289# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
290# From v4.02 the character font may be replaced by one loaded from an
291# external file, whose path is stored in the FONT_FILE entry. As usual
292# for file choices, the default is an empty string, causing the internal
293# font to be used. That will also be the result if a specified file is
294# missing or has an invalid format. (Fonts are released separately.)
295# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
297# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
298# From v3.84 two settings of JpgViewer are also saved here. These are
299# the slideshow interval timer (in seconds), and the picture transition
300# choice, a value from 1-4, with 1==NONE, 2==ZOOM 3==FADE, 4==BOTH.
301# In v3.96 another setting was added, being a flag for fullscreen mode.
302# To save latest slideshow settings, just enter the main configuration
303# menu and exit it again using the OK command. This resaves the file.
304# Viewer settings found in a CNF will be used instead of the original
305# defaults, which are the values shown below.
306# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
307JpgView_Timer = 5
308JpgView_Trans = 2
309JpgView_Full = 0
310# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
311# From v3.92 Two options for PSU gamesave files are saved here.
312# Set PSU_HugeNames non-zero to make PSU names contain both original
313# gamesave folder names and the gamesave titles (from icon.sys).
314# Set PSU_DateNames non-zero to make PSU names contain a timestamp from
315# the original save data, appended to the normal name.
316# Both options can be set simultaneously, for very detailed names, like:
317# "BESLES-5245800_Disgaea(1) Ep.1 LV1_2006-07-23_14-46-33.psu"
318# As yet they are not available in config menus. Use TextEditor instead.
319# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
320PSU_HugeNames = 0
321PSU_DateNames = 0
322# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
323# PSU_NoOverwrite was added in v3.93, to eliminate redundant backups.
324# It's only useful to set it non-zero when PSU_DateNames is also set, as
325# it is otherwise ignored. When used, backup of timestamped PSU files
326# check for an identical PSU filename at the destination, and if such
327# a file already exists the operation exits without error, as if a new
328# backup had been made. Thus you can select all saves on an MC and use
329# psuPaste to backup only those that have changed since last time.
330# This improvement was contributed by 'ffgriever' at ps2-scene.
331# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
332PSU_NoOverwrite = 0
333# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
334# FB_NoIcons can be used to disable the new icon display mode of the
335# uLE FileBrowser. By default this is enabled, with this variable zero.
336# In icon mode the FileBrowser will display a small icon in front of
337# every file or folder name, with different shapes for folder vs file.
338# The icons will reuse colours already defined as follows:
339# Folders use Color5=='Graph1', ELFs use Color6=='Graph2', and other
340# files will all use Color7=='Graph3'. By default these colours will
341# be setup as yellow, green, and white, but can be changed for 'skins'.
342# In icon mode objects marked for operations are displayed differently
343# by switching to a slightly different icon definition (with a 'hole').
344# But if FB_NoIcons is set non-zero then the FileBrowser will revert
345# to the traditional form, using no icons at all, and marking selected
346# objects with an asterisk to the left of the file name.
347# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
348FB_NoIcons = 0
349# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
350# LK_xx_Title is not one variable but many. You can replace the 'xx' by
351# one of 15 button designations (eg: Square, Select, etc), and use them
352# to define your own titles that will be used instead of ELF names in
353# the main menu. If no such titles are defined then the ELF names are
354# used instead, and titles will not be saved to the CNF for such cases.
355# To have these titles displayed the variable Menu_Hide_Paths must be
356# set to a non-zero value. You can set it in the CONFIG menu which is
357# also where you can conveniently edit the titles for all launch keys.
358# By editing the CNF directly you can also edit titles for three more
359# commands, as shown by the examples below (NB: They are not defaults)
360# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
361LK_Select_Title = Configure uLaunchELF
362LK_Left_Title = Load 'lower' CNF file
363LK_Right_Title = Load 'higher' CNF file
364# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
365# PathPad_Lock allows you to lock changes to the browser navigation
366# shortcuts in the PathPad array. So if you set PathPad_Lock non-zero,
367# the 'Set' and 'Clear' commands will no longer be active in the PathPad
368# menu. This will prevent you from changing any of the entries, so the
369# default value is zero, which allows you to set up or change entries.
370# NB: Setting it non-zero must be done by text editor, for the present.
371# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
372PathPad_Lock = 0
373# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
374# PathPad[xx] is not one variable but many. You can replace the 'xx' by
375# any number from 00 through 29 (inclusive), and assign each variable of
376# this kind a path string. Lists of those paths can then be accessed in
377# the file browser for easy navigation, by calling up the PathPad menu
378# with the R2 button. By default these strings are empty, and are not
379# then saved to the CNF. Only non-empty strings will be saved, so the
380# example below is not a default value, but simply an example. Since the
381# PathPad entries are not normal configuration variables, they're always
382# included at the end of the CNF file.
383# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
384PathPad[14] = hdd0:/__common/-PS1 MC Backups/
385# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
386# End of file: LAUNCHELF.CNF
387# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.