1 | #include "mainwindow.h"
2 | #include "ui_mainwindow.h"
3 |
4 | const QString MainWindow::VagoSettingsName = "settingsVago.ini";
5 |
6 | MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
7 | QMainWindow(parent),
8 | ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
9 | {
10 | ui->setupUi(this);
11 |
12 | this->myLogger = new Logger(UtilVago::getAppPath(), GlobalVars::AppLogName); //start logger
13 |
14 | this->myLogger->writeString("Detected AppDir: "+UtilVago::getAppPath());
15 | this->myLogger->writeString("True app dir: "+QDir::currentPath());
16 |
17 | setVagoWindowTitle();
18 |
19 | if(!QFile::exists(UtilVago::getOniSplitExecutableAbsolutePath())){
20 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUp(this->myLogger, "OniSplit not found. Please download it at "+GlobalVars::ModsDomain+" and put it the Vago's tools folder. \n\nProgram will now exit.");
21 | exit(1);
22 | }
23 |
24 | if(!QFile::exists(UtilVago::getXmlToolsExecutableAbsolutePath())){
25 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUp(this->myLogger, "XmlTools not found. Please download it at "+GlobalVars::ModsDomain+" and put it the Vago's tools folder. \n\nProgram will now exit.");
26 | exit(1);
27 | }
28 |
29 | this->vagoSettings = new QSettings(UtilVago::getAppPath() + "/" + this->VagoSettingsName, QSettings::IniFormat);
30 |
31 | //First Execution? Old configuration? Settings missed?
32 | bool iniChanged=false;
33 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("VagoVersion") || this->vagoSettings->value("VagoVersion")!=GlobalVars::AppVersion){
34 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("VagoVersion", GlobalVars::AppVersion);
35 | iniChanged=true;
36 | }
37 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("Workspace")){
38 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("Workspace", UtilVago::getAppPath()+"/VagoWorkspace");
39 | iniChanged=true;
40 | }
41 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("AeFolder")){
42 |
43 | Util::showPopUp("Seems it's the first time you are executing Vago. \n\nPlease input your Anniversary Edition (AE) Folder.");
44 | QString aefolder=Util::normalizePath(QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,"Choose Anniversary Edition (AE) folder..."));
45 |
46 | if(aefolder.isEmpty()){
47 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUp(this->myLogger, "AE folder is mandatory. Application will now exit.");
48 | exit(1);
49 | }
50 |
51 | if(!aefolder.endsWith("AE")){
52 | Util::showWarningPopUp("Seems the folder you selected isn't called 'AE'. \n\nIf you run in any problems you can always change it in Vago preferences window.");
53 | }
54 |
55 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("AeFolder", aefolder);
56 | iniChanged=true;
57 | }
58 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("WindowWidth")){
59 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("WindowWidth", GlobalVars::DefaultWindowWidth);
60 | iniChanged=true;
61 | }
62 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("WindowHeight")){
63 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("WindowHeight", GlobalVars::DefaultWindowHeight);
64 | iniChanged=true;
65 | }
66 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("OniWindow")){
67 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("OniWindow", true);
68 | iniChanged=true;
69 | }
70 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("SeparateInWorkspace")){
71 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("SeparateInWorkspace",true);
72 | iniChanged=true;
73 | }
74 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("AskSaveProject")){
75 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("AskSaveProject", true);
76 | iniChanged=true;
77 | }
78 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("AskToOpenLastProject")){
79 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("AskToOpenLastProject", false);
80 | iniChanged=true;
81 | }
82 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("LastProjectPath")){
83 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("LastProjectPath", this->vagoSettings->value("Workspace"));
84 | iniChanged=true;
85 | }
86 | for(int i=0; i<this->recentProjectsMaxSize; i++){
87 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("RecentProject" + QString::number(i+1))){
88 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("RecentProject" + QString::number(i+1), "");
89 | iniChanged=true;
90 | }
91 | }
92 | #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
93 | if(!this->vagoSettings->contains("useYesAsDefaultWhenRemovingItems")){
94 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("useYesAsDefaultWhenRemovingItems", false);
95 | iniChanged=true;
96 | }
97 | #endif
98 |
99 | if(iniChanged){
100 | this->vagoSettings->sync();
101 | }
102 | ///
103 |
104 | this->workspaceLocation=this->vagoSettings->value("Workspace").toString();
105 | this->workspaceWizardsLocation=this->workspaceLocation+"/Wizards";
106 | this->AeLocation=this->vagoSettings->value("AeFolder").toString();
107 | this->outputFolder=this->workspaceLocation;
108 | this->startedWindowWidth=this->vagoSettings->value("WindowWidth").toInt();
109 | this->startedWindowHeight=this->vagoSettings->value("WindowHeight").toInt();
110 | #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
111 | this->useYesAsDefaultWhenRemovingItems=this->vagoSettings->value("useYesAsDefaultWhenRemovingItems").toBool();
112 | #endif
113 |
114 | //Create our workspace if it doesn't exists yet
115 | if(!QDir(this->workspaceLocation).exists()){
116 | QDir().mkdir(this->workspaceLocation);
117 | }
118 | this->itemsLoaded=new QLabel(this);
119 | ui->statusBar->addWidget(this->itemsLoaded);
120 | this->myBar = new QProgressBar(this);
121 | this->myBar->setTextVisible(false); //hides text
122 |
123 | this->myBar->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum,QSizePolicy::Fixed);
124 | this->myBar->setMinimumWidth(150);
125 | this->myBar->hide(); //hide while not being used
126 | ui->tbAbortConversion->hide(); //hide while not being used
127 |
128 | ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(this->myBar); //this adds automatically in right
129 | ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(ui->tbAbortConversion);
130 |
131 | // User interface
132 | ui->mainToolBar->addWidget(ui->tbAE); //add ae installer launch button
133 | ui->mainToolBar->addWidget(ui->emptySpacerLabel); //trick, we can't add directly a space so we add an empty
134 | ui->mainToolBar->addWidget(ui->tbOni); //add oni launch buttonlabel
135 | ui->mainToolBar->addWidget(ui->emptySpacerLabel2); //same as before
136 | ui->mainToolBar->addWidget(ui->tbCommand); //add option to manual onisplit commands
137 | ui->mainToolBar->addWidget(ui->emptySpacerLabel3); //same as before
138 | ui->mainToolBar->addWidget(ui->tbXmlToolsInterface); //add option to manual onisplit commands
139 | ui->mainToolBar->addWidget(ui->emptySpacerLabel4); //same as before
140 | ui->mainToolBar->addWidget(ui->tbOpenFolder); //add option to open folder with files converted etc
141 |
142 | ui->mainToolBar->setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft);
143 |
144 | ui->pbConvert->setMinimumHeight(ui->pbConvert->sizeHint().height()*1.5); // This is OS indepented. It maintain size ratio over the Windows and Mac.
145 |
146 |
147 | #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
148 | // setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(true); // Qt suggests to use it on mac | http://www.slideshare.net/qtbynokia/how-to-make-your-qt-app-look-native // align on left doesn't work if active
149 | ui->tbOni->setIcon(QIcon(":/new/icons/oni_icon_mac.png")); // Oni executable on mac have a different icon than windows
150 | // Set mac platform the first one in the menu, and also make it checkable by default
151 | ui->menuTarget_Platform->removeAction(ui->actionWindows);
152 | ui->menuTarget_Platform->addAction(ui->actionWindows);
153 | ui->actionWindows->setChecked(false);
154 | ui->actionMac_Windows_demo->setChecked(true);
155 | // resize(800,600); // Mac OS pcs should be able to render this resolution without any problem. It's also better
156 | //// because the components on mac use more space
157 | #endif
158 |
159 | resize(this->startedWindowWidth,this->startedWindowHeight);
160 |
161 | #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
162 | ui->pbConvert->setToolTip(ui->pbConvert->toolTip() + " (⌘ + Enter)");
163 | #else
164 | ui->pbConvert->setToolTip(ui->pbConvert->toolTip() + " (Ctrl + Enter)");
165 | #endif
166 |
167 | //Commands Mapping
168 | this->commandMap = QHash<QString, QString>();
169 | mapCommands();
170 |
171 | updateItemsLoaded(ui->twSourcesXML);
172 |
173 | loadRecentProjects();
174 | }
175 |
176 | MainWindow::~MainWindow()
177 | {
178 | delete ui;
179 | this->myLogger->writeString("Application Exited.");
180 | }
181 |
182 |
183 | void MainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *e)
184 | {
185 | // If we don't have a converter yet, application wasn't started.
186 | if(!this->applicationIsFullyLoaded)
187 | {
188 | // Apparently Qt doesn't contains a slot to when the application was fully load (mainwindow). So we do our own implementation instead.
189 | connect(this, SIGNAL(signalAppIsLoaded()), this, SLOT(applicationWasLoaded()), Qt::ConnectionType::QueuedConnection);
190 | emit signalAppIsLoaded();
191 | }
192 |
193 | e->accept();
194 | }
195 |
196 | // Called only when the MainWindow was fully loaded and painted on the screen. This slot is only called once.
197 | void MainWindow::applicationWasLoaded(){
198 | #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
199 | // QProgressBar only works after the windows was shown
200 | // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24840941/qwintaskbarprogress-wont-show (Kervala answer)
201 |
202 | this->win7TaskBarButton = new QWinTaskbarButton();
203 |
204 | this->win7TaskBarButton->setWindow(this->windowHandle());
205 |
206 | this->win7TaskBarProgress = this->win7TaskBarButton->progress();
207 |
208 | //Create a thread for do the conversion in background
209 | this->myConverter = new Converter(UtilVago::getAppPath(), this->myLogger, &this->listToProccess, this->win7TaskBarProgress);
210 | #else
211 | this->myConverter = new Converter(UtilVago::getAppPath(), this->myLogger, &this->listToProccess);
212 | #endif
213 |
214 | connectSlots();
215 |
216 | this->myLogger->writeString("Application started.");
217 |
218 | this->applicationIsFullyLoaded = true;
219 |
220 | QString lastSavedProject = this->vagoSettings->value("RecentProject1").toString();
221 |
222 | if(!lastSavedProject.isEmpty() && this->vagoSettings->value("AskToOpenLastProject").toBool()){
223 | if(Util::showQuestionPopUp(this,"Do you want to load latest project?\n\nLatest project was '" + Util::cutNameWithoutBackSlash(lastSavedProject) + "'.")){
224 | loadProjectState(lastSavedProject);
225 | }
226 | }
227 | }
228 |
229 |
230 | void MainWindow::on_actionExit_triggered()
231 | {
232 | close();
233 | }
234 |
235 | void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered()
236 | {
237 | //Show preferences
238 | About *aboutWindow = new About(this);
239 | aboutWindow->show(); //it destroys itself when finished.
240 | }
241 |
242 | void MainWindow::on_actionAE_Package_Creator_triggered()
243 | {
244 | // it deletes itself once closed
245 | WizardFactory<PackageWizard>::startInstance(UtilVago::getAppPath(), this->workspaceWizardsLocation, this->vagoSettings, this->myLogger);
246 | }
247 |
248 | void MainWindow::on_actionSound_Wizard_triggered()
249 | {
250 | // it deletes itself once closed
251 | WizardFactory<SoundWizard>::startInstance(UtilVago::getAppPath(), this->workspaceWizardsLocation, this->vagoSettings, this->myLogger, &this->commandMap);
252 | }
253 |
254 | void MainWindow::on_actionBackground_Image_Wizard_triggered()
255 | {
256 | // it deletes itself once closed
257 | WizardFactory<BGImageWizard>::startInstance(UtilVago::getAppPath(), this->workspaceWizardsLocation, this->vagoSettings, this->myLogger);
258 | }
259 |
260 | void MainWindow::on_actionWindow_Messages_Wizard_triggered()
261 | {
262 | // it deletes itself once closed
263 | WizardFactory<WmWizard>::startInstance(UtilVago::getAppPath(), this->workspaceWizardsLocation, this->vagoSettings, this->myLogger);
264 | }
265 |
266 | void MainWindow::on_tbOni_clicked()
267 | {
268 | QStringList arguments;
269 |
270 | if(this->vagoSettings->value("OniWindow").toBool()){ // Run in a window?
271 | arguments << "-noswitch";
272 | }
273 | #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
274 | else{
275 | arguments << "-switch"; // only supported on windows. Was added by daodan dll.
276 | }
277 | #endif
278 |
279 | arguments << "-debugfiles";
280 |
281 | if(!QProcess::startDetached(this->AeLocation+"/"+GlobalVars::OniExe,arguments,this->AeLocation)){
282 | showErrStatusMessage("Oni could not be started!");
283 | }
284 | }
285 |
286 | void MainWindow::on_tbAE_clicked()
287 | {
288 | // If the app turn out someday to a native app use QProcess::startDetached instead...
289 |
290 | if(!QDesktopServices::openUrl("file:///"+this->AeLocation+"/AEInstaller/bin/AEInstaller2.jar")){
291 | showErrStatusMessage("Could not start AE Installer!");
292 | }
293 | }
294 |
295 | void MainWindow::on_tbOpenFolder_clicked()
296 | {
297 | QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("file:///"+this->outputFolder));
298 | }
299 |
300 |
301 | void MainWindow::on_tbXmlToolsInterface_clicked()
302 | {
303 | //We pass no parent because we want to have an independent window for XmlToolsInterface,
304 | //so we can minimize it or maximize indepently from the MainWindow
305 | XmlToolsInterface *xmlToolsWindow = new XmlToolsInterface(this->myLogger);
306 | xmlToolsWindow->show(); //it destroys itself when finished.
307 | }
308 |
309 | void MainWindow::on_tbAbortConversion_clicked()
310 | {
311 | if(Util::showQuestionPopUp(this,"Are you sure you want to abort the current conversion?")){
312 | emit terminateCurrProcess();
313 | }
314 | }
315 |
316 | void MainWindow::on_cbEnvMap_toggled(bool checked)
317 | {
318 | ui->leEnvMapTexture->setEnabled(checked);
319 | }
320 |
321 | void MainWindow::on_cbTexture_toggled(bool checked)
322 | {
323 | ui->leTextureName->setEnabled(checked);
324 | }
325 |
326 | void MainWindow::on_cbWithAnimation_toggled(bool checked)
327 | {
328 | ui->leAnimationName->setEnabled(checked);
329 | }
330 |
331 | void MainWindow::on_cbSpecificFilesLevels_toggled(bool checked)
332 | {
333 | ui->leSpecificFilesLevels->setEnabled(checked);
334 | }
335 |
336 | void MainWindow::on_actionCheck_For_Updates_triggered()
337 | {
338 |
339 | //let's check in the web if this version is the latest
340 | QNetworkAccessManager *manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
341 | connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
342 | this, SLOT(checkVagoLastVersion(QNetworkReply*)));
343 |
344 | manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(GlobalVars::VagoCheckUpdatesUrl)));
345 |
346 | }
347 |
348 | void MainWindow::checkVagoLastVersion(QNetworkReply *result){
349 |
350 | if(result->error()==QNetworkReply::NoError){
351 | QScriptEngine engine;
352 | QScriptValue sc = engine.evaluate("(" + QString(result->readAll()) + ")");
353 |
354 | // "field_version":{"und":[{"value":"0.6a","format":null,"safe_value":"0.6a"}]} //Note the use of [{}] which means it's a array of 1 element with one object inside (so the use of [0] bellow
355 |
356 | QString newVersion = sc.property("field_version").toObject().property("und").toObject().property("0").toObject().property("value").toString();
357 |
358 | if(newVersion!=GlobalVars::AppVersion){
359 | Util::showRichPopUp("There's a new version of Vago! (v"+newVersion+")<br/><br/>"+
360 | "You can download it <a href='"+GlobalVars::VagoWebUrl+"'>here</a>.");
361 | }
362 | else{
363 | Util::showPopUp("You are using last version.");
364 | }
365 | }
366 | else{
367 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUp(this->myLogger, "An error occurred checking last version:\n\n"+result->errorString());
368 | }
369 | result->deleteLater();
370 | }
371 |
372 | void MainWindow::on_pbAddSourceXML_clicked()
373 | {
374 | addFilesSource( ui->twSourcesXML,QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,"Choose the files...","./" , "All Files (*.*)"));
375 | }
376 |
377 | void MainWindow::on_pbAddSourceTextures_clicked()
378 | {
379 | addFilesSource( ui->twSourcesTextures, QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,"Choose the files...","./" , "All Files (*.*)"));
380 | }
381 |
382 | void MainWindow::on_pbAddSourceObjects_clicked()
383 | {
384 | addFilesSource( ui->twSourcesObjects,QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,"Choose the files...","./" , "All Files (*.*)"));
385 | }
386 |
387 | void MainWindow::on_pbAddSourceCharacters_clicked()
388 | {
389 | addFilesSource( ui->twSourcesCharacters,QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,"Choose the files...","./" , "All Files (*.*)"));
390 | }
391 |
392 | void MainWindow::on_pbAddSourceLevels_clicked()
393 | {
394 | if(QString::compare(ui->cbFromLevels->currentText(),"ONI FILES",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0 && QString::compare(ui->cbToLevels->currentText(),"DAT",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){ //CaseSensitive is faster)
395 | addFilesSource(ui->twSourcesLevels,Util::multipleDirDialog("Choose folders with ONIs..."));
396 | }
397 | else{
398 | addFilesSource(ui->twSourcesLevels,QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,"Choose the files...","./" , "All Files (*.*)"));
399 | }
400 | }
401 |
402 | void MainWindow::on_pbAddSourceMisc_clicked()
403 | {
404 | addFilesSource( ui->twSourcesMisc,QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,"Choose the files...","./" , "All Files (*.*)"));
405 | }
406 |
407 | QString MainWindow::getFileOutputFolder(QString fromTo, QString myOutputFolder){
408 |
409 | if(myOutputFolder==""){ //We may want to change to a non standart location with context menu
410 | myOutputFolder=this->outputFolder;
411 | }
412 |
413 | if(this->vagoSettings->value("SeparateInWorkspace").toBool() && myOutputFolder==this->workspaceLocation){
414 | myOutputFolder+="/"+ui->tabWidget->tabText(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex());
415 | myOutputFolder+="/"+QString(fromTo).replace(" / ","_").replace(" > "," - ");
416 | }
417 | return Util::insertQuotes(myOutputFolder+"/");
418 | }
419 |
420 | void MainWindow::addFilesSource(DropTableWidget *myTable, QStringList files){
421 |
422 | //Get Conversion pretended
423 | QString from,to;
424 |
425 | QString fromTo = getTypeConversion(myTable);
426 |
427 | from = QString(fromTo).remove(fromTo.indexOf(" >"),fromTo.size()-1); //parse the string to get the from, only 1 time parsed by each group of files = very fast
428 | to = QString(fromTo).remove(0,fromTo.lastIndexOf("> ")+2); //+2 to start after "> "
429 |
430 | //Pre-processing (check if the files/folders received are valid), e.g. check for ONI->DAT if are only given folders and not files
431 | if(from=="ONI FILES" && to=="DAT"){
432 | //check if it's a folder
433 | foreach(QString myFile, files){
434 | if(!QDir(myFile).exists()){
435 | showErrStatusMessage("Only folders are allowed for this operation.");
436 | return;
437 | }
438 | }
439 |
440 | }
441 | else{
442 | foreach(QString myFile, files){
443 | //check if it's a file
444 | if(QDir(myFile).exists()){
445 | showErrStatusMessage("Only files are allowed for this operation.");
446 | return;
447 | }
448 | }
449 | }
450 |
451 | //Build command
452 | QString command, lastFileName;
453 |
454 | QString myOutputFolder=getFileOutputFolder(fromTo);
455 |
456 | //if folder doesn't exist onisplit will create it for us :)
457 | foreach(QString currentFile, files){
458 |
459 | currentFile=Util::normalizeAndQuote(currentFile); //insert quotes ("") in file
460 |
461 | if(lastFileName.isEmpty()){ //Optimization: all commands are the same for each file, just replace the filename
462 |
463 | command=getCommand(myTable,myOutputFolder,from,to,currentFile);
464 |
465 | if(command.isEmpty()){ //something wrong was happening (not inputted a texture name?)
466 | return; //stop adding files
467 | }
468 | currentFile=Util::cutName(currentFile);
469 | }else{ //one parsing was already made just replace the filename by the old one in the command
470 |
471 | currentFile=Util::cutName(currentFile);
472 |
473 | command.replace(lastFileName,currentFile,Qt::CaseSensitive); //case sentive is faster
474 | }
475 |
476 | lastFileName=currentFile;
477 |
478 | addRowTable(myTable,lastFileName,fromTo,command);
479 | }
480 | updateItemsLoaded(myTable);
481 | rowsWereChangedInDropTableWidget();
482 | }
483 |
484 | QString MainWindow::fileParsingXML(QString tabTitle, QString myOutputFolder, QString from, QString to , QString file){
485 |
486 | QString command;
487 |
488 | if(from=="ONI" && to=="XML"){
489 | return command=this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+from+"->"+to)+" "+myOutputFolder+" "+file;
490 | }
491 | else if(from=="XML" && to=="ONI"){
492 | return command=this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+from+"->"+to)+" "+myOutputFolder+" "+file;
493 | }
494 |
495 | return "";
496 |
497 | }
498 |
499 | QString MainWindow::fileParsingTextures(QString tabTitle, QString myOutputFolder, QString from, QString to , QString file){
500 |
501 | QString command=this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+from+"->"+to)+" "+myOutputFolder;
502 |
503 | if(ui->gbTextures->isEnabled()){ //faster than compare strings (if is DAT/ONI)
504 |
505 | if(ui->cbMipMapsTextures->isChecked()){
506 | command+=" "+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbMipMapsTextures->text());
507 | }
508 |
509 | if(ui->cbNoUwrap->isChecked()){
510 | command+=" "+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbNoUwrap->text());
511 | }
512 |
513 | if(ui->cbNoVwrap->isChecked()){
514 | command+=" "+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbNoVwrap->text());
515 | }
516 |
517 | if(ui->cbLarge->isChecked()){
518 | command+=" "+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbLarge->text());
519 | }
520 |
521 | command+=" "+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+getTextureRBCheckedTypeTexture()->text());
522 |
523 | if(ui->cbEnvMap->isChecked()){
524 | if(ui->leEnvMapTexture->text().isEmpty()){
525 | showErrStatusMessage("Checkbox '"+ui->cbEnvMap->text()+"' is selected. The name texture name cannot be empty.");
526 | return "";
527 | }
528 | command+=" "+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbEnvMap->text()) + ui->leEnvMapTexture->text().remove(".oni",Qt::CaseInsensitive);
529 | }
530 | }
531 |
532 | return command+=" "+file; //add source
533 | }
534 |
535 | QString MainWindow::fileParsingCharacters(QString tabTitle, QString myOutputFolder, QString from, QString to , QString file){
536 |
537 | QString command=this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+from+"->"+to)+" "+myOutputFolder + " " + file ;
538 |
539 |
540 | if(ui->cbCellShading->isChecked()){
541 | command+=" "+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbCellShading->text());
542 | }
543 |
544 | if(ui->cbNormals->isChecked()){
545 | command+=" "+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbNormals->text());
546 | }
547 |
548 | if(ui->cbWithTRBS_ONCC->isChecked()){
549 | if(ui->leTRBS_ONCC->text().isEmpty()){
550 | showErrStatusMessage("Checkbox '"+ui->cbWithTRBS_ONCC->text()+"' is selected. The name cannot be empty.");
551 | return "";
552 | }
553 |
554 | command+=" "+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbWithTRBS_ONCC->text())+Util::normalizeAndQuote(ui->leTRBS_ONCC->text());
555 | }
556 |
557 | return command;
558 | }
559 |
560 |
561 | QString MainWindow::fileParsingObjects(QString tabTitle, QString myOutputFolder, QString from, QString to , QString file){
562 |
563 | QString command=this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+from+"->"+to)+" "+myOutputFolder;
564 |
565 | if(ui->cbTexture->isChecked()){
566 | if(ui->leTextureName->text().isEmpty()){
567 | showErrStatusMessage("Checkbox '"+ui->cbTexture->text()+"' is selected. The file source cannot be empty.");
568 | return "";
569 | }
570 | command+=" "+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbTexture->text()) + ui->leTextureName->text();
571 | }
572 | else if(ui->cbWithAnimation->isChecked()){
573 | if(ui->leAnimationName->text().isEmpty()){
574 | showErrStatusMessage("Checkbox '"+ui->cbWithAnimation->text()+"' is selected. The file source cannot be empty.");
575 | return "";
576 | }
577 | command+=" "+Util::normalizeAndQuote(ui->leAnimationName->text()) + " " + this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbWithAnimation->text()) + file;
578 | return command;
579 | }
580 |
581 | if(from=="OBAN ONI (cam)"){
582 | command+=" -geom:camera";
583 | }
584 |
585 | return command+=" "+file; //add source
586 | }
587 |
588 | QString MainWindow::fileParsingLevels(QString tabTitle, QString myOutputFolder, QString from, QString to , QString file){
589 |
590 | QString datName, command;
591 |
592 | if(!(from=="ONI FILES" && to=="DAT")){ // to all except this one
593 |
594 | command=this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+from+"->"+to);
595 |
596 | if(ui->cbSpecificFilesLevels->isChecked()){
597 |
598 | if(ui->leSpecificFilesLevels->text().isEmpty()){
599 | showErrStatusMessage("Checkbox '"+ui->cbSpecificFilesLevels->text()+"' is selected. The files pattern cannot be empty.");
600 | return "";
601 | }
602 |
603 | command+=":"+ui->leSpecificFilesLevels->text();
604 | }
605 |
606 | if(from=="DAT" && to=="ONI FILES"){ // extract files to a subdir with the files name ex: level0_Final
607 | command += " " + myOutputFolder.insert(myOutputFolder.size()-2,QString(Util::cutName(file)).replace(".dat","")) + " " + file;
608 | }
609 | else{
610 | command+=" "+myOutputFolder+" "+file;
611 | }
612 |
613 | }
614 |
615 | if((from=="ONI FILES" || from=="MASTER XML") && to=="DAT"){ // almost the same command for both
616 | QString datName;
617 |
618 | if(from=="MASTER XML"){
619 | command+=GlobalVars::OniSplitProcSeparator; //insert mark so we know this action will take 2 commands
620 | }
621 |
622 | if(ui->cbDatLevels->isChecked()){
623 | if(ui->leTargetDatLevels->text().isEmpty()){
624 | showErrStatusMessage("Checkbox '"+ui->cbDatLevels->text()+"' is selected. The name cannot be empty.");
625 | return "";
626 | }
627 | datName+=QString(myOutputFolder).insert(myOutputFolder.size()-1,ui->leTargetDatLevels->text()); //set name inputted by user
628 | if(!ui->leTargetDatLevels->text().toUpper().endsWith(".DAT")){
629 | datName.insert(datName.size()-1,".dat"); //append extension if necessary (-1 to maintain final quote)
630 | }
631 | }
632 | else{
633 | if(from=="ONI FILES"){
634 | datName=QString(myOutputFolder).insert(myOutputFolder.size()-1,Util::cutName(file).remove("/")+".dat"); //if none iputted set the same name of input file
635 | }
636 | else if(from=="MASTER XML"){
637 | datName=QString(myOutputFolder).insert(myOutputFolder.size()-1,Util::cutName(file).remove("/").replace(".xml",".dat",Qt::CaseInsensitive)); //if none iputted set the same name of input file
638 | }
639 | }
640 | if(from=="ONI FILES"){
641 | if(ui->actionWindows->isChecked()){ //is target plataform select windows?
642 | return command=this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+from+"->"+to+"(PC)")+" "+ file + " "+datName;
643 | }
644 | else{
645 | return command=this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+from+"->"+to+"(demoPCMAC)")+" "+ file + " "+datName;
646 | }
647 | }
648 | else if(from=="MASTER XML"){
649 | if(ui->actionWindows->isChecked()){ //is target plataform select windows?
650 | command+=this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->ONI FILES->"+to+"(PC)")+" "+myOutputFolder+" "+datName; //add second command
651 | }
652 | else{
653 | command+=this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->ONI FILES->"+to+"(demoPCMAC)")+" "+myOutputFolder+" "+datName; //add second command
654 | }
655 | }
656 | }
657 |
658 | if(ui->cbBnvLevels->isChecked()){
659 |
660 | if(ui->leBnvLevels->text().isEmpty()){
661 | showErrStatusMessage("Checkbox '"+ui->cbBnvLevels->text()+"' is selected. The BNV file cannot be empty.");
662 | return "";
663 | }
664 | command+=" "+Util::normalizeAndQuote(ui->leBnvLevels->text());
665 | }
666 |
667 | if(ui->cbAdditionalSourcesLevels->isChecked()){
668 |
669 | if(ui->leAdditSourcesLevels->text().isEmpty()){
670 | showErrStatusMessage("Checkbox '"+ui->cbAdditionalSourcesLevels->text()+"' is selected. The source files cannot be empty.");
671 | return "";
672 | }
673 |
674 | QString additionalFiles=ui->leAdditSourcesLevels->text();
675 |
676 | int currentIndex=0, nextIndex=0;
677 |
678 | //parse all files (separated by spaces)
679 | while(true){
680 | nextIndex=additionalFiles.indexOf(";",currentIndex+1);
681 |
682 | command += " "+Util::normalizeAndQuote(additionalFiles.mid(currentIndex,(nextIndex-currentIndex)));
683 |
684 | if(nextIndex==-1){ //we got to the end, stop parsing
685 | break;
686 | }
687 | currentIndex=nextIndex+1; //update currentIndex +1 for start after the separator
688 | }
689 | }
690 |
691 | if(ui->cbGridsLevels->isChecked()){
692 | command+=GlobalVars::OniSplitProcSeparator+this->commandMap.value(tabTitle+"->"+ui->cbGridsLevels->text())+" "+Util::normalizeAndQuote(ui->leBnvLevels->text())+" "+file+" -out:"+myOutputFolder;
693 | }
694 |
695 | return command;
696 | }
697 |
698 | QString MainWindow::fileParsingMisc(QString myOutputFolder, QString from, QString to , QString file){
699 | return this->commandMap.value("misc->"+from+"->"+to)+" "+myOutputFolder+" "+file;
700 | }
701 |
702 | void MainWindow::addRowTable(DropTableWidget *myTable, QString fileName, QString fromTo, QString command, bool isToDisabled){
703 | //Get actual number rows
704 | int twSize=myTable->rowCount();
705 |
706 | //increase the rows for the new item
707 | myTable->setRowCount(twSize+1);
708 |
709 | //Add to table and list to
710 | QTableWidgetItem *newFile = new QTableWidgetItem(fileName);
711 | QTableWidgetItem *newConversion = new QTableWidgetItem(fromTo);
712 | QTableWidgetItem *newCommand = new QTableWidgetItem(command);
713 |
714 | if(isToDisabled){
715 | myTable->setDisableStyleWidgetItem(newFile);
716 | myTable->setDisableStyleWidgetItem(newConversion);
717 | myTable->setDisableStyleWidgetItem(newCommand);
718 | }
719 |
720 | myTable->setItem(twSize,0,newFile);
721 | myTable->setItem(twSize,1,newConversion);
722 | myTable->setItem(twSize,2,newCommand);
723 |
724 | myTable->updateTableToolTips(twSize); //Update tool tips
725 | }
726 |
727 | void MainWindow::on_pbConvert_clicked()
728 | {
729 | startConversion();
730 | }
731 |
732 | void MainWindow::startConversion(){
733 |
734 | DropTableWidget* currTable = getCurrentTableWidget();
735 |
736 | bool ready=false;
737 | for(int i=0; i<currTable->rowCount(); i++){ //There are items to process?
738 | if(currTable->item(i,2)->background()!=currTable->disabledBackStyle){
739 | ready=true;
740 | break;
741 | }
742 | }
743 |
744 | if(!ready){
745 | showErrStatusMessage("Please add sources to convert first.");
746 | return;
747 | }
748 |
749 | if(this->myBar->isVisible()){
750 | Util::showErrorPopUp("Another conversion is progress. Please wait until it finishes.");
751 | return;
752 | }
753 |
754 | for(int i=0; i<currTable->rowCount(); i++){
755 | //Only process enabled items
756 | if(currTable->item(i,2)->background()!=currTable->disabledBackStyle){
757 | this->listToProccess.append(currTable->item(i,2)->text());
758 | }
759 | }
760 |
761 | this->myConverter->start();
762 | }
763 |
764 | void MainWindow::TsetupProgressBar(int max){
765 | this->myBar->setValue(0);
766 | this->myBar->show();
767 | this->myBar->setMaximum(max);
768 | ui->tbAbortConversion->show();
769 | }
770 |
771 | void MainWindow::TupdateProgressBar(){
772 | this->myBar->setValue(this->myBar->value()+1); //more one task done
773 | }
774 |
775 | void MainWindow::TresultConversion(QString result, int numErrors){
776 | QApplication::alert(this); //Show a notification if window is not active
777 | this->myBar->hide();
778 | ui->tbAbortConversion->hide();
779 |
780 | if(numErrors!=0){
781 | QString sNumErrors=QString::number(numErrors);
782 | if(numErrors>1){
783 | UtilVago::showErrorPopUpLogButton(result+"\n This is the last of "+sNumErrors+" errors.");
784 | showErrStatusMessage("Something gone wrong. Check log file ("+sNumErrors+" errors).");
785 | }
786 | else{
787 | UtilVago::showErrorPopUpLogButton(result);
788 | showErrStatusMessage("Something gone wrong. Check log file.");
789 | }
790 | }
791 | else{
792 | showSuccessStatusMessage("Everything went well!");
793 | }
794 | }
795 |
796 | void MainWindow::TconversionAborted(){
797 | this->myBar->hide();
798 | ui->tbAbortConversion->hide();
799 |
800 | showErrStatusMessage("Conversion was aborted.");
801 | }
802 |
803 | void MainWindow::showErrStatusMessage(QString message){
804 |
805 | QPalette myPalete = QPalette();
806 | myPalete.setColor( QPalette::WindowText, QColor(255,0,0));
807 | statusBar()->setPalette( myPalete );
808 | ui->statusBar->showMessage(message,10000); //display by 10 seconds
809 |
810 | }
811 |
812 | void MainWindow::showSuccessStatusMessage(QString message){
813 |
814 | QPalette myPalete = QPalette();
815 | myPalete.setColor( QPalette::WindowText, QColor(0,150,0));
816 | statusBar()->setPalette( myPalete );
817 | ui->statusBar->showMessage(message,10000); //display by 10 seconds
818 |
819 | }
820 |
821 | void MainWindow::mapCommands(){
822 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////XML Commands
823 | this->commandMap.insert("xml->ONI->XML","-extract:xml");
824 | this->commandMap.insert("xml->XML->ONI","-create");
825 | //######################General Options
826 |
827 | //Possible Combinations
828 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("xml->ONI","XML");
829 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("xml->XML","ONI");
830 |
831 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Textures Commands
832 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->DAT / TXMP ONI->DDS","-extract:dds");
833 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->DAT / TXMP ONI->TGA","-extract:tga");
834 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->DAT / TXMP ONI->PNG","-extract:png");
835 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->DAT / TXMP ONI->JPG","-extract:jpg");
836 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->TGA / DDS / PNG / JPG->TXMP ONI","-create:txmp");
837 | //######################Textures Options
838 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->rbBGR32->text(),"-format:bgr32");
839 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->rbBGRA32->text(),"-format:bgra32");
840 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->rbBGR555->text(),"-format:bgr555");
841 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->rbBGRA5551->text(),"-format:bgra5551");
842 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->rbBGRA444->text(),"-format:bgra4444");
843 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->rbDxt1->text(),"-format:dxt1");
844 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->cbMipMapsTextures->text(),"-genmipmaps");
845 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->cbNoUwrap->text(),"-nouwrap");
846 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->cbNoVwrap->text(),"-novwrap");
847 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->cbLarge->text(),"-large");
848 | this->commandMap.insert("textures->"+ui->cbEnvMap->text(),"-envmap:");
849 | //Possible Combinations
850 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("textures->DAT / TXMP ONI","TGA");
851 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("textures->DAT / TXMP ONI","DDS");
852 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("textures->DAT / TXMP ONI","PNG");
853 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("textures->DAT / TXMP ONI","JPG");
854 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("textures->TGA / DDS / PNG / JPG","TXMP ONI");
855 |
856 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Characters Commands
857 | this->commandMap.insert("characters->TRAM ONI->XML / XML & DAE","-extract:xml");
858 | this->commandMap.insert("characters->TRBS / ONCC ONI->DAE","-extract:dae");
859 | this->commandMap.insert("characters->TRBS XML->TRBS ONI","-create");
860 | this->commandMap.insert("characters->TRBS DAE->TRBS ONI","-create:trbs");
861 | this->commandMap.insert("characters->FILM DAT->XML","film2xml");
862 |
863 | //######################Characters Options
864 | this->commandMap.insert("characters->"+ui->cbWithTRBS_ONCC->text(),"-anim-body:");
865 | this->commandMap.insert("characters->"+ui->cbCellShading->text(),"-cel");
866 | this->commandMap.insert("characters->"+ui->cbNormals->text(),"-normals");
867 | //Possible Combinations
868 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("characters->TRAM ONI","XML / XML & DAE");
869 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("characters->TRBS / ONCC ONI","DAE");
870 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("characters->DAE","TRBS ONI");
871 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("characters->TRBS DAE","TRBS ONI");
872 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("characters->TRBS XML","TRBS ONI");
873 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("characters->FILM DAT","XML");
874 |
875 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Objects Commands
876 | this->commandMap.insert("objects->M3GM ONI->OBJ","-extract:obj");
877 | this->commandMap.insert("objects->M3GM ONI->DAE","-extract:dae");
878 | this->commandMap.insert("objects->ONWC ONI->OBJ","-extract:obj");
879 | this->commandMap.insert("objects->ONWC ONI->DAE","-extract:dae");
880 | this->commandMap.insert("objects->OBAN ONI (cam)->DAE","-extract:dae");
881 | this->commandMap.insert("objects->OBJ->M3GM ONI","-create:m3gm");
882 | //######################Characters Options
883 | this->commandMap.insert("objects->"+ui->cbTexture->text(),"-tex:");
884 | this->commandMap.insert("objects->"+ui->cbWithAnimation->text(),"-geom:");
885 | //Possible Combinations
886 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("objects->M3GM ONI","OBJ");
887 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("objects->M3GM ONI","DAE");
888 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("objects->ONWC ONI","OBJ");
889 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("objects->ONWC ONI","DAE");
890 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("objects->OBAN ONI (cam)","DAE");
891 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("objects->OBJ","M3GM ONI");
892 |
893 |
894 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Levels Commands
895 | this->commandMap.insert("levels->DAT->ONI FILES","-export");
896 | //this->commandMap.insert("levels->ONI FILES->DAT","-import"); //Not used.
897 | this->commandMap.insert("levels->ONI FILES->DAT(PC)","-import:nosep");
898 | this->commandMap.insert("levels->ONI FILES->DAT(demoPCMAC)","-import:sep");
899 | this->commandMap.insert("levels->AKEV ONI->DAE","-extract:dae");
900 | this->commandMap.insert("levels->DAE->AKEV ONI","-create:akev");
901 | this->commandMap.insert("levels->MASTER XML->DAT","-create:level");
902 | this->commandMap.insert("levels->MASTER XML->ONI FILES","-create:level");
903 | //######################Levels Options
904 | this->commandMap.insert("levels->"+ui->cbGridsLevels->text(),"-grid:create");
905 | //Possible Combinations
906 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("levels->DAT","ONI FILES");
907 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("levels->ONI FILES","DAT");
908 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("levels->AKEV ONI","DAE");
909 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("levels->DAE","AKEV ONI");
910 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("levels->MASTER XML","DAT");
911 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("levels->MASTER XML","ONI FILES");
912 |
913 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Misc Commands
914 | this->commandMap.insert("misc->DAT / SNDD ONI->WAV","-extract:wav");
915 | this->commandMap.insert("misc->DAT / SNDD ONI->AIF","-extract:aif");
916 | this->commandMap.insert("misc->DAT / SUBT ONI->TXT","-extract:txt");
917 | this->commandMap.insert("misc->WAV / AIF->SNDD ONI","-create");
918 | this->commandMap.insert("misc->TXT->SUBT ONI","-create:subt");
919 | //Possible Combinations
920 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("misc->DAT / SNDD ONI","WAV");
921 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("misc->DAT / SNDD ONI","AIF");
922 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("misc->DAT / SUBT ONI","TXT");
923 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("misc->WAV / AIF","SNDD ONI");
924 | this->commandMap.insertMulti("misc->TXT","SUBT ONI");
925 |
926 | }
927 |
928 | void MainWindow::on_cbFromXML_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1)
929 | {
930 | updateComboBox(arg1, ui->cbToXML);
931 | }
932 |
933 |
934 | void MainWindow::on_cbFromTextures_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1)
935 | {
936 | updateComboBox(arg1, ui->cbToTextures);
937 | }
938 |
939 | void MainWindow::on_cbFromObjects_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1)
940 | {
941 | updateComboBox(arg1, ui->cbToObjects);
942 | }
943 |
944 | void MainWindow::on_cbFromCharacters_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1)
945 | {
946 | updateComboBox(arg1, ui->cbToCharacters);
947 | }
948 |
949 | void MainWindow::on_cbFromLevels_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1)
950 | {
951 | updateComboBox(arg1, ui->cbToLevels);
952 | }
953 |
954 | void MainWindow::on_cbFromMisc_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1)
955 | {
956 | updateComboBox(arg1, ui->cbToMisc);
957 | }
958 |
959 | void MainWindow::updateComboBox(const QString &arg1, QComboBox *comboBox){
960 |
961 | QString identifier;
962 |
963 | if(comboBox == ui->cbToXML){
964 | identifier = ui->tabWidget->tabText(XMLTabIndex);
965 | }
966 | else if(comboBox == ui->cbToTextures){
967 | identifier = ui->tabWidget->tabText(TexturesTabIndex);
968 |
969 | //Options are only used for DAT/ONI -> Image
970 | if(QString::compare(arg1,"DAT / ONI",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){ //case sensitive is faster
971 | ui->gbTextures->setEnabled(false);
972 | }
973 | else{
974 | ui->gbTextures->setEnabled(true);
975 | }
976 | }
977 | else if(comboBox == ui->cbToCharacters){
978 | identifier = ui->tabWidget->tabText(CharactersTabIndex);
979 |
980 | ui->cbWithTRBS_ONCC->setEnabled(false);
981 | ui->cbWithTRBS_ONCC->setChecked(false);
982 | ui->cbCellShading->setEnabled(false);
983 | ui->cbCellShading->setChecked(false);
984 | ui->cbNormals->setEnabled(false);
985 | ui->cbNormals->setChecked(false);
986 | //#error add drag and drop to Extract TRAM with TRBS/ONCC
987 | if(QString::compare(arg1,"TRAM ONI",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){ //case sensitive is faster
988 | ui->cbWithTRBS_ONCC->setEnabled(true);
989 | }
990 | else if(QString::compare(arg1,"TRBS DAE",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
991 | ui->cbNormals->setEnabled(true);
992 | ui->cbCellShading->setEnabled(true);
993 | }
994 |
995 | }
996 | else if(comboBox == ui->cbToObjects){
997 | identifier = ui->tabWidget->tabText(ObjectsTabIndex);
998 |
999 | ui->cbTexture->setEnabled(false);
1000 | ui->cbTexture->setChecked(false);
1001 | ui->cbWithAnimation->setEnabled(false);
1002 | ui->cbWithAnimation->setChecked(false);
1003 |
1004 | if(QString::compare(arg1,"M3GM ONI",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){ //case sensitive is faster
1005 | ui->cbWithAnimation->setEnabled(true);
1006 | }
1007 | else if(QString::compare(arg1,"OBJ",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
1008 | ui->cbTexture->setEnabled(true);
1009 | }
1010 | }
1011 | else if(comboBox == ui->cbToLevels){
1012 | identifier = ui->tabWidget->tabText(LevelsTabIndex);
1013 |
1014 | ui->cbSpecificFilesLevels->setEnabled(false);
1015 | ui->cbSpecificFilesLevels->setChecked(false);
1016 | ui->cbDatLevels->setEnabled(false);
1017 | ui->cbDatLevels->setChecked(false);
1018 | ui->cbBnvLevels->setEnabled(false);
1019 | ui->cbBnvLevels->setChecked(false);
1020 | ui->cbAdditionalSourcesLevels->setEnabled(false);
1021 | ui->cbAdditionalSourcesLevels->setChecked(false);
1022 | ui->cbGridsLevels->setEnabled(false);
1023 | ui->cbGridsLevels->setChecked(false);
1024 |
1025 | if(arg1=="DAT"){ //case sensitive is faster
1026 | ui->cbSpecificFilesLevels->setEnabled(true);
1027 | }
1028 | else if(arg1=="ONI FILES"){ //case sensitive is faster
1029 | ui->cbDatLevels->setEnabled(true);
1030 | }
1031 | else if(arg1=="DAE"){
1032 | ui->cbBnvLevels->setEnabled(true);
1033 | ui->cbAdditionalSourcesLevels->setEnabled(true);
1034 | }
1035 | }
1036 | else{ // Misc
1037 | identifier = ui->tabWidget->tabText(MiscTabIndex);
1038 | }
1039 |
1040 | identifier = identifier.toLower(); // get current tab title text (lower case)
1041 |
1042 | comboBox->clear();
1043 |
1044 | QStringList toUpdate=QStringList();
1045 |
1046 | QStringList values=commandMap.values(identifier+"->"+arg1);
1047 |
1048 | for (int i = values.size()-1; i >= 0; i--){ //By defaut MultiItems have the inversed order (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qhash.html#insertMulti)
1049 | toUpdate << values.at(i);
1050 | }
1051 |
1052 | comboBox->addItems(toUpdate);
1053 | }
1054 |
1055 |
1056 | void MainWindow::on_actionWindows_triggered()
1057 | {
1058 | ui->actionWindows->setChecked(true);
1059 | ui->actionMac_Windows_demo->setChecked(false);
1060 | }
1061 |
1062 | void MainWindow::on_actionMac_Windows_demo_triggered()
1063 | {
1064 | ui->actionMac_Windows_demo->setChecked(true);
1065 | ui->actionWindows->setChecked(false);
1066 | }
1067 |
1068 | void MainWindow::on_pbRemoveSourceXML_clicked()
1069 | {
1070 | removeTableContents( ui->twSourcesXML);
1071 | }
1072 |
1073 | void MainWindow::on_pbRemoveSourceTextures_clicked()
1074 | {
1075 | removeTableContents(ui->twSourcesTextures);
1076 | }
1077 |
1078 | void MainWindow::on_pbRemoveSourceObjects_clicked()
1079 | {
1080 | removeTableContents(ui->twSourcesObjects);
1081 | }
1082 |
1083 | void MainWindow::on_pbRemoveSourceCharacters_clicked()
1084 | {
1085 | removeTableContents(ui->twSourcesCharacters);
1086 | }
1087 |
1088 | void MainWindow::on_pbRemoveSourceLevels_clicked()
1089 | {
1090 | removeTableContents(ui->twSourcesLevels);
1091 | }
1092 |
1093 | void MainWindow::on_pbRemoveSourceMisc_clicked()
1094 | {
1095 | removeTableContents(ui->twSourcesMisc);
1096 | }
1097 |
1098 | void MainWindow::on_pbClearSourcesXML_clicked()
1099 | {
1100 | clearTableContents(ui->twSourcesXML);
1101 | }
1102 |
1103 | void MainWindow::on_pbClearSourcesTextures_clicked()
1104 | {
1105 | clearTableContents(ui->twSourcesTextures);
1106 | }
1107 |
1108 | void MainWindow::on_pbClearSourcesObjects_clicked()
1109 | {
1110 | clearTableContents(ui->twSourcesObjects);
1111 | }
1112 |
1113 | void MainWindow::on_pbClearSourcesCharacters_clicked()
1114 | {
1115 | clearTableContents(ui->twSourcesCharacters);
1116 | }
1117 |
1118 | void MainWindow::on_pbClearSourcesLevels_clicked()
1119 | {
1120 | clearTableContents(ui->twSourcesLevels);
1121 | }
1122 |
1123 | void MainWindow::on_pbClearSourcesMisc_clicked()
1124 | {
1125 | clearTableContents(ui->twSourcesMisc);
1126 | }
1127 |
1128 | void MainWindow::removeTableContents(DropTableWidget *myTable){
1129 | int size = myTable->selectionModel()->selectedRows().size();
1130 |
1131 | QMessageBox::StandardButton defaultButton = QMessageBox::NoButton; // default button for clear asking question, only customizable in mac os
1132 |
1133 | if(size==0){
1134 | Util::showPopUp("Select a row first.");
1135 | return;
1136 | }
1137 |
1138 | #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
1139 | if(this->useYesAsDefaultWhenRemovingItems){
1140 | defaultButton = QMessageBox::Yes;
1141 | }
1142 | else{
1143 | defaultButton = QMessageBox::No;
1144 | }
1145 | #endif
1146 |
1147 |
1148 | if(Util::showQuestionPopUp(this,"Are you sure you want to delete the selected rows?",defaultButton)){
1149 | for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
1150 | //myTable->removeRow(myTable->selectedItems().at(size-i-1)->row());
1151 | myTable->removeRow(myTable->selectionModel()->selectedRows().at(size-i-1).row());
1152 | }
1153 | updateItemsLoaded(myTable);
1154 | rowsWereChangedInDropTableWidget();
1155 | }
1156 | }
1157 |
1158 | void MainWindow::clearTableContents(DropTableWidget *myTable){
1159 |
1160 | QMessageBox::StandardButton defaultButton = QMessageBox::NoButton; // default button for clear asking question, only customizable in mac os
1161 |
1162 | if(myTable->rowCount()==0){
1163 | Util::showPopUp("Nothing to clear.");
1164 | return;
1165 | }
1166 |
1167 | #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
1168 | if(this->useYesAsDefaultWhenRemovingItems){
1169 | defaultButton = QMessageBox::Yes;
1170 | }
1171 | else{
1172 | defaultButton = QMessageBox::No;
1173 | }
1174 | #endif
1175 |
1176 | if(Util::showQuestionPopUp(this,"Are you sure you want to clear the content?",defaultButton)){
1177 | clearTableNoPrompt(myTable);
1178 | updateItemsLoaded(myTable);
1179 | rowsWereChangedInDropTableWidget();
1180 | }
1181 |
1182 | }
1183 |
1184 | void MainWindow::clearTableNoPrompt(DropTableWidget *myTable){
1185 | myTable->clearContents();
1186 | myTable->setRowCount(0);
1187 | }
1188 |
1189 | void MainWindow::on_actionPreferences_triggered()
1190 | {
1191 | //Show preferences
1192 | Preferences *preferencesWindow = new Preferences(this,this->vagoSettings);
1193 | preferencesWindow->exec(); //it destroys itself when finished.
1194 | }
1195 |
1196 |
1197 | void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event){
1198 | if(this->vagoSettings->value("AskSaveProject").toBool() && this->unsavedChangesExist){
1199 | QMessageBox::StandardButton result = askToSaveCurrentProject();
1200 | if(result == QMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel){
1201 | event->ignore();
1202 | return;
1203 | }
1204 | }
1205 |
1206 | // Exit application (this will also close all other windows which don't have parent, for instance ManualCommands)
1207 | QApplication::quit();
1208 | }
1209 |
1210 | QMessageBox::StandardButton MainWindow::askToSaveCurrentProject(){
1211 | QMessageBox::StandardButton result =
1212 | Util::showQuestionPopUpWithCancel(this,"There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save the current project?", QMessageBox::StandardButton::Yes);
1213 |
1214 | if(result == QMessageBox::StandardButton::Yes){
1215 | on_actionSave_triggered();
1216 | }
1217 |
1218 | return result;
1219 | }
1220 |
1221 | void MainWindow::on_cbToLevels_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1)
1222 | {
1223 |
1224 | if(ui->cbFromLevels->currentText()=="MASTER XML" && arg1=="DAT"){
1225 | ui->cbDatLevels->setEnabled(true);
1226 | }
1227 | else if(ui->cbFromLevels->currentText()=="MASTER XML" && arg1=="ONI FILES"){
1228 | ui->cbDatLevels->setEnabled(false);
1229 | ui->cbDatLevels->setChecked(false);
1230 | }
1231 |
1232 | }
1233 |
1234 | void MainWindow::on_cbDatLevels_toggled(bool checked)
1235 | {
1236 | ui->leTargetDatLevels->setEnabled(checked);
1237 | }
1238 |
1239 | void MainWindow::on_cbBnvLevels_toggled(bool checked)
1240 | {
1241 | ui->leBnvLevels->setEnabled(checked);
1242 | ui->cbGridsLevels->setEnabled(checked);
1243 | ui->cbGridsLevels->setChecked(checked);
1244 | if(checked && !projectIsLoading){
1245 | QString file=QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,"Choose the BNV.dae file...","./" , "All Files (*.*)");
1246 | if(!file.isEmpty()){
1247 | ui->leBnvLevels->setText(file);
1248 | }
1249 | }
1250 | }
1251 |
1252 | void MainWindow::on_cbAdditionalSourcesLevels_toggled(bool checked)
1253 | {
1254 | ui->leAdditSourcesLevels->setEnabled(checked);
1255 |
1256 | if(checked && !projectIsLoading){
1257 | QStringList filesSelected=QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,"Choose the additional .dae files...","./" , "All Files (*.*)");
1258 | QString filesJoined;
1259 | int size=filesSelected.size();
1260 |
1261 | if(!filesSelected.isEmpty()){
1262 | for(int i=0; i<size-1; i++){
1263 | filesJoined+=filesSelected.at(i)+" ";
1264 | }
1265 | filesJoined+=filesSelected.at(size-1); //last doesn't have space after
1266 | ui->leAdditSourcesLevels->setText(filesJoined);
1267 | }
1268 |
1269 | }
1270 | }
1271 |
1272 | void MainWindow::on_cbWithTRBS_ONCC_toggled(bool checked)
1273 | {
1274 | ui->leTRBS_ONCC->setEnabled(checked);
1275 | }
1276 |
1277 | void MainWindow::on_actionCheck_OniSplit_version_triggered()
1278 | {
1279 | QProcess myProcess;
1280 | myProcess.setWorkingDirectory(UtilVago::getAppPath());
1281 | myProcess.start(UtilVago::getOniSplitExecutable()+" -version");
1282 | myProcess.waitForFinished();
1283 |
1284 | QString result=myProcess.readAllStandardOutput();
1285 |
1286 | Util::showPopUp("This Vago version was built with base in OniSplit version "+GlobalVars::BuiltOniSplitVersion+"\n\nCurrent version is:\n"+result.trimmed());
1287 | }
1288 |
1289 | void MainWindow::on_actionCheck_xmlTools_version_triggered()
1290 | {
1291 | QProcess myProcess;
1292 | myProcess.setWorkingDirectory(UtilVago::getAppPath());
1293 | myProcess.start(UtilVago::getXmlToolsExecutable()+" --version");
1294 | myProcess.waitForFinished();
1295 | QString result=myProcess.readLine();
1296 |
1297 | Util::showPopUp("This Vago version was built with base in XmlTools version "+GlobalVars::BuiltXmlToolsVersion+"\n\nCurrent version is:\n"+result.trimmed());
1298 | }
1299 |
1300 | /**
1301 | Update items loaded
1302 | **/
1303 | void MainWindow::on_tabWidget_currentChanged(int)
1304 | {
1305 | updateItemsLoaded(getCurrentTableWidget());
1306 | }
1307 |
1308 | void MainWindow::updateItemsLoaded(DropTableWidget *currentTable){
1309 |
1310 | int numItems=currentTable->rowCount();
1311 |
1312 | this->itemsLoaded->setText(QString().setNum(numItems)+ (numItems==1?" item ":" items ") +"loaded");
1313 | }
1314 |
1315 | void MainWindow::rowsWereChangedInDropTableWidget(){
1316 | // We have changed rows, we have now unsaved changes.
1317 | if(!this->unsavedChangesExist){
1318 | this->unsavedChangesExist = true;
1319 | setVagoWindowTitle();
1320 | }
1321 | }
1322 |
1323 | void MainWindow::on_tbCommand_clicked()
1324 | {
1325 | //We pass no parent because we want to have an independent window for ManualCommands,
1326 | //so we can minimize it or maximize indepently from the MainWindow
1327 | ManualCommands *commandsWindow = new ManualCommands();
1328 | commandsWindow->show(); //it destroys itself when finished.
1329 | }
1330 |
1331 | void MainWindow::on_actionWorkspace_triggered()
1332 | {
1333 | ui->actionWorkspace->setChecked(true);
1334 | ui->actionOther->setChecked(false);
1335 | this->outputFolder=this->workspaceLocation;
1336 | ui->tbOpenFolder->setToolTip("Open Vago workspace");
1337 | showSuccessStatusMessage("Vago is now outputting the NEW items for Vago workspace.");
1338 | }
1339 |
1340 | void MainWindow::on_actionOther_triggered()
1341 | {
1342 | QString newDir=QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,"Choose the folder for output NEW files directly...",this->AeLocation+"/GameDataFolder");
1343 | newDir=Util::normalizePath(newDir);
1344 |
1345 | if(newDir.isEmpty()){
1346 | ui->actionOther->setChecked(false);
1347 | return; //do nothing
1348 | }
1349 |
1350 | if(newDir==this->workspaceLocation){
1351 | on_actionWorkspace_triggered(); //set it to vago workspace
1352 | return;
1353 | }
1354 |
1355 | ui->actionOther->setChecked(true);
1356 | ui->actionWorkspace->setChecked(false);
1357 |
1358 | this->outputFolder=newDir;
1359 |
1360 | QString newDirName=Util::cutName(newDir);
1361 | ui->tbOpenFolder->setToolTip("Open "+newDirName+" output folder");
1362 | showSuccessStatusMessage("Vago is now outputting the NEW items for "+newDirName+".");
1363 | }
1364 |
1365 | void MainWindow::on_actionView_log_triggered()
1366 | {
1367 | UtilVago::openLogFile();
1368 | }
1369 |
1370 | void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_AE_folder_triggered()
1371 | {
1372 | QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("file:///"+this->AeLocation));
1373 | }
1374 |
1375 | void MainWindow::on_actionSave_Project_triggered()
1376 | {
1377 |
1378 | QString filePath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"),
1379 | this->vagoSettings->value("LastProjectPath").toString(),
1380 | tr("Vago project files (*.vgp)"));
1381 |
1382 | if(!filePath.isEmpty()){
1383 | saveProjectState(filePath);
1384 | }
1385 |
1386 | }
1387 |
1388 | // New Project
1389 | void MainWindow::on_actionNew_Project_triggered()
1390 | {
1391 | if(this->vagoSettings->value("AskSaveProject").toBool() && this->unsavedChangesExist){
1392 | QMessageBox::StandardButton result = askToSaveCurrentProject();
1393 | if(result == QMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel){
1394 | return;
1395 | }
1396 | }
1397 |
1398 | QList<DropTableWidget*> myTables = getAllTableWidgets();
1399 |
1400 | for(DropTableWidget* const currTable : myTables){
1401 | clearTableNoPrompt(currTable);
1402 | }
1403 |
1404 | this->lastProjectFilePath=""; // clear last project file path
1405 | this->unsavedChangesExist = false;
1406 |
1407 | setVagoWindowTitle(); // update vago title
1408 | }
1409 |
1410 | void MainWindow::on_actionSave_triggered()
1411 | {
1412 | if(this->lastProjectFilePath.isEmpty()){
1413 | on_actionSave_Project_triggered();
1414 | return;
1415 | }
1416 |
1417 | saveProjectState(this->lastProjectFilePath);
1418 | }
1419 |
1420 | void MainWindow::on_actionLoad_Project_triggered()
1421 | {
1422 |
1423 | QString filePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Load File"),
1424 | this->vagoSettings->value("LastProjectPath").toString(),
1425 | tr("Vago project files (*.vgp)"));
1426 | if(!filePath.isEmpty()){
1427 | loadProjectState(filePath);
1428 | }
1429 | }
1430 |
1431 | void MainWindow::on_actionProject1_triggered()
1432 | {
1433 | loadProjectState(this->ui->actionProject1->text());
1434 | }
1435 |
1436 | void MainWindow::on_actionProject2_triggered()
1437 | {
1438 | loadProjectState(this->ui->actionProject2->text());
1439 | }
1440 |
1441 | void MainWindow::on_actionProject3_triggered()
1442 | {
1443 | loadProjectState(this->ui->actionProject3->text());
1444 | }
1445 |
1446 | void MainWindow::on_actionProject4_triggered()
1447 | {
1448 | loadProjectState(this->ui->actionProject4->text());
1449 | }
1450 |
1451 | void MainWindow::on_actionProject5_triggered()
1452 | {
1453 | loadProjectState(this->ui->actionProject5->text());
1454 | }
1455 |
1456 | QString MainWindow::getTypeConversion(DropTableWidget *myTable){
1457 | QString from,to;
1458 |
1459 | if(myTable==ui->twSourcesXML){
1460 | from=ui->cbFromXML->currentText();
1461 | to=ui->cbToXML->currentText();
1462 | }
1463 | else if(myTable==ui->twSourcesTextures){
1464 | from=ui->cbFromTextures->currentText();
1465 | to=ui->cbToTextures->currentText();
1466 | }
1467 | else if(myTable==ui->twSourcesObjects){
1468 | from=ui->cbFromObjects->currentText();
1469 | to=ui->cbToObjects->currentText();
1470 | }
1471 | else if(myTable==ui->twSourcesCharacters){
1472 | from=ui->cbFromCharacters->currentText();
1473 | to=ui->cbToCharacters->currentText();
1474 | }
1475 | else if(myTable==ui->twSourcesLevels){
1476 | from=ui->cbFromLevels->currentText();
1477 | to=ui->cbToLevels->currentText();
1478 | }
1479 | else{
1480 | from=ui->cbFromMisc->currentText();
1481 | to=ui->cbToMisc->currentText();
1482 | }
1483 |
1484 | return from + " > " + to;
1485 | }
1486 |
1487 | //Drop table widget context menu
1488 | void MainWindow::dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget* myTable, QContextMenuEvent *event){
1489 | QModelIndex index = myTable->indexAt(event->pos());
1490 |
1491 | //item exists?
1492 | if(!index.isValid())
1493 | return;
1494 |
1495 | if(myTable->selectionModel()->selectedRows().size()==0){ //No multiple rows selected
1496 | myTable->selectRow(myTable->itemAt(event->pos())->row()); //select all the row of the item clicked
1497 | }
1498 |
1499 | QList<int> selectedRows = QList<int>();
1500 |
1501 | foreach(QModelIndex rowItem, myTable->selectionModel()->selectedRows()){
1502 | selectedRows << rowItem.row();
1503 | }
1504 |
1505 | std::unique_ptr<QMenu> menu = std::make_unique<QMenu>();
1506 | std::unique_ptr<QAction> copy = std::make_unique<QAction>("Copy",myTable);
1507 | std::unique_ptr<QAction> moveUp = std::make_unique<QAction>("Move Up",myTable);
1508 | std::unique_ptr<QAction> moveDown = std::make_unique<QAction>("Move Down",myTable);
1509 | std::unique_ptr<QAction> changeOptions = std::make_unique<QAction>("Change To Current Options",myTable);
1510 | std::unique_ptr<QMenu> changeOutput = std::make_unique<QMenu>("Change Output for:");
1511 | std::unique_ptr<QAction> outWorkspace = std::make_unique<QAction>("Workspace",myTable);
1512 | std::unique_ptr<QAction> outCurrOutput = std::make_unique<QAction>("Current Output Folder",myTable);
1513 | std::unique_ptr<QAction> outOther = std::make_unique<QAction>("Other...",myTable);
1514 | std::unique_ptr<QAction> edisable = std::make_unique<QAction>("Enable/Disable",myTable);
1515 |
1516 | menu->addAction(copy.get());
1517 | menu->addSeparator();
1518 | menu->addAction(moveUp.get());
1519 | menu->addAction(moveDown.get());
1520 | menu->addSeparator();
1521 | menu->addAction(changeOptions.get());
1522 | menu->addMenu(changeOutput.get());
1523 | changeOutput->addActions(QList<QAction*>() << outWorkspace.get() << outCurrOutput.get() << outOther.get());
1524 | menu->addAction(edisable.get());
1525 |
1526 |
1527 | //if it's in the first row it can't be setted up
1528 | if(selectedRows.at(0)==0){
1529 | moveUp->setEnabled(false);
1530 | }
1531 |
1532 | //if we are at bottom we can't go down
1533 | if(selectedRows.at(selectedRows.size()-1)==myTable->rowCount()-1){
1534 | moveDown->setEnabled(false);
1535 | }
1536 |
1537 | //Can we change the settings? (the conversion must be the same)
1538 | QString currentSettings = (getTypeConversion(myTable)); //call function at the mainWindow with a signal (different threads?)
1539 | foreach(int row, selectedRows){
1540 | if( myTable->item(row,1)->text() != currentSettings){ //If we find out any of the selected items can't be convert disable operation
1541 | changeOptions->setEnabled(false);
1542 | break;
1543 | }
1544 | }
1545 |
1546 | QAction* selectedOption = menu->exec(event->globalPos());
1547 |
1548 | if(selectedOption==copy.get()){
1549 | //Let's copy the contents to the clipboard
1550 |
1551 | QString toCopy;
1552 |
1553 | int size=selectedRows.size();
1554 |
1555 | //Let's format it a bit...
1556 | for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
1557 | for(int j=0; j<myTable->columnCount(); j++){
1558 | toCopy+=myTable->item(selectedRows.at(i),j)->text();
1559 | if(j!=myTable->columnCount()-1){
1560 | toCopy+="\t";
1561 | }
1562 | }
1563 | if(i!=size-1){
1564 | toCopy+="\n";
1565 | }
1566 | }
1567 |
1568 | QApplication::clipboard()->setText(toCopy);
1569 | showSuccessStatusMessage(QString::number(size) + (size==1?" item ":" items ")+ "copied to the clipboard");
1570 | }
1571 | else if(selectedOption==moveUp.get()){
1572 | qSort(selectedRows); //let's order the selections by the row number, so we know exactly how to swap it
1573 | myTable->swapPositions(selectedRows,-1);
1574 | rowsWereChangedInDropTableWidget();
1575 | }
1576 | else if(selectedOption==moveDown.get()){
1577 | qSort(selectedRows);
1578 | myTable->swapPositions(selectedRows,+1);
1579 | rowsWereChangedInDropTableWidget();
1580 | }
1581 | else if(selectedOption==changeOptions.get()){
1582 | changeToCurrentSettings(selectedRows,myTable);
1583 | }
1584 | else if(selectedOption==outWorkspace.get()){
1585 | changeItemsOutput(myTable,selectedRows,this->workspaceLocation);
1586 | }
1587 | else if(selectedOption==outCurrOutput.get()){
1588 | changeItemsOutput(myTable,selectedRows,this->outputFolder);
1589 | }
1590 | else if(selectedOption==outOther.get()){
1591 |
1592 | QString newDir=QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,"Choose the folder for the output of the files selected...",this->AeLocation+"/GameDataFolder");
1593 | newDir=Util::normalizePath(newDir);
1594 |
1595 | if(newDir.isEmpty()){
1596 | return; //do nothing
1597 | }
1598 |
1599 | changeItemsOutput(myTable,selectedRows,newDir);
1600 |
1601 | }
1602 | else if(selectedOption==edisable.get()){
1603 |
1604 | int enabledCount=0, disabledCount=0;
1605 |
1606 | for(int i=0; i<selectedRows.size(); i++){
1607 |
1608 | for(int j=0; j<myTable->columnCount(); j++){
1609 | QTableWidgetItem *currentItem=myTable->item(selectedRows.at(i),j);
1610 |
1611 | if(currentItem->background()!=myTable->disabledBackStyle){
1612 | myTable->setDisableStyleWidgetItem(currentItem);
1613 | if(j==0){ //Only count the row, not the columns
1614 | disabledCount++;
1615 | }
1616 | }
1617 | else{ //reset to initial state (enable)
1618 | myTable->resetStyleWidgetItem(currentItem);
1619 | if(j==0){
1620 | enabledCount++;
1621 | }
1622 | }
1623 | }
1624 | }
1625 |
1626 | QString result;
1627 |
1628 | if(enabledCount!=0){
1629 | result+=QString::number(enabledCount) + (enabledCount==1?" item ":" items ") + "Enabled";
1630 | }
1631 | if(enabledCount!=0 && disabledCount!=0){
1632 | result+=" and ";
1633 | }
1634 | if(disabledCount!=0){
1635 | result+=QString::number(disabledCount) + (disabledCount==1?" item ":" items ") + "Disabled";
1636 | }
1637 |
1638 | rowsWereChangedInDropTableWidget();
1639 | showSuccessStatusMessage(result);
1640 | }
1641 | }
1642 |
1643 | void MainWindow::changeToCurrentSettings(QList<int> rows, DropTableWidget* myTable){
1644 | //construct a command for each one
1645 | //Output a status message saying the number of changed files
1646 | QString fromTo=getTypeConversion(myTable);
1647 | QString from = QString(fromTo).remove(fromTo.indexOf(" >"),fromTo.size()-1); //parse the string to get the from, only 1 time parsed by each group of files = very fast
1648 | QString to = QString(fromTo).remove(0,fromTo.lastIndexOf("> ")+2); //+2 to start after "> "
1649 |
1650 | QString command;
1651 |
1652 | foreach(int row, rows){
1653 |
1654 | command=getCommand(myTable,getFileOutputFolder(fromTo,myTable->getOutputAbsolute(row)),from,to,myTable->getFileAbsolute(row));
1655 |
1656 | if(command.isEmpty()){ //something wrong was happening (not inputted a texture name?)
1657 | return; //stop changing settings
1658 | }
1659 |
1660 | myTable->item(row,2)->setText(command); //update settings to the current row
1661 | myTable->updateTableToolTips(row);
1662 | }
1663 |
1664 | rowsWereChangedInDropTableWidget();
1665 | showSuccessStatusMessage(QString::number(rows.size()) + (rows.size()==1?" item ":" items ")+ "changed to the current settings");
1666 | }
1667 |
1668 | void MainWindow::changeItemsOutput(DropTableWidget* myTable, QList<int> rows, QString newOutput){
1669 |
1670 | QString command, currentAbsoluteFile, fromTo, from, to;
1671 |
1672 | foreach(int row, rows){ //No optimization possible here, commands may be different
1673 | fromTo=myTable->item(row,1)->text();
1674 | from = QString(fromTo).remove(fromTo.indexOf(" >"),fromTo.size()-1); //parse the string to get the from
1675 | to = QString(fromTo).remove(0,fromTo.lastIndexOf("> ")+2); //+2 to start after "> "
1676 |
1677 | currentAbsoluteFile=myTable->getFileAbsolute(row);
1678 | command=getCommand(myTable,getFileOutputFolder(fromTo,newOutput),from,to,currentAbsoluteFile);
1679 |
1680 | if(command.isEmpty()){ //something wrong was happening (not inputted a texture name?)
1681 | return; //stop changing output
1682 | }
1683 |
1684 | myTable->item(row,2)->setText(command); //update command to the current row
1685 | myTable->updateTableToolTips(row);
1686 | }
1687 |
1688 | rowsWereChangedInDropTableWidget();
1689 | showSuccessStatusMessage(QString::number(rows.size()) + (rows.size()==1?" item ":" items ")+ "changed the output to "+(newOutput!=this->workspaceLocation?Util::cutName(newOutput):"Vago workspace"));
1690 | }
1691 |
1692 | QString MainWindow::getCommand(DropTableWidget* myTable, QString myOutputFolder, QString from, QString to , QString file){
1693 |
1694 | QString tabTitle=ui->tabWidget->tabText(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()).toLower(); // get current tab title
1695 |
1696 | if(myTable==ui->twSourcesXML){ //So we only need to parse one command.
1697 | return fileParsingXML(tabTitle, myOutputFolder,from,to,file);
1698 | }
1699 | else if(myTable==ui->twSourcesTextures){
1700 | return fileParsingTextures(tabTitle, myOutputFolder,from,to,file);
1701 | }
1702 | else if(myTable==ui->twSourcesObjects){
1703 | return fileParsingObjects(tabTitle, myOutputFolder,from,to,file);
1704 | }
1705 | else if(myTable==ui->twSourcesCharacters){
1706 | return fileParsingCharacters(tabTitle, myOutputFolder,from,to,file);
1707 | }
1708 | else if(myTable==ui->twSourcesLevels){
1709 | return fileParsingLevels(tabTitle, myOutputFolder,from,to,file);
1710 | }
1711 | else{
1712 | return fileParsingMisc(myOutputFolder,from,to,file);
1713 | }
1714 |
1715 | }
1716 |
1717 | void MainWindow::connectSlots(){
1718 |
1719 | //This signal is for thread that is working setup the progress bar (make it visible and set it's min-max)
1720 | connect(myConverter, SIGNAL(setupPB(int)), this, SLOT(TsetupProgressBar(int)), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
1721 |
1722 | //This signal is for thread that is working can update the progress bar of the gui
1723 | connect(myConverter, SIGNAL(taskDone()), this, SLOT(TupdateProgressBar()),Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
1724 |
1725 | //This signal is for thread that is working can show the result of a conversion
1726 | connect(myConverter, SIGNAL(resultConversion(QString,int)), this, SLOT(TresultConversion(QString,int)));
1727 |
1728 | //This signal is for thread that is working notify the gui thread that the conversion was aborted with sucess
1729 | connect(myConverter, SIGNAL(conversionAborted()), this, SLOT(TconversionAborted()));
1730 |
1731 | // This signal is to the user be able to terminate a conversion (OniSplit process in class myConverter will be terminated)
1732 | connect(this, SIGNAL(terminateCurrProcess()), myConverter, SLOT(terminateCurrProcess()));
1733 |
1734 | //Drop signal for General table
1735 | connect(ui->twSourcesXML, SIGNAL(dropped(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)), this, SLOT(addFilesSource(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)));
1736 |
1737 | //Drop signal for Textures table
1738 | connect(ui->twSourcesTextures, SIGNAL(dropped(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)), this, SLOT(addFilesSource(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)));
1739 |
1740 | //Drop signal for Objects table
1741 | connect(ui->twSourcesObjects, SIGNAL(dropped(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)), this, SLOT(addFilesSource(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)));
1742 |
1743 | //Drop signal for Characters table
1744 | connect(ui->twSourcesCharacters, SIGNAL(dropped(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)), this, SLOT(addFilesSource(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)));
1745 |
1746 | //Drop signal for Levels table
1747 | connect(ui->twSourcesLevels, SIGNAL(dropped(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)), this, SLOT(addFilesSource(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)));
1748 |
1749 | //Drop signal for Misc table
1750 | connect(ui->twSourcesMisc, SIGNAL(dropped(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)), this, SLOT(addFilesSource(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)));
1751 |
1752 | //Context menu for General table
1753 | connect(ui->twSourcesXML, SIGNAL(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)), this, SLOT(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)));
1754 |
1755 | //Context menu for Textures table
1756 | connect(ui->twSourcesTextures, SIGNAL(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)), this, SLOT(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)));
1757 |
1758 | //Context menu for Objects table
1759 | connect(ui->twSourcesObjects, SIGNAL(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)), this, SLOT(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)));
1760 |
1761 | //Context menu for Characters table
1762 | connect(ui->twSourcesCharacters, SIGNAL(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)), this, SLOT(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)));
1763 |
1764 | //Context menu for Levels table
1765 | connect(ui->twSourcesLevels, SIGNAL(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)), this, SLOT(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)));
1766 |
1767 | //Context menu for Misc table
1768 | connect(ui->twSourcesMisc, SIGNAL(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)), this, SLOT(dtContextMenu(DropTableWidget*,QContextMenuEvent*)));
1769 | }
1770 |
1771 | void MainWindow::saveProjectState(const QString &filePath)
1772 | {
1773 |
1774 | QList<DropTableWidget*> tableWidgets = getAllTableWidgets();
1775 |
1776 | pugi::xml_document doc;
1777 |
1778 | pugi::xml_node rootNode = doc.append_child("VagoProject");
1779 | rootNode.append_attribute("vagoVersion").set_value(GlobalVars::LastCompatibleVersion.toUtf8().constData());
1780 |
1781 | foreach(DropTableWidget* const &myTable, tableWidgets){
1782 | saveProjectWidget(rootNode, myTable);
1783 | }
1784 |
1785 | if(!doc.save_file(filePath.toUtf8().constData(), PUGIXML_TEXT("\t"), pugi::format_default | pugi::format_write_bom, pugi::xml_encoding::encoding_utf8)){
1786 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUpLogButton(this->myLogger, "An error ocurred while trying to save the project file. Please try another path.");
1787 | return;
1788 | }
1789 |
1790 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("LastProjectPath",QFileInfo(filePath).absoluteDir().path());
1791 |
1792 | this->lastProjectFilePath = filePath;
1793 | this->unsavedChangesExist = false;
1794 |
1795 | addNewRecentProject(filePath);
1796 |
1797 | setVagoWindowTitle();
1798 |
1799 | showSuccessStatusMessage("Project saved sucessfully.");
1800 | }
1801 |
1802 | void MainWindow::saveProjectWidget(pugi::xml_node &rootNode, DropTableWidget* table)
1803 | {
1804 | QString from;
1805 | QString to;
1806 | QString tabName = getTabNameByTableWidget(table);
1807 |
1808 | pugi::xml_node currentNodeTable = rootNode.append_child("tempName");
1809 | pugi::xml_node options;
1810 |
1811 | if(table==ui->twSourcesXML){ //So we only need to parse one command.
1812 | from = ui->cbFromXML->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1813 | to = ui->cbToXML->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1814 | }
1815 | else if(table==ui->twSourcesTextures){
1816 | from = ui->cbFromTextures->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1817 | to = ui->cbToTextures->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1818 | options = currentNodeTable.append_child("Options");
1819 | options.append_attribute("type").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(getTextureRBCheckedTypeTexture()->text()));
1820 | options.append_attribute("genMipMaps").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbMipMapsTextures->isChecked()));
1821 | options.append_attribute("noUwrap").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbNoUwrap->isChecked()));
1822 | options.append_attribute("noVwrap").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbNoVwrap->isChecked()));
1823 | options.append_attribute("large").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbLarge->isChecked()));
1824 | options.append_attribute("envMap").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbEnvMap->isChecked()));
1825 | options.append_attribute("envMapValue").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(ui->leEnvMapTexture->text()));
1826 | }
1827 | else if(table==ui->twSourcesCharacters){
1828 | from = ui->cbFromCharacters->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1829 | to = ui->cbToCharacters->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1830 | options = currentNodeTable.append_child("Options");
1831 | options.append_attribute("cellShading").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbCellShading->isChecked()));
1832 | options.append_attribute("normals").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbNormals->isChecked()));
1833 | options.append_attribute("extractTRBSONCC").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbWithTRBS_ONCC->isChecked()));
1834 | options.append_attribute("extractTRBSONCCValue").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(ui->leTRBS_ONCC->text()));
1835 | }
1836 | else if(table==ui->twSourcesObjects){
1837 | from = ui->cbFromObjects->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1838 | to = ui->cbToObjects->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1839 | options = currentNodeTable.append_child("Options");
1840 | options.append_attribute("texture").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbTexture->isChecked()));
1841 | options.append_attribute("textureValue").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(ui->leTextureName->text()));
1842 | options.append_attribute("withAnimation").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbWithAnimation->isChecked()));
1843 | options.append_attribute("withAnimationValue").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(ui->leAnimationName->text()));
1844 | }
1845 | else if(table==ui->twSourcesLevels){
1846 | from = ui->cbFromLevels->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1847 | to = ui->cbToLevels->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1848 | options = currentNodeTable.append_child("Options");
1849 | options.append_attribute("extractWithFiles").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbSpecificFilesLevels->isChecked()));
1850 | options.append_attribute("extractWithFilesValue").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(ui->leSpecificFilesLevels->text()));
1851 | options.append_attribute("datFilename").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbDatLevels->isChecked()));
1852 | options.append_attribute("datFilenameValue").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(ui->leTargetDatLevels->text()));
1853 | options.append_attribute("bnvSource").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbBnvLevels->isChecked()));
1854 | options.append_attribute("bnvSourceValue").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(ui->leBnvLevels->text()));
1855 | options.append_attribute("generateGrids").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbGridsLevels->isChecked()));
1856 | options.append_attribute("additionalSources").set_value(Util::boolToCstr(ui->cbAdditionalSourcesLevels->isChecked()));
1857 | options.append_attribute("additionalSourcesValue").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(ui->leAdditSourcesLevels->text()));
1858 | }
1859 | else{
1860 | from = ui->cbFromMisc->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1861 | to = ui->cbToMisc->currentText().toUtf8().constData();
1862 | }
1863 |
1864 | currentNodeTable.set_name(tabName.toUtf8().constData());
1865 |
1866 | currentNodeTable.append_attribute("from").set_value(from.toUtf8().constData());
1867 | currentNodeTable.append_attribute("to").set_value(to.toUtf8().constData());
1868 |
1869 |
1870 | for(int i=0; i<table->rowCount(); i++){
1871 |
1872 | QString currFileFolder = table->item(i,0)->text();
1873 | QString currFromTo = table->item(i,1)->text();
1874 | QString currCommand = table->item(i,2)->text();
1875 |
1876 | pugi::xml_node currentRow = currentNodeTable.append_child("Row");
1877 |
1878 |
1879 | currentRow.append_attribute("fileFolder").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(currFileFolder));
1880 | currentRow.append_attribute("fromTo").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(currFromTo));
1881 | currentRow.append_attribute("command").set_value(Util::qStrToCstr(currCommand));
1882 |
1883 | if(table->item(i,2)->background()==table->disabledBackStyle){
1884 | currentRow.append_attribute("disabled").set_value(true);
1885 | }
1886 |
1887 | }
1888 | }
1889 |
1890 | QRadioButton* MainWindow::getTextureRBCheckedTypeTexture()
1891 | {
1892 | if(ui->rbBGR32->isChecked()){
1893 | return ui->rbBGR32;
1894 | }
1895 | else if(ui->rbBGRA32->isChecked()){
1896 | return ui->rbBGRA32;
1897 | }
1898 | else if(ui->rbBGR555->isChecked()){
1899 | return ui->rbBGR555;
1900 | }
1901 | else if(ui->rbBGRA5551->isChecked()){
1902 | return ui->rbBGRA5551;
1903 | }
1904 | else if(ui->rbBGRA444->isChecked()){
1905 | return ui->rbBGRA444;
1906 | }
1907 | else{ //dxt1 checked
1908 | return ui->rbDxt1;
1909 | }
1910 | }
1911 |
1912 | QRadioButton* MainWindow::getTextureRBTypeTextureByName(const QString &texType)
1913 | {
1914 | if(QString::compare(texType,ui->rbBGR32->text(),Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
1915 | return ui->rbBGR32;
1916 | }
1917 | else if(QString::compare(texType,ui->rbBGRA32->text(),Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
1918 | return ui->rbBGRA32;
1919 | }
1920 | else if(QString::compare(texType, ui->rbBGR555->text(),Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
1921 | return ui->rbBGR555;
1922 | }
1923 | else if(QString::compare(texType,ui->rbBGRA5551->text(),Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
1924 | return ui->rbBGRA5551;
1925 | }
1926 | else if(QString::compare(texType,ui->rbBGRA444->text(),Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
1927 | return ui->rbBGRA444;
1928 | }
1929 | else{ //dxt1
1930 | return ui->rbDxt1;
1931 | }
1932 |
1933 | }
1934 |
1935 | void MainWindow::setVagoWindowTitle(){
1936 |
1937 | QString vagoTitle = "Vago v"+GlobalVars::AppVersion + " - ";
1938 |
1939 | if(this->lastProjectFilePath.isEmpty()){
1940 | vagoTitle += "Untitled";
1941 | }
1942 | else{
1943 | vagoTitle += Util::cutNameWithoutBackSlash(this->lastProjectFilePath);
1944 | }
1945 |
1946 | if(this->unsavedChangesExist){
1947 | vagoTitle += "*";
1948 | }
1949 |
1950 | setWindowTitle(vagoTitle);
1951 | }
1952 |
1953 | DropTableWidget* MainWindow::getCurrentTableWidget(){
1954 |
1955 | return getTableWidgetByTabName(ui->tabWidget->tabText(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()));
1956 |
1957 | }
1958 |
1959 | DropTableWidget* MainWindow::getTableWidgetByTabName(const QString &tabName){
1960 |
1961 | if(tabName.compare("XML",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){ //case sentive is faster
1962 | return ui->twSourcesXML;
1963 | }
1964 | else if(tabName.compare("Textures",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
1965 | return ui->twSourcesTextures;
1966 | }
1967 | else if(tabName.compare("Characters",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
1968 | return ui->twSourcesCharacters;
1969 | }
1970 | else if(tabName.compare("Objects",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
1971 | return ui->twSourcesObjects;
1972 | }
1973 | else if(tabName.compare("Levels",Qt::CaseSensitive)==0){
1974 | return ui->twSourcesLevels;
1975 | }
1976 | else{
1977 | return ui->twSourcesMisc;
1978 | }
1979 |
1980 | }
1981 |
1982 | QString MainWindow::getCurrentTabName(){
1983 | return ui->tabWidget->tabText(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex());
1984 | }
1985 |
1986 | QString MainWindow::getTabNameByTableWidget(DropTableWidget* table){
1987 |
1988 | if(table == ui->twSourcesXML){
1989 | return ui->tabWidget->tabText(XMLTabIndex);
1990 | }
1991 | else if(table == ui->twSourcesTextures){
1992 | return ui->tabWidget->tabText(TexturesTabIndex);
1993 | }
1994 | else if(table == ui->twSourcesCharacters){
1995 | return ui->tabWidget->tabText(CharactersTabIndex);
1996 | }
1997 | else if(table == ui->twSourcesObjects){
1998 | return ui->tabWidget->tabText(ObjectsTabIndex);
1999 | }
2000 | else if(table == ui->twSourcesLevels){
2001 | return ui->tabWidget->tabText(LevelsTabIndex);
2002 | }
2003 | else{
2004 | return ui->tabWidget->tabText(MiscTabIndex);
2005 | }
2006 |
2007 | }
2008 |
2009 | QList<DropTableWidget*> MainWindow::getAllTableWidgets()
2010 | {
2011 | QList<DropTableWidget*> tableWidgets;
2012 |
2013 | tableWidgets << ui->twSourcesXML << ui->twSourcesTextures << ui->twSourcesCharacters
2014 | << ui->twSourcesObjects << ui->twSourcesLevels << ui->twSourcesMisc;
2015 |
2016 | return tableWidgets;
2017 | }
2018 |
2019 | void MainWindow::loadProjectState(const QString &filePath)
2020 | {
2021 |
2022 | this->projectIsLoading = true;
2023 |
2024 | if(this->vagoSettings->value("AskSaveProject").toBool() && this->unsavedChangesExist){
2025 | QMessageBox::StandardButton result = askToSaveCurrentProject();
2026 | if(result == QMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel){
2027 | this->projectIsLoading = false;
2028 | return;
2029 | }
2030 | }
2031 |
2032 | QString statusError = "Couldn't load project.";
2033 |
2034 | pugi::xml_document doc;
2035 |
2036 | pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(Util::qStrToCstr(filePath));
2037 |
2038 | if(result.status!=pugi::status_ok){
2039 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUpLogButton(this->myLogger, "An error ocurred while loading project file.\n" + QString(result.description()));
2040 | showErrStatusMessage(statusError);
2041 | this->projectIsLoading = false;
2042 | return;
2043 | }
2044 |
2045 |
2046 | if(QString(doc.root().first_child().name()) != "VagoProject"){
2047 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUpLogButton(this->myLogger, QString(doc.root().name()) + "The file opened is not a valid VagoProject file. Load aborted.");
2048 | showErrStatusMessage(statusError);
2049 | this->projectIsLoading = false;
2050 | return;
2051 | }
2052 |
2053 | QString projVagoVersion;
2054 |
2055 | try{
2056 | projVagoVersion = QString(doc.select_node("/VagoProject/@vagoVersion").attribute().value());
2057 | }
2058 | catch (const pugi::xpath_exception& e)
2059 | {
2060 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUpLogButton(this->myLogger, "Couldn't find the vagoVersion of the current project. Load aborted.\n" + QString(e.what()));
2061 | showErrStatusMessage(statusError);
2062 | this->projectIsLoading = false;
2063 | return;
2064 | }
2065 |
2066 | if(!projVagoVersion.startsWith(GlobalVars::LastCompatibleVersion)){
2067 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUpLogButton(this->myLogger, "The project that you are trying to load seems it is not compatible with your Vago Version. Please update Vago and try again.");
2068 | showErrStatusMessage(statusError);
2069 | this->projectIsLoading = false;
2070 | return;
2071 | }
2072 |
2073 | // After the initial validations begin loading the project data
2074 |
2075 | QList<DropTableWidget*> tableWidgets = getAllTableWidgets();
2076 |
2077 | try{
2078 | foreach(DropTableWidget* const &myTable, tableWidgets){
2079 | loadProjectWidget(doc, myTable);
2080 | }
2081 | }
2082 | catch(const std::exception& e){
2083 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUpLogButton(this->myLogger, "Couldn't load the vago project. Error: " + QString(e.what()));
2084 | showErrStatusMessage(statusError);
2085 | this->projectIsLoading = false;
2086 | return;
2087 | }
2088 |
2089 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("LastProjectPath",QFileInfo(filePath).absoluteDir().path());
2090 |
2091 | this->lastProjectFilePath = filePath;
2092 | this->unsavedChangesExist = false;
2093 |
2094 | addNewRecentProject(filePath);
2095 |
2096 | setVagoWindowTitle();
2097 |
2098 | this->projectIsLoading = false;
2099 |
2100 | showSuccessStatusMessage("Project loaded sucessfully.");
2101 | }
2102 |
2103 |
2104 | void MainWindow::loadProjectWidget(pugi::xml_document &doc, DropTableWidget* table)
2105 | {
2106 | QString tabName = getTabNameByTableWidget(table);
2107 | QString from (doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/@from")).attribute().value());
2108 | QString to (doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/@to")).attribute().value());
2109 |
2110 | if(table==ui->twSourcesXML){
2111 | ui->cbFromXML->setCurrentText(from);
2112 | on_cbFromXML_currentIndexChanged(from);
2113 | ui->cbToXML->setCurrentText(to);
2114 | }
2115 | else if(table==ui->twSourcesTextures){
2116 | //ui->cbFromTextures->setCurrentText(from);
2117 | on_cbFromTextures_currentIndexChanged(from);
2118 | ui->cbToTextures->setCurrentText(to);
2119 |
2120 | getTextureRBTypeTextureByName((doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@type")).attribute().value()))->setChecked(true);
2121 | ui->cbMipMapsTextures->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@genMipMaps")).attribute().as_bool());
2122 | ui->cbNoUwrap->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@noUwrap")).attribute().as_bool());
2123 | ui->cbNoVwrap->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@noVwrap")).attribute().as_bool());
2124 | ui->cbLarge->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@large")).attribute().as_bool());
2125 | ui->cbEnvMap->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@envMap")).attribute().as_bool());
2126 | ui->leEnvMapTexture->setText(QString(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@envMapValue")).attribute().value()));
2127 | }
2128 | else if(table==ui->twSourcesCharacters){
2129 | ui->cbFromCharacters->setCurrentText(from);
2130 | on_cbFromCharacters_currentIndexChanged(from);
2131 | ui->cbToCharacters->setCurrentText(to);
2132 |
2133 |
2134 | ui->cbCellShading->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@cellShading")).attribute().as_bool());
2135 | ui->cbNormals->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@normals")).attribute().as_bool());
2136 | ui->cbWithTRBS_ONCC->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@extractTRBSONCC")).attribute().as_bool());
2137 | ui->leTRBS_ONCC->setText(QString(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@extractTRBSONCCValue")).attribute().value()));
2138 | }
2139 | else if(table==ui->twSourcesObjects){
2140 | ui->cbFromObjects->setCurrentText(from);
2141 | on_cbFromObjects_currentIndexChanged(from);
2142 | ui->cbToObjects->setCurrentText(to);
2143 |
2144 | ui->cbTexture->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@texture")).attribute().as_bool());
2145 | ui->leTextureName->setText(QString(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@textureValue")).attribute().value()));
2146 | ui->cbWithAnimation->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@withAnimation")).attribute().as_bool());
2147 | ui->leAnimationName->setText(QString(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@withAnimationValue")).attribute().value()));
2148 | }
2149 | else if(table==ui->twSourcesLevels){
2150 | ui->cbFromLevels->setCurrentText(from);
2151 | on_cbFromLevels_currentIndexChanged(from);
2152 | ui->cbToLevels->setCurrentText(to);
2153 |
2154 | ui->cbSpecificFilesLevels->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@extractWithFiles")).attribute().as_bool());
2155 | ui->leSpecificFilesLevels->setText(QString(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@extractWithFilesValue")).attribute().value()));
2156 | ui->cbDatLevels->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@datFilename")).attribute().as_bool());
2157 | ui->leTargetDatLevels->setText(QString(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@datFilenameValue")).attribute().value()));
2158 | ui->cbBnvLevels->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@bnvSource")).attribute().as_bool());
2159 | ui->leBnvLevels->setText(QString(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@bnvSourceValue")).attribute().value()));
2160 | ui->cbGridsLevels->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@generateGrids")).attribute().as_bool());
2161 | ui->cbAdditionalSourcesLevels->setChecked(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@additionalSources")).attribute().as_bool());
2162 | ui->leAdditSourcesLevels->setText(QString(doc.select_node(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Options/@additionalSourcesValue")).attribute().value()));
2163 | }
2164 | else{
2165 | ui->cbFromMisc->setCurrentText(from);
2166 | on_cbFromMisc_currentIndexChanged(from);
2167 | ui->cbToMisc->setCurrentText(to);
2168 | }
2169 |
2170 | // Clean previous rows
2171 | clearTableNoPrompt(table);
2172 |
2173 | for(const pugi::xpath_node &xPathNode : doc.select_nodes(Util::qStrToCstr("/VagoProject/"+tabName+"/Row"))){
2174 | pugi::xml_node currNode = xPathNode.node();
2175 |
2176 | QString currFileFolder = currNode.attribute("fileFolder").value();
2177 | QString currFromTo = currNode.attribute("fromTo").value();
2178 | QString currCommand = currNode.attribute("command").value();
2179 |
2180 | bool isToDisable = false;
2181 | pugi::xml_attribute disabledAttr = currNode.attribute("disabled");
2182 | isToDisable = disabledAttr.empty() ? false : disabledAttr.as_bool();
2183 |
2184 | addRowTable(table,currFileFolder,currFromTo,currCommand, isToDisable);
2185 | }
2186 | }
2187 |
2188 | void MainWindow::saveRecentProjects(){
2189 | for(int i=0; i<this->recentProjectsList.size(); i++){
2190 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("RecentProject" + QString::number(i+1), recentProjectsList[i]);
2191 | }
2192 | }
2193 |
2194 | void MainWindow::loadRecentProjects(){
2195 | for(int i=0; i<this->recentProjectsMaxSize; i++){
2196 |
2197 | QString currProj = this->vagoSettings->value("RecentProject" + QString::number(i+1)).toString();
2198 |
2199 | if(!currProj.isEmpty()){
2200 | recentProjectsList.append(currProj);
2201 | }
2202 | else{
2203 | break;
2204 | }
2205 | }
2206 |
2207 | reloadRecentProjectsMenu();
2208 |
2209 | }
2210 |
2211 | void MainWindow::addNewRecentProject(const QString &filePath){
2212 |
2213 | // If the new project is equal to the last one simply ignore
2214 | if(filePath == this->vagoSettings->value("RecentProject1").toString()){
2215 | return;
2216 | }
2217 |
2218 | // If the item already exists in our list remove it, so it can go to the top again
2219 | for(auto it = this->recentProjectsList.begin(); it != this->recentProjectsList.end();){
2220 | if(*it == filePath){
2221 | it = this->recentProjectsList.erase(it);
2222 | }
2223 | else{
2224 | it++;
2225 | }
2226 | }
2227 |
2228 | // if we gonna overflow our list, remove the older item to reserve space to the new one
2229 | if(this->recentProjectsList.size()==this->recentProjectsMaxSize){
2230 | this->recentProjectsList.removeLast();
2231 | }
2232 |
2233 | this->vagoSettings->setValue("LastProjectPath",QFileInfo(filePath).absoluteDir().path());
2234 |
2235 | // add new recent file
2236 | this->recentProjectsList.prepend(filePath);
2237 |
2238 | reloadRecentProjectsMenu();
2239 |
2240 | saveRecentProjects();
2241 | }
2242 |
2243 | void MainWindow::reloadRecentProjectsMenu(){
2244 |
2245 | ui->menuRecent_Projects->setEnabled(false);
2246 | ui->actionProject1->setVisible(false);
2247 | ui->actionProject2->setVisible(false);
2248 | ui->actionProject3->setVisible(false);
2249 | ui->actionProject4->setVisible(false);
2250 | ui->actionProject5->setVisible(false);
2251 |
2252 | {
2253 | QList<QString>::const_iterator it;
2254 | int i;
2255 | for(it = recentProjectsList.cbegin(), i=0; it != recentProjectsList.cend(); it++, i++){
2256 |
2257 | QAction* currAction = nullptr;
2258 |
2259 | switch (i){
2260 | case 0:
2261 | currAction = ui->actionProject1;
2262 | break;
2263 | case 1:
2264 | currAction = ui->actionProject2;
2265 | break;
2266 | case 2:
2267 | currAction = ui->actionProject3;
2268 | break;
2269 | case 3:
2270 | currAction = ui->actionProject4;
2271 | break;
2272 | case 4:
2273 | currAction = ui->actionProject5;
2274 | break;
2275 | }
2276 |
2277 | if(currAction){
2278 | ui->menuRecent_Projects->setEnabled(true);
2279 | currAction->setText(*it);
2280 | currAction->setVisible(true);
2281 | }
2282 | }
2283 | }
2284 |
2285 | }