1 | #include "packagepage2.h"
2 | #include "ui_packagepage2.h"
3 |
4 | const QString PackagePage2::ZipCacheFile = "jsoncache.zip";
5 | const QString PackagePage2::PackagesCacheUrl = "http://mods.oni2.net/jsoncache/"+ZipCacheFile;
6 | const QString PackagePage2::CacheFile = "nodes.json";
7 |
8 | PackagePage2::PackagePage2(Logger *myLogger, QWidget *parent) :
9 | QWizardPage(parent),
10 | ui(new Ui::PackagePage2)
11 | {
12 | ui->setupUi(this);
13 | this->myLogger=myLogger;
14 | this->setTitle("Mandatory Fields");
15 |
16 | //Register fields to be accessible in another pages //Not using mandatory field, it would require empty verification too...
17 | registerField("leModName", ui->leModName);
18 | registerField("leAuthors", ui->leAuthors);
19 | registerField("leVersion", ui->leVersion);
20 | registerField("ptDescription", ui->ptDescription,"plainText");
21 | registerField("lePackageNumber", ui->lePackageNumber);
22 | registerField("rbReplace", ui->rbReplace);
23 |
24 | ui->lbFieldsReadOnly->setText("<html><span style='color:#0000ff;'>* Fields read only by AEI2 when the package "
25 | "isn't at the mod depot.</span></html>"); // Don't use rich text in qtdesigner because it generates platform dependent code
26 | QString htmlAsterisk="<html><span style='color:#0000ff;'>*</span></html>";
27 | ui->lbAsteriscAuthors->setText(htmlAsterisk);
28 | ui->lbAsteriscModName->setText(htmlAsterisk);
29 | ui->lbAsteriscVersion->setText(htmlAsterisk);
30 | ui->lbAsteriscDescription->setText(htmlAsterisk);
31 | }
32 |
33 | bool PackagePage2::validatePage(){
34 | QString modName=ui->leModName->text();
35 | QString authors=ui->leAuthors->text();
36 | QString version=ui->leVersion->text();
37 | QString description=ui->ptDescription->toPlainText();
38 | QString number=ui->lePackageNumber->text();
39 |
40 | bool emptyContent=Util::checkEmptySpaces(QStringList()<<modName<<authors<<version<<description<<number);
41 |
42 |
43 | if(emptyContent){
44 | Util::showErrorPopUp("You need to fill all fields first!");
45 | return false;
46 | }
47 |
48 | if(number.size()!=5){
49 | Util::showErrorPopUp("Invalid number format. It should contain 5 numbers.");
50 | return false;
51 | }
52 |
53 | if(!Util::isStringInteger(number)){
54 | Util::showErrorPopUp("Number is not numeric.");
55 | return false;
56 | }
57 |
58 | return true;
59 | }
60 |
61 | PackagePage2::~PackagePage2()
62 | {
63 | delete ui;
64 | }
65 |
66 | void PackagePage2::on_pbCheck_clicked()
67 | {
68 | QString number = ui->lePackageNumber->text();
69 |
70 | if(Util::checkEmptySpaces(QStringList(number))){
71 | Util::showErrorPopUp("Number is empty. Please fill it first.");
72 | return;
73 | }
74 |
75 | if(number.size()!=5){
76 | Util::showErrorPopUp("Invalid number format. It should contain 5 numeric characters.");
77 | return;
78 | }
79 |
80 | if(Util::isStringInteger(number)){
81 |
82 | bool necessaryToRedownload=false;
83 |
84 | QFile file(GlobalVars::VagoTemporaryDir+"/"+this->ZipCacheFile);
85 |
86 | if(!file.exists()){
87 | necessaryToRedownload=true; //File doesn't exist yet, necessary to download
88 | }
89 | else if (QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()-QFileInfo(file).lastModified().toTime_t() > 150){ //checks between 2 minutes (give more 30 seconds due to zip extraction)
90 | necessaryToRedownload=true; //File already exists but already expired (+2 mins without update)
91 | }
92 |
93 | if(necessaryToRedownload){
94 | //let's start the search in the web, so we make sure it doesn't exists yet
95 | QNetworkAccessManager *manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
96 | connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
97 | this, SLOT(downloadPackagesCache(QNetworkReply*)));
98 |
99 | //This timestamp is to guarantee that the cache received is fresh even through proxys
100 | QDateTime currTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
101 | QString t_time = QString::number(currTime.toTime_t());
102 |
103 | manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(this->PackagesCacheUrl+"?ts="+t_time)));
104 | }
105 | else{ //Not needed to download! :) Let's use our local cache.
106 | checkForPackagesInCache();
107 | }
108 | }
109 | else{
110 | Util::showErrorPopUp("Number is not numeric.");
111 | }
112 | }
113 |
114 | void PackagePage2::downloadPackagesCache(QNetworkReply *result){
115 |
116 | if(result->error()==QNetworkReply::NoError){
117 |
118 | QFile file(GlobalVars::VagoTemporaryDir+"/"+this->ZipCacheFile);
119 |
120 | // Create temp folder if it doesn't exist
121 | if(!QDir(GlobalVars::VagoTemporaryDir).exists()){
122 | QDir().mkdir(GlobalVars::VagoTemporaryDir);
123 | }
124 |
125 | if(!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)){
126 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUp(this->myLogger, "Error fetching package data: creating cache file.");
127 | return;
128 | }
129 | file.write(result->readAll());
130 | file.close();
131 |
132 | //Let's extract the cache data
133 | if(JlCompress::extractFile(GlobalVars::VagoTemporaryDir+"/"+this->ZipCacheFile, "/"+this->CacheFile ,GlobalVars::VagoTemporaryDir+"/"+this->CacheFile).isEmpty()){
134 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUp(this->myLogger, "An error occurred while unzipping the package data.");
135 | }
136 |
137 | checkForPackagesInCache();
138 |
139 | }
140 | else{
141 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUpLogButton(this->myLogger, "An error occurred checking number availability:\n\n"+result->errorString());
142 | }
143 |
144 | result->deleteLater();
145 | }
146 |
147 | void PackagePage2::checkForPackagesInCache(){
148 | QString packageNumber=ui->lePackageNumber->text();
149 |
150 | QFile file(GlobalVars::VagoTemporaryDir+"/"+this->CacheFile); //let's read the chache unzipped
151 | if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){
152 | UtilVago::showAndLogErrorPopUp(this->myLogger, "Error reading downloaded package cache data.");
153 | return;
154 | }
155 | //Read file cache to ram
156 | QString data=file.readAll();
157 |
158 |
159 | //Let's play with json engine
160 | QScriptEngine engine;
161 | QScriptValue sc = engine.evaluate("(" + data + ")");
162 |
163 | QScriptValue currNumber;
164 | QString existingModName,existingModUrl;
165 |
166 | QScriptValueIterator it(sc);
167 |
168 | while (it.hasNext()) {
169 | it.next();
170 | currNumber=it.value().toObject().property("field_package_number").toObject().property("und").toObject().property("0").toObject().property("value");
171 | if(currNumber.isValid() && currNumber.toString() == packageNumber){
172 | existingModName = it.value().toObject().property("title").toString();
173 | existingModUrl = it.value().toObject().property("path").toString();
174 | break;
175 | }
176 | }
177 |
178 | if(!existingModName.isEmpty()){
179 | Util::showRichErrorPopUp("Package "+packageNumber+" is already being used by the following mod:<br/><br/>"+
180 | existingModName+"<br/><br/>"+
181 | "More information <a href='"+existingModUrl+"'>here</a>.");
182 | }
183 | else{
184 | Util::showPopUp("It seems that the package number " + packageNumber + " is not being used yet! :)");
185 | }
186 | }
187 |
188 | void PackagePage2::on_cbType_currentIndexChanged(int index)
189 | {
190 | ui->lePackageNumber->setText(QString().setNum(index+1)+"XXXX");
191 | }