source: s10k/Vago/readme.txt@ 1093

Last change on this file since 1093 was 1093, checked in by s10k, 7 years ago

Vago 1.4

File size: 10.1 KB
3Vago GUI v1.4
10An user interface application to use OniSplit in Windows / Mac OS.
13"OniSplit, written by Neo, is an integral part of the Anniversary Edition and an essential modding tool on its own.
14It is able to import and export many kinds of Oni game data, such as textures, sound, 3D models, level geometry &
15combat animations and is also able to split & recombine Oni's data files. It's functions supersede those of OUP &
16OME and is currently the community's modding tool of choice."
19Installation (standalone version):
22Extract Vago folder to any place in your computer. At first run select your Anniversary Edition folder.
28s10k, ""
30Oni Central Forum:
32->Select forum
34Oni Wiki:
38Change Log:
401.4, 30-12-2017
41- Fixed crash when abort window was confirmed after the conversion has finished
42- Replaced our custom log class by the plog library
43- Fixed paragraphs not being created in "Window messages wizard"
44- Added extensions validations to the conversions
45- Add "Standing Pose" to ONCC extraction (-noanim)
46- Fixed some inconsistencies of disabled options, now if a option changes states to invalid
47(can't be used with current conversion), it is simply disabled and not used, but will remain
48with the state unchanged (e.g. the checkbox may remain checked)
49- Fixed bug in Textures tab, options didn't get disabled once enabled (when TGA -> TXMP)
50- Added internal upgrade vago projects feature (so the vago projects can be updated over time depending on each
51Vago version changes)
52- Some code refactoring to make the code more modular and easier to build (now uses s10k's "shared" libraries for
53qtcreator projects)
551.3, 09-12-2016
56- Changed Sound Wizard default settings to create files that are playable as music ingame
57- Now wizards have no longer modal windows. You can minimize and open multiple at the same time
58- Added some tooltips to XmlTools interface
59- Added wizard to create ingame pages like weapon / item pages or text for consoles
60- Added drag and drop support to Extract TRAM with TRBS/ONCC
61- Changed the layout of about dialog
631.2, 30-10-2016
64- Upgraded to XmlTools 2.0c
65- Added a XmlTools interface. Click in the XML icon in the main window.
66- Now in manual commands you can choose if you want to call OniSplit or XmlTools
67- Now manual commands behaves likes an independent window
68- Fixed additional sources in levels tab when loading project
69- Interface was asking user for additional sources and bnv source files when this
70options were checked in levels tab when a project was loading. This was fixed.
71- Fixed background image page 2 layout when the image name is large
731.1, 12-10-2016
74- Added wizard to create background images
75- Added OSBD imp creation to Sound wizard page
76- Added option to Vago ask at the startup if the user wants to load lastest saved project
77- Added new project action to file menu
78- Replaced "Always confirm Vago exit" option with an option to save the current
79project (if there are unsaved changes)
80- Fixed drag and drop bug wich caused the multiplication of the dropped files
81- Moved preferences from file to options menu
82- Fixed Max ElapsedTime property recognition in Sound Wizard (Amb page)
83- Now the sound wizard drops all the files used in the user workspace
84(including the XML files used to create the OSBD oni files)
861.0, 17-09-2016
87- Added feature to save and restore vago projects (plus load recent projects)
88Projects are in XML format and are read with the pugixml library
89- Added keyboard shortchut to the convert button
90- Some code refactoring and started using C++14
91- Fixed zip support for anniversary edition packages, switched to the zip library QuaZIP
92- Fixed the anniversary edition packages creation on Windows {windows-change}
93- Added extra logging
94- Added Windows 7 and above conversions progress in taskbar {windows-change}
95- Upgraded XmlTools from 0.8d to 2.0b
96- Fixed libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
980.9c, 02-04-2016
99- Fixed ONI FILES to DAT - Add button does not let to select a folder
100- Some minor fixes in the AEI Mod Package Wizard
1020.9b, 24-03-2016
103- Fixes for Mac OS X 10.11: fixed OniSplit integration, fixed startup bug (Iritsen's fix),
104fixed bug when copying and creating AEI packages
105- Fixed OniSplit command in Sound Package Wizard
1070.9a, 25-04-2014
108-Upgraded Qt libraries to version 5
109-Updated OniSplit to version
110-Fixed the bug where the items loaded counter in status bar wasn't updated
111when changing tabs
112-Now levels->dat - oni files get extracted to a subfolder with the level's
113extracted name (requested by paradox)
114-Now in Mac OS is possible to choose Yes button by default when clearing the
115files contents (requested by edt)
1170.9, 08-01-2014
118-Updated OniSplit to version
119-Added option to open AE folder
120-Redesigned the tabs of file conversions and its options (thanks paradox!)
121-Windows version also starts with a resolution of 800x600 as Mac did before
122-Added option in preferences to user set up the default window resolution
123-Added option to abort conversion
124-Textures tab: TGA made as default image type for .oni conversions
125-Levels tab: Added option to extract only specific files from DAT files
126-Characters tab: Added option to convert TRAM XML > TRBS ONI
127-Characters tab: Added option to convert TRAM ONI > XML / XML & DAE
1290.8, 01-04-2012
130-Updated OniSplit to version
131-Added Animations tab and options to export OBAN as dae, plus option to
132export "saved_films*.dat" as XML
133-Fixed AEI2 launch button
134-Added patch support in AEI2 package wizard
135-Added wizard to convert sounds to oni (thanks paradox,
136have based in your excel macro)
137-Added xmlTools 0.8d as part of the framework (like onisplit)
1390.7, 10-02-2012
140-Updated to support the AEI2
141-Added wizard to create AEI2 packages
142-Added zip option to packages
143-Fixed check packages number (using new method, thanks Alloc!)
144-Fixed check for vago updates
1460.6a, 22-09-2012
147-Fixed the table tooltips disappearing when changing items order
1490.6, 11-09-2012
150-Added option to view log in option menu and also in error dialogs
151-Number of characters in oni split errors limited
152-When executing only one task, progess bar will be intermitent
153-Fixed About dialog image (didn't know that qt needed a plugin for jpg files)
154-Taskbar now flashes if a task is done and the Vago windows is not the window active
155-Added context menu with the following options: change items order, disable items
156processing, change items to the current settings, change specified items to output
157to a specified folder, copy items to clipboard
158-Added tooltips to every row and column to be processed (it's easier to check the
159command for each file for example)
160-Added wav/aif > oni conversion
161-Now .dat is added when a filename (to be exported as .dat) is inputted without
163-Now the number of errors is showed
164-Added option to extract a dae with a specified animation
1660.5b, 28-07-2012
167-Fixed another small typo in the from/to description
1690.5a, 28-07-2012
170-Fixed two typos. EnvMap at Textures and at Texture Models were asking
171for a .oni absolute file when it only needs the filename without the .oni
1740.5, 26-07-2012
175-Now every result of a conversion or package is separated in folders
176in the workspace by default. This can be disabled in preferences
177-Added an icon
178-Changed About dialog
179-It now checks if every entry of ini exists at the begin
180-Added option to clear everything in packages
181-Added option to change output folder at anytime, this allows for example
182output a level directly to it's correct folder for easy testing. It is
183also simple to change between the workspace and another output folder
184-Fixed bug when selecting multiple dirs and the user cancelled which
185still resulted in returning the files selected
1870.4, 25-07-2012
188-Fixed a typo in Packages creating making scripts installation fail
189-Added option to create AKEV from env.dae and bnv.dae, plus others resources
190plus the ability to generate the path finding grids for AKEVs automatically
191-Added manual oni split commands input
1930.3, 22-07-2012
194-Implemented Packages tab functionality
195-Implemented check for Vago updates functionality
196-Fixed a bug in "extract an ONCC with another character's TRAM"
197(command bad built)
198-Fixed an index out range bug when multiple selections in tables (when removing)
2000.2, 19-07-2012
201-It now checks for OniSplit at each run and exits if it's not found
202-Option to check onisplit version from gui
203-Optimized the code and made it more modular
204-Added -search ../GameDataFolder/level0_Final to AKEV (ONI) > DAE
205-Added JPG support for textures
206-Added -extract:xml <target directory> -anim-body: ONCCsource TRAMsource
207(extract an ONCC with another character's TRAM)
208-Fixed a bug in ONI->DAT conversion (command bad built)
209-Added folder drag n' drop and checks if the current operation only work
210with files or folders
211-Added items loaded at status bar
2130.1a, 15-07-2012
214-Fixed a bug with spaces in directories
2160.1, 15-07-2012
217-Initial Version
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