1 | #include "soundpage2.h"
2 | #include "ui_soundpage2.h"
3 |
4 | const QStringList SoundPage2::allowedFiles = QStringList() << "*.wav" << "*.aif" << "*.aifc" << "*.afc";
5 |
6 | SoundPage2::SoundPage2(QString appLocation, QWidget *parent) :
7 | QWizardPage(parent),
8 | ui(new Ui::soundpage2)
9 | {
10 | ui->setupUi(this);
11 | this->soundTable=ui->twSoundFiles;
12 | this->codecLocalHelpFile=appLocation+"/"+GlobalVars::HelpDir + "/XMLSNDD.html#Source_file_creation";
13 | ui->twSoundFiles->removeColumn(2); // Only two columns
14 |
15 | ui->label->setText("<html>Add here the files you want to convert. "
16 | "All the files will have the same properties applied.<br/>"
17 | "Don't forget to first convert the files to an oni compatible codec. "
18 | "More information <a href='file:///"+this->codecLocalHelpFile+"'>here.</a></html>"); // Don't use rich text in qtdesigner because it generates platform dependent code
19 |
20 | // Drop signal for Packages table
21 | connect(ui->twSoundFiles, SIGNAL(dropped(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)), this, SLOT(addResourcesSounds(DropTableWidget*,QStringList)));
22 | // Signal for click in label (display local help)
23 | connect(ui->label, SIGNAL(linkActivated(const QString & )), this, SLOT(openCodecLocalHelp()));
24 |
25 | //Register fields to be accessible in another pages
26 | registerField("rbOther", ui->rbOther);
27 | registerField("leOtherLocation", ui->leOtherLocation);
28 | }
29 |
30 | SoundPage2::~SoundPage2()
31 | {
32 | delete ui;
33 | }
34 |
35 | void SoundPage2::on_rbOther_toggled(bool checked)
36 | {
37 | if(checked){
38 | ui->leOtherLocation->setEnabled(true);
39 | ui->pbBrowserOtherLocation->setEnabled(true);
40 | return;
41 | }
42 |
43 | ui->leOtherLocation->setEnabled(false);
44 | ui->pbBrowserOtherLocation->setEnabled(false);
45 | }
46 |
47 | void SoundPage2::on_tbAddFiles_clicked()
48 | {
49 | addResourcesSounds(ui->twSoundFiles,QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,"Choose the sound files...","./" , "Audio (" + this->allowedFiles.join(" ") + ")"));
50 | }
51 |
52 | void SoundPage2::on_tbRemoveFiles_clicked()
53 | {
54 | int size = ui->twSoundFiles->selectionModel()->selectedRows().size();
55 |
56 | if(size==0){
57 | Util::showPopUp("Select a row first.");
58 | return;
59 | }
60 |
61 | if(Util::showQuestionPopUp(this,"Are you sure you want to delete the selected rows?")){
62 | for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
63 | ui->twSoundFiles->removeRow(ui->twSoundFiles->selectionModel()->selectedRows().at(size-i-1).row());
64 | }
65 | }
66 | }
67 |
68 | void SoundPage2::addResourcesSounds(DropTableWidget *myTable, QStringList resources){
69 |
70 | bool fileExtValid=false;
71 |
72 | //Pre-processing (check if received only folders)
73 | foreach(QString myFile, resources){
74 | QString currFileExt="."+QFileInfo(myFile).completeSuffix();
75 | if(QDir(myFile).exists()){
76 | Util::showErrorPopUp("Only files are allowed for this operation.");
77 | return;
78 | }
79 |
80 | foreach(QString vext, this->allowedFiles){
81 | vext.remove("*");
82 | if(currFileExt.endsWith(vext)){
83 | fileExtValid=true;
84 | break;
85 | }
86 | }
87 |
88 | if(!fileExtValid){
89 | Util::showErrorPopUp("Files must be in the follow formats:\n" +
90 | this->allowedFiles.join(" "));
91 | return;
92 | }
93 | }
94 |
95 | foreach(QString currentFile, resources){
96 |
97 | //Get actual number rows
98 | int twSize=myTable->rowCount();
99 |
100 | //increase the rows for the new item
101 | myTable->setRowCount(twSize+1);
102 |
103 | //Add to table and list to
104 | QTableWidgetItem *newName = new QTableWidgetItem(QFileInfo(currentFile).baseName());
105 | QTableWidgetItem *newFileLocation = new QTableWidgetItem(Util::normalizePath(currentFile));
106 |
107 | myTable->setItem(twSize,0,newName);
108 | myTable->setItem(twSize,1,newFileLocation);
109 | myTable->updateTableToolTips(twSize); //Update tool tips
110 | }
111 | }
112 |
113 | void SoundPage2::on_pbBrowserOtherLocation_clicked()
114 | {
115 | ui->leOtherLocation->setText(QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,"Choose output folder..."));
116 | }
117 |
118 | void SoundPage2::openCodecLocalHelp(){
119 | QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("file:///"+this->codecLocalHelpFile));
120 | }
121 |
122 | bool SoundPage2::validatePage(){
123 |
124 | QStringList namesList;
125 |
126 | if(ui->twSoundFiles->rowCount()==0){
127 | Util::showErrorPopUp("You need to add some sound files first!");
128 | return false;
129 | }
130 |
131 | for(int i=0; i<ui->twSoundFiles->rowCount(); i++){
132 | namesList << ui->twSoundFiles->item(i,0)->text();
133 | }
134 |
135 | if(ui->rbOther->isChecked() && Util::checkEmptySpaces(QStringList() << ui->leOtherLocation->text())){
136 | Util::showErrorPopUp("Please input a directory to output the files.");
137 | return false;
138 | }
139 |
140 | if(ui->rbOther->isChecked() && !QDir(ui->leOtherLocation->text()).exists()){
141 | Util::showErrorPopUp("Invalid directory specified in other location. Please fix it.");
142 | return false;
143 | }
144 |
145 | return true;
146 | }